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Ron Jeremy & Justin Bieber Get MeTooed - MGTOW
Ron Jeremy & Justin Bieber Get MeTooed - MGTOW Sandman 388 Views • 4 years ago


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Ron Jeremy: Adult star charged with rape and sexual assault

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Pete the red pill plumber. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover a couple of guys that seem to be up to no good. Justin Bieber and Ron Jeremy. As most of us know Ron Jeremy has made over 2000 adult films and slept with 1000s of women and got paid to do the deed. But now he's being charged with three counts of rape from 2014 to 2019 in a West Hollywood night spot. 2 women claim he did the deed in 2017 and another woman in 2019. There was a fourth case from 2016 but that one was dropped because there wasn't enough evidence. Remember what I've said about metoo before. That one woman coming forward usually means nothing. But when you get a cluster of women coming forward then there might be something more to it. But with Ron he's been with 4000 women in his lifetime so three or four women coming forward for him is like one woman coming forward for the average man. Even his lawyer argues that he's a man where women would literally be throwing themselves at him. Why the hell would he do something like that when he's still getting paid to have sex? But the damage is done to his career which has taken it up the rear. Dante Rusciolelli, Jeremy's manager dropped the actor as a client. I put an article in the description telling you guys more about the story. He's 67 years of age. Maybe the women haven't exactly been throwing themselves at him over the last five to ten years and maybe that led him to get frustrated enough to go through with the terrible acts he's accused of? I don't know. His identity is more wrapped up with having sex than the average man and what if
suddenly no one wants to have sex with him? It would be like cutting off the oxygen to his cock and watching it turn into a purple eggplant and fall off. If convicted he's facing 90 years in prison to life. There must be enough evidence for him to be charged. Or it's the shear number of women, 4 of them that claim it happened. But hey four out of four thousand ain't all that bad. Anyways, before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor also the Red Pill Plumber: Anyways now back to the Ron Jeremy and then later Justin Beiber beaver situation. When Metoo began LA setup their Hollywood task force and it's investigated more than 20 men, but Jeremy is just the third to be charged. Jeremy's said said Jeremy often gropes women with their consent during public appearances, and suggested his long life as an adult performer makes him less likely to have committed sexual crimes. He also said this and I quote: ""There is absolutely no reason for him to ever be aggressive with women," Goldfarb said. "He's had more women than you can count." He added that the bail amount was "horrendously high." unquote. It looks like the judge thinks that Ron Jeremy is going to jump bail because it's set for 6.6 million dollars.

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Women Are Thirsty Alcoholics
Women Are Thirsty Alcoholics Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 451 Views • 4 years ago


Don't Let Her Waste Your Time
Don't Let Her Waste Your Time Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 240 Views • 4 years ago


Black pigeon speak Nonsense about MGTOW
Black pigeon speak Nonsense about MGTOW KenDelrican 163 Views • 5 years ago

Black pigeon speaks bullshit

Myths About Women - MGTOW
Myths About Women - MGTOW Sandman 223 Views • 5 years ago

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Body Transformation Made Simple

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Anonymous and here's what she has to say: "Hey Sandman, It is adorable that men think that women are always thinking of ways of screwing men. Men love to think that all we think about is cock, men's money and that we spend all of our precious time thinking about men. Myth number 1: The Cock carrousel. All of us women love riding all kinds of cock, love bragging about it, love comparing size of cocks, love hunting for cock, cock, cock and more cock. Guys.... first of all we don't have the energy for all that. "All you guys have to do is sit at a bar" NOPE doesn't work that way. Men just don't approach us like that. The women who post pics online about "sleeping with 200 guys and counting" are sex addicts. They get a high on sleeping with different people. Normal women don't have that kind of libido. We just don't. We women don't keep thinking about men the way you guys think we do. Man meat is the last thing in our mind. Are there women out there who sleep with tons of guys? Yes, addicts, women with self steam issues, women who were abused as a child and immature college girls. 99% of us over the age of 25 with jobs, don't waste our precious time chasing men, we just don't have the time, energy or patience for that kind of cock hunting. Thank you for thinking of us as these insatiable sex goddesses but nah we ain't. Myth number 2: All women want is to date rich guys. Yall... 95% of available men out there looking for a date are NOT rich. None of us are. The majority of us are just middle class. Rich guys date within their circle. We all know that and this "hypergamy" thing occurs BUT only when the woman is extremely hot. 99% of us are average looking women, we know we will never compete with the model type girls. Model type ladies are hard to come by and they already have their share of the rich guys. So for 99% of us regular folk, we date the regular folk men. We aint dating you for your 2014 toyota yall we date you because we actually like you. Myth number 3: All women want is to screw men. Are there cases where women divorce and take the kids and half of the guys stuff? YES. Do we ALL want that to happen and only think of ways of getting married to then divorce and take everything? NO!! We women don't spend our days thinking of ways to rip guys off. When we get married we want a partner. When we are dating we want everything to work out. If we get married we want it to last forever. Things sometimes don't work that way and shit happens. However, not ALL woman want to screw men's lives. Most of the MGTOW audience are guys who experienced the sour side of women, but most of us are not like that. Same thing with us women: not all men are cheaters. Generalizing the outliers gets everyone in trouble. The Gillete commercial a while back, implied that ALL men were bad guys. Well.... not ALL women are bad girls." Well Ms. Anonymous thanks for the donation and sharing your grand old wisdom. But before I share my thought about your thoughts let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple:

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1. Handsome young fit muscular caucasian man of model appearance workout training in the gym gaining weight

2. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

Find Value Outside Women - MGTOW
Find Value Outside Women - MGTOW Sandman 193 Views • 5 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I am a grateful listener of your channel and other MGTOW channels out there. Your content and their content have provided a sense of value, insight and truth to men out there and I share the insight I get with the younger guys in military service so they have some sort of idea what really is out there in regards of women and society. So they can hopefully understand their choices and may steer clear of the bad ones and not become a statistic later in life. I am 36years old, 6 foot white Hispanic male, Bilingual, never been married and no children at all. I've traveled most of the globe and not to brag I am not that bad looking if I fix up a bit. I am new to the concept of MGTOW and using it to cope and make sense of my newly reacquainted single lifestyle since I have recently rediscovered it a little over 2 years ago after I finished a 4 year relationship with a woman 10 years my senior and 8 years worth of 3 previous women before her. I never had a lot of luck with women to begin with, I never understood why and I always made an effort to understand why they behave the way they do. I was always easy going as a young kid and now as an adult. I tried to show women I had something worth to offer to a relationship but always ended up taken advantage in the end. Maybe I am being super irrational or simply scared by these experiences with women that have happened all the way from childhood till today. so with that I have 2 questions. The first question is: Can women (in general young or old) stump a mans growth into adulthood by playing mind games on them early in a child or young mans life? How can we protect our young kids in a society who constantly bashes them down as young boys/men? As for the second question I see many good men in the service become targets of women on the outside, eventually these men due to not much fault of their own except for looking for a good woman to share a life of service and sacrifice with eventually are taken advantage of these women/girlfriends /wives ="dependapotamuses" only to find themselves later on to become (divorce raped) BROKEN MEN still trying to do the right thing for themselves and their family because they have a sense of honor, courage and commitment behind it to be there as a man in their life. How can a military man or any man whos been torn and abused by women find themselves starting over again late in life? How can a man who has sacrificed so much for others can find and regain his confidence and self worth again after it's been striped away from the domestic marriage terrorism he had to endure from his past relationship(s) or marriage? Thank you for your time, hope you can make sense of this, I would really appreciate shedding some light into this." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

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Understanding High Value/Quality/Status & SMV For Men & Women
Understanding High Value/Quality/Status & SMV For Men & Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 90 Views • 5 years ago


Beta Male Simp Mangina Made Me Sick
Beta Male Simp Mangina Made Me Sick Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 312 Views • 5 years ago


Alphas Taking Your Women Part 2 of 2
Alphas Taking Your Women Part 2 of 2 Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 115 Views • 5 years ago


MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Cynicism _ Satire - MGTOW
MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Cynicism _ Satire - MGTOW MGTOW_Is_Freedom 68 Views • 5 years ago

(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow

Don't Pick Her - MGTOW
Don't Pick Her - MGTOW Sandman 267 Views • 5 years ago

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- Red Pill Ring

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, There is a great deal of cruelty to the reproductive strategy that has evolved with human beings. I am not just talking about the attempt of evolution to choose the smartest, fastest best equipped to survive. That, if it were true, would be really noble. Imagine all the highly intelligent, capable gifted incredible men that have lived and died without offspring. Simply because women to not really select men with intelligence. In-fact they find intelligence boring. Most women are bored by intellectual matters and prefer to be 'entertained'. Those men who were strong enough or even had the resources to have offspring. But because of women's perverse selection mechanisms were denied the right to have offspring. If artifical wombs were to become available, imagine a world where females were no longer the gate keepers to who is and who is not worthy of having offspring that survive into the next generation? The great cruelty is that nature has not gifted women with an accurate instinct to measure the genetic worth of men. You don't have to look far to see it. Many if not most prefer cruel hearted, vicious thugs and bullies. Given their sexual freedom they chose to reproduce with the worst kind of scum. The kinds of men who were the least interested in having a family. They usually chose some good looking 'rogue' who's chief competencies are sleeping around, consuming drugs/alochol, gambling, picking fights, committing crimes. All these things make a man unsuitable to raise any child. Yet women, particularly the most fertile of them demonstrate a strong preference for these kinds of men. I can imagine a world where the 2 million year evolutionary history of mankind changes. Rather than women being in control of the direction humanity takes. Reproduction requiring courting, consent and a long complex and pointless 'relationship' rather men selecting the best genetic characteristics and bringing those forward. What if genetic engineering enabled us to select even behavioral traits. Things like intellectual curiosity, artistic ability, strong problem solving. It seems to me that the best of the best of men are the ones who struggle the most with having families. What if what is holding mankind back is that there is no evolutionary pressure on the mechanisms women use to select a a mate? 100% of the evolutionary pressure is on males. Females choose who to breed with. It's not like in the ancient world where a man could simply drag a women off and force her to have his offspring. If a man doesn't measure up in any particular way he loses. I'm trying to do this thought experiment with you. Specifically to do with women controlling the evolutionary destiny of our species for the last 2 million years. And perhaps with artificial wombs we would remove their monopoly over who's blood lines get to live and who's must die out. Women in this day and age have become so extremely picky that even the most reliable men who literally built civilization are no longer good enough for them. The kind of man they want isn't the kind of man who create technology or builds homes and cities. They want a man who drinks, smokes, gambles with tattoos and muscles." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it and discuss both the positive and negatives surrounding artificial wombs and genetic engineering let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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MGTOW IS FREEDOM  - Feminists are Self Destructive
MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Feminists are Self Destructive MGTOW_Is_Freedom 84 Views • 5 years ago

(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow

Jeremy Meeks Nagasaki-Hiroshima Black Pills YogiOabs
Jeremy Meeks Nagasaki-Hiroshima Black Pills YogiOabs Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 260 Views • 5 years ago


Don't Tell People About MGTOW
Don't Tell People About MGTOW Sandman 343 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Crash and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I was introduced to your content and MGTOW after my divorce a couple years ago. I am an attorney and thought I was a pretty smart guy but have learned I am a virtual idiot when it comes to women. MGTOW creators like you have saved me from ever returning to traditional long term relationships. I have also been worried about your recent struggles with youtube and the censorship you have experienced there. I am worried that your message may not be available to men in the future. I have had the thought that men need to go grass roots for MGTOW like annoying leftists with cardboard signs and marches stopping traffic. The message is truly important and can save men's lives. My best idea is to get a bunch of Sandman or MGTOW stickers made and then stick them in men's bathroom stalls of every bar and restaurant I visit. It might at least point men in the right direction. What do you think? Do you have any other good grass roots ideas to get the word out about MGTOW? Thank you for all you do." Well Crash thanks for the donation and topic. When I say don't tell people about MGTOW what I mean is don't go around in the blue pill world forcing red pills down men's metaphorical throats the way carousel riding thots force feed themselves Kahlua that comes from a cock. It's just going to get messy and sticky. Before I tell you why you shouldn't plaster MGTOW and Sandman stickers in men's bathroom's let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. I beleive there was someone I already spoke to about possibly getting five or ten different guys in a big city to start putting MGTOW stickers into men's bathrooms. I suggested to instead put them in women's bathrooms because women would respond and call the cops and the media and make a big stink. Bigger than the stink they're already making in the bathroom. I thought that it would be better innitially to put the stickers in the women's bathrooms in one city by getting five guys to dress up bad drag and put them there to get women's attention and then get the media to cover the story. It would be Free publicity. But that would just draw more attention to MGTOW and probably get my channel and many others yanked off of YouTubes. Putting the stickers in the men's bathrooms could also pose another risk. Cameras are standard in most places and film you going into the bathroom and could get you in trouble for vandilism perhaps. Then your identity would be out there. You could get fired. It would also have to be done on a massive scale meaning that men would have to co-ordinate and there are good odds that if one man is caught he's going to rat out the rest. Then there's the issue of how effective it would actually be. People that see the stickers would have to remember to go on their phones and look up MGTOW. I can barely remember what I saw on my screen 5 minutes ago most days. Also putting up Sandman Stickers in Bathrooms would make people think I was paying for that vandilism and therefore they might complain to YouTube and my entire channel might get pulled down. Or the cops might come and investigate and that puts me under a doxxing risk. This grass roots MGTOW idea of bathroom stalls is not a good at all.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Men Conquer, Women Fail
MGTOW IS FREEDOM - Men Conquer, Women Fail MGTOW_Is_Freedom 93 Views • 5 years ago

(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Why I Stopped Dating American Women
Why I Stopped Dating American Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 338 Views • 5 years ago

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