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Prostitute Can't Find A Partner On Tinder LOL - MGTOW
Prostitute Can't Find A Partner On Tinder LOL - MGTOW Sandman 487 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Escort can't find a partner on tinder

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Timothy. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I wanted to cover a Reddit post that has a very similar title to this video. Here's what some random escort has to say and I quote: Hey guys I need to rant a bit. I'm a sex worker and genuinely love what I do. I've added that fact on tinder and bumble just a warning you know? Like in case it's a deal breaker. Which is fine I respect that some men are just not okay with their partner being a sex worker. That's why I add that on my bio. But when I match with people everything turns sexual so quick and I'm so over that. I had to block the last three guys for overstepping boundaries with me because they think I'm easy since I do sex work. Does anyone have any advice?" Well mystery meat lady of course guys are going to think you're easy and push for sex right off the bat. Afterall guys pay to overstep into your ovarian boundaries all the time when you're working. Maybe some of the men you're talking to believe that you're actually just using Bumble or Tinder to find work. They probably think you're just there looking for men to service so they think that's what you're all about because afterall when someone pays for a working girl the rule is they don't talk about paying for her services. They just pay for her time. Plus what guy is going to wait a month to sleep with a woman that's handing out bjs like bon bons to everyone? She probably expects way more money, time and attention from a man she calls her boyfriend instead of all the other guys she calls John. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Sex work is still work believe it or not. So that means that if you're working with a sex worker when you're sleeping with her she associates acts in the bedroom with work. I was with a couple of women that did customer service jobs. They were completely different when they put on their public face versus their regular face with me. They smiled to please customers but never smiled at me unless they were up to something sneaky. A woman that has sex all day with many men that are better looking than you and more well endowed how can you live up to that? If this world was fair she would probably end up finding a boyfriend that was a gigalo. But this world isn't fair. The really hopeful thing about this story is that the guys she's attracting on those dating apps are most likely just going to hit it and quit it. It's probably happened to her many times before so now she's shaming men in general because she's unable to lock one down because she's not dating material. Who's going to want to bring a whore over to meet their mom for thanksgiving day dinner. Just imagine if she gave a somewhat honest answer to his mother and told her that she was a cock gobbler. It's the same as what man would want to be seen with a trap. I remember about twenty years ago I was at a local Tim Horton's with a friend and in comes a creepy looking balding beta with a mustache on his lip and a trans-gendered Asian woman on his arm. He had this grin on his face like he was the happiest man in the world. I just started laughing hysterically because they just looked like a weird couple. The smirk on his face disappeared fast and my friend started laughing and neither of us could stop and we had to leave the restaurant. I bring this story up because the type of guy that would go for a sex worker is probably like that mustached bald man. He has to feel happy enough to just be in her company because everyone else turns him down that he's willing to be with a woman like that.

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Cooch Cancel Culture - MGTOW
Cooch Cancel Culture - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Aaron. He didn't give me a topic so I want to read some comments from someone named Aposematicly on Reddit and here's what he has to say: "Today I become a ghost. The medical board suspended my registration for assaulting a thief. (I also shitposted the glorious state leader on Facebook over the Plandemic and such) They are sentencing me first before ANY investigation. Nice of them. 32 years of medical practice and now I am "Dangerous". I couldn't even fight them as they would impose restrictions that would kill my practice anyway. The good news is I have been debt free for 11 years, and have enough wealth to carry through to retirement without having to work or go on the dole. I have lost 2 children (23 and 19) to obscene parental alienation and was dragged through the family court system for 10 years. My aged frail father lives across the country- I can now visit him for any length of time for any duration. "All things come to an end!" was his response when I broke the news to him. So fellow MGTOWs please live well within your means so If you are ever in a situation to defend your honor or for that matter need to ghost effectively, "FU" money makes all the difference. As you get older, the old Time=Money equation is kicking in- the time is all crucial. I am kinda glad I don't have to participate in the workforce unless I choose to. What's my new occupation- Psychopath or Musician? Or Both? A year ago my Dad collapsed and I had to do CPR on him, he had severe bleeding on the brain and facial fractures an was left with heart failure and mild epilepsy so is basically house bound on a frame. At this point, my Dad is my only friend or relative that cares. It is wonderful to be able to give back to him. Tomorrow I fly out to see my Dad for a 10 day visit. His internet is down and he needs me to help fix it. He lives in a large executive house 2 blocks from a surf life saving patrolled beach!" unquote. Well Aaron thanks for a more than generous donation and this is the first of three videos I'll dedicate to you. Also thanks to Aposematicly for your Reddit Post. I'll discuss it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. I used to think that FU money was enough to fight back against cooch cancel culture. In the short term it certainly is but in the long-term things are going to get realy bad. I thought about if I were a globalist and wanted to bring about a one world government. How exactly would I achieve that without firing a single bullet. I would make sure it was a global gynocentric government using the female own group preference of women
in all countries to unite all countries. It's a scary thought that the women of the world once they make up fifty percent plus of all politicians in the world in twenty-five years that they will united like used tampon voltron. At that point the only free place might be Mars and Elon Musk will laugh sitting on his red alien throne made of Amber Hurst's metaphorical bones. So what does this have to do with FU money you ask and cooch cancel culture. I'm predicting that a global gynocratic government will come for the FU money of guys like Aposematically in sneaky ways. He's right we need FU money but my goal in this video is to try and give everyone advice on how to protect it from the coming financial cooch cancel culture. Right now commiefornia is thinking about introducing a 0.4% net worth tax and taxing residents that leave for a decade after they leave.

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Why Women Censor Men? - MGTOW
Why Women Censor Men? - MGTOW Sandman 344 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lithuanian Apiary

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Brendan and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I wanted to discuss my personal life, redpill journey and the scrutiny I have faced from my peers. But I won't bore you. Instead I want to share something absolutely absurd and crazy that happened to me as an audience member on Youtube. I was banned for "repeated abusive comments that violated their hate speech policy" as the YT support team put it. My account went poof. I was told that if I tried to make other accounts those would go poof too! My only account video was a narration of me talking over lil baby goats fighting. But banning me for my comments? I almost never had a swear word and was consistently on redpill channels. I followed and consistently commented on you, Better Bachelor, Donovan Sharpes, Coach Greg Adams, and Terrence Popps video's. How truly far of a stretch is it to say that my "hate speech" is redpilled truths regarding women? I know I would drop redpills in reddit video's regarding stories of cheating and disloyalty to men. Anything non MGTOW or redpill related such as food channels I kept very clean and peaceful. I think that Youtube is scared they may lose their protections in the U.S. in regards to section 230? I believe? The one that does not hold them responsible for their members actions. That gives them monopoly like protections. I know the Republican's repeatedly question Twitter and Facebook's CEO's on whether or not they work together with google and their other related apps to share our data. They want to revoke those corporation rights. So if Google, Facebook, and Twitter begin to censor everyone who does not align with them on watch lists deemed undesirable beforehand then they lessen the potential blowout of thousands if not billions of people attempting to run said companies into the ground with lawsuits. I am not too affected. I have spotify for my musics. I have for most of my content. I can still use Youtube without an account. I simply lose all my playlists. Funny enough YT is still tracking what I watch and what I like to promote other content I may like. Despite no longer having a channel. I told a friend it was like having a stalker who knew EVERYTHING about you. Your favorite foods. Where you will be at what time you'll be there. Suddenly popping up trying to befriend you knowing way too much about your personal life. You would feel disgusted this person knew so much and yet did not take the time to be your friend first. Our data is not safe. These channels arent safe. Using gmail to message you is not safe. I don't quite understand in all the years I have listened to you now just how donations and topic requests work. But I do think if these companies get their protections revoked that those in the red and black pilled communities need to mirror their own favorite things on other sites. Whatever they can mirror, make sure it's over there and they could switch over to the other sites if they get zucked, cucked, or majorly ducked. I would love it if you warned others on YouTubers and such to find other avenues to get their same content elsewhere. A reminder that this "world reset" is on the rise and MGTOW is watching the sunset. So if men want to continue to have open free spaces to enjoy discussing such topics then they need to prepare by mirroring their social media/mainstream media usage to sites that will not ban them for it. These redpills are the lessons our fathers should have taught us. They need to stick around. We are redpilling the men of tomorrow and they are going to benefit from it down the line. Keep up the good work Sandman, and stay in good health. Well Brendan thanks for the donation and topic. Before I cover it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lituanian Apiary:

2 photo credits:

1. Beekeeper controlling beehive and comb frame

2. Portrait of a cheerful man and woman beekepers in protective uniform

Rejecting Women Makes Them Crazy - MGTOW
Rejecting Women Makes Them Crazy - MGTOW Sandman 569 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Burt. He didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to discuss how rejecting a woman outright by clearly telling her that you're not interested in her advances makes her crazy to the point where she gets super pissed off and tries to destroy your social connections in a fit of rage. If however you reject her by simply ignoring her advances and playing stupid she will keep pushing harder and harder to get you to give her attention until she eventually realises it's a fruitless endeavor because you won't let her near your flesh flute and she will be on her merry way. But she won't usually get crazy with anger because you wouldn't pound her cooch the way she might if you were dating her for a month or two and then dumped her. Instead that thot tucks her tail between her thot and eventually stops pursuing you. No insane breakdown explosion the way she might if you showed initial interest and then reject her. I've also asked myself why did I always reject the right women and go out with the wrong ones? I've had experiences growing up where I could have easily gotten together with about ten different hot, thin, attractive women and girls all the way from the tenth grade forward into my early to mid twenties but I rejected them all silently. I didn't reject them consciously. It was my subconscious that made them invisible to me until fifteen to twenty years later after I went my own way did I finally understand what I did. They never made of move on me or made their affections obvious and hid in plain sight waiting for me to ask them out but I had zero interest. I never really thought about why I rejected them until now. Why did I instead choose to accept the advances of far less attractive and less mentally stable women instead? The answer is that the unstable women had to work to attract a man. They had to be the female chameleon and pretend to be into the same things that I was. Or they had to be the first ones to grab me and kiss me. They had to have the courage to be different because throughout high school and the rest of my life I've never been afraid to be different either. So I've experienced that the more perfect a woman looks the more boring her soul is. Her good looks mean she doesn't have to try to pretend to be into the same things as the guy to offer something else because for most guys what she looks like is enough. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the show. The first girl I ever rejected she got pissed off because we went on an impromptu date and spoke on the phone dozens of times and the reason I rejected her can be seen in the video I put out called The Girl Of My Dreams. I rejected her not because I wasn't attracted to her but because of the potential for my life being ruined if I had dated her. She was perfect and I rejected that perfection and the following year went out with girls that were bumpkins. From someone looking in from the outside it made no sense. But looking back if I had dated her and fell in love after that I would had much higher standards for women and as a result I probably would have dated some of those other hotter women and married one of them and my life would have been bland and boring. The sexy women would have forced me down the safe path to keep them. I would have forever feared being rejected by them and I never would have gone my own way because the simp spell never wears off on me in a relationship.

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Women Are Suckers For Nice Lies - MGTOW
Women Are Suckers For Nice Lies - MGTOW Sandman 305 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

She's My Dream Woman - MGTOW

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is Ilya and here's what he has to say: "Sandman, If you want to discuss it, I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on supernatural, precognitive dreams and nature of reality. Also, am I an NPC if I don't see precog dreams? Thank you for engaging content" Well Ilya thanks for the donation and topic. With regards to all the precognitive dreams and weird metaphysical x-files style experiences in my life there is no way I can share everything in only ten minutes. I recently put out a video called She's My Dream Woman that I haven't released as of scripting this video but will be out before this one and it discusses the strange circumstances as to how I went my own way and how there were outside forces meddling with my relationships my entire life. Those same forces set me free from them. I've also learned over the years that women are more interested in things like psychic phenomena and are more open to this sort of thing so long as the precognitive and paranormal experiences are positive. If they are negative they have a hard time processing things and start to freak out. I'll discuss my experiences in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. First of Ilya you're not an NPC if you've never had a precognitive dream you probably just haven't unlocked that ability yet. A friend of mine didn't really believe what I was saying until he started having lucid dreams. Now he wonders about the precognitive kind. For me it took trauma to have curse. I say curse because you start to question consciousness and if we are in a simulation as well as free will. We all want to feel that reality is real and that we have the ability to guide our own destinies. For me what triggered all of this was taking one Larazapam pill combined with a panic state which unintentionally lead me to have precognitive dreams. I sometimes worry about what walls of perception if I took something like ayawaska in South America. I fear learning too much about reality too quickly that I can't handle it. Precognitive Dreams are a curse because if you dream something and change the outcome does that mean what you drempt never existed in the first place? If it didn't then how and why did you see it? Maybe you saw it exist in the multiverse? There are also ways to communicate with what I would assume are multi-dimensional beings in my sleep. Some telling me about the future and things I can't change no matter how hard I try. That's where the issue of free will comes into play. Some things I have changed when dreaming of them. Other things I couldn't even though I had pre-knowledge. The things I did change maybe I was meant to change them and seeing what was going to happen was simply part of the equation. As you can see it gets complicated fast. There is something called the observer effect. When you measure the air pressure in a tire you have to use a device that measures the air pressure but it changes the pressure because it requires that air be released so the meter gets a correct reading. But by releasing it the value is different. Does seeing the future mean that your choices will be different simply because you've seen it? I can't answer that question completely? I know that sometimes it can't be changed and sometimes it can from personal experience. A lot of the time when I've had precognitive dreams they would involve a sequence of events. Sometimes I would get through about 75% of the sequence and then stop before I got to the last part of the dream as I was reliving it in my waking life. This was a way for me to mess back with reality.

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She's More Equal Than You - MGTOW
She's More Equal Than You - MGTOW Sandman 284 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lithuanian Apiary

Lilith in the white house 2020

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Richard Drazil. He's the author of the book Lilith in the White House 2020 which I've put a link to in the description. In Richard's book he believes that cultures have replaced female figures, fertility goddesses like Lilith with a male figure god to support the male drive to procreate. He says that the Lilith archetypes of women have been around forever. He then poses the question will Lilith in this millennia get her eternal wish of not only escaping her biology her biology but also reaching the pinnacle of power in the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth the United States. He wrote this last year before it became clear to everyone that Kamala Harris would be VP and more than likely soon also be the president. His book is perfectly timed as in the white house recently in the press briefing room all of the reporters except one were women and some women thought it was cool to have this sort of inequality at the highest levels of American Power. Or how in Paris France there was a rule that only sixty percent of the city hall staff could either be male or female. Men had to step down to make room for all the aspiring Lilith's out there but once women made up sixty plus percent of the staff did any of the women step aside for the sake of equality for men? No they didn't and in fact they said the rules weren't fair and changed them and increased the number of women in power because now they had the power and could do as they like and as Richard says in the introduction to his book if you want to know who rules your society what you do is find those you aren't allowed to criticize. Anyways, I'll discuss more about his thought provoking and thot provoking book in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Lithuanian Apiary: Anyways, now back to the cooches dressed up as clowns show. According to the Bible and Genesis women were punished by god to have children and were commanded to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth. But that women were eternally angry for this because they couldn't escape their biology so how can Lilith escape this curse? By overthrowing the patriarchy of course. Richard says that Lilith is the name of Satan or she's like the mythological female Mesopotamian storm demon bearer of disease, illness and death. She first appears in 4000 BCE as an idea and then in 700 BCE with her current name. Lilith is the seductress that has been with us since the beginnings of civilization. Richard spends the first part of his book discussing her origins and who she is. That in some folk traditions she is known as Adam's first wife and that she is his equal because she wasn't created from his rib the way Eve was but with clay or mud the way that Adam was so in a way she was created in God's image along with Adam. But the bible is gynocentric because Genesis 2:18 says that "it is not good for man to be alone." I guess god didn't want men to go their own way. This line can also be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Here's what part of that Epic says and I quote: "He then created a woman for Adam, from the earth, as he had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith. Adam and Lilith immediately began to fight. She said, ‘I will not lie below,’ and he said, ‘I will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be the superior one.’ Lilith responded, ‘We are equal to each other inasmuch as we were both created from the earth.’ But they would not listen to one another." unquote. I won't read anymore.

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2 photo credits:

1. Beekeeper controlling beehive and comb frame

2. Portrait of a cheerful man and woman beekepers in protective uniform

Dating Is A Waste Of Time - MGTOW
Dating Is A Waste Of Time - MGTOW Sandman 486 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Why Don’t People Go On Actual Dates Anymore?

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from TJ and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I appreciate you continuing to make your videos during the Wuflu... Somehow, I managed to survive a massive layoff at my company. And have continued to work. But during this crisis I’ve been seriously increasing my savings. I seriously enjoyed your video "Beginning my MGTOW journey." I’m about four years into mine - After surviving a divorce rape and even more painfully - a deep sense of betrayal by someone I seriously loved and trusted. You mentioned that older guys, which I am one of, tend to sit around and watch TV. Not very true in my case. I consider watching TV a huge time suck. A complete waste of time. And something I do very little of... If you’re looking for a good TV show to devour your time, check out one called Longmire. After watching the entire series I stopped watching TV again. Now let me get back to the road less taken. My MGTOW journey continues. Currently searching for a new mountain home. Want to get away from people all together. Well TJ thanks for the donation. You do realise that it's ironic that in one breath you say you aren't one of those old guys that sits around watching television all day but in the very next breath you mention how you've got some TV show and movie picks for me. But then you recover by saying that after that show you stopped watching tv again. I limit my watching time down to only thirty minutes of actual television but I really have to cut down on all the thot provoking and stressful podcasts I listen to. You mentioned that you're increasing savings during the coof. On average people are now saving 20-30% of their income because they are scared for the future but also because they can't travel and go to restaurants. As a result of all that saving prices would be falling if it hadn't been for all those governments printing all that money to devalue all that currency people are saving. Inflation is the most insidious tax and it's taking ten to fifteen percent of your money each year if you look at housing costs, food, health care and edumacation. But that's not what I want to talk about today. I found an interesting article called "Why Don't People Go On Actual Dates Anymore?" which I've linked to in the description. I'll discuss that and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. So the article about why people don't go on dates anymore is by Jessica Blake and she gives us a big list of reasons why dating is irrelevant. I'll get to those a little later but I think it's important for me to share my opinions as to why dating is done on my own before being tainted by her words. The way I see it today women don't have to date to find out about a guy over dinner. Once they have his name they can look him up on social media and see what he looks like in various environment and attire. They can also get social proof off of social media. For example if you're a woman and some of your female friends are friends with a guy you meet randomly then you don't have to go on a date to find out about him. All you have to do is talk to your female friends to get information about him. This is more quality control before letting some man snatch up your cooch. In the past dating was an activity for people to meet members of the opposite sex outside of their immediate social circle, to get to know each other relatively quickly in order to see if a relationship was worth having or not. This was the most efficient way because there was no Tinder or social media.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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She Can't Make Enough Money On OnlyFans LOL - MGTOW
She Can't Make Enough Money On OnlyFans LOL - MGTOW Sandman 567 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Jobless, Selling Nudes Online and Still Struggling

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations as the coof keeps killing them. If you want to suggest a topic or share a story then you can donate through subscribestar or through paypal. Link is in the description. As for the topic of this video a while back I ran into an article that was trending on Twitter in Canada called: "Jobless Women, Selling Nudes Online and Still Struggling" and I knew this was going to happen back when the pandemic started as more and more women started jumping onto the online humpty dance rollercoaster and went on there taking off their pants. Being an OnlyFans Striper is like being the new waitresses or flight attendents. Air Canada cut 1700 staff and most of those were female beverage cart and snack ladies that used to serve peanuts but they themselve are now getting nothing but peanuts. As for the article I cover the tales of three ladies that are trying to sell their tails online. The first one is Lexi Eixenberger. A fat 22 year old woman that only made $500 dollars and is struggling. Before she started stripping online she was donating plasma which is the fancy fat pants way of saying she was selling her blood. I'm predicting that as she runs out of money and starts to starve she will lose weight. This in turn will elevate her sexual marketplace value every pound she loses and exponentially increase the amount of money pay piggies will throw that former miss piggy as she slim down from a hot piece of bacon to a Bmi of 20. In the photo for the article she's wearing black. That's the fat woman uniform color. If women wear all black with a top that reveals their meat canyons then tons of new guys will try and get their sperm to slide between her chest thighs. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the video. Besides Lexi there are two other women in the article that have also earned around five hundred dollars on Onlyfans. I bet they heard tons of stories about simps sending greenbacks and they too decided to give online stripping a try. Afterall it's the career that the most young girls in high school want to pursue one day. There are now well over a million content creators on onlyfans up from around 120k when the coof began. Guys that frequent working girls are saying that the price of such women has doubled and their service quality has gone down. But on only fans the number of women on there has gone up ten fold. So if the number of content producers went from 120k to 240k then it would mean that it would be line with male demand during covid. But there's just too much fat ass flooding that place. There simply isn't enough cash to go around for all that gash. It's the pretto distribution. Where only a small percentage of women, say ten percent get ninety percent of the pay piggy money. The three women I tried searching for them with the names they game in this New York Times article but I couldn't find any of them. Either they don't exist and this article is fake and the pictures they use are of random women with side profiles that can't be recognized or the story is true and it means that they don't want to reveal their identities and be publicly shamed for showing off their pubes. My money is on them being real women trying to avoid shaming. But if I was one of these women I wouldn't care at this point. I'd post my real onlyfans account to try to attract as many man bucks as possible to it. Afterall these women are already desperate. If people they know read the story and see their faces they might gain greater sympathy and have people feel sorry enough to support them. The question I want answered is where do you go when you fail at being at being an online sex worker? That term sex worker keeps coming up over and over again. It's a fancy pants way of saying whore.

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The Worlds Strongest Woman vs. Average Men Archive
The Worlds Strongest Woman vs. Average Men Archive ArchiveChannel 9,333 Views • 5 years ago

A video about arm wrestling. who will win this sports contest? vote now in the comments below.

Feminists Are Everywhere - MGTOW
Feminists Are Everywhere - MGTOW Sandman 396 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
RED PILL Cornseason Production

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This videos is brought to you by a donation from Mahmood and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman, Can you make a video about cultural invasion? I have noticed in recent years that our country (Bahrain) has similar social problems just like the west. The divorce rate is higher than ever and some people are accepting it like it's something normal, and they market proud single mothers in social media, and motivate strong independent young females. Also, a lot of gen Z people do not even know how to speak Arabic while it is our native language even with Arabian parents. It is uncommon to see people wearing traditional clothes. We also have similar feminism problems, and young females realized that in recent years and they started to take advantage of feminism. Now they can ride the carousel but in secret, and marry when they are close to the wall. I met girls who refused to marry just to have fun in college. Additionally, our culture is slowly accepting that women can wear revealing clothes. I am fine with cultural diversity. I think it is beneficial in some way. However, I am afraid that our native culture will fade away." Well Mahmood thanks for the donation and topic. Isn't it clear to you and everyone else that English will become the dominant language of the world? That we are heading into a global mono-culture. I said this would happen a long time ago that everyone keeps saying that the west and America has no culture all the while using Iphones, cars and airplanes as those are neutral technologies that came from a vacuum. Those technologies are American culture. There's a reason it's called American car culture. American's invented it and people all over the world embrace it while at the same time hating America. America is their master and they believe they can beat their master with his tools. Social media also comes from America. All the problems it creates in the west with regards to enabling women to anonymously ride the Tinder cock carousel are going to happen in other countries even if they ban Tinder. People will still use social media to hookup so you can't stop it. I also spoke about how in Arab countries women would use the internet to sleep around secretly with anonymous men that were outside their social circles a long time ago and many guys didn't believe me. Your stories
Mahmood are proving me right. Of course women are going to wear revealing clothing because the more skin you show the more Alpha sultans they can suck off before you hit the wall and have to settle for a beta male that takes western tourists on camel rides out in the desert. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Cornseason Production: Anyways, now back to the camel jockey clown world show. Mahmood I put a link in the description to an article in Arabic where it says that in 2018 there were 6039 people that got married while only 1929 divorced. But only a year earlier in 2017 there were 6691 that got married and 1890 got divorced. I don't really think that's all that significant. You say it's still a low divorce rate. The thing that everyone is missing is that western culture is colonizing the world one smart phone at a time. It's rewiring everyone's brain and I was originally going to call this video feminist ideas are taking over The world but I'm worried that either YouTube or Twitter will think I'm referring to women and give me a strike and have my video removed. I made a video a long time ago called women taking over the world and that one received a strike.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Very angry woman

2. young man with finger in his nose at a crowded place

3. Single parent family. Tired Halloween mom after work as clown on birthday on dark background.

My Ex Wife Turned Me Into A Human ATM - MGTOW
My Ex Wife Turned Me Into A Human ATM - MGTOW Sandman 378 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection
- (Short version court hearing showing converting a man to an Atm) (Interview with Joseph about court lunacy) (Joseph becoming Yousuf and leaving country because of divorce rape) (Pay child support for a kid that is not yours or go to jail)

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr. Sandman, Certain laws have been created in the past which not many men know about until are taken to the cleaners in divorce court or family courts, such as America's "Title 4D Social Security Act of 1975" which enables whamen to take more than half of men's accumulated wealth and assets once established a relationship has been taking place, on top of Child Support Payments and Spouse Maintenance Payments which is a fancy name for payments made to continue the partners current living lifestyle which majority of whamen claim this. I first learned of 'Title 4D Social Security Act" when stumbled upon Youtube videos about Joseph Kenick III who is now Yousuf after he converted to Islam. Videos on his court hearings clearly were one sided and showed the courts turning men into Atm's. Not only did the courts treat Joseph as a walking money bags with regular increasing payments but also exploited him for asset stripping and distribution with increasing amounts until the money tree was empty and then threatened jail time to keep the payments coming. The name wage slave comes to mind. In Australia we have the "Family Law Act of 1975" which acts the same as the American counterpart. Coincidence both are implemented on same year. Could you do a deep dive into the various types of "Man to Atm" type Act/Laws that enable whamen to go into relationships with sole purpose of golddigging men by these payments. As always thank you for your contribution to the freedom of men by Mgtow philosophy." Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation and topic. I put three of the links you sent me in the description and I've added one of my own about a man that was forced to pay child support for a kid that wasn't his or he would have to go to jail. I'll discuss my thoughts about the situation with the family courts turning men into human ATM's in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. First off Trump Nukem I'm not a lawyer and it's hard for me to even know where to begin to look for the various laws and acts that enable whamen to gold dig with men. I don't know if you recently heard but in Ontario, Canada a man lived in his own house and his girlfriend of ten to fifteen years lived in hers and yet the judge still sided with her and is forcing him to pay alimony even though they didn't live together and they weren't married or had kids together. That's the situation in cuckistan and I suspect that you'll be hearing similar stories in the future from the rest of the commonwealth countries and probably the United States. The saddest part about these types of laws and rulings by judges is that we abolished debtors prisons a long time ago because they were considered inhumane slavery. But we decided to still keep them around for men that wouldn't or usually couldn't pay their child support and alimony payments. In the Cuckistan case for women that they weren't married to or living with.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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She's My Dream Woman - MGTOW
She's My Dream Woman - MGTOW Sandman 353 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
RED PILL Cornseason Production

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John. He didn't send me a specific topic so what I'm going to talk about will sound crazy to many but I swear to bezelbop that it's true. Seriously everything I'm going to mention in this all happened to me. I wouldn't believe me either if I were you unless you experienced these things in real life. So the first time I experienced a precognitive dream that showed me the future wasn't in my own dreams. I was in the ninth grade and my god brother took me aside and told me had a dream where he saw my future. He told me I'd fall in love with a girl at first sight the following year and that she would be a year younger than me in the 9th grade in one of my classes. That I would date her and that she would ruin my life. I laughed at him like you're probably laughing at my story. I didn't take him seriously. He also gave me her first name which was even more crazy. How can someone get that much detail from a dream? Impossible. So I didn't think anything of it and ironically I took a class in grade nine music because I didn't know if I was good enough to enter grade ten music. I forgot what he had said about eight months before. So the first day of band class I pull an American Pie and fall in love with the flute girl. Actually she didn't play the flute I just thought it sounded funnier if I said that. So she was interested in me and I was interested in her and we went ice skating together with a bunch of other kids and it wasn't a date although she was dropping hints she was interested and we began talking on the phone every night. About a week or two after we started talking on the phone I suddenly remembered what my god brother had told me. I was freaked out and believed what he had said. He didn't tell me how or why she would ruin my life if I was in love with this girl and I decided to break my own heart and not date her. She cried when I told her on the phone and was pissed off when I saw her next. She dated some other guy trying to make me jealous. But I think it was the first time a guy had ever rejected her. A few days after I decided not to date her I'm sleeping in my bed and I wake up in the middle of the night and I see a three foot tall figure standing next to my bed with the brightest bluish white light behind it. It's just looking at me and I can't move. I'll share more about my story in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Corn Season Production: Anyways, now back to Sandman in dreamland. So the being with a large head, small torso and almost pencil thin neck lay next to my bed and I couldn't move. I had the sheets over my head which is how I normally sleep with just my nose poking out and even with the sheets over my head the light was too bright for me to see details. I was seeing just a silhouette the way you see when when you take a picture and expose for the background. Like a bright blue sun. The creature didn't do anything and I was paralyzed and couldn't move and I drifted out of consciousness in the same position I was sleeping in. I woke up freaked out and didn't connect this experience with the girl I didn't date until about ten to fifteen years later when I read a book called the love bite by Eve Lorgan. In it she says that extra-dimensional beings interfere in human mating and create artificially strong attractions for reasons still unknown. As for the band girl I didn't date in a twist of irony her husband turned out to be the guy that bullied me in grade school and he looks miserable. Maybe that's how karma works? As for Eve Lorgen, after reading her book I began wondering if my experience could have been orchestrated by that being I saw in my bedroom. I will try to talk to Eve about all this.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Very angry woman

2. young man with finger in his nose at a crowded place

3. Single parent family. Tired Halloween mom after work as clown on birthday on dark background.

Do Feminists Ruin Your Country? - MGTOW
Do Feminists Ruin Your Country? - MGTOW Sandman 340 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Red Walker Kindle Edition

Banned Video on Bitchute.

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Scott Allen the author of the book Red Walker and it takes place in a future where women rule America and only about ten percent of the population is male and most guys are there to fix home appliances and other machines. It's a world where men never tell jokes because they are likely to give offense to someone, or insult the powerful, resulting in punishment. Except, of course if those jokes are about men. It's obviously a work of fiction. I'll review the book in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways now back to the clown world show. The book Red Walker follows the main character Dana. He lives in a boarding house for men that are unpaid servants for the state and has a roommate named Rowan that escapes. This book takes place around fifty years into the future in a dystopian gynocentric America. Men are monitors by a group called Male Control and have cameras on their electronic permanent collars to video record what they are up to. Dana's room mate Rowan couldn't be seen escaping on camera because Dana was facing the wall with his camera recording the wall instead of the escapee. Dana's collar surveillance hardware is installed at the age of 13 like all boys. Rowan was the first man to ever remove it successfully. The hardware they wore zapped them with an electric shock if they tried removing it. Rowan also escaped with a backpack of supplies. This is also a world where men aren't allowed to put on too much weight or muscle so they aren't a physical threat to women or have too much energy. Most of their diet is probably soy lattes along with estrogen capuchinos. It's a world where women are afraid of men and try to control them. There are male control officers around to make sure men do what they are told to do. Dana our main character is a slave fixing appliances in women's homes. The story takes place in a time when Mexico the Patriarchal society is attacking the United States and is more free than gynomerica. I guess that life imitates art as the Mexican President is now fighting against the censorship of speech in present day America. Dana is also not allowed to watch the media or tv but the woman he fixes her appliances and she lets him listen. The TV propaganda says that once the escaped men are freed by the Mexican government they take their suppression technology off and go out raping women. Dana learns that in Southern Texas there are free men with weapons breaking other men free and that gynomerica is losing the war. Dana goes to a military barracks with female soldiers and one of the female soldiers in a platoon struggle snuggles him. Even though in their society sex between a man and a woman was defined as rape. He learns the state is trying to make humans sexually dymorphic the other way around with women being bigger and stronger than men. Chapter seven in the book is called donation day. Dana and none of the other men have work assignments that day. Men are only fertile once a month after the suppressor drug is administered and that's when the state forces the sperm out of them for procreation. Almost like a reverse period. Blake becomes the replacement for Rowan and he repairs view screens made in Texas.

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Video Background Credits:
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President Biden Will Make Everyone A Priority . . .  Except White Males - MGTOW
President Biden Will Make Everyone A Priority . . . Except White Males - MGTOW Sandman 434 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Joshua. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is talk about this particular Tweet that now President Biden put out where he said this and I quote: "Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources to reopen and rebuild." A whole bunch of guys on Reddit started freaking out about this but what's the real likelihood that he's going to try and do helicopter drops of money on failing female businesses and those run by minorities? What about all the commercial real estate out there that's now worthless thanks to the coof? If it was put mark to market price it would bankrupt the banks that hold the loans on such propery. I think that most of us are forgetting that it's a politicians job to lie to us with promises they will never keep to make us feel better about ourselves and delude ourselves. After reading his tweet he probably shouldn't have included that part about helping Asians because they have Asian privilege. The idea that sleepy joe is going to stay awake long enough to fix all these problems is an illusion. It's just about virtue signalling and pandering. Nothing will change. The males that currently make up the majority of successful business builders, leaders and entrepreneurs will still make up the majority of share holders in businesses where minorities and women are employed. A good example is Google where the majority owners of Google are two light skinned males and it doesn't matter if they hire an Indian or a woman as a CEO. They are just hiding behind their virtue signalling CEOS so they get to keep their wealth if and when the real shit hits the fan. If as a government you give money to women and minorities to prop up their failing businesses once the coof is over the government charity will run out and the businesses will still fail. You can't stop this process. Capitalism is all about letting the inefficient companies fail and allowing the new innovative ones that provide value to come in and do their thing. I'll discuss more in just a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. So what's a guy to do when the president says he'll help everyone but him? Well, seeing that many of you out there listening to me identify as black albino masculine presenting transgendered lesbians you should be fine in this new America. That is of course until you find out that Biden is most likely lying about helping. There has been talk about the great reset and there's a lot of misinformation about it so I did some research. Well apparently it has to do with transitioning between stakeholder capitalism and shareholder capitalism. Right now we are in shareholder capitalism where the people that get rewarded the most from company profits are those that own the shares and not the workers. The pendulum has swung so far that the shareholders are getting 99% of the wealth. I doubt that they now want to start sharing their wealth with women and minorities at men's expense. What's more likely is that they are recognizing the wealth inequality in society and they want to keep their wealth gains so if they step aside and let women and minorities take their jobs and make millions of dollars a year as CEOs while they the men stand
aside and watch from a distance collecting their Billions from the rise in share prices then they can still be capitalists but now they have paid for their sins by giving their so called powerful positions up to someone else. They are helping the stakeholders in the company.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Gang Of Transgender Women Drop Kick 19-Year-Old Man - MGTOW
Gang Of Transgender Women Drop Kick 19-Year-Old Man - MGTOW Sandman 294 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Gang of Transgender women drop-kicked then stamped on 19-year-old-man

Kakkmaddafakka - Someone New (Roosevelt Remix)

Mystery Link:

Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Charles. He didn't give me a topic so I want to cover an article called: "Gang of Transgender women drop-kicked then stamped on 19-year-old-man in London Tube attack after he told them they needed to have female genitalia to be women." I wouldn't be surprised if language and words are a form of assault in the UK already and that the 19 year old man was sent off to jail for making his statements. According to some people in the UK words are violent. So it's only fair to meet violence with violence. Even if one form takes the form of words and the other takes the form of fists. So in a sense what these 4 TransWhamen did to him should sarcastically be called self defense. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's guide to retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. So two members of the gang of transwhamen were sentenced to six-months curfew because the judge was probably worried they would come over and smack him down too for even taking the case to court. Of the other two one of them was sentenced to 20 days rehabilitation activity. One of them was given conditional discharge for two years. So I guess that's something. There's even a video of them stomping the guy at that link I shared. Those stilettos are dangerous weapons when they are stomping down on your junk. George Orwell got that line from 1984 wrong. He said that the future looks like a masculine boot stomping on a man's face from here to eternity. In reality he should have wrote that the future is a sharp and pointy Stiletto smashing your package for all eternity. But even he wasn't progressive enough to see the future was males dressing up as females calling themselves female. People can call themselves anything they want and others have the right to accept or reject it. I have the right to use words and language that may or may not offend you. Just like you have every right to live a lifestyle that may or may no offend me. That's what freedom is all about. If this were a situation where it was four men beat up a woman they would probably serve at least a year or two in prison. If it were four guys beating up another guy they would be going to prison for six months to a year. But because it's four trans women they don't have to play with drop to soap Tyrone in the big house. The 19 year old man that was beaten was taken to hospital having severe abrasions and a black eye. The judge with most fitting name in this case, Nigel Seed, told the trans gang this and I quote: "I accept that had it not been for the alleged victim in this case there probably wouldn't have been an incident." unquote. But what kind of logic is that? Imagine if you were in court after someone had stolen your car and the judge saying "Well if it hadn't been for you owning that Ferrari there wouldn't have been the crime of grand theft auto. What kind of precedent is this judge setting? also the man that was beaten is the alleged victim according to the judge.

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Video Background Credits:
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Here Comes President Kamala Harris? - MGTOW
Here Comes President Kamala Harris? - MGTOW Sandman 343 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by a donation because well I didn't get one. More importantly something I really want to talk about about the election in the US. In the last few weeks leading up to it YouTube cut my traffic down. So I was not reaching any new viewers and even more importantly while many of you can't see it I was slowly bleeding subscribers. But I see that as nothing compared to what I just read on the Harris Biden website. If Trump doesn't pull a rabbit out of his hat then expect this channel to be gone from YouTube in six months of him taking office. I'm pesimistic because here's what I found and I quote: "President Harris, sorry President Biden will establish a new task force on online harrassment and abuse to focus on the connection between mass shootings, online harrassment, extremism, and violence against women. As President, Joe Biden will convene a national Task Force with federal agents, state leaders, advocates, law enforcement, and technology experts to study rampant online sexual harrassment, stalking, and threats, including revenge porn and deepfakes - and the connection between this harrassment, mass shootings, extremism and violence against women. The Task Force will be in charged with developing cutting-edge strategies and recommendations for how federal and state governments, social media companies, schools, and other public and private entities can tackle this unique problem." unquote. This of course is code language for the state going after MGTOW, incel, the mra and anything that ADL has already labelled as extremism. Their strategy will be to ban us from private social media platforms and take away men's right to be as outspoken, even if offensive as they want even though the constitution protects speech that would be deemed hateful. They are going to try and stop the emotion of hate itself. It won't work be get ready for them to try. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the clown world show. When I read that part of the state discussing federal agents in the United States trying to stop extremism and hate it makes me think that things are going to escalate. Staying anonymous will be important but governments can get my private information from Google if they want it. Even if I get kicked off of YouTube I could continue to make content on Bitchute but what happens if I face arrests speaking out about female nature? I suspect that they will try and connect the mass shootings out there with men going their own way philosophy and the incel movement and try to shut ideas about female nature down using the excuse of protecting women. What happens when Kamala becomes president. Sleep Joe says he's going to do one term and odds are he won't finish it. I get the sneaky suspicion that Biden is just a place holder for Kamala Harris. It's the only way to shoehorn a woman into the white house without having her win an election. He's already in cognitive decline and who knows what's going to happen in a few years. Kamala already has a track record where she prevented evidence from saving a guilty man in prison. What does that say about her moral character and how disposably she might see men? Trump didn't do anything to stop social media censorship and odds are he'll be thrown off of Twitter at some point when he leaves office. Sooner or later.
Regardless of it it's in four years or shortly. As I was saying the only solution will be to create alternatives to big tech social media.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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