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Hi yall; Here is some info that these news people refused to explain in detail here...So.....we all know that South Korea is a feminist country right?? The women of South Korea.....make USA Feminists seem like trad wives lol; if you think frminism is bad here....maaaan!! Go to South Korea and you will truly be horrified but back to the story of this defector. He likely got some form of metoo used against him. He spent 2 years in the South Korean jail....then he was going to be sent to the USA where he was going to then be "disciplined" a 2nd time and then put in Military prison due to false allegations. His nation and the ally South Korea....stabbed him in the back and wanted to destroy his future with a false allegation. He probably came to the realization that he would have a better life in a North Korean prison as a pow or defector than to return to the USA. That dude knew exactly what he was doing. What do yall think of this analysis In just dropped here?? LOLS
Chicago police are still searching for a bat-wielding suspect who has allegedly attacked at least nine women in six separate incidents on the city’s Northwest Side, one of which was captured on video. Natalie Martinez has more on the bizarre and frightening story. <br>HAHAHAHA YOU KNOW THE ATTACKER IS ONE OF THEM HOES THAT HIT THE WALL RIGHT? HAHAHAHA
The crime is out of control and city prosecutors won't stop the criminals. Prepare accordingly. <br> <br>See the Genesis Gold Group Website or Call Direct (800) 200-4653 <br>https://GenesisGoldGroup.com/ <br> <br>ZEAL - Sign up under SMART SUBSCRIBE and save $10 off your order. Every purchase helps the homestead! <br>https://www.zurvita.com/anamer....icanhomestead/en/us/ <br> <br>TIMES TALES: Our favorite program for young kids learning their times tables. <br>https://timestales.com/?rfsn=1892343.28b68d <br> <br>WE LOVE OUR PATRONS! <br>https://www.patreon.com/AnAmericanHomestead <br> <br>HOMESTEAD T-SHIRTS <br>https://an-american-homestead.myteespring.co <br> <br>BUILD A SMOKE HOUSE! DOWNLOAD PLANS HERE: <br>https://anamericanhomestead.co....m/product/homestead- <br> <br>#prepping #economy #homesteading
本视频为鬼山哥(作者本人)在Acfun发布的补档,现已404处理 <br> <br>穿上一件破旧的长衫 径直来到鲁镇酒店 <br>Wearing an old long gown, I went straight to the Lu Town Hotel. <br>叫来伙计 温两碗酒 一碟茴香豆九文大钱 <br>I called the waiter and asked for two bowls of warm wine and a dish of aniseed beans for nine coins. <br> <br>我说着之乎者也 惹来嘲笑 不知不觉涨红了脸 <br>As I spoke jargon, I attracted ridicule and unknowingly turned red in the face. <br> <br> <br>你怎么这样污我的清白 喝口酒与他们继续争辩 <br>Why do you tarnish my innocence like this? Take a sip of wine and continue arguing with them. <br> <br>骆驼祥子 之所以死 是因为他拉车不够努力 <br>The reason why Rickshaw Boy Xiangzi died was that he didn't work hard enough to pull the cart. <br> <br> <br>鲁迅 的每一篇文章 都碰了不能碰的话题 <br>Every article by Lu Xun touches on untouchable topics. <br> <br> <br>陈胜吴广 的日子不甜 是因为不能脚踏实地 <br>The days of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were not sweet because they could not be down-to-earth. <br> <br>最后时刻目光移向我 问我到底算个什么东西 <br>As the final moment approached, the gaze turned to me and asked what kind of person I really was. <br> <br>我看看长衫说我是 <br>I looked at my long gown and said, I am <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>a cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji, a cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji. <br> <br>他那离谱的文笔 质问我服不服气 <br>His outrageous writing style questioned whether I was angry or not. <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>Cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji, cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji. <br> <br>劳动力倒进河里 我也不便宜卖你 <br>I won't sell myself cheap even if I throw my labor into the river. <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>Cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji, cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji. <br> <br>你开着兰博基尼 却笑我不够努力 <br>You drive a Lamborghini and laugh at me for not working hard enough. <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>Cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji, cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji <br> <br>这腐朽的旧社会 和我有寄吧 关系 <br>This corrupt old society has nothing Fxxking to do with me. <br> <br>虽然我每天都洗脸 但口袋比脸还干净 <br>Although I wash my face every day, my pocket is even cleaner than my face (because I am penniless). <br> <br>我只好穿着长衫 替官老爷抄书忙个不停 <br>I can only wear a long gown and work tirelessly to write documents for the officials. <br> <br>本以为工作很清闲 不曾想却是玖玖陆 <br>I thought the job was easy, but it turned out to be 996 . <br> <br>干完后因恶意讨薪 饥饿的我被官兵抓走 <br>After finishing the work, I was caught by the officials' soldiers for maliciously demanding wages while starving. <br> <br>这万恶的旧社会 为什么会没有劳动法 <br>Why does this wicked old society not have labor laws? <br> <br>我们寻常百姓的尊严 为何会轻易被肉食者践踏 <br>Why is the dignity of us ordinary people easily trampled by the carnivores? <br> <br>这些离谱的故事与遭遇 现在也没人敢回答 <br>No one dares to answer these outrageous stories and experiences now. <br> <br>最后食客们目光移向我 问我你为何一点也不怕 <br>Finally, the diners' eyes turned to me and asked why I wasn't afraid at all. <br> <br>我笑着说因为我是 <br> I smiled and said, Because I am <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>a cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji, a cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji. <br> <br> <br>势单力薄的枝丫 早已放弃了挣扎 <br>The powerless branches have long given up struggling, <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, <br> <br>棱角被岁月冲刷 徒留了几道伤疤 <br>The edges and corners have been eroded by time, leaving only a few scars, <br> <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, <br> <br>乐观是我的爪牙 面具下眼泛泪花 <br>Optimism is my tool, tears in my eyes behind the mask <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, <br> <br>你问我幸不幸福 我只想说句脏话 <br>You ask me if I am happy, and I just want to greet your mom with Fxxx! <br> <br>听我说完了之后 店内充满快活的空气 <br>After I finished speaking, the air in the restaurant was filled with joy. <br> <br>那些谩骂质疑反驳嘲笑 与我有何关系 <br>What do those insults, doubts, rebuttals, and ridicule have to do with me? <br> <br>读书是为了中华崛起 而不是去送外卖快递 <br>Reading is for the rise of China, not for delivering takeout or express. <br> <br>所有人听完后露出放肆的笑容 <br>After everyone listened, they showed a reckless smile, <br> <br>除了那个傻逼的 <br>Except for that idiot, <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, <br> <br>撕开这腐朽的墙 寻一丝正道的光 <br>Tear down the decayed walls and seek a ray of light on the right path. <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, <br> <br>无论批评和赞扬 都需要有人鼓掌 <br>Whether criticism or praise, there should be someone to applaud. <br> <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, <br>精选的评论之上 有多少热血难凉 <br>How much hot blood is there beyond the selected comments that cannot be cooled? <br>阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 <br>Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, <br> <br>孔明是我的理想 商鞅是我的下场 <br>Smart Kong Ming is my ideal, and being dismembered by five horses and being torn to pieces like Shang Yang is my fate.
#chinainsights <br>Recently, a city has become popular because it has been occupied by young people who want to "lie flat." It’s Dali, a historical and cultural city in Yunnan Province, southwest China, with a population of about 650,000. <br>Now, we see the status quo of young people in China that some people aren’t even able to lie flat. It has outraged many young people. This song was published on Bilibili, a video-sharing website in China. The name is "Sunshine and Cheerful Kong Yiji". It was banned on the day it was published. <br> <br>Have questions? Do you have something to share with us about China? We want to hear from you! <br>Email: [email protected] <br>Facebook www.facebook.com/EyesOnChina. <br> <br> <br>Your support allows us to produce more high-quality videos. <br>Consider donating at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ChinaInsights <br> <br>Copyright @ China Insights 2021. Any illegal reproduction of this content in any form will result in immediate action against the person(s) concerned.
Why do these women get into PORN? If a woman gets into Porn, because she's obsessed with Sex, often there's an unhealthy Addiction or Hypersexual Disorder, which the industry is profitting off. Sexual Disorders usually come as symptoms of Broader Mental Health issues, and so working in Porn is making that a lot worse. <br> <br>MUSIC USED IN THE BACKGROUND: <br> <br>Part 1 - A Kind of Hope by Scott Buckley <br> <br>CREDIT goes out to the Artist: <br> <br>A Kind Of Hope by Scott Buckley | https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley <br>Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com <br>Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) <br>https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ <br> <br>Part 2 - She Moved Mountains by Scott Buckley <br> <br>CREDIT goes out to the Artist: <br> <br>She Moved Mountains by Scott Buckley | https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley <br>Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com <br>Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) <br>https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ <br> <br>Part 3 - Long Sad Piano Music by YouTube <br> <br>Internet Porn has become fully normalised in our Hyper-Sexualised Society. <br> <br>Many of us think the Actors just love having Sex and getting paid for it, meaning there’s nothing wrong with the Porn Industry. <br> <br>But in reality, this isn’t the case. <br> <br>On social media, Porn Stars tend to play along, giving the illusion that they're living their best lives while having loads of Sex and making tons of cash. <br> <br>In reality, the world of Online Porn has a dark underbelly, full of Sexual Violence, Exploitation and Addiction. <br> <br>They chose this; now they have paid for it. Their destruction is proof that Yahweh is righteous and just.
Surveillance footage from a Blue Ash Target captured the October 2022 moment a loss prevention manager punched a woman who police say was instigating an altercation while requesting reparations for her purchase.
From the Album "Prophecy Of Ragnarök" <br>Order here: https://shop.afm-records.de/brothers-of-metal/ <br>Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2F6mXiY Apple Music: https://apple.co/2qx4dyI <br> <br>BROTHERS OF METAL - The Mead Song (2019) // Official Music Video // AFM Records <br> <br>Follow us also on these channels: <br>Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/afmrecords <br>AFM Website: http://www.afm-records.de <br>AFM Webshop: http://www.shop.afm-records.de <br>Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1GiQDjJ <br> <br>Follow Brothers Of Metal! <br>https://www.instagram.com/brothersofmetalofficial/ <br>https://www.facebook.com/brothersofmetalofficial/
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To Support The Channel: <br>(1). https://cash.app/$blackram313 <br>(2). Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/blackram313 <br>*MY STORE: https://blackram313-merch-2.cr....eator-spring.com/lis <br>*Email: [email protected]
Please share this video, this research must STOP. Gain of function research in the USA today using enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research <br> <br>Professor Shmuel Shapira, lead scientist, Israeli Government <br> <br>https://www.dailymail.co.uk/he....alth/article-1132367 <br> <br>This should be totally forbidden, it's playing with fire <br> <br>Dr Richard Ebright, Rutgers University, New Brunswick <br> <br>The research is a clear example of gain of function research. <br> <br>If we are to avoid a next lab-generated pandemic, <br> <br>it is imperative that oversight of enhanced potential pandemic pathogen research be strengthened. <br> <br>it is imperative that officials at US-government agencies, <br> <br>who repeatedly have placed the public at risk by repeatedly violating the existing policies be held accountable <br> <br>Prof David Livermore, microbiology, University of East Anglia <br> <br>given the strong likelihood that the Covid pandemic originated from the escape of a lab-manipulated coronavirus in Wuhan, <br> <br>these experiments seem profoundly unwise <br> <br>Boston University's National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories is one of 13 biosafety level 4 labs in the US <br> <br>Role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behavior of SARS-CoV-2 BA.1 Omicron <br> <br>14th October 2022 <br> <br>Boston University School of Medicine <br> <br>https://www.biorxiv.org/conten....t/10.1101/2022.10.13 <br> <br>Predominant SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (BA.1) is highly transmissible, <br> <br>even in fully vaccinated individuals, <br> <br>and causes attenuated disease compared with other major viral variants recognized to date <br> <br>The Omicron spike (S) protein, unusually large number of mutations, <br> <br>is considered the major driver of these phenotypes <br> <br>We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 <br> <br>A chimera or chimeric virus <br> <br>One virus containing genetic material derived from two or more distinct viruses <br> <br>US Center for Veterinary Biologics <br> <br>https://www.aphis.usda.gov/ani....mal_health/vet_biolo <br> <br>A new hybrid microorganism, <br> <br>created by joining nucleic acid fragments from two or more different microorganisms, <br> <br>in which each of at least two of the fragments, <br> <br>contain essential genes necessary for replication <br> <br>We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 <br> <br>Encoding the S gene of Omicron in the backbone of an ancestral SARS-CoV-2 isolate, <br> <br>and compared this virus with the naturally circulating Omicron variant. <br> <br>The Omicron S-bearing virus robustly escapes vaccine-induced humoral immunity, <br> <br>mainly due to mutations in the receptor-binding motif, <br> <br>yet unlike naturally occurring Omicron, <br> <br>efficiently replicates in cell lines and primary-like distal lung cells. <br> <br>In K18-hACE2 mice <br> <br>https://www.jax.org/strain/034860 <br> <br>K18-hACE2 transgenic mice express human ACE2, <br> <br>including airway epithelia where infections typically begin. <br> <br>Because K18-hACE2 are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV viruses, they are useful for studying antiviral therapies to COVID-19 and SARS. <br> <br>In K18-hACE2 mice <br> <br>Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, <br> <br>the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80%. <br> <br>This indicates that while the vaccine escape of Omicron is defined by mutations in S, <br> <br>major determinants of viral pathogenicity reside outside of S. <br> <br>Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, 1818 <br> <br>Frightful must it be; for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavour to mock the stupendous mechanism of the Creator of the world (1831 edition)
by VideoGuru:https://videoguru.page.link/Best <br>a roast