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Gonzalo Lira is alive and well! - 2022_04_22
Gonzalo Lira is alive and well! - 2022_04_22 Adam_Reith 45 Views • 3 years ago

Gonzalo Lira went missing in Kharkov (Ukraine) a week ago, and was feared dead. It comes out he had indeed been arrested by the SBU, but re-emerged on the morning of friday 22th during a live with ⁣Alex Christoforou. He is ⁣under house arrest ⁣in Kharkov and lost access to his social media accounts, but he's safe and sound! ⁣#WhereisGonzaloLira

Coach Red Pill update from Kiev 2 ~ 2022.02.26
Coach Red Pill update from Kiev 2 ~ 2022.02.26 Adam_Reith 190 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Coach Red Pill is stuck in a hotel in Kiev during the russian invasion.

"What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine, and Why Zelensky Is Evil."

Coach Red Pill update from Kiev 1 ~ 2022.02.26
Coach Red Pill update from Kiev 1 ~ 2022.02.26 Adam_Reith 281 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Coach Red Pill is stuck in a hotel in Kiev during the russian invasion

No Blade of Grass (1970) - full movie
No Blade of Grass (1970) - full movie Adam_Reith 29 Views • 3 years ago

⁣~ SORRY NO AUDIO ⁣~ see comments and follow the other link

⁣No Blade of Grass is a 1970 British-American apocalyptic science fiction film co-written, directed and produced by Cornel Wilde and starring Nigel Davenport, Jean Wallace, and John Hamill. It is an adaptation of John Christopher's novel The Death of Grass (1956) and follows the survivors of a plague that has hit London in the not too distant future. When London is overwhelmed by food riots caused by a global famine, a man tries to lead his family to safety in Westmorland.

Directed by Cornel Wilde
Written by Sean Forestal, Cornel Wilde
Produced by Cornel Wilde
Starring Nigel Davenport, Jean Wallace, Lynne Frederick, Anthony May
Distributed by MGM
Release date October 23, 1970

20 times increase of cancer in vaccinated patients!
20 times increase of cancer in vaccinated patients! Adam_Reith 1,065 Views • 3 years ago

⁣On March 18, Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist and owner and operator of the largest independent testing laboratory in Idaho, reported to the public in a video produced by Idaho state government’s “Capitol Clarity” project, that he is seeing a massive "uptick" in various autoimmune diseases and cancers in patients who have been vaccinated.
“Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20 times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis,” reported Dr. Cole in the video clip shared on Twitter.

Interview with Richard Gage (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth)
Interview with Richard Gage (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth) Adam_Reith 22 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Originally aired on C-SPAN on August 1st 2014

9/11 - TAKE THE QUIZ! Adam_Reith 12 Views • 3 years ago

⁣How much do you really know about the most important terrorist attacks in human history?

Italian researcher Massimo Mazzucco (, has a quiz for you.

Hydroxychloroquine is the smartest drug in history! (Dr. Richard Urso)
Hydroxychloroquine is the smartest drug in history! (Dr. Richard Urso) Adam_Reith 34 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Hydroxychloroquine is the smartest drug in history

Source: America’s Frontline Doctors

Speaker: Dr. Richard Urso

May 21, 2021

Dr Richard Urso uncovers a tiny but enormously significant detail in a chloroquine study – listen carefully…

"So we corresponded with the author, and I said, I am so happy for your study. You just showed one of the most amazing things that I’ve ever seen. I never thought I would see something so clear. You just proved that when viruses are around when chloroquine is around, chloroquine will let the virus attack a cancer cell. Think about that. So it will protect a normal cell.

"But chloroquine will not protect a cancer cell because they differentiate. The receptors are different. I mean, think about that. I mean, think about that. So I tore them back. I said, thank you. You completely misinterpreted the data, and you hid the fact, they hid it. They put it all the way down. As you know, you have to look for the data set.

"So I found it in the appendix in little letters. Kalu three lung cells. This is the disinformation campaign that we are faced with. They put out a big thing and they said, "Oh, it doesn’t work." They put it on Medical Express. "That’s it for chloroquine. It’s unlikely to work against SARS CoV two. We just proved it."

"No, you proved chloroquine is one of the smartest drugs in history. It will let viruses attack cancer cells, but not normal cells."

Klaus Schwab on genetic editing
Klaus Schwab on genetic editing Adam_Reith 161 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Klaus Schwab (founder of the World Economic Forum):
“The difference of this 4th industrial revolution is it doesn’t change what you are doing, it changes YOU, if you take genetic editing.”

100% success rate of Ivermectin treatment for Covid patiens
100% success rate of Ivermectin treatment for Covid patiens Adam_Reith 168 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao on Japanese TV saying he's used Ivermectin as early treatment for over 500 covid patients with practically 100% success rate.
Asks for nationwide use.

Dr. Nagao is director of the Nagao Clinic and a university professor.

The only issue with drugs like Ivermectin and HCQ? They are cheap and work really well!

“It made me laugh”. Well, you are not wrong!! :D
“It made me laugh”. Well, you are not wrong!! :D Adam_Reith 99 Views • 4 years ago

I wish I could laugh too... but my ancestors were not as based and redpilled, and they fucked it all up... for all the generations to come ?

Austalian news: like watching an Orwellian dystopian movie
Austalian news: like watching an Orwellian dystopian movie Adam_Reith 36 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Australia is looking more and more Orwellian by the day...
Teenagers arrested for being outside,
Tradesman harassed at work and being sent home,
The thought police watching and herding them like cattle from the skies above.

The state controlled propaganda machine continues to wash brains of the masses and the program is always the same: You must stay home!
Unless of course, you’re getting vaxxed.
You must not “break the rules”: Freedom is selfish!

Is this just the beginning of what is coming?

An inescapable dystopian nightmare.

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America (1984)
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America (1984) Adam_Reith 33 Views • 4 years ago

⁣1984 interview with former KGB informant Yuri Bezmenov (1939-1993)

How the West was ruined by useful idiots: The Four Steps for American Subversion

Sadly, you can trust this Soviet spy more than our own Americans politicians!

How to Irritate People (1968)
How to Irritate People (1968) Adam_Reith 25 Views • 4 years ago

⁣How to Irritate People is a US television broadcast filmed in the UK at LWT on 14 November 1968 and written by John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Marty Feldman and Tim Brooke-Taylor. Cleese, Chapman, and Brooke-Taylor also feature in it, along with future Monty Python collaborators Michael Palin and Connie Booth.

Australia: “Cross over! They cannot arrest all of us!”
Australia: “Cross over! They cannot arrest all of us!” Adam_Reith 76 Views • 4 years ago

⁣A man has ridden his horse through today’s protest at the Queensland - New South Wales border, encouraging crowds to cross through checkpoints. “Cross over! They cannot arrest all of us!”

Bill De Blasio illustrating how he views us as nothing more than cattle
Bill De Blasio illustrating how he views us as nothing more than cattle Adam_Reith 26 Views • 4 years ago

⁣“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.

The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult.

To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

- C.S. Lewis

Liberal tyranny is akin to living in hell. Leave the big cities ASAP.
Bill De Blasio here illustrating how he views us as nothing more than cattle.

Law Professor REFUSES to MASK UP or get the JAB... because he hasn't lost his mind!
Law Professor REFUSES to MASK UP or get the JAB... because he hasn't lost his mind! Adam_Reith 90 Views • 4 years ago

Class began August 18, 2021. Approximately forty students gathered in their masks upon order of the governor and the university. During the lecture, many students unmasked and breathed the air, but many others were paralyzed with fear. Others, like good little gestapo, fled the class as quickly as they could to report ⁣Professor David K. Clements to his superiors.
This all ends when we say no.
Official telegram channel for Professor David K. Clements

Unreal scenes in France as people are not allowed into supermarkets without "covid passports"
Unreal scenes in France as people are not allowed into supermarkets without "covid passports" Adam_Reith 12 Views • 4 years ago

Do you want to eat? Sucks to be you!

Are You Getting the Vaccine?
Are You Getting the Vaccine? Adam_Reith 46 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This video packs a punch! Informative, concise, and entertaining when it comes to the experimental injection. Please watch and share.

**We found this video online but with no credits as to the creator/producer. If you know who is responsible for this little gem, please share that info with us so we can credit AND thank them!!

Bitches torturing children
Bitches torturing children Adam_Reith 60 Views • 4 years ago

Glad I don't have children... I would be in jail by now!

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