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Serbs Hack The Chicago Police Ratio During Riots!
Serbs Hack The Chicago Police Ratio During Riots! Aeroshogun 106 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This was too hilarious, so I couldn't resist!

Send in the Serbs
Send in the Serbs Aeroshogun 48 Views • 4 years ago

Just felt like meme-ing. I'll be uploading a serious video after this.

Boozing and Losing (Part 6) - Children and YOUR Will to Live (V3)
Boozing and Losing (Part 6) - Children and YOUR Will to Live (V3) Aeroshogun 111 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣One of my subs is currently having a crisis and is attempting to drink it all away with booze. Friends don't let friends drink themselves into a drunken stupor, especially if it's killing them.
Also, this is yet another example as to why it is VERY IMPORTANT to have your own meaning and purpose for living. If you ask me, having a daughter is enough of a reason to live, especially if that little girl is counting on you!

Seattle: Socialists want to "Eat The Rich!"
Seattle: Socialists want to "Eat The Rich!" Aeroshogun 105 Views • 5 years ago

The Seattle Socialist party (which has been in power since late 2013; arguably triggering the major decline in Seattle as a city) is planning to attack Amazon with yet ANOTHER headtax! Not just Amazon, but Starbucks and other big companies headquartered in the major city. Why are they doing this? They claim it's to help the homeless, but if there's ANYTHING we've learned in Commiefornia (in conjunction with the new building/construction taxes they are proposing), they won't be building jack in the long run. My hunch.



Shogun 2020: Endorse the Horse!
Shogun 2020: Endorse the Horse! Aeroshogun 46 Views • 5 years ago

Why? Because you can either own it, or you can keep getting owned.


Cultural Appropriation: White [Straw]-Man Got Me Down
Cultural Appropriation: White [Straw]-Man Got Me Down Aeroshogun 96 Views • 5 years ago

My perspective on this whole "culture theft/appropriation" thing. Show me where rap music, dreadlocks, slang, language, clothing, etc. are copyrighted/patented by [insert race here]. Every race 'steals' from other races and builds upon it to their benefit, especially when it's objectively better than their own methods/culture at the given time period.

What's done is done. Nothing you can do to change it. But instead of bitching about how the white man stole X from you, how about you actually use the freely available knowledge to better yourself and/or rise above your competition? Everything the white man stole is YOURS FOR THE TAKING! When someone steals your invention, invent something better! I feel no sympathy for those who can only bitch.

Commiefornia Blues
Commiefornia Blues Aeroshogun 106 Views • 5 years ago

A therapeutic rant was needed, so I ranted on this video I discovered on facebook regarding the current state of Commiefornia. This state was like a second home to me, and it pisses me off that the Democrat policies have been ruining it. The dodgy politicians have been dodging direct questions and criticisms with vague answers as the state continues to go straight to hell. What really sucks is that it's spreading to other prosperous cities/states which will eventually crash the rest of the country at this rate!

Boozing and Losing (Part 5) - Enemies of Sobriety
Boozing and Losing (Part 5) - Enemies of Sobriety Aeroshogun 62 Views • 5 years ago

My thoughts on the enemies of sobriety, and how you should choose wisely about those you associate with. Because drunken peers can land you in trouble as well. There's a bit of psychology behind peers getting you to drink with them, so be aware if you are trying to be sober.

In my experience, drunk girls can be a big risk to be around (guys too, but for different reasons). Listen and you will hear the tale of this drunk lesbian who really freaked me out. I didn't think of it at the time, but I also had an ex that would drink and drive, but she wasn't very smart. Just be wise, and don't let thirst get to you.

Tribalistic Drinking Source:

Uncle Ruckus' Halloween and Free Speech Rant
Uncle Ruckus' Halloween and Free Speech Rant Aeroshogun 190 Views • 5 years ago

Uncle Ruckus rants about how much he hates Halloween and his inability to express his hatred for the holiday on national TV. Ruckus refuses to be silenced.

A serious complaint wrapped in some edgy humour (and for those that don't know, yes that's me doing most of the voice acting).

[Re-Upload] China Criminalizes "Extreme Feminism"
[Re-Upload] China Criminalizes "Extreme Feminism" Aeroshogun 572 Views • 5 years ago

Giving this website a test run, and uploading one of my more popular videos as a test.

China has now added "extreme feminism" to their list of things to censor and/or detain. But is it about being 'red pilled' or more about 'control and prevent opposition' as China has done for the longest already? You decide...



Want to be on the TFM show? Email me at [email protected] with a detailed description of what you want to talk about, and we'll go from there.

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