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A Chat With Casual Bachalor
A Chat With Casual Bachalor MGTOW CHATS 89 Views • 4 years ago

Casual Bachalor join MGTOW Chats to discuss Thotism and his channel.

The TFM Show: 12/26/2020
The TFM Show: 12/26/2020 T.F. Monkey 1,256 Views • 4 years ago

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⁣When a woman chooses to BETRAY a man may choose to SLAY!


Where Are All The Good Women Hiding? - MGTOW
Where Are All The Good Women Hiding? - MGTOW Sandman 421 Views • 4 years ago

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David Konkol - Axiom Tales of a Grim Future Vol 1

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Yair and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Most of you are searching for a pretty faced woman with a good looking body that you can just make love with but if you want a real good woman and have a real good relationship. I found that this is not related to someone's look but to their moral standards. If you act morally and a woman can recognize and favor it you might not end in bed just for quick joy but you will meet a person which is much different than the disappointing experience you had until now and you might gain love that is much more genuine. Morality is very important in a good relationship and many of us have forgotten that. It is like going to hell to find a date because hell seems more attractive to you instead of going to heaven to search for it. Heaven is a really unique, surprising and a special place but hell uses all it's lies and deceives to mislead you and it shouts the loudest! All of you were searching for your fortunes in hell right now." Well Yair the pirate, hopefully I pronounced that correctly? Thanks for the donation and topic. For some reason I get the feeling that you don't have all that much relationship experience. If you walk up to today's modern woman and act all morally good it's like an invitation and walk all over you. You stereotype men by saying that all we are looking for is a pretty face and body and all we want is quick sex. I would never end up in bed quick when I was dating. That's never been what I've been about and what most guys I've known have been about. This idea that men are horny monsters look for a moist cooch to crawl up into is a myth. Normally I go at least a month or two before having sex in a relationship. Yet this still doesn't stop women from being the female chameleon and hiding their true nature through this time. They act all moral in the beginning if you're moral because they are mirroring your behavior so that you fall in love with yourself. I won't have sex until the woman is asking for it because at least then I know that I have the power in the relationship and I prove to her that she's the needy one in the bedroom and I have higher sexual marketplace value. Because you can control her through her thirsty cooch. Then she's going to feel insecure that sex is never enough to control you so she's going to work harder in other parts of the relationship. Even if you're into her and can't live without her withhold sex and withhold your white gold from her folds to make her lose her mind and think there's something wrong with her so she focuses on improving herself instead of nagging you. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor David Konkel:

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The MGTOW Documentary
The MGTOW Documentary Sandman 443 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron. He didn't send me a specific topic so I'm going to cover the recent MGTOW documentary by the YouTuber known as Spetsnaz. I'm glad he put me in there. I'm sure that Stardusko probably told him not to put me in but he decided to put my Intro to MGTOW video in. His work kind of reminds me of what happened back when the Red Pill Documentary was put together a few years back. It featured mostly the MRAs at that time and at the very end there was a small section on MGTOW. I think that a lot has changed in the seven years since Spetsnaz first started producing content. I remember hearing huMAN and him discussing how they couldn't understand that young guys in their late teens and early twenties were completely nihilistic about relationships and dating. That they weren't interested in going through the experiences of older millenials and younger generation X types. That we saw our relationship experiences as a sort of badge of honor. But the main MGTOW voices out there with regards to content producers are now mostly over 40. MRA voices are in their late forties, fifties and sixties. Both groups have become out of touch with reality when it comes to the dating dynamics out there so I'm really glad that Spetsnaz decided to include footage from the Black Pill documentary which is one of the main incel contributions to the manosphere. Those in the Incel community are trying to maximize their looks, personality and financial status to get a relationship. The Puas are trying maximize their appeal to women so they can get laid and the MRAs are trying to make the laws more balanced so they can get married. I would call them the three whoresman of the femmepocalypse. All three groups appear to be all about female validation. This is something I wish Spetsnaz had spoken about. Men going their own way aren't looking for the validation of women as the cornerstone of their philosophy. I'll get to more of my thoughts about the MGTOW documentary in a moment but before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the show. When I first went my own way back in 2013 the dating markets were different because most people weren't using Tinder back then. But what bothers me about the manosphere in general is that men went from seeking equal rights for men so men could get safely married again. To men going their own way so we could live our lives for ourselves and now with the rise of incel thanks to the dating market we are seeing men in that part of the manosphere changing their faces and looks with cosmetic surgery and other trickery just to get a girlfriend. Men are seeking out validation again. Call me crazy but it's almost as if women figured out that men were going their own way from relationships and marriage so what better way to put a stop to that then to deny men marriage and relationships in the first place. That way men wouldn't go from having enough of female nature where we were sick of it to the point
where we didn't get enough at all so were constantly thirsty. Of course that's not what happened.

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In 2020 Chad is Not Enough - MGTOW
In 2020 Chad is Not Enough - MGTOW Sandman 505 Views • 4 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert. He didn't give me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover another post from the MGTOW reddit. I'll get to my thoughts about Will Smith as advertised by the thumbnail on this video a bit later. But first let me discuss the post called: "In 2020 chad is not even enough... MGTOW is for all kinds of guys" and the person starting that thread his name is Alone Independence 95 and here's what he has to say: "Please note that this is not meant as a brag post. I'm 6 foot 9, bulked up to an NBA player physique and I am blonde with blue eyes. I often get stares on the street, and it's not only for my height as guys don't stare as much as girls. However my problem is I am a Christian and want to be a nice person and find a good wife. I had so many women that just wanted my looks when I was younger, that just wanted my body and nothing came of it. I'm not even a simp, just a normal guy who doesn't want to resort to PUA games and dark triad personality traits. When I was young and naive and gave all my love, I got destroyed. I got left by girlfriends the moment I was injured/sick, or was struggling financially. Or they just got bored as I was not a drug addicted party animal. So the first problem is they have ridiculous standards (5"3 ugly jobless girls think they are above my level as 6"9' guy with a good education, job, family). But EVEN if you physically meet those standards, these modern women are so brainwashed and broken that they will find some reason to destroy the relationship. Especially if you are a "good" man you are boring, no matter your looks. The second problem is that girls are becoming increasingly undateable. Their personalities are so bad, they have no interests or hobbies, nor morals. Even the women in church are banging around with losers. Some days I truly give up hope on humanity and believe we are in the end days. All they think about is dick or resources. They don't even know what clown world is if you show them memes, because they are the main circus act. So to all those people that think MGTOW is only for ugly fat losers, go F yourself. MGTOW is the only rational place left for actual good men. No I am not gonna learn PUA tactics to get worldly women to stick around for a few more bangs. No I am not going to be a beta bucks. If you are so blind you don't see the point MGTOW men are making you are beyond saving." unquote. So with that out of the way thanks again Robert for the donation and thank you 6 foot nine Chad for confirming what we all know which is that women have become increasingly undatable with out of this world standards when it comes to not only looks but personality, financial success and just about everything else. I'll get to my thoughts about this in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show where thots don't know they are the main event. First of all of course women know the points MGTOW men are making. They know they are valid and that's why they want to stop us. We are reducing their value in the sexual marketplace. The very idea that Chad is not enough in 2020 should be obviously clear with what happened to Will Smith where his wife Jada Pinkett damaged the relationship while taking a break from him a few years ago by technically cheating and calling it something else. Just as you said Chad women are getting bored and in his case it happend after decades of marriage. You also make a great point that any and all incels out there need to understand and that's if you do become attractive enough crack open a cooch it won't be for long once she realises your well developed body and face don't match with your socially underdeveloped mind. The sexual marketplace is being skewed more and more by the day.

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The Only Way To Win Is Not To Play Her Game - MGTOW
The Only Way To Win Is Not To Play Her Game - MGTOW Sandman 426 Views • 4 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Email: [email protected]

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Here's another topic for you. It's mostly about women and their lack of responsibility and double standards. Lately I've come to notice the lack of responsibility that women have or are refusing to take responsibility for getting pregnant with regards to the growing rate of abortions in 1st world westernized countries. While am all for abortion if a woman has been through the R word, or can't survive child birth. I can't see myself encouraging or supporting a woman to get an abortion due to her lack of responsibilities to wrap it up. Another example of what I'm talking about are those ridiculous consent laws. They've gotten so insane that in New York every time a man thrust she has to say yes in order for it to not be the r word. Somehow their intoxications absolves them of all sin of adultery and lust. Another example is a woman cheated on her husband with another man and she was able to avoid getting screwed in the divorce by claiming that she was not able to consent and the husband was shamed for not supporting his wife being a victim. I say good luck to the man if he was in her shoes. Which is why say they have a lot of double standards. A husband to never use I was drunk To avoid a divorce from cheating, or how they're told to smile when men get told to cheer up or buck up. If women
continue to increase the number of these double standards then MGTOW Will become the new religion for all men that are smart and women Will become obsolete." Well Teaven thanks for another donation and topic. When I heard your topic I've heard this same thing so many times before. I started to feel sick to my stomach and think that all guys need to realise that the only way to win with women is not to play their games. We wouldn't have to deal with the issues of women getting abortions if we didn't have unprotected sex. I guess I'll play devil's advocate but I've always wrapped it up and so should every guy even when she insists that you don't have to. If guys want to put the abortion doctors out of business then always use a condom. If you're sick and tired of women cheating on you then don't get into relationships. You can't be shamed into supporting your wife that cheated on you but claims she was struggle snuggled. Anyways, I'm pissed off guys just aren't doing more to avoid playing women's games. I'll get to more of my thoughts in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide to retiring on 200k in southeast Asia:
Anyways, now back to the show. Teaven MGTOW will not become a religion. But it certainly will become a survival strategy. You've probably recently heard of that guy in Toronto that was never married to or living with a woman and was still on the hook for lifetime alimony which was later reduced to only ten years of alimony. You know guys are paying attention to this and realise that after 3 years you're considered married to a woman in Ontario, Canada even if you don't live with her. How many guys will play the relationship game and break up with women right at the three year mark. For all the people out there saying it's some sort of depopulation agenda just be aware that this happened to a Jewish man. Guys are looking for anyone or anything else to blame besides women themselves. Another way that guys are losing the game with women is on OnlyFans. I want to draw your attention to this post. According to it Onlyfans is now the number one career choice for young women. Looks like for women that even being a YouTuber or Instagram Influencer requires too much work. Just take some nude selfies and videos and put them behind a paywall and wait for the simp bucks to show up. If you're a simp and you want to win then don't send her any money. That means she loses and you win.

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America Is Done - MGTOW
America Is Done - MGTOW Sandman 548 Views • 4 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Marcelo and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I just sent you another donation. Just a little something to say thank you. I really enjoyed our podcast talk the other day and I hope you did too. Take care my friend. Cheers" Well Marcelo thanks for the donation and yes it was a good podcast and I'm sure everyone will enjoy it. I thought I'd take this donation to cover a reddit post called I've accepted that America is done by someone named quarantine machine and here's what he has to say: "I truly believe it started with the 19th amendment. This country had structure up until that point. The man was the breadwinner, had a loyal wife who stayed home with the kids and cooked dinner. The wife was loyal since there were serious repercussions for cheating on her husband. The world didn't quite cater to women's every whim at this time. As soon as the 19th amendment was passed, everything changed. Feminism was clearly in the forefront, and women were as power hungry as ever. From there on out, society has become more and more gynocentric. Today men are essentially forced to bow at the feet of women in order to get by, whether it's at work or at home (marriage). And don't even get me started with the #metoo movement. Nowadays if you dare ask a woman out and she doesn't like you, she can have you taken to jail with some sort of bs allegation. Same thing at work. If you're in competition with a woman for a promotion and you beat her out, she can make a false claim to HR and you'll be fired by the end of the week. You don't get to defend yourself, and she doesn't need any evidence. The fact that this is actually real is laughable. Like something out of 1984. This relates to BLM. BLM is a farce. African Americans have just as many rights as whites, and black men (6% of the population) commit over 40% of total crimes. What is this the result of? Bad parenting, single motherhood, broken families. What was that caused by? Feminism and gynocentrism. Oh and what about the people out protesting every day, where are they getting money to be able to live without working? Welfare checks, paid by your every day run of the mill, hard working American taxpayer. Quite the "American Dream" if you ask me. Maybe if these parties had consequences to their actions, things would be different. A couple of weeks ago I lived in a state where it was legal to burn down a church but illegal to hit a bucket of golf balls at your local driving range. This is the point we have reached. Now, everyone is forced to bow to BLM, AntiFa, women, LBGTQRSTUVWZYZ. All of it. I didn't hear about anyone wanting to be trans back in the 1950s, but here we are today with it being the "cool thing" to do. And if you dare disagree with them, you'll be burned at the stake with your reputation dragged through the mud. For in a country of lies, the truth is treason. By 2030, this country will be in total shambles from a degeneracy point of view, as if it is not already. Sad to see, but you reap what you sow. You enabled this America, so this is what you get." unquote. That's all stuff many of us know about and I'll discuss it in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring On 200k in Southeast Asia:

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Activist Participates In Eye-Opening Training Drills
Activist Participates In Eye-Opening Training Drills AngryVeganCyclist 17 Views • 4 years ago

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YouTube Can't Stop MGTOW
YouTube Can't Stop MGTOW Sandman 466 Views • 4 years ago

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Aaron. He didn't send me a specific topic with his donation so what I'd like to do is discuss how I've become optimistic with regards to the future of MGTOW. Part of it has to do with regards to what I'm seeing on platforms like MGTOW.TV and Bitchute. On MGTOW.TV the platform is growing and by the time I release this video there should be two or three channels that have over two thousand subscribers. I know that's nothing compared to the well over one hundred thousand I have on my YouTube channel and over sixteen thousand on Bitchute. But remember this growth has happened in the last three to four months on a platform where our content is visible and easy to access. Bitchute is great but unless your videos are trending all of the time it's hard to gain new subscribers. I get around five hundred a month on Bitchute. But on MGTOW.TV I'm getting about three to four hundred a month on On YouTube I only get around 250 subscribers a month. But it's not the subscriber growth that gives me hope on both bitchute and more specifically It's that recently MGTOW.TV received a denial of service attack. Someone is taking notice of the platform and is testing it's weaknesses and wants it gone. I'll discuss why MGTOW is about to become an unstoppable juggernaut in just a moment but let first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. So in the last year and a half YouTube has been busy censoring MGTOW content. In the last year I've seen about a sixty percent drop in traffic. I've seen myself gaining around four to five thousand new subscribers a month and watching it fall to only 250. Many YouTube content creators are seeing their subscriber number shrink and no new ones show up meaning that YouTube has stopped recommending their videos to new viewers. With regards to YouTube's search engine they have rejigged the search engine algorithm so that a video by the Washington Post shows up at the top of the search results complaining about METOO. Below that video are searches for anti-MGTOW content like the Bulldog Mindset, Ted Talks about empowering women and Jordan Peterson calling us pathetic weasels. If you scroll down ten, twenty or thirty search results you might catch a glimpse of my newest video. Many people say that if you want to see the latest MGTOW videos you have to search by the release date and then they come up. So YouTube has done all it can short of just deleting our channels outright. They still might but demonitizing us, throttling us down and scrubbing us from the search results and recommendations has been an effective quarantine. Or has it? You see humble listener they have just driven channels underground or to other platforms creating their own competition. Susan Wojckicki says she doesn't care that she's going to lose viewers by promoting the mainstrea media and that she's going to continue doing it. But there are a few MGTOW channels that don't use the label that have slipped through the cracks and are giving women heart attacks. For example Coach Greg Adams, the Joker over at Better Bachelor as well as Think Before You Sleep.

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American Church Girls - MGTOW
American Church Girls - MGTOW Sandman 420 Views • 4 years ago

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My Red Pill Dosage Story

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Daniel. He didn't send me a specfic topic so I thought I'd share a post I found on reddit called "My Red Pill Dosage Story" by someone named Jsin345. Here's what he has to say and I quote: As I am reading through this subreddit I ask myself why am I going my own way. Then in my mind, I start replaying events in my life that lead me here and I thought I share one with you guys. Again this is before I knew about the red pill so you have the right to judge me but it won’t help. I grew up in the church. The doctrine that if you do good for others then good things will be done unto you was planted in my mind. Sometimes this is true. However I am aware of the fact that I did things for females in the attempt to win their affections. Moreover, acts of kindness are one of my love languages. My parents sheltered me from most of the world so I was oblivious to female nature and I really thought that all women don’t act the same and that I just need to find a good woman to settle down with. Fast forward to when I was in my mid 20’s. I was going to a church and I was really cool with this one female, let’s call her Mary. Mary was confident, impressionable, down to earth and great woman to be around. We could talk about anything and we enjoyed each other’s company. I didn’t look at her in a sexual way. I treated her like she was my sister and I had her back as if she was indeed my kin. Now her friend, Sara was a different story. I fell and I fell hard for Sara. Sara had soft eyes and a soft personality to go with it. She was a caring, nurturing woman and she was beautiful to top it off. I thought I found my wife, in the church of all places. But It was hard for me to talk to Sara alone. When Mary, Sara and I are together I would talk with Mary and Sara would ignore me. And I didn’t take the initiative to talk to Sara alone in the fear of losing a friend in Mary. This goes on for months until Mary tells me that she is moving. Now I’m happy for her because this is what she wants to do but I hate to see her leave for all the reasons said and thought of. I told her if she needed anything to reach out. She asked if I could help her move. I said sure. Acts of kindness is my love language after all plus I assumed Sara would be there and this could help my chances with her. So I’m plotting this out like a movie. I call up my guy Dave to help out. That way in case it’s the four of us, he can spark up a convo with Mary and leave me and Sara together. Keep in mind that not only am I blue pill but Dave is blue pill too so he like imma help you get yo woman bro. Move is on a Sunday. I see Mary at church and she asked me to come by in the afternoon.

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Police woman wearing security bulletproof vest uniform holding woman power protest cardboard with angry face

Funny Housewife overlooked roast chicken in the oven, so she had scorched, view from the inside of the oven. Housewife perplexed and angry. Loser is destiny!

Why Are You Still Hiring Women In 2020?
Why Are You Still Hiring Women In 2020? Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 381 Views • 4 years ago


Tim Pool: Antifa INDICTED And Now Faces LIFE In Prison, Far Leftists Are Building MORE  Autonomous Z
Tim Pool: Antifa INDICTED And Now Faces LIFE In Prison, Far Leftists Are Building MORE Autonomous Z AngryVeganCyclist 51 Views • 4 years ago

Produced by Tim Pool. I do not own nor profit.

Whatever This is Episode 22: SJW, Antifa, Feminist Compilation
Whatever This is Episode 22: SJW, Antifa, Feminist Compilation Lil_Mgtow 55 Views • 4 years ago

Full Episode:

Rich Leftist Dude CHEERS For Rioting, Then It Comes To his House And He FREAKS OUT
Rich Leftist Dude CHEERS For Rioting, Then It Comes To his House And He FREAKS OUT AngryVeganCyclist 72 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Produced by Tim Pool. I do not own nor profit.

2 Simps Beat Up Man In Fight Because Woman Was Pushed
2 Simps Beat Up Man In Fight Because Woman Was Pushed TheRareBreedTheory 207 Views • 4 years ago

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RIDER RESCUES KITTEN FROM ROAD... (MONS, BELGIUM) Doggk 125 Views • 4 years ago

Translation by Doggk ?

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Go your own way guys...

Enough with the ANTI WHITE NARRATIVE AngryVeganCyclist 33 Views • 4 years ago

Produced by The Officer Tatum. i do not own nor profit.

How To Forge A Post Apocalyptic Survival Axe
How To Forge A Post Apocalyptic Survival Axe Cuddle Baboon 18 Views • 4 years ago

⁣How To Forge A Post Apocalyptic Survival Axe

In this video I´m forging a crude and simple axe from a random piece of steel. I personally prefer the viking style axes because of their versatility.
Just another simple way to build vital stuff in and after the apocalypse.

Post Apocalyptic Survival Rifle Part 3 - Finishing
Post Apocalyptic Survival Rifle Part 3 - Finishing Cuddle Baboon 23 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Post Apocalyptic Survival Rifle Part 3 - Finishing
In this video I´ll give the final touches to the rifle

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