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OnlyFans Is Over - MGTOW
OnlyFans Is Over - MGTOW Sandman 400 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

OnlyFans reportedly seeks $1 billion valuation as it aims to pivot from porn

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have another topic for you. Over the past few months I've noticed A lot of average looking women as Cam girls or ethots on Twitter advertising their bodies cheaply. What's really strange about it is usually women that are 7 and up on the rating scale That would sign up for this. But now you see mostly women who are 6 and below Signing up for this. Is The M.G.T.O.W movement so successful that women are desperate to be with a man by any means necessary or is this feminism telling women more lies about their body?" Well Teaven thanks for the donation as the jab goes around and almost everyone I know getting it and starting to live their lives my coaching call business is kaput because people are going out and talking to their friends in real life instead of paying to talk to me over Skype. They are also going out in real life and
meeting real women and starting to spend their money in bars and restaurants on broads with boobs. During the coof Onlyfans saw the number of creators on the platform go up ten times. So it's not your imagination that cam girls and ethots are struggling. This was predictable. I knew that after the coof many of the online sex workers wouldn't have a viable business anymore. Many of them didn't have a business and were only making a few hundred dollars a month from it. The ones that were lucky already had a presence before the pestilence and profited off their thotery as if they won the lottery. So now coof futures are falling on the open market. So sell mortimer sell. I'll discuss this as well as how Onlyfans is about to stop being a Porn site in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the women waving their boobs around like steak online and men ignoring them and therefore those women have to starve clown world show. According to an article I put in the description called "OnlyFans reportedly seeks $1 billion valuation as it aims to pivot from porn" they want to clean up their act the way that tumblr did and is looking to dump their reputation as a porn platform as it's looking to raise a billion dollars. They want mainstream backers and want mainstream celebrities and athletes to cum on board the platforms. But of course their fans won't see them cum anymore. This reminds me of the days when Ebay tried to kill off small sellers that made their platform. In the beginning that place was an online garage sale. I still buy vintage toys off there even though the fees are high. But I now have Facebook groups that I use where I buy many things instead of paying fifteen percent fees to Ebay. The problem for OnlyFans is that as they grow massive they need outside money for new servers and proper staff. To grow they need to get out of the smut business. The sex business is a double edged sword. You can make a lot of money but you won't get any respect. But it's also the perfect place to release revolutionary technology like virtual sex robots because no one takes it seriously.

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Hyperinflation Solves Feminism - MGTOW
Hyperinflation Solves Feminism - MGTOW Sandman 311 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Michael. It's the second of three donations from his more than generous donation. With it I want to discuss how if hyperinflation comes in the medium term to western soycieties how it's going to effect women and will solve bad female behavior but only temporarily providing a bandaid to bad feminist behaviors. A lot of guys get lost in the idea that traditional women that focus on their appearance and raising a family are different than feminist women that go home and cuddle with a barrel full of cats. There's a fantasy that traditional women will respect men and behave like women did in the 1950s which most of us listening to this never lived through if the economy crumbles. That all of a sudden as food prices rise up to the ceiling ham sized women will slim down and start sucking men's slim jim's for some jam. Have you ever seen a four hundred pound woman deprived of food before? I have and it's scary. It was a cottage where a couple gay super skinny males bought only enough food for everyone assuming that everyone would eat human sized portions. They didn't predict that a couple of sumo sized heavy hitters would get hangry as a result. In case you're wondering what hangry means. It's a combination of hunger and anger. You're probably asking yourself what was I doing observing this strange situation? Well, when you have a girlfriend and you're forced to hang out with her friends if you want sex then this might be the sort of thing you're exposed to too. One of the Obese Betties had a thing for one of the gay men and wanted him and was convinced she could convert him to the cunt side. The other fatty already had a rail thin boyfriend and if you want to scare yourself imagine the two of them having sex. It would look like a starving man wrapping himself up in a blanket made of fat flesh. One of those two women was getting diet shots paid for by her parents from Dr. Bernstein here in Canada that started to make the hair on top of her head thin out. The other had a waterbed that probably camouflaged the size of her body when men would have sex with her. Guys probably didn't know where her body began and where her water bed ended. It also didn't help that she only wanted to have sex while the lights were out. I'm sure some guys didn't know if they were banging her or the bed. I'll discuss more disgusting stuff in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to the women shaped like waterbeds land whale show. So how does everything I said earlier tie into hyperinflation. When a currency collapses food usually becomes very very expensive. In the west sixty to seventy percent of adults are overweight or obese. They won't starve but they won't be able to support their super size anymore. A lot of women that are voluntarily single right now and obese will see their purchasing power collapse in such a
catastrophe and they will slowly start losing weight which is actually healthy for them. But they won't see it that way as they will be getting hunger pains as a result. At first I predict that feminist attitudes will go from bad to worse as they slowly start getting skinny. But after a while and after they lose twenty, thirty, forty percent of their body weight something strange will start to happen. Many of them will notice that men with higher sexual marketplace value will start showing interest. This will boost their confidence and many such women won't be as angry at men anymore.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Retire Fast Without Females - MGTOW
Retire Fast Without Females - MGTOW Sandman 236 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Luca Vendetti the Author of a the MGTOWs guide to retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia. He wants me to spend this video discussing different retirement strategies that include his with regards to becoming an ex pat and moving to Southeast Asia and relying on the cheaper cost of living and higher interest rates from the governments in Asia to make your capital generate a higher rate of return. Before I discuss the Ex Pat strategy of moving somewhere cheaper to live as other strategies like the early retirement strategies I'm following including a dividend growth strategy as well as how to speculate more successfully let me first tell everyone about Luca's book I just mentioned The MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back with the show. The first retirement strategy I want to discuss is the Dividend Growth one. This involves dollar cost averaging into blue chip dividend stocks in places like Canada and the US. Stocks like AT&T, Johnson & Johnson or Pepsi. Companies that pay somewhere between three to six percent a year yield and increase their dividends on a consistant basis. If for example I took a million bucks and invested it in Dividend paying stocks that yield on average of five percent that would give me fifty thousand dollars a year and it would be the equivalent of around sixty-five to seventy thousand dollars a year in before tax income because the dividends are taxed at your marginal tax rate. If you don't have any other forms of income then you virtually pay no tax and have a middle class lifestyle. Of course the issue is about getting to one million dollars or in the case of Luca's strategy getting to two hundred thousand dollars. If you're not in a relationship or have a family you can start saving in your late teens and early twenties in a hurry. If you live with room mates and take public transit or live within walking's distance to your job the savings start to pile up. If you start this strategy in your early twenties then you will have a million bucks in dividend paying stocks by the the time you reach your mid to late forties. But of course the problem is inflation. While you can certainly live off of fifty thousand a year today as a single man. It's going to be difficult if not impossible to do so in another twenty to twenty-five years. The problem is that many financial advisers show you such a huge sum of savings but they don't really discuss inflation because they are after all trying to sell you financial investments and it's in their interest that you don't know the full facts. Besides by the time you learn it's not enough to retire 25 years will have past and you won't be able to find that adviser because he'll be dead or retired himself. So while a dividend strategy is great it has to be incorporated with other strategies. Plus the only thing that can de-rail a portfolio like that is something like the Novel Corona Virus. In the last couple of years I've done well with this strategy and on February 5th I sold more about sixty percent of my dividend paying stocks for a fat profit. I did that not because they were a bad investment but because based on the trajectory I see on this analytics dashboard that I captured this image.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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