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The Bachelor LIVE (S25 E6)
The Bachelor LIVE (S25 E6) Donovan Sharpe 150 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The Bachelor LIVE (S25 E6)

The Bachelor LIVE Breakdown (S25E2)
The Bachelor LIVE Breakdown (S25E2) Donovan Sharpe 267 Views • 4 years ago

bachelor breakdown

#340 Donovan Sharpe 99 Views • 4 years ago


646 Donovan Sharpe 244 Views • 4 years ago


645 full
645 full Donovan Sharpe 219 Views • 4 years ago

⁣645 full

Episode 272
Episode 272 Donovan Sharpe 167 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Episode 272

Women Rioting For Attention - MGTOW
Women Rioting For Attention - MGTOW Sandman 362 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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The Twilight Zone

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Sebastian and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, please talk about the anti racism protests as being a platform for attention seeking women to virtue signal. After the shelter in place house arrest, many people searched for an outlet. In San Francisco there was a high school student led protest for George Floyd. Ideally it was led by high school kids but in San Francisco everything is controlled by feel good Liberals. I'm sure these high school kids enjoyed seeing their classmates again. When people say the name George Floyd I think about George Soros, oops, did I say that? I appreciate your videos, call me Sebastian dela O and always Boycott Mexican Beer." Well Sebastian killer of Corona and other Mexican beers I'll get to your topic request in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor the MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. It's funny you should mention women rioting for attention Sebastian. I saw one video of a pathetic woman trying to smash a window with a piece of floppy wood. She was beating that glass more than I beat my meat. The camera person tells her that she's stupid because she's being filmed and she doesn't care even as her mask falls off and she continues her horrible attempt at vandalism. I saw another video with rioters tearing up the street and in the thick of it there are two well dressed women posing and dangling off a street pole. They were paying close attention to make sure that none of the protestors tried to bop them on their heads. They knew what they were doing looking for a narcissistic fix while hoping that the crowd didn't figure out they were being used as nothing more than a backdrop to help them get attention. That's probably why they looked somewhat worried for their safety. I saw these things on Twitter before I went on my digital detox. I've got about eighty to ninety percent of my behavior under control when it comes to watching things like this that almost give me a stroke. Corona is one thing but listening and watching America unravel into a civil war with women taking selfies is to much for the simp in me to bare. I wonder if any of these women even know that George Floyd pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's belly. Of the ones that do know do do they even care. I've had a cop point the barrel of a gun at me unjustly. I've also had a cop pull me over without just cause to ask me if the car belonged to me. I've seen a cop take a bribe at a nightclub from the owner before. I can sure bet there's tons of police brutality out there and people have a right to get angry. But in many cases women have the power to stop the mayhem. Back when Corona young people were still partying on the beach because they said they didn't have to worry about getting the coof because they still had a young cooch. But if they had stayed home instead of going to the beach to tan their bum for attention then the guys wouldn't have been their either. Attentin is women's oxygen. So when the lockdowns started happening I said many women would be going insane staying at home.

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Don't Date Young Sexy Women! DON'T! - MGTOW
Don't Date Young Sexy Women! DON'T! - MGTOW Sandman 451 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, So i'm writing to you again. I figured since it's gonna take awhile for this video to come out because of your schedule, it would't hurt to write to you now. Alright, so I know you've mentioned in some of your videos, that you think guys should get into relationships while they are young so they can gain some experiences through it. While i do think i understand why, the problem for me is that since I've discovered MGTOW this early in life and having to come to terms with the harsh truth that is female nature, which i am struggling with, i feel very discouraged from doing so, especially knowing the risks that comes with it. I've also witnessed my parents fight alot over the years, and they've been divorced serveral times, so i've seen how toxic it can get. what makes it worse is the fact that i have autism and i think i'm a very socially awkward person, unless i am with my friends that is. i don't have a lot of self confidence, and i can't feel or enjoy things to the extent others do, which is very fustrating. i think i might have what they call "anhedonia". i don't want to become an incel, though chances are i'm already falling down that rabbit hole, and with the quarantine it doesn't seem like there's alot that i can do to prevent this. What can i do in my current situation?" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now onto the topic. The reason I tell young guys to date while they are younger is because of my bias growing up. First of all a woman is not going to pressure to get married or move in with her because you live with your parents. Second if you're in your teens and early twenties women will never be more young or more attractive unless you're a creeper that checks on kindergarten classes while sporting a fedora a trench coat. But seriously besides looks at that age they don't have as little emotional baggage as they will ever have so odds are they will be more pleasant to be around. Even that fat chicks have perky boobs at that age. They look more like sideways mangos with a strawberry sticking out of them but it's still better than fat women in their thirties where their nipples point to the floor pointing at the gum stuck to the street. Also they are more honest at that age about being attracted to a guy. Because most young guys don't have much resources their attraction to you is genuine and you feel good about yourself because you're accepted for who you as a human being instead of what you'll accomplish in life later as a human doing. Up to the age of 25 they don't tend to be as materialistic and are more sexual and horny all the time. So your sex drive is high and so is there's.

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The Female Collective - MGTOW
The Female Collective - MGTOW Sandman 336 Views • 4 years ago

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What is Mimetic Theory? A Summary of Things Hidden Since The Foundation of the World by Rene Girard

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't have a specific topic for me. Instead he wanted me to give him my take on a link he sent me in the description that's called: "What is Mimetic Theory? A Summary of Things Hidden Since The Foundation of the World by Rene Girard" Mimetic Theory is basically the idea that the reason people want things is because other people want them. The 20th century French anthropologist Rene Girard postulated that the reason people want things is because other people want them. That people persue scarce things and fight or compete with each other to get them. Things like fame, money, power and someone else's mate. So how does this tie into male and female relations and more specifically the female collective. Of course many women have no shame when trying to steal their dream man away from another woman. Women chase fame and attention these days on instagram. They obviously
seek money too. Rene says that to avoid mimetic conflict you have to create ritualistic behaviors in society. Things like religion. At first the fight starts off being rational. For example a husband and wife getting divorced fighting for who gets the most money. But soon enough they forget about the money and keep fighting. Forgetting why they fought in the first place and in the end hiring all those lawyers costs them more than they ever would have paid had they
reach an agreement early on. Mimetic Theory also hold true for countries that go to war with one another for centuries and centuries and hate each other so long that they forget why it started in the first place. Think places like China and Japan, Germany and England, or pretty much the majority of countries in the world hating the guts of America. My guess is they envy what America has for example and their hatred of America in many cases is their projection of their own inadequacies. The problem with Rene's idea that religion is suppose to stop conflict is that it works so long as it's part of the own group. But the moment people outside of your group have a different ritualistic religion then the two of you are far more likely to fight each other. Rene says that the reason we enjoy games and sports is because they tap into that deep part of our human psychology. That could also explain why many women I've met have love the challenge of using their wits to put a man in his so called place using language. Anyways, before I go through more of my thoughts about mimetic theory let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman:

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Locker Room Girls - MGTOW
Locker Room Girls - MGTOW Sandman 429 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Raj and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Hope you're well during the lockdown? I've been following your channel and content for a few years now. I'm a British born Indian of Sikh faith who grew up in the 80s. But unlike many Indians born and raised in the UK and perhaps other western countries – I grew up with a strong sense of cultural and communal identity. English isn’t my first language and many of my Indian friends are from India and I keep up with the politics there. I remember some of your older videos about Indian girls/women being spoiled and entitled princesses (oh what an understatement lol) and wanted to touch on a few topics and trends I’ve seen. The comments on those videos about Indian women gave the impression that the country and society may find it difficult to swallow the Red pill in significant numbers and that MGTOW would find it difficult to grow there. Naturally, I looked on Youtube for MGTOW and Red pill content from India – there isn’t that much. But interestingly, I’ve noticed a trend on Social media there where fake feminists and left-wing values are being criticised more and more. A big problem in India’s modern culture is Bollywood – need I say more. Its one of the most degenerate blue pill administering platforms there is, not to mention a cesspool of no talent, nepotism and fake values. Many talentless B movie or nepotistic actresses like to parade themselves on social media as feminists for attention, when they can’t get any through actual talent and work. They are met with criticism and called out on their fake feminism and the response clearly oozes the Red pill. Seems like a lot of the Indian audience is fed up with undeserving celebrities talking about issues they don’t personally experience or really care about, in a typical liberal fashion. One such incident was a pathetic B movie actress by the name of Swara Bhaskar, who styles herself as a feminist and activist. She recently raised her voice on social media against leaked chats from a boys group known as “The Bois Locker Room” where there was talk of gang rape among underaged boys. Naturally other celebs took to social media to slam the incident and get their share of the action. Swara in her own word on Twitter wrote “#boyslockerroom a telling tale of how toxic masculinity starts young! Underage boys gleefully planning how to rape & gangrape minor girls. Parents & teachers must address this with those Kids.. Not enough to ‘hang rapists’ .. we must attack the mentality that creates them!” But the Twitter
community wasn’t impressed with her tweet and began trolling her. Many guys began replying to the tweet by sharing screen grabs of girls talking about girls and their private parts with the hashtags #girlslockerroom. One of the reply tweets from a guy read, "To attack the mentality, there should be ban on pornography, intoxicants and a proper education should be provided where respect is taught and women should be modest in their lifestyle." It came across as a tight slap on the face for a celebrity who makes her money through passive sexualisation and then acts like some kind of feminist pioneer lol.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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The Value Of Women - MGTOW
The Value Of Women - MGTOW Sandman 408 Views • 4 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Felix. He didn't send me a specific topic so I've decided that I want to explore the topic of female value and what happens to it when technologies like artificial wombs and some form of loverbots come out. Besides sexuality and reproduction as women age they still provide companionship, female validation and possibly child care if the man has kids through surrogacy or if he's interested in co-parenting. Right now women have a monopoly when it comes to sex and motherhood. But those are the two things that will most likely be challenged in the coming decades. Right now they are mammary monopolists. But that power could come to and end and if it does then they will have to rebrand themselves as no longer being in a man to fulfill his sexual needs and give birth to his children. But instead be there to keep him company and tell him how great he is so that he feels good about himself. The problem for women of course is that most men seek out sex primarily. Especially the younger ones. So if there's a substitute out there for sleeping with some slut then most men would take it. I'll discuss this more in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. I first thought about this while I was researching Bitcoin and various arguements encouraging me to own it. The guy I like the most is Tim Draper. He's the third in a family line of venture capitalists. He was biggest investments are things like Hotmail, Skype, Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter, Coinbase and Twitch. He called a ten thousand dollar bitcoin price when it was only a few hundred dollars. He's got lots of them and is now calling for a price of around two hundred thousand after the 2020 halving that we just saw recently. What really go me thinking was when he said that the biggest changes in history happen when someone comes along to challenge the monopolists or oligopolits with some new technology they can't control. The reason they challenge it is because those in charge of the monopoly offer bad service at a high cost. I don't know about you but that sounds like every relationship I've ever been in. On the flip side sexbots would provide good service at a low cost. Even if you had to pay a woman to project her likeness into one. Tim Draper says that crypto is one of the biggest revolutions in human history because it means that two parties can trade without a government or bank in the middle being the intermediary with their government currency and bank fees. It's the first time that money is truely free to use without you being used in the process. At least for now. Imagine if with technology there wasn't a woman there between you and the gratification of the golden vajayjay? A woman that offers bad service at a high cost.

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My Desire For Sex Is Gone After MGTOW
My Desire For Sex Is Gone After MGTOW Sandman 407 Views • 4 years ago

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Luminous YouTube Channel

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Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

Has anyone here basically lost their desire to have sex since going MGTOW?

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to discuss a Reddit post that I found recently asking the question "Has anyone here basically lost their desire to have sex since going MGTOW?" I've put that link in the description. Here's what someone who's name I can't pronounce properly, let's call him Mr. X has to say and I quote: "I don't value sex at all. I still have a sex drive and occasionally masturbate, but women are the last things on my mind. Even when I'm at women's places for dinner or they are chatting me up, I just don't care enough about their golden V (or buttocks, which is my fetish) to go for it. Usually I end up just paying attention to how little they know about what they are talking about, how little substance they are capable of, and I'm like man I don't see this person as an equal or interesting at all. I occasionally get moments where I'm attracted to a woman, but then I quickly come to my senses and realize how much of a waste of time it is to be around them. What's the deal? Is there some kind of developmental leap to make between, "wow, these people have no value to me" and "ok, I
guess I'll just sleep with them then?" I suppose it would be nice to sleep with women rather than choking my own chachki, but masturbating is so much more convenient, time-saving, cheap, and drama-free. I just see a lot of women as a waste of time. I love women who have a little substance and can actually solve problems, but they are so rare and even then I would probably only sleep with them if they were over at my place making me dinner anyway. Is anyone else like this? This is such a weird question to be asking in what should be my prime." Well Mr. X you're definitely not the only one wondering about what the hell is happening and why your big head has overpowered the little one. After going through the red pill rage stage 2.0 what happened to you pretty much what happened to me. I'll try to dig deeper into this topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Luminous Let's Play:

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Female Unemployment Rate Hits 15% & It's Funny - MGTOW
Female Unemployment Rate Hits 15% & It's Funny - MGTOW Sandman 424 Views • 4 years ago

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Reignite: Transform from Burned Out to On Fire

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Happy Humble Hermit

Coronavirus sparked an economic recession that takes more jobs from women than men

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Stuart and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, You already covered my bonsai tree topic, as I'm just reinstating my support after a little financial scare. It's not as bad as first thought, but if you can give Happy Humble Hermit a mention, as he's very underestimated and needs a channel lift too, then that would be fantastic." Well Stuart thanks for continuing to support me during covid on Patreon. In case people don't know who he is Happy Humble Hermit is a fellow MGTOW content creator and I put a link to his channel down below in the description. He still tries to put out a new MGTOW video out on his channel about once a week and still uses the MGTOW acronym on his video titles even though it probably just gets him shaddow banned. As for the topic of this video since you didn't send me me one I'd like to discuss how the female unemployment rate is going up and up and I find it hilarious. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Reignite: Anyways, now back to the viceo. So I put a link to an article in the description called: "Coronavirus sparked an economic recession that takes more jobs from women than men" from ABC News which is an Australian news site and one of their correspondent's Kathryn Diss in the United States wrote this piece saying that more than half of the thirty something million Americans that have lost their jobs are women. There appears to a be a she-cession going on out there instead of the man-cession that we saw back in 2008 and 2009. But where's the equality? Society didn't bail those out men in 2008 but now it's bailing out women. I know women that have businesses and don't even qualify for the C E R B or Cerb for short which stands Canada Emergency Response Benefit and it's giving people an additional two thousand dollars a month to people that have been financially effected by the virus. I know one guy his mother lost her job and she's getting more money from the government then when she was working up here in Canada. Between the Cerb giving her two thousand dollars and her unemployment insurance giving her another two thousand dollars tax free she's getting four K and she didn't even net that much as take home pay back when she was working. Plus she doesn't have to put wear and tear on her car to go to work and doesn't have to do anything for all that money. On the other hand the majority of small business owners, soul proprietors such as myself we can't get that money because the relief policies are offered to employers that have workers but not the employers themselves. Considering the fact that the majority of small businesses are owned by men in Canada and probably the United States as well we will continue to pay our full share of taxes while not receiving any relief.

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1. Excited man in fighting gesture with fists on fire. Rage concept. Heated fight.

2. Angry woman judging someone

Sex Is Now Illegal In The UK Between People Who Don't Live Together - MGTOW
Sex Is Now Illegal In The UK Between People Who Don't Live Together - MGTOW Sandman 280 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Sex is now illegal in the UK

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't send me a specific topic so what I wanted to do is cover an article with the same title as this video and I put a link to it in the description. But before I cover it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So according to this article and I quote: As human rights barrister Adam Wagner posted on Twitter last night: "From tomorrow sex between two (or more) people in a private place who do not live in the same household is a 'gathering' between 2 or more people and is therefore illegal." unquote. Mind you this article was released back on June 1st, 2020. So by the time I release this video things might change. As of scripting this video there are approximately a thousand new cases of the beer coof in the UK per day. So I'm sure the rule will still be in effect. Of course it hurts women the most because they are having more sex than men but does anyone really believe they will be taking such rules seriously? If there were bitches partying on Miami Beaches when all of this started will they opt out of partying between the sheets? I think not. I don't care what many of you out there say that the whole corona thing was a lie should have actually stood outside the nursing near my house and seen them haul out dozens of body bags. I almost pulled out my camera and started filming the military carrying out those bags like it was the film outbreak What were they filled with if it wasn't people? Soiled diapers or Soylant Green perhaps? Just use your imagination. As for the article from Yahoo news that I shared of course it's trying to make click bait out of nothing. I think that Corona is causing problems for journalists because they have to justify their jobs by writing about something. So that's why we are seeing articles like this one or others asking about dating during the pandemic. Of course women can't take advantage of their coochie coochie coo as easily at a time like this so they need articles to give them the scoop before they get a guy to scoop them out. Women are not going to stop being women trying to get what they want from men. The only thing that's going to change is how they go about getting it. The carousel rides will continue and because of that corona will keep spreading. I doubt that the government in the UK has the man power to go around and police individual women that are violating the rules and running off to have sex for cash and prizes. I've heard stories where people were getting tickets that were well over a thousand dollars each for having backyard barbeques with tons of
people and that was easy to enforce because it was easy to spot groups like that gathering out in the open. But if you meet a woman on Tinder and she comes over for more than just hugs and kisses then who is supposed to know that she's not related to you? Perhaps your neighbors would rat you out but I doubt that's going to happen all that much.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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American Church Girls - MGTOW
American Church Girls - MGTOW Sandman 420 Views • 4 years ago

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My Red Pill Dosage Story

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Daniel. He didn't send me a specfic topic so I thought I'd share a post I found on reddit called "My Red Pill Dosage Story" by someone named Jsin345. Here's what he has to say and I quote: As I am reading through this subreddit I ask myself why am I going my own way. Then in my mind, I start replaying events in my life that lead me here and I thought I share one with you guys. Again this is before I knew about the red pill so you have the right to judge me but it won’t help. I grew up in the church. The doctrine that if you do good for others then good things will be done unto you was planted in my mind. Sometimes this is true. However I am aware of the fact that I did things for females in the attempt to win their affections. Moreover, acts of kindness are one of my love languages. My parents sheltered me from most of the world so I was oblivious to female nature and I really thought that all women don’t act the same and that I just need to find a good woman to settle down with. Fast forward to when I was in my mid 20’s. I was going to a church and I was really cool with this one female, let’s call her Mary. Mary was confident, impressionable, down to earth and great woman to be around. We could talk about anything and we enjoyed each other’s company. I didn’t look at her in a sexual way. I treated her like she was my sister and I had her back as if she was indeed my kin. Now her friend, Sara was a different story. I fell and I fell hard for Sara. Sara had soft eyes and a soft personality to go with it. She was a caring, nurturing woman and she was beautiful to top it off. I thought I found my wife, in the church of all places. But It was hard for me to talk to Sara alone. When Mary, Sara and I are together I would talk with Mary and Sara would ignore me. And I didn’t take the initiative to talk to Sara alone in the fear of losing a friend in Mary. This goes on for months until Mary tells me that she is moving. Now I’m happy for her because this is what she wants to do but I hate to see her leave for all the reasons said and thought of. I told her if she needed anything to reach out. She asked if I could help her move. I said sure. Acts of kindness is my love language after all plus I assumed Sara would be there and this could help my chances with her. So I’m plotting this out like a movie. I call up my guy Dave to help out. That way in case it’s the four of us, he can spark up a convo with Mary and leave me and Sara together. Keep in mind that not only am I blue pill but Dave is blue pill too so he like imma help you get yo woman bro. Move is on a Sunday. I see Mary at church and she asked me to come by in the afternoon.

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Police woman wearing security bulletproof vest uniform holding woman power protest cardboard with angry face

Funny Housewife overlooked roast chicken in the oven, so she had scorched, view from the inside of the oven. Housewife perplexed and angry. Loser is destiny!


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Go your own way guys...

Finally,an app that shows d ck sizes
Finally,an app that shows d ck sizes OlDirtyBazturd 22 Views • 4 years ago

It's about time womenz had an app like this.

Republicans Want To Ban Kid Drag Shows
Republicans Want To Ban Kid Drag Shows The Realist Philosopher 26 Views • 4 years ago

⁣From my 2018 to 2019 content produced after my youtube channel “The MGTOW Philosopher” was banned. This is from my new show “The Realist Philosopher.” Posting a lot of my content from oldest to newest, so stay tuned. Other platforms I'm on, and social media links can be found below ;)

Podcasts & Videos: (My once a week live stream airing Sat 5pm Phoenix AZ time USA) (Follow me on bitchute)
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therealistphilosopher1967 (instagram) (Gab)
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Better Bachelor: A new video challenge is circulating and it shows just how overvalued women are in
Better Bachelor: A new video challenge is circulating and it shows just how overvalued women are in AngryVeganCyclist 581 Views • 4 years ago

Content is property of Better Bachelor. I do not own any of it nor profit from promoting this content.

634 Donovan Sharpe 308 Views • 4 years ago


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