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The state of modern dating....
The state of modern dating.... Hammerhand 221 Views • 3 years ago

WHat else can you say? It is utter fucking garbage and should be nuked from orbit.

The Sexual Cold War / Men are DONE with women.
The Sexual Cold War / Men are DONE with women. Hammerhand 133 Views • 3 years ago

Don't listen to the grift Gentleman. Th dating roaches and the mal adjusted life coaches are full of dog bones when these subjects come up. NO HARD DATA and no facts.....just feelings and what THEY want.

Mommy Shakes Her Milkers! #shorts
Mommy Shakes Her Milkers! #shorts Ribby_The_Party_Frog 123 Views • 3 years ago

Ribby's Booze Bank:
Chronic's Channel:
Manic's Channel:
Sir Yeetus' Channel:
Reishi's Channel:
Riker's Channel:

He AINT bout to do that!!
He AINT bout to do that!! Hammerhand 146 Views • 3 years ago

Single Father shot in face over......a fucking cheesburger.
Single Father shot in face over......a fucking cheesburger. Hammerhand 112 Views • 3 years ago

Stay clear of them men. Women in general are violent and felonius but THE the worst of all.

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