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MGTOW Leaving The System - Johnny Stress Free in Hawaii
MGTOW Leaving The System - Johnny Stress Free in Hawaii redmaple 73 Views • 3 years ago

Johnny rejects the conventional path in life, runs head first into resistance, but persists with creativity and intelligence to his ideal life.

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Women Are Always Victims - MGTOW
Women Are Always Victims - MGTOW Sandman 298 Views • 3 years ago

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Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: The War on the West - VOLUME 2

Jordan Peterson's Warning

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Bob, also known As Dr. B Real the author of the two volume book series called the Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism. This is my review of the 1st chapter in book volume number two. If you want to get a copy as well as one of the books by today's sponsor Luca Vendetti both links are down below. Now on with my review. The chapter is called Everything Is Sexist - Feminists competing for the the status of the biggest victim. The first three words "everything is sexist" makes me think of Anita Sarkeesian. Bob says that feminism is all about redistributing money from men who work to women who don't by painting women as victims. Each wave of feminism needs to adapt to keep the donations rolling in. That's why if everything is sexist then the gravy train into cavernous feminist vaginas will never end. He brings up Daisy Cousens his fellow Australian woman who says that feminism is not about liberating women but it's about controlling them to attack the actual independent and liberated women. The conservative ones. I don't think he's aware that conservative women are almost as bad as feminist women because they are just nice covert slave masters of men instead of ones that want to overtly control us. He then brings up the hierarchy of female victim status. That a white woman is a victim. But a black woman is a greater victim. That a black female trans midget is the winner of the oppression Olympics. The more a woman is a victim the more she needs to be paid by men. But with 4th wave feminism men can now be women and say they have a vagina so they too can compete in the oppression Olympics as well as female athletes in the actual Olympics and to prevent them from doing so is sexist because they are the biggest victims now. That's when Bob brings up Anita Sarkeesian and says that she's one of the prime examples of women making a living off the business of 4th wave feminism. That may have been true about five years ago but based on looking at her YouTube channel Feminist Frequency she probably makes about four to five hundred dollars in ad revenue from it. She made half a million to a million dollars back in the day and released videos that might have only taken a month or two to research and make. Bob says that feminism is all about redistributing wealth from predominately white males and handing it to everyone else below them on the oppression pyramid. Everything is sexist including air conditioning because women feel cold more than men, airbags because women sit closer to the steering wheel and even the truth because it can hurt a woman's feelings. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor I mentioned earlier the MGTOW Collection Part 2: Anyways, now back to vaginas are just a social construct clown world show. Bob continues by saying that meritocracy is sexist because a vagina is more important than a business return. History is sexist because men invented everything without giving women a chance to do it first, national anthems because they don't reference women enough and even retirement funds and bitcoin because men invest more money into those things. His list goes on for one 15 pages and gives us 100 things that are sexist. I'll point of the twenty or thirty that I find the funniest or most interesting. The next point of note is women complaining about sex dolls that objectify women and that a female doll is a victim because she doesn't give consent. Monogamy is sexist because it denies women sex. Hence why we are seeing with the social acceptance of polyamory lately. But if a woman has multiple boyfriend and someone says something about it then they are
slut shaming her and need to be punished. Some of these points are contradictory. For example if a kid has a father it's sexist because women can do it alone.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Genetic Dead End - MGTOW
Genetic Dead End - MGTOW Sandman 337 Views • 3 years ago

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Body Transformation Made Simple

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Chill and here's what he has to say: "Hello there Sandman, I have my next video topic for you and its kind of heavy. As my red pill rage continues to make me avoid relationships, I feel as though I am slowly mourning the children I will never have. I heard Stefan Molyneux say in a speech that "around 40% of the men [in all of history] did not reproduce" and I am going through the stages of grief as I move into acceptance that I will be one of these men. As I accept my status as a "genetic dead-end" as I've heard it termed, I find myself unmotivated to better myself or even maintain myself. The only reasons I can find to exercise and increase my lifespan are a desire to see an extra decade or two of video game development before I die. I find it hard to resist the ice cream when I go grocery shopping when I have nothing to live for but my own self-enjoyment. I even lack the motivation to brush my teeth anymore. My mindset is getting more and more nihilistic. I often find myself using the expression "the juice is not worth the squeeze" that is usually reserved for relationships with women, but I will also apply it to life in modern society. 2/3 of people don't like their job, and we work 5 days out of 7. That fact alone has begun to make me consider having a child as inflicting a lifetime of suffering, toil, and misery upon an innocent dormant soul, just so I can enjoy the reward chemicals released from my brain for having achieved vicarious immortality. Sandman I know you have mentioned surrogates and artificial wombs, but I also wouldn't want to give my child the handicap of a single parent, and since taking the red pill, I have almost no confidence that a woman would remain loyal and committed long-term to a guy like me anymore. I've never had the good looks to attract women. So I naively though I'd go to college, make a lot of money, and then find the confidence in myself that would attract women to me just like the good-looking guys (because women weren't gold diggers of course). Now I can't even search for better paying jobs because the more I make, the more the government takes for child support if I drunkenly impregnate some thot, and if I lose that high paying job, and go down to lower income, I know the court probably won't reduce my child support, and I may go into a spiral of failing to meet payments, losing my license, losing my job, homeless and finally suicide, all for a child I won't even be allowed to meet. So as you can see Sandman, the red pill has started to bring me to a pretty nihilistic place. Any advice to help come to peace with the fact I won't have kids and can you offer any motivation to take care of myself despite that knowledge? Well Mr. Chill thanks for another donation and for sending me your request. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor body transformation made simple:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:

1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.

2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size

3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

The TFM Show: 7/18/2020
The TFM Show: 7/18/2020 T.F. Monkey 1,183 Views • 4 years ago

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Intro Music (TFM Show): "Fling My Turds II: Rise of
Celestina” by Red Pill Chemist

Outro Music (TFM Show): “Sweet Corn Love” by Anonymous

Intro/ Outro Music (TFM 42O): Intro/Outro Music: "A Clockwork
Monkey" by DarkStar.

Background Music (TFM Show):

Monkey Image: "Male chimpanzee in business clothes -
Stock image" by Lise Gagne. Licensed from Getty Images. Animated Newsroom
by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock.

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MGTOW lesbions are faking it mp4
MGTOW lesbions are faking it mp4 Mrhatevicious 129 Views • 4 years ago

lesbians fake it they do it to get attention from other men

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