
I was born with curiosity and good will for the world around me and noticed that no one acted like me. I was and am honest. After this point I noticed that people hated me for who I was. After years of studying Human behavior I found TurdFlingingMonkey, in 2015 and went through a very small Red Pill Rage. I had already accepted the world as it was long before this point but I was angry with the lies and unwillingness of others to be honest and good. In 2018 I discovered multiple philosophical MGTOW channels and grew my wisdom and understanding of what it means to be a self-actualized man. I began to pull away from regular society and to journey towards inner peace and self-sufficiency. The 95% of Humans that are retarded beyond belief meant nothing to me at this point and I realized that no matter how hard we try, as MGTOW, History will repeat itself. There is no saving any civilization once it's started to collapse.

I'll save you some time if you're thinking about what to do next. No matter who you are, our end comes for us all. God is real. Pray to Jesus. Ask him to make you who he wants you to be and to be holy and blameless in his eyes. Nothing in this world matters anymore. Live for God and for the next world.
Gender : Male
Country :Canada