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MGTOW in Media 18 - Wario Land Shake It - Wario Tosses Queen Merelda
MGTOW in Media 18 - Wario Land Shake It - Wario Tosses Queen Merelda HarshReality 416 Views • 4 years ago

Wario knows what's up.

The Purpose of Marriage is Divorce LOL - MGTOW
The Purpose of Marriage is Divorce LOL - MGTOW Sandman 237 Views • 5 years ago

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Brave Browser:

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Dating: Don't Waste Your Time

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Strider and here's what he has to say: "Hello again Sandman. Thanks for your video replies so far. Did you see this video from the tradthot Lauren Chen on the Prager University channel? She says that the real purpose of dating is marriage. Of course the video is directed towards women. It's funny how she says that marriage shouldn't be the first topic of the conversation and that she's all about fun. Will she be saying the same thing in her 30's? This is coming from a self-proclaimed conservative woman. What do you think Sandman? Well Strider thanks for the donation and topic. I'm aware of Lauren's work. Or should we just call her by her YouTube name Roaming Millenial? Just so you guys know she's also a Canadian. I just never expected her to be on Prager Universities YouTube Channel. It looks like the tradcucks are getting more desperate than that I thought and are new employing tradthots to convince women to push men to get married. Because afterall men in record numbers are choosing not to tie the knot. But before I discuss this topic further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back with the show. So it looks like good old Roaming Millenial has been busy as a host on Blaze TV with her show called Pseudo-intellectual. I don't know how old Lauren is. Maybe she's the age of 25 and that's when a smart woman's carousel riding days start coming to an end. If that's the case then Lauren is right a woman should start to date with a purpose because soon enough, if she waits too long all that's she'll be able to get is incel leftovers. Her video is advice for women trying to convince them that marriage is the right move. She says that dating is more than just dating. She's all for having fun casual flings but she wants the whamens to ask themselves one very important question: Why do you want to go on a date with someone? Her video is an attempt to try and convince women to not ride the carousel nor to live in a common-law relationship. She says that women have no plan and that they need to think about marriage. Not necessarily bring it up on a first date but to think about it. But here's a question for you Lauren, what if a woman is with a high status man that doesn't want to move in with her or marry her? If she pressures him towards marriage he might leave her. When I was 25 a woman proposed to me and pressured me towards marriage just as I was opening up about our relationship problems that needed to be resolved. She avoided my grievances and gave me an ultimatum to try and gain control of the relationship. I said so long senorita. What's a woman to do if she wants to get married and the high quality man that she's dating doesn't. Is she supposed to settle for spaghetti arm Stanley and marry him instead of simply dating or living with Powerful Pipes Pete?

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Tradcucks: Symptom of a Dysfunctional Society
Tradcucks: Symptom of a Dysfunctional Society T.F. Monkey 4,903 Views • 5 years ago

Tradcucks gonna cuck tradly


Background Music: ⁣Prophet 7 by ⁣Noir Et Blanc Vie

Dumpster Fire Chill-Stream: 3/11/2020
Dumpster Fire Chill-Stream: 3/11/2020 T.F. Monkey 642 Views • 5 years ago

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Intro Music (TFM Show): "Fling My Turds II: Rise of
Celestina” by Red Pill Chemist

Outro Music (TFM Show): “Sweet Corn Love” by Anonymous

Intro/ Outro Music (TFM 42O): Intro/Outro Music: "A Clockwork
Monkey" by DarkStar.

Background Music (TFM Show):

Monkey Image: "Male chimpanzee in business clothes -
Stock image" by Lise Gagne. Licensed from Getty Images. Animated Newsroom
by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock.

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MGTOW Is The ONLY Way Sandman 242 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Freeman and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Mr freeman here once again thank you for what you do for the mgtow community any topic is fine. I'm looking forward to all the great videos and topics you have." Well Mr. Freeman thanks for the donation and topic. What I thought that I'd do today is discuss the various philosophies people in the west are now embracing now that Christianity is pretty much gone and how those new belief systems are trying to put the world back together even though our value systems have atomized. But before I discuss this let first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, Now back with the show. There are groups that are trying to keep the west from falling apart. Men's rights activists are fighting a lost cause still trying to reform the laws that are broken. It's mostly boomers involved in that movement and older gen x types. They come from a time period where you could fight for something and win. Then you have the Pickup artists. They tend to want to get as many notches on their bed posts as possible and many of them eventually settle down after they have smashed many single sallies. From my experience the men's rights guys want things to go back to the way things were where it's safe to shoot your sperm up a nice safe sphincter without losing your kids. The PUAs just want tons of sexual conquests before they settle down. Then we have the nationalist or neo traditionalists. Some have taken it upon themselves to become conservatives and attempt to have big families and breed their way out of trouble. Many such guys show up on my channel. More on Bitchute recently and believe that MGTOW is just some great big conspiracy to bring down the birth rates. I have been the victim of anti-semitism and I'm not even Jewish. How about you put that in your crack pipe and smoke it? A while back I was out with a friend and he was talking to a woman from northern Canada and she was a nationalist, into faith goldie and project veritas and liked to shoot guns. Many women realize that of the groups I just mentioned the traditional guys are willing to work as slaves for women and willingly put themselves on the plantation because it's tradition. So basically the PUAs are all about hedonism. The tradcons are all about building traditional lives on a foundation of quicksand or by burying their heads in the sand and the MRAs are trying to turn back time to simpler days when their wallets were fat and their women were skinny. Unlike today where their wallets are thin and their women are giant jiggly jelly.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Male Prison Rape
Male Prison Rape MgtowMonkMode 16 Views • 5 years ago


The Broken Male The Female Perpetrator
The Broken Male The Female Perpetrator MgtowMonkMode 29 Views • 5 years ago


The Male Traditionalist
The Male Traditionalist MgtowMonkMode 43 Views • 5 years ago


The Male Paedophile
The Male Paedophile MgtowMonkMode 45 Views • 5 years ago


MGTOW Do Not Want to Get Back at Women
MGTOW Do Not Want to Get Back at Women MgtowMonkMode 289 Views • 5 years ago

⁣This video is a commentary on a series called Evil Week by Shallon Lester

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Evil Week - Seduction Techniques:

Other Videos:
Joe Rogan - Pull That Mic Up:
Evil Week - How to Destroy Your Enemies:
Shallon - I've Dated A lot of Very Famous People:
Shallon - How to Look Like A Victim so Men Pity You:
Shallon - Getting Dumped by Ugly Celebrities:


Political Trichotomy: The Parable of the Farm
Political Trichotomy: The Parable of the Farm T.F. Monkey 921 Views • 5 years ago

Stories work to teach children simple morals, why not complicated political and economic concepts?

The art of the farmer, the sheep, and the wolf were taken from Scribblenauts if anyone is interested.

Background Music: ⁣Bohemian Beach by ⁣Chris Haugen. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

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Sandman Should I Marry Her - MGTOW
Sandman Should I Marry Her - MGTOW Sandman 187 Views • 5 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Dear Sandman, I have a topic for you about careful good men that would like to poke their heads out of their hiding place to see if it safe to date again. I've watched many MGTOW and red pill videos that tell stories about men that have suffered at the hands of women. So I've lived under the MGTOW lifestyle with caution from a young age (age 17) while agreeing to the pump and dump style. Nothing more nothing less. But over the years I have had the urge to settle down with a woman and it's been hard to keep fighting it after 22 years. As I got older I decided to settle down when I could not fight it, so I lied about my wealth and status (I'm upper middle class and am deep in the stock market I own 2 properties) set up 3 tests to find a woman that I can settle down with and surprise surprise they all failed and couldn't even get past the first one where I invite them to dinner and we split the bill (where none wanted to) but never paid for anyone's meal (because the restaurant was in on the date and knew me) Eventually I ran into a foreign looking woman where she paid for her food, passed test number 1. Passing the second test meant that she has a powerful distaste for leftist ideas and feminism because in her words they make her look bad. She is always rejecting my offers to pay for her stuff regardless of the price pass test 2 and enjoys working and said she wouldn't mind being a stay at home mom and agreed to a prenup pass test 3. But even with all these test I made I sure that everything I own is protected with the help of friends cosigned to it (never had a money argument with them and two are gay) and I'm thinking of marrying her after dating for 6 years without one problem or fight but my black senses keep saying that this is dangerous. So Sandman is all my careful planning and testing all for nothing and she's just on to me or have I found the 1% and it's safe to put a ring on it. Thanks again for all you do" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. I think this is the second time you've paid for the same request. Perhaps you didn't hear the last video? I usually release content about forty to fifty days after getting a request. I believe you were involved with a Filipina that passed all three of your tests. But you didn't share the idea of hiding your assets from her or lying about what you actually own. I'll get to your request in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission:

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Social Media Sluts - MGTOW
Social Media Sluts - MGTOW Sandman 323 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Cajun Fried Werewolf

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Almost every time anything is posted to Facebook by a woman, it’s always some sort of “woe is me” or political rage rant about how they’re victimized. Almost always, a man has to be wary and careful of the Facebook algorithms, because the algorithms will present ‘triggering’ posts that will make the man want to respond. However, almost always in the comment stream below the post it’s always a “you go girl” and a “hugs and kisses” pile of emotional support. If you try to say anything other than one of these, then you’re basically mob attacked by everyone posting on the thread as a sinner or evil. Even if what you say supports what was posted, if it’s even slightly “logical” in attitude to the post, you’re either immediately blocked/unfriended, or publicly shamed by mass. What are your thoughts on this? How are females using social media to benefit? I’ve seen numerous “white-knight” types figure it out that they can’t post comments so they stop and they silence themselves. I even saw a highly attractive sexy-man dancer that I knew, who always came off as a liberal support women guy, turn gradually posting more and more disgruntled posts about the political correct sensitivity of the day, to eventually just not posting at all except for his adventures in Zouk dancing." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. But before I start let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cajan Fried Werewolf: Anyways, now back to the show. Before discussing how women posting on social media effects male behavior I want to first go over how social media has changed female behavior. So what did social media do to and for women? Number one it expanded the circle of bangable men. Next it increased their narcissism. Thirdly it created social proof and validation through the idea that if someone is her friend and your friend and you match with her on Tinder and both of you have one or two mutual acquantances it creates new social proof. The women I dated off of Tinder I had at least one or two friends in common when meeting them. Social media also created a new female social space but early on it was a male one where anything went. This meant that women had to dominate that space. Also as you pointed out Mr. Anonymous it created an environment where women have the ability for women to give each other a circle jerk full of complements. It also increased the speed at which gossip can spread through social circles, expanded the idea of materialism too. Just think of how restaurant and travel culture and businesses have expanded because women share their selfies on Facebook and instagram with everyone in their social circle. For example I see tons of photos in my feed these days from women in hospital gowns showing themselves at their worst trying to gain sympathy for being some sort of medical victim. It's fun watching them having to constantly figure out ever more shocking ways to get attention with their selfies. Social media also forced men that are in the dating game to work harder on themselves because women have access to better alpha males these days. As for this idea of the woe is me victimhood mentality from women on social media it's all about getting that sympathy attention and proving that they are the victim of a disease or drunk driver.

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Photo Credits:

1. beautiful girl in black swimsuit with black rifle in hands

2. portrait of beautiful sexy woman in uniform, military

3. beautiful girls in a black bikini with three guns vector

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