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BOTCHED Mossad Honey Trap to Take Out AML  (black pill)
BOTCHED Mossad Honey Trap to Take Out AML (black pill) Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 207 Views • 5 years ago


Girls Just Want Beta Male Simps
Girls Just Want Beta Male Simps Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 174 Views • 5 years ago


Wife Beatings, Allure of the Bad Boy, & the Jinn/BPD Connection
Wife Beatings, Allure of the Bad Boy, & the Jinn/BPD Connection Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 98 Views • 5 years ago


Why Mossad Doesn't Want You To Wear Gas Masks
Why Mossad Doesn't Want You To Wear Gas Masks Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 308 Views • 4 years ago


I've Had It With Simps Worshipping Chameleons
I've Had It With Simps Worshipping Chameleons Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 276 Views • 5 years ago


MTV and The Left Love Racism | Popp Culture
MTV and The Left Love Racism | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 795 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This Throwback Thursday reminds us that this newest bout of autistic screeching from the left about "muh racism" is nothing new, and it hasn't gotten any more intelligent. Let's all bask in the glow of the single most racist video of 2016.

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When Simping Hurts
When Simping Hurts Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 477 Views • 4 years ago


Game Over Ladies
Game Over Ladies Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 497 Views • 5 years ago

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The Pussification of the American Male Post 9-11
The Pussification of the American Male Post 9-11 Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 552 Views • 5 years ago

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She Never Liked You (Black Pill)
She Never Liked You (Black Pill) Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 239 Views • 5 years ago

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If You Don't Bang Her She Will Dump You - MGTOW
If You Don't Bang Her She Will Dump You - MGTOW Sandman 485 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

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Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Klemens and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I am 23 year old guy and a have question regarding women. Do women lose interest, if you dont bang them? Most of the girls I met, lost interest, if I didnt bang them or at least they started to ghost me for 2 weeks or so. I only canoodled and everything else but sex with them, but I didnt bang them, because the risk of becoming a father is too high for me. I prefer going to a brothel, because it is not my problem if that working gal gets preggers. I am just curious, do women lose interest if you don't pork them? and why? And a message to all younger guys out there, if you start going your own way and do what you love, women will come to you! I didnt believe it, but since I started getting in the acting business, I don't have much money, but the women are interested in me more than ever, even younger attractive ones! As soon as they are easilyy accesible, they become uninteresting, especially if you have swallowed the redpill and cant overlook the patterns. Guys, endure the redpill rage and find your purpose, afterwards women will come to you and you wont care anymore. True freedom! Thanks for your daily dose of redpill, Sandman Thanks for freedom." Well Klemens thanks for the donation and supporting my channel. I couldn't keep going if it weren't for guys like yourself. Before I discuss your topic in detail let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. First of all Klemens I've got to say that I've never been in a relationship before where I cut a woman off from sex long enough to know if she would lose interest in me. I don't know exactly what you mean by your questions and comments. I'm guessing that you meet a woman and she likes you and you guys fool around without having sex they lose interest in you and run off to find another man? A man that will sleep with them. If you aren't sleeping with them they might get self conscious that there's something wrong with them. They might think they have a funky body odour or that they aren't as attractive and irresistable to men as they were last week. So That might make them run out and try to see if they still have that magic with another man. I don't know why women lose interest in a man if he doesn't sleep with them. I've never asked one to find out and honestly I'd expect her to be dishonest about the real reason for it. Up to the age of 25 from my experience women just can't get enough sex and even in the nineties and early 2000s they were aggressively ripping my clothes off and demanding sex. They wanted it more than I did. I think that's just nature. I strongly believe they project their insatiable sex drive onto us men.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

She's A Woman, Here Are Her Demands - MGTOW
She's A Woman, Here Are Her Demands - MGTOW Sandman 359 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

I'm a woman, here are my demands

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a monthly donation from Roger. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover a reddit post that shares the same title as this video. I'm not going to share an image of it because there appears to be part of a Tinder Profile picture there and who knows if the woman that owns it finds it and this video and complains to YouTube. So because I'm not going to take that risk let me read what the 35 year old post wall woman on Reddit has to say and I quote: "Hey! Here are my non negotiable dealbreakers so don't swipe to the right if you: Are Short (less than 5;11 or 180cm) Live with your parents (or have within the last 5 years) Have roomates. Have never been out of country. Do not go on 2+ vacations a year. Watch MMA or Boxing. Like Anime. Don't have a clean home. Work less than 30 hours a week. Will need to work past the age of 65. Have ever cheated. Have Kids. Have a cat or cats. Don't love Mexican Food. Are awkward in person and do not take the innitiative." So now that I've read all the demands from a woman that's clearly asking for way too much at her age let me tell you about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. So this mystery woman when she says that she doesn't want a man that hasn't lived with his parents in the last five years what she's saying is that it means you've been employed for half a decade and with any luck saved up a bunch of loot that she can steal from you by trading temporary access to her booty for it. All of it course. It also means that your parents aren't dependent on you for survival. So that means even more money that she can pillage with her pussy. This is an insult to men that have helped their adult parents by moving them in. This is an insult to men that have been hurt on the job and needed a year or two of downtime and recovery because they couldn't pay their bills for a while. She of course also mentions that she doesn't want a guy with roommates. This means that guys that can't afford to rent on your own are also off her list. If this woman is living in either New York City or San Francisco good luck finding a guy like that in those two cities where rent is five grand a year. She also mentions that she doesn't want a guy that's never been outside the country. This of course means that he can afford to take a large chunk of time off work or use his vacation pay to do it with. All a woman has to ask is if a man goes out of the country on vacation 2 times a year and now she knows he has a job with vacation pay but more importantly that he can afford those thousand dollar flights to Europe or Asia. She should have been more specific because I'm sure she might get some guys that cross the border into Canada to come the Casino up here in Niagara Falls or go down to
Tiajauana to release their shwing shwangs south of the border. Also by saying that she wants a man that doesn't watch MMA or Boxing she's saying that she wants a supposedly more cultured man that doesn't spend his money on Saturday Nights paying for pay per view and therefore has more money for her. She doesn't want anyone in Anime because I assume she doesn't like nerds or guys that are immature and into cartoons. She wants a run of the mill guy. Not into violence and not into supposedly childish things either.

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How To Really Get A Woman To Love You
How To Really Get A Woman To Love You Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 403 Views • 4 years ago


God Does Not Care About Women
God Does Not Care About Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 476 Views • 4 years ago


Give Women Power & Make Everyone Poor - MGTOW
Give Women Power & Make Everyone Poor - MGTOW Sandman 378 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation fomr Roger. He didn't send me a topic but sent me a donation. So what I'd like to explore is my thinking that leftists and feminists are intentionally pushing women into positions of power and authority to make us poorer. Also that feminism and equality is not about elevating women to the level of men with regards to earnings power and social status. But instead it's about ultimately lowering men down to women's level. It can be argued that this was done back in the 1970s and 1980s back when Dolly Parton went to work with her big boobies which would be the perfect #MeToo sexual harrassment lawsuit in the making. She could knock the guy in the cubicle next to her down with her knockers and he would be the one getting hurt playing drop the soap in prison. Encouraging women to enter the workforce was the perfect way to use women's greed to crash the economy. It impoverished everyone by driving down the price of wages. One man used to be able to support a family. Now two adults working fulltime can't support a family unless they are heavily in debt. When women started working in the 1970s and 80s the women that were early entering that workforce didn't see as much of a drop in the purchasing power of their wages as much as the women did when entering the workforce in the 1980s and 1990s. People say it was all about empowering women. Empowering them from being desperate housewives to wage slaves. It expanded the economy at first and that's why we saw the colossal home price rise in the 1980s. But when the houses went up then it became a necessity for both parents to work. That was the initial push to get pushy women into the workforce. But today's push to give women power to sit their fat gassy asses on fifty percent of board of director chairs of companies in places like Commiefornia amounts to sabotage of capitalism. I'll get to my thoughts about this and a way I've found to escape the poverty of expensive house prices in the west in a moment, but before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back with the show. I strongly believe that leftists all over the world are intentionally mandating that women take power in corporations and government all over the world not because of equality but instead to speed up the fiscal insolvency and chaos in order to lead to the failure of society so that socialists and communists can take over. As a result I'm predicting that many men will not fight against this. Instead men will leave from one failed US state to the next and then the states they go to will also fail. Good examples of this recently are Tim Pool deciding to leave New Jersey and Elon Musk leaving Commiefornia for Texas. Unfortunately for Musk Texas will soon be a democratic shit hole as well. But if he can get a good five to ten years of the good life there with no wife then I'm all for it. In fact, in light of all of this where leftist governments are making their societies prohibitively expensive due to higher taxation and not letting the free market work freely I've decided that I'm going to leave Canada, at least for half the year if the economic situation doesn't change. Most likely during the coldest times of the year and become what we call up here a snowbird. Fly away before it shows. The plan is to move to Eastern Europe for six months during the year and get a trailer here in Canada.

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Video Background Credits:
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Prophet Abraham On Picking a Good Women & Understanding The Holy Spirit
Prophet Abraham On Picking a Good Women & Understanding The Holy Spirit Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 387 Views • 5 years ago

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Finland Now Ruled Entirely By Women
Finland Now Ruled Entirely By Women The Realist Philosopher 44 Views • 4 years ago

⁣From my 2019 to 2020 content produced after my youtube channel “The MGTOW Philosopher” was banned in January of 2018. This is from my new show “The Realist Philosopher.” Posting a lot of my content from oldest to newest, so stay tuned. Other platforms I'm on, and social media links can be found below ;)

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Sandman Banned From YouTube !? - MGTOW
Sandman Banned From YouTube !? - MGTOW Sandman 627 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Bitchute Channel:

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Darren. He didn't send me a specific topic so what I want to do is discuss my opinion about being kicked off of YouTube. Obviously it hasn't happened yet but I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this but in the last two weeks there have been many relatively high profile YouTube channels that have been banned. Most of you know about Stefan Molyneux getting kicked off of YouTube a couple of weeks back with zero copyright and community guideline strikes. But many of you may have not realised that Turd Flinging Monkies Celestina channel as well as Dan Dicks over at Press For Truth and Roosh V were also kicked off the same way. I expect to be gone any day now. That being said if you like my content and want to watch it in the future then subscribe to me over there. Link is down below. I'm lucky I'm not gone already. A couple of weeks ago I put up a video with a racy thumbnail image. YouuTube took it down because I was showing cleavage. So now I have to be extra careful how much cleavage I show. Like it even matters. I'll probably be gone before the election and I don't even talk about the orange man. After they pulled down that thumbnail my channel was throttled down further and my views started dropping under ten thousand per video. For example the video they yanked the thumbnail off of got around ten thousand views on YouTube. But the same video got four thousand views on Bitchute and I don't even have twenty thousand subscribers on Bitchute. I have ten times as many on YouTube and only one and a half times the view. Give me a break. I'm being throttled. Anyways, I'll discuss this further in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So in just four short weeks four content creators were thrown off that I follow. YouTube doesn't care about section 230 and have gone buckwild banning everyone for hate speech and for speaking the truth. In the case of Stefan Molyneux it looks like most of his audience has moved over to Bitchute and he still gets fifteen to twenty thousand views per video. While researching this video I thought that a lot of his traffic was coming from Twitter but on July the 8th he was also banned from Twitter. Plus he was simultaneously slandered so he couldn't defend himself. That's pretty much what happened to Alex Jones as well. Censorship has even hit Bitchute recently. Three to four days after that Disqus, the application they use for their comments section started deleting and censoring comments on Bitchute and also took our ability to post pictures and memes away. I don't like the Euro supremists showing up posting trash on my bitchute channel.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

From Babylon To America
From Babylon To America Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 169 Views • 4 years ago

Amazing documentry intially released on Youtube and still there free of charge. This documentry uses knowledge from the Bible mainly reveleations and proves that America is the Beast of the earth and that the Papacy is ⁣ungodly.

Why Women Censor Men - MGTOW
Why Women Censor Men - MGTOW Sandman 558 Views • 4 years ago

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Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Gor: Censorship, Gatekeepers and the Leftist Convergence of the Publishing Industry

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Daniel and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, Long time listener, first time donor. I've recently discovered the Gorean Saga on audio book, and I was immediately hooked. The books had been prevented from publishing by feminist publishers for several years, and they would not release the rights to the author until recently because of heavy leftist censorship. A good explanation of this ordeal is explained by the you tuber in the link I've attached. Anyway, the author gained copyright access, and has continued to publish. Both the content and its deliverance by the narrator in the audio book (whose name I withhold for fear of backlash against him) are of excellent quality. The saga portrays a stubbornly blue pilled modern man's journey towards becoming red-pilled (in my humble interpretation), as he is thrust into a world much like that of ancient times (before gunpowder/industrialization). Though Tarl Cabot (the protagonist) is surrounded by red-pilled men, it still takes him 6 books to arrive at the red-pilled rage, and another book to arrive at red-pilled wisdom. After the initial blue-pilled phase, he becomes a red-pilled man in a red pilled world, and behaves accordingly, in the course of his adventures. I value this saga because it portrays a masculinity which though common in ancient times, and still understood in the fifties/sixties, has by now become completely alien to modern men. And though (unfortunately) we cannot totally assume the role of a "real" gorean male, listening to this saga can serve as a reminder of what masculinity actually is/was/could again be, whilst providing us with a model of self-improvement to which we may aspire. I for one, after listening, have gained a greater understanding of what it means to be a man, and have felt an increased desire for adventure--the kind of adventures that a red pilled man or MGTOW would consider worthwhile. At the very least, I am even less of a simp/cuck because of them. In this, they serve much like Sandman's daily dose of red pills. Wishing you well." Well Daniel thanks for the donation and bringing the Gor series to my attention. Before I discuss my thoughts about the situation let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor ABC Circuits:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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1. Attractive young businesswoman using tablet with circuit. Technology and computing concept. Double exposure

2. Full of sweet chocolate flavors. Cute girl having fun with cookies. Pretty girl covering eyes with cookies. Bakery style chocolate chip cookie recipe. Bakery shop. Following a cooking recipe.

3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

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