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The Only Way She Will Be More Sexual AFTER Marriage
The Only Way She Will Be More Sexual AFTER Marriage Chad Hart 69 Views • 4 years ago

Facts and you know it

Does She Really Want a High-Value Man?
Does She Really Want a High-Value Man? Chad Hart 43 Views • 4 years ago

⁣We hear the mantra of today's modern woman that they are about the "high
value" men. But are they? Forget about her words, what do her actions

MOM-BODS Chad Hart 39 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Shaming and belittling men in every manner is what's been "in".
Women and their flying monkeys (soy boys) heap the shame but don't live
up to their own measuring standard. The term "DAD-BOD" is derogatory and
meant as a put down and body shaming for men. Yet women can be as fat,
nasty, and bitchy as they want? How does that work?

MOM-BODS are real. If you don't believe me just go out to the mall,
store or take a walk. You wont be out for more than a few minutes before
coming across an entitled land whale who thinks she can get any man she
wants. Pathetic!!!

SCREW YOU AHHNOLD Chad Hart 49 Views • 4 years ago

⁣The inner dictator in Ahhnold has come out. Show this asshole what the
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is all about. Ahhnold is trying to screw over
the country he came to where he was free to become what he did. Go back
to yodeling in the Alps bitch!!! To hell with you.

Hard Truth Saves Lives!
Hard Truth Saves Lives! Chad Hart 45 Views • 4 years ago

⁣A watered-down message has never changed anyone's life for the better,
only for the worse. If you water down the truth its not the truth
anymore but a watered down pussifed version of what was once truth. It's
hard truth that gets through to people and it's hard truth that changes
& saves lived. Do yourself and everyone else a favor: never water
down the truth

A True Wife is a VIRGIN the Rest are Just Concubines
A True Wife is a VIRGIN the Rest are Just Concubines Chad Hart 94 Views • 4 years ago

⁣What makes a "true" wife? Nearly every woman would claim she is a true wife be we all know that isn't true at all. Again what makes a true wife? Find out before it's too late.

"But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God"
-I Corinthians 11:3

2021 - NEW DECADE Chad Hart 20 Views • 4 years ago

In spite of a year of mis-information 2020 was the beginning of a new decade but the final year of the last.

The Female Mind & It's Constant Comparison
The Female Mind & It's Constant Comparison Chad Hart 52 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Many men are not aware of how the female mind operates. Certain men assume women's minds operate as their own. WRONG!

The female mind, just like female nature, is very ugly and detrimental (emphasis on MENTAL). If you are not aware of how their minds operate you will be chewed up and spit out. Don't be ignorant - your ignorance hurts yourself and those who listen to you.

Branch COVIDian Cult
Branch COVIDian Cult Chad Hart 71 Views • 4 years ago

The new one world religion is the mask wearing COVIDian cult!

In the facemask lies your salvation!!

ALPHA vs BETA: How to Tell the Difference
ALPHA vs BETA: How to Tell the Difference Chad Hart 105 Views • 4 years ago

⁣There are so many videos that attempt to explain the difference between alpha males and beta males but IMO these videos neglect the one major thing. Alpha male is an internal thing, same as beta males.

...It Happened To My Workout Buddy Too
...It Happened To My Workout Buddy Too Chad Hart 51 Views • 4 years ago

⁣One of my workout buddies seems to have fell of the face of the earth a few years ago. Come to find out he got thrown in prison over false domestic violence a few years back. SMH.

Matt Cross Vid:

Attention Miserably Married Men
Attention Miserably Married Men Chad Hart 57 Views • 5 years ago

When a man is miserable in his own marriage, why does he suggest other young men make the same mistake as he did? Aren't we supposed to teach the youth to learn from our mistakes, not to repeat them? Or is it just because you know your life has been thrown away and you want to see others in your same misery? So you have company? Misery loves company doesn't it. Stick with your own kind, sitting in the middle of the mall holding your fat wife's shopping bags with she uses you like the simp that you are.

Check out the documentary called "Divorce Corp." What an eye opener!!!

Marriage is a BUSINESS Arrangement
Marriage is a BUSINESS Arrangement Chad Hart 48 Views • 5 years ago

Why would anyone finalize a LIFE-LONG business arrangement only based on emotions & wishful thinking? But so many men do, and hate the rest of their life as a result of a life long decision not fully thought through. Don't make this mistake, and make no mistake marriage is a business arrangement and if it is not treated as such you will be paying out your ass in divorce court.

Nobody Said Shit!! [COVID-19 Mockery]
Nobody Said Shit!! [COVID-19 Mockery] Chad Hart 47 Views • 5 years ago

Manditory masks are only the beginning, next are manditory goggles for "covid protection" in public. Just to draw attention to how stupid this is i wore my DOOM Eternal collectors edition full head-helmet into my local grocery store to stir up conversation. The result? Nobody said shit, nobody!! Sure they looked but it didn't go any further than that because craziness has been normalized. I was hoping it would be an open door for someone to ask so i could then explain the crack-head science behind COVID-19 and fear mongering but I guess I had too much faith in people. As always with every COVID video this one is a MGTOW.TV exclusive. Enjoy.

Medical Sharia Law: The COVID-19 Hoax ( exclusive)
Medical Sharia Law: The COVID-19 Hoax ( exclusive) Chad Hart 114 Views • 5 years ago

The level of deception being used to sell the Chinese virus is unprecedented! Never before have we seen most of the world locked down (props to Sweden for not locking down) why are we following the communist Chinese pattern anyways?? It's because of China this whole virus thing started. It's called problem/reaction solution - you create a problem then offer a solution. It's time to get mad as hell and not take it anymore!!!

Watch this video where a doctor breaks down the sweet science of the madness:

Single Mothers & Her Human Shields
Single Mothers & Her Human Shields Chad Hart 52 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Ever notice how single mothers always claim her kids come first? Well that's a partial truth because her kids do come first but not the way she is trying to sell it to you. Her kids come first when it comes to the front lines of battle and she shoves them up front to take the blow and deflect the blame. Her kids are used as her human shields to "protect" her reputation, dignity, ect.

Women Pay NO Attention to Statistics & Want You To Do the Same
Women Pay NO Attention to Statistics & Want You To Do the Same Chad Hart 66 Views • 5 years ago

⁣1st marriages have over a 50% failure rate, 2nd marriages have a 67% failure rate & 3rd marriages have a 73% failure rate. The odds are not in your favor men, not at all. What's worse 80% of ALL divorces are initiated by WOMEN. The same women that nagged you for years to marry them. Only fools get married. As a man marriage does not benefit you AT ALL. Don't do it.

Good news is the marriage rate is at an all time low. Until the laws are reformed to be somewhat fair dont get married. Spinsters may try to twist this and say, "but the divorce rate is going down".... yes because like i said less and less men are getting married.

One Year Ago Today the Nightmare Began...
One Year Ago Today the Nightmare Began... Chad Hart 57 Views • 5 years ago

⁣A year ago this day is when shit hit the fan during that failed marriage. I confronted the EX-wife about cheating on me, leads to an argument, she leaves and next thing i know the cops show up at my house and take me away in handcuffs claiming domestic violence. She f*cks other men in my house while im in jail and when i am out of jail because im not even allowed to go onto my own property. This will happen to you if you get married. You have been warned. Anyone who married a second time is an absolute fool!!

MEN: Stop Giving Away Your Power!
MEN: Stop Giving Away Your Power! Chad Hart 61 Views • 5 years ago

⁣⁣Women ultimately are the gatekeepers of sex, they determine when it will happen and when it won't happen. Likewise men are the gatekeepers of RELATIONSHIPS, men determine when it will happen and when it won't happen. Each one has something the other wants but when men just turn over this power wholesale to women it has terrible results. Never give a woman power because it's only a matter of time before she uses that power against you. Harness your power, don't give it away!!

Co-Habitation: You Get Her WORST Other Men Get Her BEST
Co-Habitation: You Get Her WORST Other Men Get Her BEST Chad Hart 61 Views • 5 years ago

Living with a woman is a lawsuit waiting to happen these days. For a man there is ZERO benefit to living with a woman, all the benefit is for her. When living with her the only time you see her at her best is when she is leaving the house. Does she ever get up earlier than you just to fix up her hair, face, dress sexy just for you? Probably not, she'll claim she did it for you when she dolled herself up for Chad & Tyrone, whom she is on her way to meet but you think she is going to "work". She's going to work alright and she's working simps to financially back her while she sleeps with other men. Don't Do it!!!

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