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MGTOW Serious Event
MGTOW Serious Event SoloManZone 90 Views • 3 years ago

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MGTOW Attention Please
MGTOW Attention Please SoloManZone 95 Views • 3 years ago

Its all about Attention

MGTOW Are The Terrorists Of The Manosphere?
MGTOW Are The Terrorists Of The Manosphere? Sandman 387 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism


MGTOW Monk - Putting GQ Magazine and hack writer on blast!!

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by a donation. If you want to sponsor a video topic then you can make a request through paypal, subscribestar or patreon. As for this video there are two things I want to discuss. The first part is from Chad Reno and he wants me to discuss what a couple of Muslim guys have to say after they watched my Introduction To MGTOW video. The second part is a GQ article that shares the same title as this video. But let me do the first part so here's what Chad Reno has to say and I quote: "Hey Sandman I really like your videos and just wanted to let you know that these really popular Muslim apologists on the Mohammed Hijab YouTube channel just made a video about you and it's gaining a lot of traction, but I suggest you watch the whole thing first because me summarizing their main points obviously won't do them justice. They largely agree with the points you bring to the table but argue that you're coming at it from a place of "extremism", that is to say the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to feminism; An emotional reaction as they put it. They largely reaffirm your points and suggest taking it down a notch so as to come at it from an academic perspective and go mainstream. However, I personally don't see this going anywhere in my opinion as this has already been attempted before for the past two decades alone and gone nowhere, ultimately proving it's more than a lost cause trying to redpill normies let alone blackpill them. Basically, they're trad apologists and will try to push Islam as the based solution to the incel epidemic, hypergamy, feminism etc which is true in a way. Rather, it would be were it ultimately not for the influx of various subversive elements infiltrating their way into the culture of modern Islamic societies influenced via ' ' "western" ' ' Neo-liberal degenerate progressivism/feminism, spearheaded by our friendly ' ' "you know whos" ' ' in an attempt to destabilize the normies, but I digress. They regularly have discussions with a wide variety of different people so I'm guessing they'd probably be open with having you on to discuss MGTOW/blackpill/hypergamy/the incel problem etc. It'd be a productive discussion with a lot of redpills here and there and will ultimately help redpill some more normies if anything." Well Chad Reno thanks for the topic and I'll cover it and the GQ article in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. What a crazy world we are living in feminists writing hit pieces are calling us MGTOWs Mujahidin's and Muslim's, where the term Mujahidin comes from are calling us just as extreme as feminists. The two guys discussing my intro to MGTOW video start by saying that it's extremism when I said that many women today will rip out a man's heart and testicles through his wallet. That's actually part of a line from Robbin Williams. Remember I made this video they are reviewing back in early 2014. Is it really extremism after we all saw what happened to Robbin Williams a short while later when he killed himself because he couldn't keep paying his lifetime alimony?

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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My Mother Cucked My Father & My Real Dad Is Chad - MGTOW
My Mother Cucked My Father & My Real Dad Is Chad - MGTOW Sandman 435 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

My dying mom made me [15F] promise never to tell my dad he's not my biological father.

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dr. X and he wants me to cover a Reddit post archive which I've linked to in the description called: " My dying mom made me promise never to tell my dad he's not my biological father." and the person is a fifteen year old girl. And here's what that teenage tart has to say and I quote: "My mom died of cancer just under a month ago. A few days before she died my grandma and me were with her and she told us that I am not my dad's biological kid, she had an affair and my biological father is the guy she cheated on my dad with. She asked me if I forgave her and cos she was, you know, dying, I said I forgave her. Then she said it was her dying wish that I never ever tell my dad about it. I didn't really want to promise her that but she and my grandma kept telling me I needed to promise and there wasn't any point in telling my dad and it would only hurt him, so I promised. After my mom died I told my grandma that I felt really guilty keeping it a secret from my dad because I feel like he deserves to know. She told me that I would only be ruining his memory of his dead wife and breaking his heart for no reason, and if I told him she would never speak to me again because I would be ruining my mom's reputation. She also said if he knew he might not even want me anymore. I don't have any other family except my grandma and my dad and his parents who live in another country so I don't want to lose my grandma and possibly lose my dad or damage my relationship with him. I'm in therapy but my therapist can't like tell me whether to tell him or not, and I want advice on if I should tell him or not, and if I should tell him how I should go about telling him. So reddit, what do I do here?" Unquote. Well Dr. X thanks for the donation and topic. I'll cover what this fifteen year old girl should do in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyway, now back to the cucked clown world show. If I were this girl before I told the cuck I call dad first I'd go out and try to find my real dad Chad. I also found it ridiculous that the grandmother, her actual flesh and blood grandma would stop talking to her and never forgive her. Of course she's going to forgive her she's flesh and blood. That grandma sounds like an awful person exploiting her fifteen year old granddaughters fears against her. Women fear of being alone with no family. Of course Grandma probably wouldn't do that because she's probably old and lonely too but she knows that women hate being all alone. But maybe grandma is rely on the cuck to chauffer her around and help her bring the heavy groceries into her abode? Of course the fifteen year old girl, let's call her cuckerella can keep the secret. If women can keep their sexual notch count secret from their husbands and boyfriends then she can keep this one too. The question she has is should she tell him or keep it a secret? The longer she waits if she does say something the more complicated the situation becomes. If for example she tells him in a year or two he's going to be pissed off that his not so own daughter and not so own mother betrayed him after his wife died and she also betrayed him by cucking him with cuckerella. That man's red pill is so big it's more like a fist sized sepository. I'm torn, just like that guys ass will be torn with a sepository that size on wether this guy should know or not. His only child isn't his it's Chads. His wife cheated. This could drive a man to suicide. I would be really torn telling this man even if I knew and it wasn't going to cause me any problems. Also this girl asked a therapist for help. That's something a lot of people make mistakes with. Therapists aren't supposed to tell you what to do or they can lose their licenses. I remember when I was in a long term relationship by ex got pissed because therapists didn't tell me what to do so she got me a life coach and he wasn't licensed so he actually did tell me what to do and I got into a fight with him and wouldn't speak to him again and that just pissed her off more. No one should rob someone else of their personal choice.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Women Make 'Nice Guys' Beg for Scraps
Women Make 'Nice Guys' Beg for Scraps Texting Prince 179 Views • 4 years ago

We have another breakdown of a man and a woman and these two happen to be ENGAGED... which you would have never guessed by watching how she treats him.

How do you think this one will end between them??



Within 10 minutes of reading my texting guide, you can use the technique Mirror Texting to know EXACTLY whether any woman texting you is actually interested or just playing games



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Why Women Censor Men? - MGTOW
Why Women Censor Men? - MGTOW Sandman 344 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lithuanian Apiary

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Brendan and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I wanted to discuss my personal life, redpill journey and the scrutiny I have faced from my peers. But I won't bore you. Instead I want to share something absolutely absurd and crazy that happened to me as an audience member on Youtube. I was banned for "repeated abusive comments that violated their hate speech policy" as the YT support team put it. My account went poof. I was told that if I tried to make other accounts those would go poof too! My only account video was a narration of me talking over lil baby goats fighting. But banning me for my comments? I almost never had a swear word and was consistently on redpill channels. I followed and consistently commented on you, Better Bachelor, Donovan Sharpes, Coach Greg Adams, and Terrence Popps video's. How truly far of a stretch is it to say that my "hate speech" is redpilled truths regarding women? I know I would drop redpills in reddit video's regarding stories of cheating and disloyalty to men. Anything non MGTOW or redpill related such as food channels I kept very clean and peaceful. I think that Youtube is scared they may lose their protections in the U.S. in regards to section 230? I believe? The one that does not hold them responsible for their members actions. That gives them monopoly like protections. I know the Republican's repeatedly question Twitter and Facebook's CEO's on whether or not they work together with google and their other related apps to share our data. They want to revoke those corporation rights. So if Google, Facebook, and Twitter begin to censor everyone who does not align with them on watch lists deemed undesirable beforehand then they lessen the potential blowout of thousands if not billions of people attempting to run said companies into the ground with lawsuits. I am not too affected. I have spotify for my musics. I have for most of my content. I can still use Youtube without an account. I simply lose all my playlists. Funny enough YT is still tracking what I watch and what I like to promote other content I may like. Despite no longer having a channel. I told a friend it was like having a stalker who knew EVERYTHING about you. Your favorite foods. Where you will be at what time you'll be there. Suddenly popping up trying to befriend you knowing way too much about your personal life. You would feel disgusted this person knew so much and yet did not take the time to be your friend first. Our data is not safe. These channels arent safe. Using gmail to message you is not safe. I don't quite understand in all the years I have listened to you now just how donations and topic requests work. But I do think if these companies get their protections revoked that those in the red and black pilled communities need to mirror their own favorite things on other sites. Whatever they can mirror, make sure it's over there and they could switch over to the other sites if they get zucked, cucked, or majorly ducked. I would love it if you warned others on YouTubers and such to find other avenues to get their same content elsewhere. A reminder that this "world reset" is on the rise and MGTOW is watching the sunset. So if men want to continue to have open free spaces to enjoy discussing such topics then they need to prepare by mirroring their social media/mainstream media usage to sites that will not ban them for it. These redpills are the lessons our fathers should have taught us. They need to stick around. We are redpilling the men of tomorrow and they are going to benefit from it down the line. Keep up the good work Sandman, and stay in good health. Well Brendan thanks for the donation and topic. Before I cover it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lituanian Apiary:

2 photo credits:

1. Beekeeper controlling beehive and comb frame

2. Portrait of a cheerful man and woman beekepers in protective uniform

Feminists Are Everywhere - MGTOW
Feminists Are Everywhere - MGTOW Sandman 396 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
RED PILL Cornseason Production

Additional information:

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This videos is brought to you by a donation from Mahmood and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman, Can you make a video about cultural invasion? I have noticed in recent years that our country (Bahrain) has similar social problems just like the west. The divorce rate is higher than ever and some people are accepting it like it's something normal, and they market proud single mothers in social media, and motivate strong independent young females. Also, a lot of gen Z people do not even know how to speak Arabic while it is our native language even with Arabian parents. It is uncommon to see people wearing traditional clothes. We also have similar feminism problems, and young females realized that in recent years and they started to take advantage of feminism. Now they can ride the carousel but in secret, and marry when they are close to the wall. I met girls who refused to marry just to have fun in college. Additionally, our culture is slowly accepting that women can wear revealing clothes. I am fine with cultural diversity. I think it is beneficial in some way. However, I am afraid that our native culture will fade away." Well Mahmood thanks for the donation and topic. Isn't it clear to you and everyone else that English will become the dominant language of the world? That we are heading into a global mono-culture. I said this would happen a long time ago that everyone keeps saying that the west and America has no culture all the while using Iphones, cars and airplanes as those are neutral technologies that came from a vacuum. Those technologies are American culture. There's a reason it's called American car culture. American's invented it and people all over the world embrace it while at the same time hating America. America is their master and they believe they can beat their master with his tools. Social media also comes from America. All the problems it creates in the west with regards to enabling women to anonymously ride the Tinder cock carousel are going to happen in other countries even if they ban Tinder. People will still use social media to hookup so you can't stop it. I also spoke about how in Arab countries women would use the internet to sleep around secretly with anonymous men that were outside their social circles a long time ago and many guys didn't believe me. Your stories
Mahmood are proving me right. Of course women are going to wear revealing clothing because the more skin you show the more Alpha sultans they can suck off before you hit the wall and have to settle for a beta male that takes western tourists on camel rides out in the desert. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Cornseason Production: Anyways, now back to the camel jockey clown world show. Mahmood I put a link in the description to an article in Arabic where it says that in 2018 there were 6039 people that got married while only 1929 divorced. But only a year earlier in 2017 there were 6691 that got married and 1890 got divorced. I don't really think that's all that significant. You say it's still a low divorce rate. The thing that everyone is missing is that western culture is colonizing the world one smart phone at a time. It's rewiring everyone's brain and I was originally going to call this video feminist ideas are taking over The world but I'm worried that either YouTube or Twitter will think I'm referring to women and give me a strike and have my video removed. I made a video a long time ago called women taking over the world and that one received a strike.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Very angry woman

2. young man with finger in his nose at a crowded place

3. Single parent family. Tired Halloween mom after work as clown on birthday on dark background.

My Ex Wife Turned Me Into A Human ATM - MGTOW
My Ex Wife Turned Me Into A Human ATM - MGTOW Sandman 378 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection
- (Short version court hearing showing converting a man to an Atm) (Interview with Joseph about court lunacy) (Joseph becoming Yousuf and leaving country because of divorce rape) (Pay child support for a kid that is not yours or go to jail)

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr. Sandman, Certain laws have been created in the past which not many men know about until are taken to the cleaners in divorce court or family courts, such as America's "Title 4D Social Security Act of 1975" which enables whamen to take more than half of men's accumulated wealth and assets once established a relationship has been taking place, on top of Child Support Payments and Spouse Maintenance Payments which is a fancy name for payments made to continue the partners current living lifestyle which majority of whamen claim this. I first learned of 'Title 4D Social Security Act" when stumbled upon Youtube videos about Joseph Kenick III who is now Yousuf after he converted to Islam. Videos on his court hearings clearly were one sided and showed the courts turning men into Atm's. Not only did the courts treat Joseph as a walking money bags with regular increasing payments but also exploited him for asset stripping and distribution with increasing amounts until the money tree was empty and then threatened jail time to keep the payments coming. The name wage slave comes to mind. In Australia we have the "Family Law Act of 1975" which acts the same as the American counterpart. Coincidence both are implemented on same year. Could you do a deep dive into the various types of "Man to Atm" type Act/Laws that enable whamen to go into relationships with sole purpose of golddigging men by these payments. As always thank you for your contribution to the freedom of men by Mgtow philosophy." Well Trump Nukem thanks for the donation and topic. I put three of the links you sent me in the description and I've added one of my own about a man that was forced to pay child support for a kid that wasn't his or he would have to go to jail. I'll discuss my thoughts about the situation with the family courts turning men into human ATM's in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. First off Trump Nukem I'm not a lawyer and it's hard for me to even know where to begin to look for the various laws and acts that enable whamen to gold dig with men. I don't know if you recently heard but in Ontario, Canada a man lived in his own house and his girlfriend of ten to fifteen years lived in hers and yet the judge still sided with her and is forcing him to pay alimony even though they didn't live together and they weren't married or had kids together. That's the situation in cuckistan and I suspect that you'll be hearing similar stories in the future from the rest of the commonwealth countries and probably the United States. The saddest part about these types of laws and rulings by judges is that we abolished debtors prisons a long time ago because they were considered inhumane slavery. But we decided to still keep them around for men that wouldn't or usually couldn't pay their child support and alimony payments. In the Cuckistan case for women that they weren't married to or living with.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

MGTOW - Anatomy Of Female Powers By Chinweizu Part 2 Of 18
MGTOW - Anatomy Of Female Powers By Chinweizu Part 2 Of 18 Alpha_Male_Guide 87 Views • 4 years ago

MGTOW IS FREEDOM - The FRIEND ZONE MGTOW_Is_Freedom 250 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow

MGTOW IS FREEDOM - The problem with... ENTITLED WOMEN MGTOW_Is_Freedom 90 Views • 5 years ago

(MGTOW is Freedom) Mirror Status

Power by : Johnny Mgtow

"Men are BAD - Woman are GOOD"
"Men are BAD - Woman are GOOD" Texting Prince 152 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This is a clip from one of my recent livestreams about why men are simply deciding to 'walk away' from marriage, cohabitation, and having children with the ladies in 2020.

In this video I am going to be covering the propaganda junk that is all over the place that sends the message that Guys are BAD, Wahmen are GOOD.

Example : The Gillette Toxic Masculinity Ad

Catch the livestreams on YouTube Wednesday evenings at 7 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)



Within 10 minutes of reading my texting guide, you can use the technique Mirror Texting to know EXACTLY whether any woman texting you is actually interested or just playing games



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