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Where women were and where they are today—On Masculism Sneak Peak
Where women were and where they are today—On Masculism Sneak Peak Mustapha Mond 62 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Short segment on women's shift from the home to the workforce in the 1900s and their current standing today. Taken from a longer-form detailing of Masculism by profhugodegaris that will be released soon.

Materialism is the Problem
Materialism is the Problem Mustapha Mond 23 Views • 4 years ago

Materialism is the problem and it will not be fixed in any capitalist or socialist society.

Just Commit!
Just Commit! Mustapha Mond 23 Views • 4 years ago

Expand what you want and who you want to be. Choose something to pursue and commit to it. Commitment is what drives us forward and allows us to appreciate where we have come from.

Entry on Black Identity Politics in America
Entry on Black Identity Politics in America Mustapha Mond 28 Views • 4 years ago

Many black Americans I have interacted with (not all, but many) are fundamentally tribal in their view of life. This is disastrous for them and everyone else. Individualism is the way forward.

Advice for Growing Up in a Single Mother Household
Advice for Growing Up in a Single Mother Household Mustapha Mond 44 Views • 4 years ago

If you are growing up in a single mother household, I bet it is shitty. I was there. Take what I learned the hard way, and apply it to see if it helps you.

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