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Put Single Mothers Into The Trash LOL - MGTOW
Put Single Mothers Into The Trash LOL - MGTOW Sandman 419 Views • 4 years ago

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Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Gregor and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman. I discovered your channel after I was discarded by a 44 year old mother of 3. One adopted and twins via ivf. No father around. I was Papa for 2 years and after proposing to her 3 months in, I bought her a diamond and we were married. 1 ½ years later. . . . 4 months after being exhausted by her demands I callled her out. Her response was couples therapy. In the first session she said she was finished. I moved out heart broken 3 months later. I haven’t seen the children since April and don’t expect to see them as long as they are children ever again. It was a super red pill experience. Btw I am 50 and earn well over six figures. I'm a healthy man who is a professional chef of 30 years and a degree in natural therapeutics. I am not disposable. I thank God that I am now awake and free to be me and do my own thing. Thank you." Well Gregor. thanks for the donation and topic. Before I discuss your crazy case let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways, now back to the video. So Gregor it wasn't enough for your wife, now ex wife to tug on your nut sack while her kids tugged on your heart strings. It wasn't enough to get you to stick around and take all of her abuse and high demands. This is the world we have entered. One where women are adopting African babies and having their own well past their fertility windows in their forties with ivf technology and they aren't happy with this. They want a man making six figures serving them five star chef meals on their picnic table and they push those poor guys to Anthony Bordain themselves in the upstairs bathroom after nagging at them non stop. The really sad part about this is that there are men out there willing to trade their lives for the chance to spawn up her barren snatch once a month after he serves her a five star brunch. No man is disposable until they are disposable. As you found out Gregor. What's really sad is I think that one of the consequences of living in a disposable culture is that we see people disposably if we see our technology that same way. I form emotional attachments with people and objects. But women like the one you were with probably don't form any attachments with either. Getting rid of a car, computer or phone feels wrong and I feel like I'm breaking my commitment to it. 2 weeks in I slightly crack my phone screen. Not to worry in 2 years I'll get another free phone. Besides my old phone had a slight crack in it as well and I used it just fine for almost seven years. Plus it was a lot slower. It bothered me so much that the new phone had a tiny crack but I live for four years with a bigger one on the old phone and it didn't bother me at all. I suspect that when we are constantly updating our material possessions we get pickier and pickier and willing to throw the old away quicker because we know there's a new one around every corner. That's why your ex wife divorced you Gregor. Because you're like a phone on a two year contract. You get a new phone after two years so you might as well get a new papa for your kids after two years too. Two year phone contracts. Two year marriage contracts. The problem with single mothers is that many of them were willing to throw away their first relationship with the father of their children for a shiny new father, you. You can't change or
raise a fully grown woman to know any better. You can't help her. You have to treat single mothers the way you treat people with narcissistic personality disorder. Just stay away. If you could help her then someone else would have before you. She obviously doesn't care about the children as much as she cares about herself.

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The Great Feminist Reset - MGTOW
The Great Feminist Reset - MGTOW Sandman 519 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Thanks for waking up men all over the world regarding female nature. I do have a burning question regarding the feminist's role in the "great reset". With the shutdowns causing many business owners to lose their livelihoods and the elite's plan by 2030 where everyone will "own nothing and be happy for it," how would the feminists play an important role during that transition where they probably won't be able to extract as much money and resources from men if all the property and assets is going to be in the hands of the corrupt big government/corporations by then? Subsequently, is it possible that the "great reset" is also being used as a stealth population control as the elite's ultimate goal is to reduce global population growth and to have all the assets and wealth to themselves as it will be used to control the world populace that is still around despite growing opposition against what here in America is considered to be "corporate fascism". I can't help but be more convinced that the corrupt media is constantly fanning the narrative that the women is the "victim" while the men get laughed at and spit upon because of our "toxic masculinity", more so as a MAJOR distraction from the elite's ultimate plan is so that we going to be attacking each other based on gender and gender fluidity and less on whom is REALLY behind all of this. Anyhow, sorry for the somewhat long rant, but I figured that you would be the best guy to answer those type of questions. Thank you for keeping us men informed and continue "preaching to the choir" about us going our own way!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the video. So you want to know how women will get men's money and resources if we won't own anything and we will be happy in 2030. The great reset is actually the idea of stake holder versus share holder capitalism. Getting more women into positions in big corporations while shutting down small companies thanks to coof lock downs and any other means necessary. Stake holder capitalism means more loyalty for big companies from the people, mostly women in the future that they employ. The problem for companies when hiring men is that men tend to go where they are treated best. Women tend to stick around in abusive jobs and relationships. Don't believe me then look at many of the women that are part of MeToo and ask yourself why they stayed with many so called toxic and abusive men if they were so bad? As for the corporations they will give women money directly in the form of jobs and as stakeholders in companies. What amounts to crumbs to shut them up. The feminists and women in general are too stupid not to realize what's happening. They won't need men to extract the wealth from if the corporations hand over many if not most of men's jobs to women because of equality and hiring quotas. Of course it won't stop at equality and you could easily see most corporations eighty or ninety percent staffed by women and men being the poor ones in society. Look at what happened in Paris city hall with violating the hiring rules with regards to having too many women working there. If that happens everywhere it's not as though men wouldn't rise up at that point instead of smiling like that soy boy in the world economic forum's video about it being 2030 and you own nothing and you're happy. Everyone freaks out thinking that's going to happen.

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Women Blame Men For Everything & We Can't Blame Them For Anything - MGTOW
Women Blame Men For Everything & We Can't Blame Them For Anything - MGTOW Sandman 404 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

The Feminst Trope, Explained

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MR. Tattoo and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, It would appear that feminism thinks along the same lines as MGTOW. I always see videos for MGTOW but I never see videos for feminism on YouTube, so I went looking. They say the same things in their videos, every argument is mirrored. It's just an interesting observation and maybe a good talking point for a video. Cheers." Well Mr. Tattoo thanks for the donation and topic. You sent me a link to a video called The Feminst Trope, Explained. Yes it does talk a lot about how feminists tend to have many of the same qualities that men going their own way have. That they are intellectual and articulate and that male validation is not the primary metric that she measures her value in life. Men going their own way obviously don't measure our lives or at least we shouldn't measure our lives based on female validation. Plus many of us online are articulate and intelligent. But where things get sketchy in this video is when it says that feminists preach, overthink and see issues that don't really exist. In the past there were issues for women. It's just that today those issues have been solved and at first glance it appears as though there is no rational reason for seemingly irrational feminists to exist anymore. But they serve a more insidious purpose. I believe it all comes down to collective
projection. Projection is a form of gaslighting. They want us all to think that we're the bad guys when were actually the good guys and they are bad gals. All the talk from feminists about there being some sort of mysterious group of men controlling women through the patriarchy that probably exists in masonic lodges cooking up ways to control the cooch is really about accusing men of the very same behavior that feminists and more importantly women themselves are guilty of. They are accusing us of the very deeds they are guilty of so that we have zero recourse. Women don't want us to realize that we actually live in a covert matriarchal society. That's the unspoken secret among all women. They know it but no man ever should. I'll get to more about the similarities and differences between feminists and MGTOWs in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. The title of this women blame men for everything & we can't blame them for anything should have another sentence after it. We can't blame them for anything because they used that argument first and they
have made it their own. If you accuse someone of cheating first then you look like a kindergarten baby if you accuse of the same thing back. We are conditioned early in grade school to believe that if someone says you're stupid and you say no you're stupid back at them then you look pathetic and that you don't have a valid argument back even if it's true that other person is stupid you aren't. When you think about it like that women control men through kindergarten psychology. As for the video you shared Mr. Tattoo it's way to long and about the fifteen minute mark I found myself getting tired of it. The link to it is in the description. It says that feminists questions established social conventions. So do MGTOWs but we don't bring them up to change them. We bring them up to warn other men to avoid standing on those land mines. The video says that on screen feminists are always portrayed as being angry or too much to handle. That they are radicals. Obviously in mgtow we have the Red pill rage but it's a phase we grow out of unlike feminist characters that seem to be stuck in it. Feminists also always promote the idea that we should all be feminists. Or men can be allies. MGTOWs say there's no way Jose a woman can go her own way. They believe that society owes them we just believe that society should leave us alone.

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MGTOW Disappointing
MGTOW Disappointing SoloManZone 51 Views • 4 years ago

Sad to see

What Does Basic Bitch Mean? - MGTOW
What Does Basic Bitch Mean? - MGTOW Sandman 473 Views • 4 years ago

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The Nature of the Basic Bitch

How to Tell If You're a Basic Bro

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I just wanted to get your take on the Term "BASIC BITCH". I've heard the term used in the past..and recently while viewing a PODCAST from Coach Greg Adams. But I never understood the true meaning....I'm 47 years maybe a different term was used to describe these types of females I knew as a youth....I then typed in the term in YouTube a video link appeared. After watching it.... I realized I've known these "BASKET BEAVERS".. OHH..I mean BASKET WEAVERS ".. damn near all my LIFE...LOL..LOL. I'm not sure if you covered this Topic in the Past and if not, Could you do your Molecular-Breakdown on where you see "BASIC BITCHES" evolved 10-20 yrs from now, thank you for all you do Sir, GODSPEED on your future endeavors Sir.!!!" Well Ron thanks for yet another donation and topic. It's appreciated as thing have been slower than usual since the coof. According to the slang dictionary "Basic bitch is a term used to condescendingly refer to women who have predictable or unoriginal style, interests, or behavior. The term has been criticized as misogynistic, though it has been reclaimed, to some extent, by women who have been labeled basic bitches." So basically when we speak about women not having as many hobbies as men or just going with the flow and conforming to what society expects from them like sheep with regards to the way they dress and what types of men and music they like that really bothers them. I'm guessing they don't like it because it means that they aren't special unique snowflakes but as women they are more similar to other women then they are to men. If this idea caught on with guys I'm sure they would be worried that guys would question women that are female chameleons only pretending to like what we like so they can get together with us. I'll get to more in just a moment but first a word from today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. Hopefully I won't get into trouble or have this video get too heavily suppressed by using the B word. As for calling women basic all the women I've been with didn't have hobbies. They didn't have an original style and if you walk through most suburban neighborhoods you'll see all the multi million dollar McMansions looking like cookie cutter homes with the same style of SUV in the driveway that look you walked down the street with photoshop and used the cut and paste tool. Whenever I've dreamed about getting a traditional house in a cul du sac like that I've fantasized about pimping it out to look like a home from the 1950s, 60s, 70s or 80s. Putting a Delorean and a cobra mustang in the driveway and garage if it was in the 1980s and filling the house with the best stuff from my childhood in the 80s and opening it up as a museum for people to enjoy and learn something about that era. All the money I'd make from that would be spent to buy the house next door and turn it into a 1970s disco place and eventually make an awesome street full of consumer history and it would be a roadside attraction tons of people would visit. But I've never seen a woman take an obsession or hobby that far. I only know one woman I went to college with that took her goth thing so far that she bought a hurst and her she puts a vampire cape on her cat and forces it to sleep in a miniature coffin. She's committed to that style for over three decades. But she's one of the rare ones.

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Women Playing With Balls - MGTOW
Women Playing With Balls - MGTOW Sandman 330 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: Corona Chan Figure

Sponsor Link: The Duke and The Dragon: ContractMan Issue 3

The Awkward Drive Home | Mr. Bean Official Cartoon

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he briefly has to say: "Ok Sandman I have my question. I just watched Ted Lasso episode 1 on AppleTV+. What is your take on how his wife is messing with his life? What can guys learn from shows like this about how we are trashed? Thank You" Well Ron thanks for the donation and topic. Thanks for getting me to watch a show about sports. I absolutely hate sports in case anyone is wondering. The show is about soccer incase any of you are wondering about what type of balls women are playing with. Get your mind out of the gutter. Unless of course you're a bowler and you get a gutter ball. I know real bad joke. I promise the next one will be even cheesier. So with that out the way I'll get to my thoughts about the first episode of Ted Lasso in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Corona Girl: Anyways now back with the show. So Ted Lasso is an American football coach that gets hired by a European soccer or football everywhere else it's known in the world by the new owner Rebecca. She's making some changes as the football club was given to her in the divorce. Her first act as new owner is to fire the old coach and her excuse is his casual misogyny as well as the tiny shorts he wears where she can see one of his testicles. At first this seems like a classic fish out of water story. But I immediately got the feeling that Rebecca was like the owner of the Cleveland Indians from the film Major League. That she wanted to take her average team and make it terrible for some reason. That's who she reminds me of. I was right because only a Rebecca says that Ted is a Wanker to one of her assistants. In Major League the female owner hires all the terrible reject players that no one else wants. In this case Jessica hires who she thinks will make a terrible coach. Of course she has the cover of plausible deniability that he was a successful coach in America because he successfully coached an amateur American Football team to a championship and now she tells him she expects him to do the same to a Professional Football team. She tells her assistant that she's done this intentionally to burn the club to the ground because it's the one thing her husband loves and she wants to make him suffer. Why do I get the feeling that her plan is predictably going to backfire the way it did in Major League? She's nice to Ted's face but behind the scenes she's a cold bitch. Ron you probably meant how Rebecca was messing with her husband's life and not Ted's. I initially thought it was Ted's wife back in America because when he gets on the plane to England he looks on his phone and you see a picture of a woman and boy. I initially thought that was his ex wife and son and she was going to make his life hell through Skype or Zoom for much of the show. But I guess I was wrong.

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Support Her & Her 10 Cats Too - MGTOW
Support Her & Her 10 Cats Too - MGTOW Sandman 342 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: [email protected]

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by E in New York and here's what he has to say: "Hello, Sandman: I'm interested in the cost-benefit analysis included in the MGTOW mindset. I instinctively conducted the relationship cost-benefit analysis many years ago before MGTOW was a thing and it has probably saved my life. I avoided dangerously costly relationships and now have a net worth and the wherewithal to survive the beer flu here in New York City. I live the bachelor lifestyle that I do, simply because of the math. It took me until I was in my mid-thirties to complete the equations; but I didn't have to marry or cohabitate to figure it all out. I just ran the numbers one day, and that was it: MGTOW is math. I can't figure out why more men don't seem to be able to see that. Like many if not most men, I desire women; but I've never been able to see why any man would want one on retainer. It's just too costly. Testosterone or not. Desire or no desire. Safety and legal concerns aside, money is money, and few people ever come to the aid of men who can't support themselves. Sandman, what am I missing? Why wouldn't a MGTOW lifestyle predominate, even and especially for men of means, based on the financials alone? Thanks and cheers." Well E in New York thanks for the donation and topic. Hopefully Fredo's brother doesn't tax you too much in New York State going forward? When it comes to why more or most men don't go their own way it has more to do with a cock benefit analysis instead of a cost benefit one. Men's unconscious reproductive urges overpower our intellectual ones. I know this because it's happened to me and if I didn't remain vigilant when I was dating five years ago I would have reproduced with the wrong woman. Even men that get together with women and put certain deal breakers in place tend to break them. Especially when it comes to things like pets. For example one guy I used to be friends with told me he would put his foot down when it came to pets in his relationship. Then a dog showed up. Then a cat showed up. Then another dog showed up and then I stopped talking to him because I told him about my YouTube channel and he probably thought I was a misogynist or something. Besides two dogs and a cat he probably got a rabbit and iguana too. Guys can't stick to a budget or guns when they are sticking it into a cooch. Mind you in his case his wife did make a lot of money so he technically wasn't supporting all those animals. But for most men it's like you're dating Darth Vader and the deal is getting worse all the time but you wouldn't know it because you've had a love lobotomy. I'll discuss more about why more men don't go their own way instead of getting married or into long-term relationships in just a moment. But let me first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. You mention that it took you up to your mid thirties to complete your mathematical equations when it comes to relationships being pointless. For myself and Terrence Popp we noticed that around the age of 35 a man finally gets to the point where his big head starts to take over the thinking for his little one. So that coincides perfectly with what happened to you as well. The reason more men don't figure it out is because they haven't reached the age of 35 yet and if I look at my channel demographics the majority is men from 18 to 34.

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The Anti-Man Podcast - MGTOW
The Anti-Man Podcast - MGTOW Sandman 370 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: [email protected]

Laura Bates on extreme misogyny groups online. Women and debt. Rheumatoid

Tsunami Hits Thailand

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I’m donating because you broke and chuckled after a joke about red snappers. I admire your work ethic, I’d like to remain anonymous. Have a great day!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I'm sure you'll like this topic. A while back I was mentioned in an article in the UK in the Guardian discussing the ninety million views I racked up on YouTube and it was obviously said to bring attention to me so I would get banned. I figure I might as well research the woman that wrote about me and why she thinks I hate women. Someone sent me a 45 minute long podcast called woman's hour where Laura the author of the original article speaks about her experiences going undercover as a feminist in the manosphere for 18 months as a young man known as Alex and now she's written a book called Men Who hate women. For the first sixteen and a half minutes of this anti-man podcast from the BBC they discuss how debt among especially young women is rising. They say that being female makes you more vulnerable to debt because women are parents and have children. But what about the father and the alimony and child support payments the woman receives if she's a single mother? They also blame ad companies using influencers to normalize debt in advertising. What they are implying is that women are easy to control like a herd if they see someone else with higher status doing something irresponsible. They are likely to do the same and follow their lead. The first segment in the podcast is about how women are being taken advantage of by being tricked into taking more debt then men. In the buy now pay later. But it's not completely their fault. Anna 18 took credit cards out and had good intentions to pay everything back but also thought of it was free money. She says she was impressionable at the age of 18. You can hear her smiling while saying that on the podcast. The host asks where the responsibility lands. She says that the people lending the money should be making it more obvious how they make their money. She says it in a big nervous flow of verbal diarrhea. All I could think was that bullshit baffles the brain and that's what she was intending on doing. She says that companies need to promoting financial literacy. Sure like that's going to happen. Anyways, that's not what I wanted to focus on. I wanted to focus on what Laura Bates has to say and I will in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. Just so everyone knows where I'm getting my information a put a link in the description to that BBC podcast. Laura says that she started her research and something called the Everyday Sexist Project because she's a feminist. She says that for the longest time she didn't want to talk about the manosphere groups and give them publicity. Then she complains that there is no real great awareness of men in the manosphere by people in the general public. You can't have it both ways. You can't promote that the mainstream media ignore MGTOW and the manosphere and then say there needs to be more awareness.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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He Married A Feminist! Help! - MGTOW
He Married A Feminist! Help! - MGTOW Sandman 411 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Scott and heres's what he has to say: "Dear Sandman, So, here is my request. By the way, I am retired, and quite happy, but I really wish that I had listen to your material when I was a teenager. It would’ve saved me a great deal of grief! The issue is with my son, who is in his mid-30s, and quite successful. He is an excellent father to his two young children, adores them, and they adore him. The problem is his wife. I think she probably married him because time was running out for her, and she wanted children. I think I see this problem in a lot of couples, where in the wife is much less financially successful than a husband, and feels threatened if the husband tries to assert authority over how the kids are raised, rewarded, or punished. My son is a gentle man, kind, and incredibly intelligent and accomplished. However, if he deviates from how his wife thinks that the children should be raised, she becomes sharp and bitchy with him, and he does not stand up to her. Had I known things were going to turn out this way, I would have advised him not to marry her, and also to take some assertiveness training, even though he seems to be plenty assertive at work. But, things are as they are, and a divorce would not only financially destroy him, but destroy him emotionally by taking his children away from him. In other ways, his wife is perfectly fine, and even supportive. But, as you have said many times, once a man puts a ring on it, the woman holds all the cards. Now, I am not about to offer advice unless I am asked, especially about a marriage. But, I may be asked. Given that things are as they are, and I suspect that this is a common problem among men who have gotten married, what would you advise?" Well Scott thanks for the donation and topic. You are wise to not red pill your son while he's married because if he learns the truth by taking his love goggles off it could ruin his life. I'll get to more of my thoughts about his situation being married to a feminist in a just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the lost in clown world show. First of all I doubt he's ever going to come to you seeking help with his relationship. He loves his children and probably loves her too even though she gives him tough love and has that sword of Damocles of divorce dangling over his head. To be honest I don't know what I'd do if I were in your shoes. You have to watch him suffer through this situation and if you say something you will watch him suffer through an even worse situation. Assertiveness isn't the issue for most men when it comes to women. It's about learning how not to fall and stay in love with a woman. Romantic love is the issue because it turns us into simps instead of stallions. He made his choice with the best available information at the time he got married. If you knew what you know now then he would have had different information. What would be intersting is if he has male children or a male child to plant some red pills in their heads while they are still wetting the metaphorical bed so that they don't end up like your son. You've already admitted it that your son is trapped and there's no way out. But that doesn't mean there can't be an escape route for the next generation.

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Neurotic Women - MGTOW
Neurotic Women - MGTOW Sandman 286 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, sorry for the late reply. I work in the health care field and it's been crazy. I put it in the comment field but looks like it didn't show up. My suggested topic was the rise in antibiotic resistance. It's said the two main reasons are feeding antibiotics to animals and "parents" pressuring doctors to prescribe antibiotics for their children when they're not needed. By "parents" I wonder if the real culprit is neurotic mothers. Or a topic of your own choosing. Keep up the good work. Cheers!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I guess you want me to discuss overbearing mothers that are too responsible and give their kids too many of those banana flavored antibiotics when they are younger and then those same kids grow up to have all sorts of antibiotic related problems that go beyond just causing antibiotic resistance. I of course probably have such ailments as both my naturopath and functional medicine doctors think my problems were related to the same thing. I think it's a combination of antibiotics use at a young age, recently too as well as stress that have wrecked my health. In certain circumstances like Covid where presidents and prime ministers in countries like Iceland, New Zealand and Taiwan are women they have own group preference so that serves them well because protecting other women is like protecting themselves. But when it comes to taking too many medications for things like mild colds, infections and mental health issues they tend to overdo it from my experience. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. Mr. Anonymous Antibiotic resistance isn't the only problem they cause. My skin problems started in the four grade but there was no pain just mildly thicker skin around my finger nails that peeled off easily and I didn't think too much about it. Yes there were antibiotics at that time once or twice a year. I was also dealing with the stress associated with bullying that began at that point in my life. So antibiotics killing off the good bacteria in my body along with stress elevating my cortisol and lowering my immune system started my journey with yeast overgrowths that a year or two ago were so bad that I was contemplating suicide. When people tell you there are worse things in life than death you better believe it. Until you've been there you won't know what they really mean. About a month and a half to two months ago I got off of about 5 months of low dose antibiotics that messed up digestive system. That's getting back to normal and I know it's going to sound disgusting but haven't had a normal bowel movement in a couple of months. It looks more like pho without the noodles. How's that for toilet humor. As for antibiotics the combination of using them to kill of your beneficial bacteria and then cortisol elevating your blood sugar feeding the bad yeasts that are naturally there in proper amounts can become a disaster as I've learned. The problem is I found out that I was a junkie for the dopamine and adrenaline I would get from watching thought provoking content online.

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Elon Musk Takes The Red Pill . . Trans Woman Throws A Twitter Tantrum - MGTOW
Elon Musk Takes The Red Pill . . Trans Woman Throws A Twitter Tantrum - MGTOW Sandman 375 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

"I Was a Starter Wife": Inside America's Messiest Divorce

Cloud Atlas Extended Trailer #1

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Georges. He didn't send me a specific topic with his donation so I've decided that I'd like to discuss what recently happened to Elon Musk telling the world to take the red pill on Twitter. Maybe he was referring to MGTOW as he's just had a child with a woman named Grimes. I'll get to my thoughts about him in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:
Anyways, now back to the video. Could it be that Elon has decided to go his own way because he recognizes the dangers of marriage and cohabitation. I find it all too convenient that he's decided that he's going to be selling all of his houses right now, right in the middle of a pandemic. He claims he's doing it because he doesn't want be materialistic anymore except for a few special items of sentimental value. I don't know for sure but I suspect that his timing is line with selling his homes before any potential real estate crash caused by covid. But another possibility is that he's using that story about not being materialistic as deniability for selling so he can just hide the money in an outside jurisdicion and Grimes, his newest Baby Momma can't get any of it. It sounded as though he mocked her on social media by telling everyone that she didn't like the idea that he was selling everything. Of course she wouldn't as she has a lot to gain if they live together and get married. He's also moving to Texas from California apparently. I innitially thought that common law was different in California versus Texas where Elon wants to move to but apparently it's very similar. For example in Texas for a couple to be considered in a commonlaw marriage they they have to agree to be married, live together as a couple and tell others ("hold yourselves out") that you are married. But I think it has more to do with politics. When he published his cryptic tweet that referenced the first Matrix movie he got support from Ivanka Trump. But many think that it has to do with him leaving a democratic state and heading to a republican one and that democrats need to wake up. I don't think he's saying saying to go your own way from a MGTOW perspective. I think he went his own way a long long time ago after leaving his first wife and then Talulah Riley. Since then he dates but doesn't marry. Remember that Elon is a shrewd operator when it comes to marriage and divorce. I put an article in the description called: "I Was a Starter Wife": Inside America's Messiest Divorce, where his first wife said this and I quote: "Elon's words to me were "I am the alpha in this relationship." I shrugged it off, just as I would later shrug off signing the postnuptial agreement, but as time went on, I learned that he was serious. He had grown up in the male-dominated culture of South Africa, and the will to compete and dominate that made him so successful in business did not magically shut off when he came home. This, and the vast economic imbalance between us, meant that in the months following our wedding, a certain dynamic began to take hold. Elon's judgment overruled mine, and he was constantly remarking on the ways he found me lacking.

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Dating Hot Disabled Chicks . . At Least They Can't Get Away - MGTOW
Dating Hot Disabled Chicks . . At Least They Can't Get Away - MGTOW Sandman 297 Views • 4 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Astral Projection - People can fly

Astral Projection - Dancing Galaxy

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Odium and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman I am 35 years old, I have cerebral palsy (think of R J MITE from breaking bad, minus the speech impediment, plus a walker), live on my own, and actually had a few good relationships since I was 17 years old. by the ripe old age of 29 I got so tired of the dating game, since the woman (disabled or not disabled, it doesn't matter) was the one who dictated the pace and the type of the relationship we would have. It was extremely exhausting! Yet I never had any wish to go back in time with my current knowledge, and I never had that feeling that I missed something, wasted any time, or drastically wanted to change something. Oddly enough, people (even people who are not family) sometimes still ask me why I'm not in a relationship and they do not accept the fact that I should be exempt from the relationship race because of my disability. Not only do I have the burden of every average man pursuing a relationship, I also need to juggle the disability and how to present it in an easy and digestible manner, gambling on my time and energy. Trying to explain that I don't have
the energy anymore since I have other important things on my mind - such as skipping myself healthy and maintaining a business as a translator and transcriber is more than enough for me to juggle. Yet people still expect me to be a part of the dating race. WTF?! How is it that my disability does not allow me to be exempt from those kind of expectations? Since the lock-down I feel very lucky being single, not having to share my space or need to maintain a relationship, maintain myself is challenging enough. what are your thoughts? p.s. could you plug my music? since the quarantine i started sampling again and if could find someone through your channel that who would like to remix or collaborate that would be awesome! Thank you for your daily red pills. Stay safe. Well Odium thanks for the donation and sharing your experiences with everyone. I put a link down below to your music and I see you're from Israel and your music has a sort of Trance flavor to it. One of my favorite Trance bands for the late nineties is from Israel. You might have heard of them? They are called Astral Projection. They are a bit dated now after 25 years but I shared two of their songs below. One is called People Can Fly and the other track I also shared is called Dancing Galaxy. Listening to those tracks in my early twenties was absolutely mind blowing. Both tracks are to be listening at high volume. Before I discuss your
experiences being shamed for not dating while disabled let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia:

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Even Innocent Men Are Guilty - MGTOW
Even Innocent Men Are Guilty - MGTOW Sandman 239 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman I was going to wait and give you another topic in a another month or two. But after learning about what's been going on with the Amber heard and Johnny Depp situation I've come across a story that says there is a petition that says "we support Amber heard in aqua man 2". While at the same time there are dozens Of other petitions to get her kicked off of aqua man 2 and canceled from her other sponsorships. I understand this petition to keep her on the project only has over 4000 maybe 5000 signatures but just the fact that someone would make this petition and there are people there to sign it boils my blood. As a victim of abuse in my own life I find it very offensive that people would actually defend an abuser just because she's a woman despite the fact that there is evidence that proves she's the one doing evil. This situation is just like that YouTube video I once saw where 3 men who were accused of rape on some talk show. When they went on stage all three men who were proven to have not done the crime and were cleared by video evidence yet they still got booed by women who were in the crowd. All the women in the audience had excuses excuses like "We don't know what happened after the video or I'm a fellow victim of rape and abuse". It really does get on my nerves when stuff like this happens. I know I may sound a little emotional in this but I have to admit that this is going too far and they keep on making the same mistakes that cost them so much. If men can shame other men and criticize them why can't women do the same to their fellow women? It's like they stick together even when they're on a sinking ship. Sandman I hope you get a great video with this topic from someone who is a victim of child abuse on a physical and mental scale. We should not tolerate those who sign a petition protecting Heard. The people that sign that might as well sign a petition that says we want a free Harvey Weinstein. If they support people like Amber heard then they support Harvey Weinstein. Thanks again Sandman for all of your hard work we need more voices like yours the spread the Red pill philosophy." Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's
sponsor Ancient Purity:

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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