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The TFM Show: 8/26/2023
The TFM Show: 8/26/2023 T.F. Monkey 1,852 Views • 1 year ago

Morning Constitutional Article Links: <br>Matrix Server Link:;!iqyyMIsjP....GQuOdyrsz:nerdsin.sp <br>Registration: <br>If you registered with, consider creating a new account. accounts are the most likely to be censored. They also record you IP address and personal information for 7 years. <br>Here is a list of different mainstream servers you can register on: from which you can click the homeserver name and join. Those are the mainstream servers, but here is a list of based servers that are banned from where you can click the hyperlink to open an account there and avoid censorship. <br>Social Media Links: <br>SubscribeStar: <br>SubscribeStar Tip (one-time donation): <br>GiveSendBro: <br>Rumble: <br>MGTOW.TV: <br>MGTOW.TV Stream: <br>TheVertex.IO: <br>PeerTube: <br>DLive: <br>Bitchute: <br>Bitchute Referral Link: <br>Odysee: <br>LBRY (uncensored Odysee: requires app download): <br>Odysee Stream: <br>Mastodon: <br>Matrix Username:; <br>Matrix Server Link:!iqyyMIsjP....GQuOdyrsz:nerdsin.sp <br>Instagram (Celestina): <br>Main YouTube Channel (TFM): <br>Doctor Dollhouse (doll-centric Alternate YouTube Channel): <br>Amazon Books: <br> <br>Sponsor Links:

Men are just outright EVADING interactions with ANY women
Men are just outright EVADING interactions with ANY women Better Bachelor 229 Views • 2 years ago

The Daily Wire Giveaway status: We're currently in 1st place. Promotion ends November 1st 2022. <br> <br>Let's build a men's retreat we can win 250K- Winner takes all! Help us win the giveaway with a subscription to Daily Wire or a razor purchase - with Jordan Peterson, Gina Carano, Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro with the link below. <br>ALL FUNDING will be used towards a men's retreat in Tennessee (Central US). Not only will you support a non-woke company AND get great razors or a sub to excellent news, but you can help in funding this amazing retreat. Referral link <br> <br>Razor order - 10 pts <br>Subscription to Daily Wire - 20 pts <br>Yearly Sub or Upgrade to yearly - 20 pts <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see all the same content you get here on YT. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>Try a month as a supporter for free on me! Use promo code JOKERSWILD <br> <br>To Support Via Paypal: <br> <br>or <br> <br> <br>Bitcoin Donations - 3DrBGxPH7Ho4dQqx8qxBhZXZwArPN82fTU <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel <br>Instagram: The_Unknown_Adventure <br>

Tick-Tock T.F. Monkey 2,132 Views • 2 years ago

Originally published on ⁣May 5th, 2018. <br> <br> <br> <br>⁣Social Media Links: <br>Alternate Channel (Celestina Monkey): <br>Bitchute Account: <br>Twitch Account: <br>Instagram (Celestina): <br> <br>Intro/Outro Music: Fling My Turds by Red Pill Chemist <br>Background Music: &quot;Tick Tock&quot; by Jimmy Fontanez/Media Right Production. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library. <br> <br>Sources: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Visualizations create via Winamp and OBS

Sandman Discusses Divesters, Roe Vs Wade, Dave Chappelle & More With Dennis Spurling - MGTOW
Sandman Discusses Divesters, Roe Vs Wade, Dave Chappelle & More With Dennis Spurling - MGTOW Sandman 268 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sandman Discusses Divesters, Roe Vs Wade, Dave Chappelle &amp; More With Dennis Spurling - MGTOW <br> <br> <br>Visit Dennis Spurling for more great Manosphere content: <br> <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Have You Heard About the Turd? | Grunt Speak Live
Have You Heard About the Turd? | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 488 Views • 2 years ago

The Crazy Drunk Uncles are in for a long overdue talk about some seriously toxic femininity tonight at 8pm Eastern! <br>#GruntSpeakLive #ToxicFemininity #DeppTrial <br> <br>All your support is appreciated. You can donate via YouTube,, Odysee or Rumble. <br>CashApp:$redonkulas <br>Donate $5: <br>Donate $10: <br>Donate $20: <br>Donate $50: <br>Donate $100: <br> <br>Brought to you by the stories of Nelson Abbac: <br> <br>If you want to keep seeing this content, be sure to sign up for exclusive livestreams and other content on our supporter sites! <br> <br> <br> <br>New merchandise also available on <br> <br>You can watch Grunt Speak Live on these channels! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>If you have a topic suggestion, news tip, a funny video, or you want to join Popp’s Preppers, send us an email: [email protected] <br> <br>All sources available on!

MGTOW Is Not As Exciting As It Used To Be
MGTOW Is Not As Exciting As It Used To Be Sandman 501 Views • 3 years ago

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The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donation once again. I received a message from someone named Julian as a paypal request asking me for money which he then cancelled. The idea was to get my attention so I wouldn't ignore what he had to say. I thought I'd read it anyway and make a video about it. Here's what Julian has to say and I quote: "This video is in response to your Indonesian man marries a cow video. This video really showed me that you are so out of ideas, like Hollywood is, that you will scrape the bottom of the barrel for anything to talk about. This channel used to be good 6 years ago and before that when I discovered it, but for the past few years it's been running on fumes and now you've had to get out and start pushing it for the next 2 years over the 10 years mark. This is the price to pay for only focusing on 1 topic for so long. You and your fans have completely run out of ideas. This is what happens when you box yourself into just one thing for so long. How about you think of a topic for yourself for once. Don't go to Reddit and don't go to any MGTOW forums to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Just think of something for yourself."
Unquote. Well it looks like someone is disgruntled about me recycling content. But that's the name of the game. I've laughed at my own jokes dozens of times in my videos but every video I do I get comments from people that say they have been listening to me for years and that's the first time they heard me laugh before. That just goes to show that people only listen to the content that interests them and not everything. When I started my channel in late 2013 the idea was to create my own content that I wanted to hear that others weren't saying because most of the men going their own way channels were dying. I was also hungry for success and wanted to make a name for myself so I worked really really hard to come up with new ideas. But after doing this successfully for eight years as Bane told Batman victory has defeated you. To some extent that's true but at the same time it's not. 2020 and for much of 2021 I had more financial success with my investments than ever before and grew my net worth massively. This made me less anxious about the future and less passionate about my work on because I realized that regardless of if I failed or succeeded at this my life would still be ok financially. In a way it was demoralizing realizing that I would now be making more money from passive investing then active thinking. Plus seeing your audience eroded by YouTube throttling isn't motivating either. But Julian is right there is a lack of creativity and it's not just me. This isn't 2016 anymore and there are other factions in the manosphere and the red pill isn't as revolutionary as it used to be. Is it just my channel that isn't as creative or has the audience shifted expecting more? Also I can think of topics myself but a it's inevitable that after 8 years you're going to exhaust various topic idea. The plan was always to bring in a new audience while the old got sick and tired of the same old content but that's not going to happen as you can't even discover me on YouTube anymore. Julian probably hasn't noticed that I also talk about the coof and finance in addition to women. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

China Is Banning Vasectomies & Abortions LOL - MGTOW
China Is Banning Vasectomies & Abortions LOL - MGTOW Sandman 346 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

In need of a baby boom, China clamps down on vasectomies

China says it's restricting abortions to promote gender equality. Experts are skeptical

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by a donations well because I didn't get any. If you want to request a topic you can by sending a donation to either Paypal or Subscribestar. Their links are in the description below. Anyway, one of my listeners sent me a Washington Compost article called: "In need of a baby boom, China clamps down on vasectomies" Once again China is screwing up their competitive advantage of having the largest working age population in the world. I don't see the Chinese as my personal enemy but there's an old saying from Napoleon Bonaparte where he says to never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. The article begins with a Chinese couple that had their first child and were then looking into get a vasectomy because they didn't want anymore. But two hospitals turned them down. One doctor told the couple that the surgery was no longer allowed under the country's new family planning rules. To that all I have to say is how long until the Chinese Communist party starts banning comdoms? A few decades ago the government in China used to sterilize many of it's people after they had one child. Now they are doing the opposite in a command and cock control maneuver trying to desperately get the birth rates up before they face a demographic winter. They now officially have a three child policy and expect people to start reproducing by government decree. Unfortunately for them once women have tasted western feminist freedom where they can go to work and have a better standard of living they won't reproduce. I don't think it's exactly that the hospitals are banning it just that the government has told hospitals to try and increase the number of babies being born. If they perform vasectomies and the birth rate falls then party members might replace hospital administrators and doctors or send them off to the gulags or something. They are not exactly banning it but you know a ban can't be too far off if the fertility rate keeps falling. It's 1.3 right now which is below Japan's and we all know how much Japan and China love each other. The article I shared in the description says this and I quote: "Twelve public hospitals contacted by The Washington Post, including facilities in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, said they no longer offered the procedure. Six hospitals said they still perform the surgery, but one said it was no longer available to unmarried men. Couples and single men who sought the procedure said doctors and hospital staff refused, telling them they would regret the decision later. Some asked for documentary proof of marriage and evidence that couples had already had children before going ahead with the surgery." Mark my words eventually we will see forced birth camps in China where the government will start forcing it's women to have two or three or even four babies if the demographic situation doesn't improve. The world will be up in arms about it but there won't be much they can do about it. They will go to extreme measures as their population crash begins to happen. Probably some sort of forced euthanasia of old people as well to make sure there's less of a burden on society. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Why Most Men Can't Go Their Own Way - MGTOW
Why Most Men Can't Go Their Own Way - MGTOW Sandman 430 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Cash Discount Pro

The Stone Tablet:

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kujel and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I would like you to cover my short book called The Stone Tablet: The Philosphy of Stonism, your video "MGTOW is Spreading Everywhere" echoed a lot of ideas in this book so I thought it would be worth covering, cheers." Well Kujel thanks for the donation and topic. Your 39 page book starts off with the premise that a man is stronger as a member of a klan or a wall of stones instead of as a single stone on his own. This idea echoed back when there were dozens if not hundreds of MGTOW channels in 2017 and 2018. We were a decentralized klan but it sounds like you are advocating for a more centralized one. But how does someone get one stone or person to convince other stones or persons to join together and become a wall? You say that Klans should be small group of brothers working together towards a collective goal. More
often than not blood related. That They have a citadel and if any one member of a klan doesn't meet their obligations they are cast out. I prefer online communities working together with the same goal in mind but each one is individually minded. where we are decentralized. In this day and age of narcissism a philosophy where men get together in one geographic place is centralized and governments won't have it. But a decentralized network would be far more powerful. You go onto say that the relationship a man has with his clan is like the commitment he might have for a wife. You mention this by saying that the clan is his Waifu. The citadel is the stone father and the klan is the mother or waifu. Then you bring up the Prion which in biology is a protein that can cause disease in animals and humans. But you say they are meaningless creatures that live with no klan, no honor only living for consumption and hedonism. But hey it's your philosophy so you can call men with no clan whatever you like. Sometimes these Prions are useful as free agents so the klan shouldn't write them off completely. You also say that hate is a useful emotion so long as it doesn't overwhelm ones reason and rationality. I agree. Sometimes hate is what motivates us to be even more rational. I for example harnessed the red pill rage in the first one to two years of this channel. An animal would have just gone on a rampage destroying things like the supreme gentleman Elliot Rogers. You then say that women can be allowed into a klan as well if they are young and fertile so she enriches the klan. You say that she's supposed to permanently bond herself to the klan. Women can't bond with a woman longer than a few weeks in many cases in this day age let alone for life. I'll discuss more about your short book of stonism philosophy in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cash Discount Pro:

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14 Reasons To Stay Single - MGTOW
14 Reasons To Stay Single - MGTOW Sandman 384 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

Thiis video is brought to you by a donation from George and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm George. We're all George. First of all, I want to thank you so much for your videos on YouTube. I finally decided to stay single and go full on MGTOW for the rest of my life. For the last 2 weeks I have been extensively watching your videos and have also I have been writing my fears in a diary and I realized I have 14 reasons why I am scared to be in a relationship. I have two questions which are: I live in Sydney and just wondering if you have any intentions of visiting Australia in the coming years because we need men like you to step up and help us? I don't know any organized MGTOW group in Sydney if you please can help me with this? Now on the fourteen reasons why I'm scared to be in a relationship. 1. I'm afraid she won't love me the way I want to be loved. 2. I'm afraid she won't treat me like a king. 3. I'm afraid she won't initiate sex. 4. I'm afraid she won't give me sexual pleasure. 5. I'm afraid she won't be loyal to me. 6. I'm afraid she won't be honest with me. 7. I'm afraid she won't trust me. 8. I'm afraid she will take me for granted. 9. I'm afraid she will be disgusted with me. 10. I'm afraid she will be disappointed with me. 11. I'm afraid she will not feel that I love her. 12. I'm afraid she will give up on me. 13. I'm afraid she will falsely accuse me of domestic violence or sexual harassments. 14. I'm afraid of her trying to set me up to see if I ever cheat on her. For these 14 reasons Mr. Sandman, I decided to go full on MGTOW." Well George thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to men making demands from women for a change clown world show. George don't you know that as men we aren't the half of the species that complains about women and makes demands of them. That they are the ones that are supposed to make demands on us. Well actually we do make demands on them but only when there is a surplus of women. Your 14 reasons if you told women these days about them they would laugh at you and call you pathetic. But 150 years ago if you were the average men they would take what you said seriously because without marriage they had no way to support themselves. You were their meal ticket. So with that out of the way let me go through your points one at a time. The first one regarding love women don't love us for who we are but what we can do for them. They also love their children the way that we love women. This is designed by nature so we give everything we can to the women we are with and so that the women we are with can give everything we give them to children. After taking their cut first of course. Once it sinks in fully that we will never get back what we give to them with the same intensity it's like someone telling a child that Santa Claus doesn't exist. How can you ever believe in Santa or love again in this case? It's tragic but it's the secret that women and soyciety work so hard to keep from us men. Number two you say that you want her to treat you like a king. Ie like a ruler or master. The age of patriarchy is over unless forty or fifty percent of the men just magically died. Then we would rapidly return to it or the population pyramid became a pyramid once more instead of the inverted pyramid of population demographics we are experiencing in the west. If there are too many men then men worship women like queens. If there are too many women then men worship men like kings. It's simply out of sexual or attention based desperation. Asking a woman in the west to treat you like a king when the demographics are this bad is crazy.

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The Future Of The Manosphere. MGTOW, Incel, PUA and MRA
The Future Of The Manosphere. MGTOW, Incel, PUA and MRA Sandman 743 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

Stardusk & huMAN

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from juicivibes and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, What is the state of the manosphere in and out of the internet? I used to binge watch channels like bar bar, thinking ape, human, ext. I feel channels like these are few and far in between now. Channels are changing into tiktok compilations and YouTube shorts. I like longer form videos so that may be my only personal issue recently. Besides that A lot more young men have been entering and having conversations in real life. I feel like more women even though most are chameleons are also having these same talks. It’s great in my opinion. I like that the conversation has been moving forward but stagnates. How would you predict the growth of the Manosphere and men’s content? Will it ever get entirely ban? Do you think our speech will be so policed if enough men get on board? I haven’t seen much change in others relationships and even my own. I feel like our phones are just recording our interactions more and making the information more available. Back maybe 5 years ago I saw big change but it was just some red pill pipe dream. I’m trying to understand how it would work out realistically. People don’t change so fast but I can only think of small changes and not big ones. I hope this isn’t to much or just a ramble. Thank again Sandman" Well Juicivibes thanks for the donation and topic. I don't know why you're complaining about channels that you once used to binge watch. Stardusk the Thinking Ape is still producing content these days although it's aimed more at an incel black pilled audience and his channel is growing. He's averaging 20-30 thousand views per new video. huMAN is still producing content and making 3 videos a week. But his channel has been heavily throttled and isn't growing anymore. I put links to both in the description so that you and others can check them out. As for TikTok of course guys are using it to reach a younger audience. Hammerhand was a genius the way he was using it two or three months ago. Juicivibes you say that all you see are compilation videos. I don't know if that's what's being fed to you by the YouTube algorithm. If it is then it reminds me of the days of the channel MGTOW 101. Channels like that were quick cash grabs that disappeared and didn't have a passion for the content once they were demonitized. I'll discuss more about the state of the manosphere in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the censorship of MGTOW content while all other types are promoted and monetized on YouTube clown world show. The manosphere has devolved into more dating coach and pickup channels recently. Channels like Fresh and Fit and Kevin Samuels. They discuss female nature but always bring it back to catering to women and getting attention, validation and sex from them. The system wants that because that means more marriages and divorces and consumerism to attract the ladies. The pickup artists will always be with us because they offer up the false hope of a get bitch quick scheme. Guys will keep falling for the scams they petal like come to my seminar in Miami and I'll teach you how to play the numbers game to get women's numbers. But most of us veterans of the manosphere understand that if you want a woman then you need to make yourself a quality man and have women orbit around you waiting around to be plucked like plumbs from the trees. But remember that if you improve yourself the women who knew you before will still see you as a loser. So you'll have to move onto new stomping grounds with that strategy instead of a place where you've already poisoned the well. Then we have the incel black pill community which I would water makes up somewhere around thirty to forty percent of the manosphere. I see that growing to fifty to sixty percent in the next 10 years. The pickup culture and channels will continue to grow with increasingly desperate guys. The men's rights movement is done like dinner.

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How Do I Stop Being An Incel? - MGTOW
How Do I Stop Being An Incel? - MGTOW Sandman 321 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
How & Where to Buy HEX

Jordan Peterson Shares The Shocking Reason Why Men Today Are Single

Dominant Men

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tom and here's what he has to say: "Mr. Sandman, I went MGTOW many years ago without even understanding what I had done until I recently discovered your content. I thought it was called becoming a confirmed bachelor. My mother was so worried about it she asked me if I had become homosexual. I did not tell her that I just did not want to re-experience the emotional pain that my ex had inflicted on me. I have absorbed the last 4 months of your content in a short amount of time but I have not had the chance to see or review it all. My apologies if you have talked about this in the past and I couldn't find it. Are you familiar with the Gor novels by John Norman? Do you think that the fantasy world that he depicts is a more natural way that the relationships between men and women should be? I do not advocate slavery or human trafficking, but I can see that his stories may represent how male and female relationships evolved in ancient times. Also do you have any training in the soft science of psychology? It took me many years of teaching in a high school to reach the same conclusions about women that you so effortlessly put forth. It is somewhat amusing to watch the efforts of young women trying to control young men from the vantage point of any outsider. They start young and although their early efforts are clumsy and obvious, they usually figure it out by the time they graduate. Anyway, Thanks for the wisdom." Well Tom thanks for the donation and topic. I tried getting in touch with you to figure out a different topic since I've already covered the novels of John Norman and I put a link in the description to a video called Dominant men which I made a long time ago. I hope you don't mind that I pick a different topic? First I'll discuss your situation and then get into the topic a bit later. I have no formal training in psychology but I did apply to the University of Toronto for Psychology back in the mid to late nineties and I probably would have run into Jordan Peterson as he was just starting to teach there back then. I took social studies in high school and learned about Freud and Jung and really enjoyed studying about human nature. But it took me two decades worth or relationships from the age of 15 to 35 to realise how women work. I choose a fine arts degree in New Media instead of Psychology. The only reason I do what I do is because I find it fascinating. So with all that being said speaking of Jordan Peterson I shared one of his more recent video interviews called: "Jordan Peterson Shares The Shocking Reason Why Men Today Are Single" and it sounds like he's shaming the incel community in this one and trying to tell them how to stop being incels. I'll discuss that in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex:

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The Black Pill Has Beat MGTOW?
The Black Pill Has Beat MGTOW? Sandman 399 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

[HIGH IQ] Demographic Black Pill by Mercer

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to discuss why the black pill is spreading so much where guys are giving up hope with relationships as teenagers and accepting their fate in inceldom and why it's happening. Over the last three or four months Stardusk The Thinking Ape, probably the second MGTOW content creator after Barbarossaaaa has been creating content that caters to black pilled incels instead of red pilled MGTOWs. A while back he put out a video called the Black Pill Rage saying that it doesn't really exist and is more likely to be more of a malaise that guys never get out of. That red pilled MGTOW guys figured out women ten years ago and then we went on with life and did something different to help us build up our self esteem. He says there doesn't appear to be an exit for most black pillers. That they should go from a period where they criticise women and and society and into a period of discernment. That they have the correct assessment but now need to figure out what comes next. Stardusk says that a 19 year old doomer sounds like a 70 year old doomer and that both groups have given up hope on life. Why is that? I don't know but I'd care to wager that it probably has something to do with lower testosterone levels in men in general these days. Because they have the equivalent level of testosterone of a 65 or 70 year old did forty years ago. Low testosterone is linked to less risk taking behavior in your life. Young guys are supposed to take risks yet young men getting their drivers licenses is at an all time low. What ever happened to young men taking crazy risks on the road? I would love to take a look at those statistics if someone knows where to find them. Stardusk can rationalize all he wants and criticize black pillers for their behavior but it's very likely that the reason they have given up on life is because of testosterone and possibly because of the old term good times make weak men. You have to suffer physically or financially through the possibility of rejection by a girl and for many young guys it's much easier just to fap off to adult content right there on your phone. Stardusk was known as the most grumpy and negative in red pill MGTOW circles. But now he sounds like the most optimistic in the black pill circles. Maybe he should tell his new black pill audience to check for low testosterone and boost their levels back to where they were supposed to be 3 or 4 decades ago. Obviously talk to a doctor about that? We are giving trans people hormones so why can't we do the same for young people that have had their hormones depleted through chemical pollutants. Maybe today's simps need TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) instead of sipping on soy lattes? I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: Anyways, now back to the incel clown world show. If the transition from blue pilled Mras to red pilled MGTOWs to black pilled incels really has to do with dropping testosterone levels over the last century then that would explain why feminism has been rising because men's virility has been falling. I found an article that said this about what happens when men with low testosterone are brought back up to a normal level and I quote: "Wives that are reporting the more severe mood swings describe their husbands behavior as being similar to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Their husbands lose their tempers easily, are moody, mean, and often depressed. They are likely to become more impatient and critical of others. They can become very demanding and inconsiderate about sex. It is typical for the female spouse to react to the husbands mood swings by modifying her own behavior." unquote. This explains so much. If the man is easy to get angry then women are more likely to fear his rage and anger.

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Missing White Woman Syndrome - MGTOW
Missing White Woman Syndrome - MGTOW Sandman 254 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: OK2B Cliche

Other Missing Cases of Color

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you Fred. This is the third part of his donation and with all the insanity from a while back in the Gabby Petito case I wanted to see if I could figure out why groups like Black Lives Matter aren't letting a good crisis go to waist and are saying that Lauren Cho and Daniel Robinson, two young people of color are supposedly not getting the same amount of attention the Gabby case got and somehow white people are racist because they aren't sharing stories about missing people of color around as much as they share about missing white women. This has been going on for decades and they want to know why. First of all the media did share the cases with Cho and Robinson. I put links in the descriptions to their stories and both cases had teams of searchers and investigators. But the stories ran cold and people stopped caring and moved onto something else. But with the Gabby story for a couple weeks everyday something new was happening. New video footage to share with trail cams, youtuber videos, police body cams. Spirit box videos, tiktok videos from people that remembered seeing them almost a month after she was murdered. In the case Cho all you have is a picture and a missing person's report. There's nothing there. No sightings, no hikers finding clues for a mystery. The thing was playing out like a well scripted film in real time in front of us. This all comes down to demographics and advertising dollars. Regardless of what people are saying the majority of American's are white. So if a white woman goes missing then playing a story about her in the media will bring in more eyeballs and more advertising dollars. The leftist media can cry racism all they want but they depend on missing white woman syndrome. women are addicted to drama. Advertisers are targeting white women as the top demographic that watches television. They control 80-85% of the household spending and purchase breakfast cereal after watching a news report about a serial killer. Now apparently now cancel culture comes for white women but them mainstream media is clueless. Or are they. It's YouTubers and TikTokers that are coming forth with stories and video footage to solve the case. Chris Cuoma criticized the media for choosing to cover white women over those of color. I guess that just shows you that he probably just reads a teleprompter script and doesn't have a say in the stories they cover. Careful Fredo if you call out your employers and threaten their white woman demographic cash cow they might do whack you our of your job like your brother. Looks like CNN has a case of hypocritical anchor syndrome that's biting the hand that feeds him. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor OK 2 Be Cliche: Anyways, now back to the corporate media exploiting race and then claiming they are also racist at the same time clown world show. I've noticed a trend in Hollywood recently which I'd like to refer to as missing white actor syndrome. I watched a couple of films this year where there were no white males or where the white males were written out and replaced by actors from another background. The first film is called Stowaway, about a mission to mars where there are no white male characters in a film about space travel. There is an older female commander, we weak Asian man that's physically too weak to get what needs to get done, a young white woman that is physically stronger and more competent than everyone else and a black man that they find on the spacecraft but it's never explained how he got there. He's also weak. In the end the weak white woman sacrifices her life to save everyone and the men are seen crying in the last scene hunched over. The other film is the Gi Joe origins story Snake Eyes. There are no main white male characters except the guy that killed the Asian Snake's father in the beginning.

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I Don't Like My Wife's Boyfriend LOL - MGTOW
I Don't Like My Wife's Boyfriend LOL - MGTOW Sandman 215 Views • 3 years ago

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Chris Whalen CPA

I don’t like my wife’s boyfriend

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because I didn't get any. So I wanted to comment from someone Glad Panda on the Polyamory Subreddit and here's what he has to say: "My wife and I are new to polyamory, and her first boyfriend seems like a nice guy. They've known each other for a long time, but live apart so everything's virtual at the moment. But our daughter and I are bisexual, and this guy votes for people who actively harm and dehumanize LGBTQ people. My wife's not thrilled about that, either, but I think it makes it hard for me to be supportive. When she's chatting with other new guys from dating apps, I'm excited to hear how it's going, and looking forward to her going on some dates once we're out of the pandemic. But this other guy I have zero respect for. Can others share any similar circumstances?" unquote First of all when Glad Panda says that his wife and her new boyfriend have known each other for a long time that probably means that she was probably cheating on him and if I had to guess I'd say she sprung the whole Polyamory thing on her husband as a cover story for any and all prior affairs. Panda also says that his wife is with this guy and it's a long distance thing online for right now which means he's just in the friendzone. Or at least it appears to be that way for now. I used to think that stories like this were fake but if you go to the Reddit link I put down below there are tons of people responding back to this seriously. Ten years ago many people would shame Glad Panda and call him Sir Simps-A-Lot because he enjoys being cucked. Or think that he was just a troll pulling our leg. How can a man be this excited to be cucked and be picky about the types of men his wife is smashing? Maybe deep down he's worried that her new boyfriend is going to change her political views and that she might end up leaving him for the new guy. What's with people bringing politics into the bedroom. People worked very hard to get the governments and it's sexuality laws from the 20th century out of the bedroom. It's not as if Trump or Republican voters are going to take gays back to the dark days of the village people. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the weak husbands trying to find just the right man to sleep with their wives clown world show. We are entering that weird place in societal breakdown where it's hard to know if people are trolling or telling the truth about their relationships. Recently I made another video about Pregnant 38 year old woman that was banging her parents and it was their idea. The problem with sexual activity is that it takes more and more to excite you with time. What worked five or ten years ago to reach full blown ecstasy won't work for me today because my brain doesn't release the same sort of high when I fat off to old content. Back in my twenties I watched so much hot stuff that I started going blind. Not exactly but I was getting floaters in my eye from choking the chicken for too long. Apparently there's oxidative stress and you deplete key vidimins and minimins when drain your lizard. But with stories like this reality is now stranger than fiction. How are people supposed to love someone else when open relationships are becoming increasingly common and many couples do that because it's increasingly expensive to get a divorce. Some people in the comments section under the post say many of the things that I initially thought such as perhaps Glad Panda needs to evaluate his relationship with his wife because maybe secretly her political views are to the right? You know it's bad when polyamerous people that have been behaving that way for a long time are saying that too. For most of the 20th century people worked so hard to keep politics outside the bedroom. Ie that we don't let the state dictate what is and isn't acceptable behavior. Now anything goes when it comes to emptying your gonads but a person's political philosophy appears to have become the most important thing in clown world.

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Do Not Forget: Keep Asking Questions | Grunt Speak Live
Do Not Forget: Keep Asking Questions | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 313 Views • 3 years ago

⁣The media and the government really don’t like it when you keep asking questions about things they would rather you forgot.
#GruntSpeakLive #NeverForget #VegasMassacre

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She Left Me For Her Drug Dealer - MGTOW
She Left Me For Her Drug Dealer - MGTOW Sandman 195 Views • 3 years ago

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Chris Whalen CPA

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Terry on Subscribestar and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, When I graduated from high school the girlfriend whom I dated for 2 years, decided to breakup after Graduation! She then went to a college in same city I went to College in and became pregnant by her drug dealer! I found out years later she became a Elementary Teacher and raised her kid to become a hooker! I was 16 when I met her! I had lost my Mother the year before to cancer so you say I was still very reserved at that age when I met her that summer! To say that brought me out of shell and we seem to hit it off like a Summer fling! She was girl that practically was a virgin and took me to bed! So I dated her and was heading to a college that gave me an scholarship to go there! She was mad because I received that scholarship and she didn’t so she broke it off with me even though out two schools were in small city! My sophomore year while getting groceries she came into the same store and notice she was pregnant! Her roommate came up to me and said she became pregnant from her drug dealer that left her and would like to get back with me! I told that roommate absolutely not and checked out and went back to my apartment!" unquote. Well Terry thanks for the donation and topic. It's the old romantic story of alpha bad boy lays and college beta boy pays. With his scholarship money no doubt. When she first broke up with you was that the real reason, her being jealous of you getting a scholarship while she didn't? Or was that just the excuse she told you as plausible deniability because she was already dating Mr. Drugs and ? I doubt it but it when you're an eighteen year old girl in high school that's already been in a two year relationship you really want to start riding that cock carousel and 2 years of dating the same guy in in high school is an eternity. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to women using stupid reasons to dump you so they can ride the rooster rollercoaster clown world show. So Terry it's fitting that she tried to rope you back in with hope after she was dumped by the man that sold her dope. I'm glad you didn't take her back after she had made the mistake of getting pregnant and wrecking her education. She would have also wrecked your future and I suspect the only person that would have benefited from you taking her back would have been the kid that ended up becoming a hooker. I find it hilarious how women expect men to sacrifice our lives for children that aren't even theirs. That women have zero shame asking us to do that when they would probably never do the same for us. Well that's not fair. A while back I was talking to a guy on Skype that has seven kids and got full custody from them from his wife through a miracle of legal magic. He ended up getting a girlfriend and she's helping him raise the kids. I didn't think to tell him at that time that there are some women out there that will take a guy with that many kids and raise the children as their own because then they have six kids that are emotionally attached to them to some degree. Meaning that as some point in the future when she's old she has more people to shame and guilt. But that's the exception and not the rule. Most women don't want to take care of someone elses kids unless they have some sort of issues. In high school I suggest guys date girls for a few months at a time and then move on to other women.

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Civil War: Necessity vs. Luxury | Live From The Lair
Civil War: Necessity vs. Luxury | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 182 Views • 3 years ago

⁣When the poop hits the fan, it doesn’t
matter if the food doesn’t taste good or the medicine has a picture of an
animal on it. The lifestyle you’re accustomed to is full of superfluous
nonsense you don’t need. Get over it.

#Veteran #CivilWar #PoppsPreppers

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The TFM Show: 10/9/2021
The TFM Show: 10/9/2021 T.F. Monkey 1,636 Views • 3 years ago

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Where Are All The Good Women Hiding? - MGTOW
Where Are All The Good Women Hiding? - MGTOW Sandman 222 Views • 3 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because I didn't get any for this one. If you want to sponsor a topic and have me read your comments and questions here you can do that through either paypal or Subscribestar. Links are down below. Just a quick update on more MGTOW censorship before I start the video. Reddit banned MGTOW and everyone went over to Ruqqus and MGTOW as banned there too. Try or are good alternatives. Even the Where Are All The Good Women on Reddit with 82 thousand guys went private for a while because of mass brigading and report button abusing. Women are following us from one place to another trying to get us censored. So what that out of the way I want to discuss some things I had with a conversation with one of my recent coaching clients. He was asking about where he could find a good woman and where they are all hiding. Think of this video is a thought experiment. I pointed out to him that the best women you could hope to be with the so called good women are the ones that understand that if they want to get the best results in a relationship is to get out of the way and let you be the best slave you can be. They are smart enough to realise that if they treat you well that you'll become a more productive male. Johann Von Goethe said that "The best slave is the one who thinks he is free." A woman that doesn't nag, looks after the house and children without complaining very much frees up a man's mind to be the most productive of slaves. Of course the man has to have some self-motivation to work hard without being motivated by the woman. A woman needs to identify such a man, be with him while understanding that she shouldn't be making his life more difficult than it already is. That his mental processing power is put to good use and not distracted by her nagging and wailing. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to fantasy land where women don't nag men clown world show. So the guy I was talking to pretty much summed up that the idea relationship would but a symbiotic where the woman does whatever she can to make the man more productive. Women did this traditionally by submitting to their husbands and this submission creates better male slaves. They do this to make him believe he has the upper hand and authority in the relationship. This is what women have been doing in Eastern countries for eternity. But in the west that's not the case anymore. The problem is that in the east there are so many guys depressed, negative, lack optimism and constantly complain about politics while drinking themselves into a stupor. I see the same sort of thing in small town Canada where I once heard about a pastime called dam busting. This is when two guys sit on the edge of a dam with the water down below taking shots and getting drunk and the first one to pass out falls off the dam and into the water below. I don't know if it's true or not but it sounds hilarious if is. I think the funniest part is that the less drunk buddy has to jump in the water to save the losers life. So it kind of defeats the purpose if they both end up in the water. As for women just not nagging men and getting out of the way I believe that is where traditionalism comes from. Back in ancient times a woman or two figured out that if she kept her man's balls empty and his belly full that he would be happy and would be more likely to be loyal go out and hunt for food. This of course works for men that have motivation to do so. But the vast majority of men are lazy and undisciplined. The other women saw this formula and probably thought to themselves that if it worked for that woman it will work for all of them. So they tried it but with less than satisfactory results. But they didn't change their approach because women get this sort of deer in headlights thing when they see another woman they think is successful.

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Let's Get Hammered... Again! | Grunt Speak Live
Let's Get Hammered... Again! | Grunt Speak Live Terrence Popp 394 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Hammerhand and Popp go over what I’m sure are just a series of coincidences.
#GruntSpeakLive #Hammerhand #Facebook

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