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Shia LaBeouf Hurts Women - MGTOW
Shia LaBeouf Hurts Women - MGTOW Sandman 373 Views • 4 years ago

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Shia LaBeouf Sued by FKA Twigs for Sexual Battery, Citing Abusive Relationship

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is not brought to you by any donations because the coof is killing them. I know many of you guys can't support me because of Covid. The next best thing is to subscribe to me over on LBRY and watch my videos over there because the platform pays me in crypto. Link to it is down below. So with that out of the way I've decided to cover a story where Shia LaBeouf is being sued by his ex girlfriend FKA Twigs where the lawsuit says Shia Hurts Women. Those aren't my words in the title. That's what the court documents say. Here's what that article I put in the description says and I quote: "FKA Twigs has sued her ex-boyfriend, Shia LaBeouf, accusing the actor of sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress . . . "Shia LaBeouf hurts women,” states the lawsuit, obtained by Variety. “He uses them. He abuses them, both physically and mentally. He is dangerous." Twigs was once woken up by LaBeouf towering over her, violently squeezing her arms against her will and choking her, according to the lawsuit. The alleged incident occurred during a trip to celebrate Valentine’s Day in 2019. As he was strangling her, the lawsuit claims, he was whispering, “If you don’t stop you are going to lose me.” After the alleged incident, LaBeouf became manic while driving back to his home. Barnett tried to get out of the car, as he threatened to crash the car, unless he professed her “eternal love” for him, and though he briefly stopped at a gas station, he “violently attacked” her, throwing her against the car, screaming in her face and attempting to strangle her, before forcing her to get back in the car. After the alleged altercation, Barnett texted a close friend, writing, “This is difficult to say but I am sure you know. I have been in an abusive relationship that has isolated me. It’s worse than you could imagine.” When filming “The Tax Collector,” LaBeouf got so into character, according to the lawsuit, he took on the role of a gangster in real life, and claimed to drive around Los Angeles, shooting stray dogs dead, so that he could get into the “mindset” of a killer. Barnett, an animal lover, was “profoundly disturbed and terrified.” LaBeouf also demanded she slept naked, and forced her to watch documentaries about murdered women before going to bed, per the public filing. LaBeouf apparently was paranoid and suffered recurring delusions about gang members breaking into his home, so he slept with a loaded rifle at their bedside, but insisted on keeping the front door unlocked. Barnett, feeling “trapped” in their shared bed, fearful he might accidentally shoot her if she stood up, would often text friends in the middle of the night to devise an escape plan. LaBeouf continuously belittled his then-girlfriend, and is accused of having frequent rage and bouts of jealously, even accusing her of dwelling on her former fiancé, actor Robert Pattinson, the lawsuit states. LaBeouf was so possessive, he would count the number of kisses she would give him on any given day, and berate her if it wasn’t enough. The lawsuit also claims LaBeouf knowingly infected her with an STD." unquote. I'll discuss all this and so much more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lamprey Milt:

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Foreign Women Coming To The West - MGTOW
Foreign Women Coming To The West - MGTOW Sandman 345 Views • 4 years ago

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- Ancient Purity
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Michael and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'd like to know if you think importing a large number of foreign traditional women faster than the feminist can radicalize them would change the future of dating and society in the west? If you’ve done a video on that topic then I’d like to know your opinions on the church of social justice warriors and their affect on science and scientists. I say this because of inventions like EQ due to studies showing men have higher IQs on average and a bunch of other examples like pair bonding in loose women. Just whatever other examples you can think of would be great too." Well Michael thanks for the two donations and topics. I'll first discuss the idea why you can't bring women in quickly enough into western countries to restore traditionalism or preserve it. After that I'll get into how SJWs are effecting science and scientists. But first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Even if a country could bring in enough traditional women to change a culture the numbers would have to be massive. Canada I believe tries to bring in just over one percent of it's population in each year in immigrants. That's the largest influx in the G8 I believe. When we let three to four hundred thousand people in a year, up until the coof anyways that's not enough new women into the country to influence the existing culture. If those women are from Europe or Asia then most of the time they will take on the customs of other women from their backgrounds that moved to the west before them. women revert to the lowest common denominator. Women want to fit in. But if the women are from a Muslim or African country they are more likely to stay within their own religious communities so they aren't going to socialise with the western women and convince a junior land whale to stop riding the carousel and put on a veil. It's not going to happen. There just aren't enough new immigrants coming into a country to change the culture of the existing women quickly enough. Besides the majority of migrants and immigrants are men and it takes women to influence other women. Plus Michael you're forgetting that the internet is global and western culture is dominant so it's the foreign women that are more likely to be radicalized by the western ones they see on shows like Sex In The City. Living a western life, or what's left of it with the coof is more ideal these days then a traditional one. Women in the east see women in the west that are free to expose their breats and they want that freedom too. Women don't see other women that are free and think to themselves I need to make those women just as conservative as I am and take away their carousel riding freedoms away. Instead they think about how they too can become like that. But when they come to a place to Canada they rely on women from their own ethnic community to avoid having to assimilate into the broader Canadian culture. Over time, a few generations many of the women in their cultural groups completely westernize. But you rarely see western women assimilate into culture they see as backwards and controlling. Even when you see western women marry Taliban fighters and head over to where ISis is or was they usually end up getting beheaded because it's so difficult for them to adapt to such a strict and restrictive lifestyle where they aren't allowed to leave their houses. Once you get a taste of freedom it's hard to adapt to being repressed. It's like trying to mix oil and water. The feminists are the oil and the traditional women are the water. The feminists will always rise to the surface and suffocate the women that are the water below them. It sounds to me Micheal that you'd make a fine candidate for a men's rights activist. They enjoy bargaining with reality and living in denial.

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Women Don't Like Me But They Like My Money - MGTOW
Women Don't Like Me But They Like My Money - MGTOW Sandman 346 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Do you think men will ever have the upper hand over women in the dating world?

Cherry 2000 (1987) Nightclub and Mustang Scenes

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Medusa Theory and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey, Sandman! Medusa Theory here again! I adopted that moniker when i started going my own way back in 2018, shortly before I discovered you and mgtow. thank you, Sandman! I just wanted start paying you back in gratitude for the years you spent explaining female nature to me. Thank you, Sandman." Well Medusa Theory thanks for the donation. You didn't send me a topic so I'd like to cover a reddit post asking the question: "Do you think men will ever have the upper hand over women in the dating world?" which I've linked to in the description. Here's what someone named TigerThen has to say and I quote: "Recently, among my circles and on the internet I've been noticing that women walk around like hot shit, "I'm the price", or (post about how much they hate men) but then with their next breathe they say subscribe to my onlyfans or cash app me. I can list more, but it's kind of infuriating just how much power women have over men in the dating world. Men are reduced to begging dogs while undeserving women are put on a pedestal and given an inflated ego. Women hold all the cards in the dating world, I feel sad every time I see a man dating a misandrist. You never see women dating misogynists because they have options. I know many red pillers say the wall is a great equalizer, but I don't really see it that way, women between the ages of 18-55 will always have a higher sexual market value then men, because many men will always be horny. I know this sounds petty, but I kinda wish women had to go through what we go through. I want to see them get starved of any sexual desire from the opposite sex, have them beg for a crumb of male attention the way men have to, but I just don't ever see that happening. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get this thought across." Unquote. Well I'll discuss the frustration that Tigerthen feels in the current sexual marketplace in just a moment but let me first tell you about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back with the show. I find it interesting that Tiger said that women don't date misogynists because they have options. He's right because women used to date misogynists all the time back in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Just watch old movies and tv shows if you want to see a glimpse of the ideal man back then. Even in the late eighties and early ninties you had characters like Al Bundy on TV and Archie Bunker before that putting women down all the time. Now society has seen a role reversal where it's become socially acceptable and even encouraged for women to mock men and do it out in the open. It's men that are relegated to the backwaters of the anonymous parts of the internet to express themselves. It's not just power in the so called dating market as Tiger calls it but I prefer calling it the sexual marketplace.

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No Option For Black Men - MGTOW
No Option For Black Men - MGTOW Sandman 552 Views • 4 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Frustrated Black American Men in Brazil Powerful Documentary

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I am a fairly new follower of your channel and recently started learning of the red pill community after reading Aaron Clarey's book, Bachelor Pad Economics back in January of this year. I would like to discuss the miniscule options that black american men have In the dating field. It is no secret about how the welfare system pushed Black men out of the house and produced a bunch of "Tyrones" to run through our women and to develop hate towards black men. It is also no secret how promiscuous our women can be along with the amount of "baby mamas" that we have in our community. So, someone may propose that we date out of our race to find a mate but that's where the problem lies. We have no options! We as black men are looked down and over the most in regards to the dating market. We've all heard stories how a non black family reacts when someone brings their non black spouse to meet the family. It usually doesn't end well. We also face a lot of shame and ridicule if we do so. Reason being is because we are dating someone who isn't in the image of our mothers, which doesn't make sense because I wouldn't wanna get down and dirty with someone who even slightly resembles my mom. We could attempt to date an African immigrant or second generation African girl, but very few of them settle with black American men whereas African men are free to date and marry whoever. For example, I had a Nigerian co worker who was married to another Nigerian man and an ethiopian friend who is engaged to her ethiopian fiancee. Another example are a few of my Nigerian friends who have African American girlfriends and wives. Their women stick to their own nationality. The only women that black american men may get luck with are caribbean women. They are the only group of women that mix and mingle with black men. Problem Is that there aren't enough of them to go around unless you live in Florida. Here in the Midwest, there are only a handful of them that live around us. What are we to do besides mgtow? Reason being
is that I'm an only child and I do want to bring my parents grandchildren." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous you want to know what other option you have besides going your own way. Well you're university educated man and you probably make good money as a result so I would suggest that you look into surrogacy. I believe I was the first if not one of the first to talk about this option in one of my earliest videos in 2013. Have a child with the blondest Scandinavian looking white woman you can find and no one will say anything. Buy her eggs in the open market and pay a woman in Mexico to carry your offspring and for somewhere around thirty to forty thousand dollars you can have a son of your own. Otherwise you're taking a fifty fifty gamble on finding a wife that won't divorce you and then taking another fifty fifty gamble that she will give you a first born son. With my suggestion for the price of a new car you don't have to worry about a hood harpie destroying your life. Of course you'll
hear such women squeal at you for doing it.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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50 Year Old Women Hot Or Not? - MGTOW
50 Year Old Women Hot Or Not? - MGTOW Sandman 490 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm requesting on the fact that I am avoided and completely ignored by any and all women under 30. However. . . If women are 50+, I can't get rid of them. They keep telling me about their lives and going on and on up the street. Even if I don't know them! A possible title for this video could be: "Oh. . . NOW you're available!". Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. Ironically I was talking to a man in his thirties on Skype recently and he told me that 22 year old women appear to show interest in him when he's at the store. I say appear to show interest because he goes in there with his kid. Every woman loves children and animals so of course they will talk to you if they get a chance to interact with a cute kid. It's either that or if he still has women in their twenties approach him in public then they either find him irresistibly attractive or they are just messing with him and the moment he gives them any attention they will just ignore them. Maybe younger women they want to know they can get his attention. Unlike the other guy who seems to be only attracting women that are close to getting their pension. I'll get to more of my thoughts in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous if it isn't obvious by now those women over fifty have extremely limited options when it comes to getting attention from men. They have the problem of not having a readily available emotional tampon so they are using you as one. Your idea of calling the video Oh now you're available is a bit of a joke. They aren't interested in dating you necessarily. They are desperate to dump their verbal diarrhea on your head so that they make themselves feel better. You're nothing but a relief valve because they have a vulva. I used to work at Bingo Halls and they were full of old women that wouldn't shut up and let me do my job. Were they going there to gamble or was gambling just an excuse to socialize and talk to myself and other guys that worked there? As we get older we want less and less people around and they need us more than ever. It makes me wonder what the social world would be like out there if there were anti psychotic and anti depressant medications out there that many women are taking. There would armies of emotional starved women chasing men on the street like some sort of attention zombies. Maybe the Middle Aged Thotpocalypse has begun as Mr. Anonymous clearly stated that women are going on and on all over the street telling him about their lives. They are becoming invisible in public because more men are busy looking at their phones and younger and more attractive women then they are them. With the marriage rate at or under fifty percent there are a lot of single soon to be senile women afraid of dying alone in the future and afraid of losing their minds today if they don't find an emotional tampon to tell their life story of being a sexy cheerleader back in 1983. They want younger guys that were playing with Gi Joe's back then to now play with them. Actually more likely they just want a short term attention fix because for women it represents the equivalent of sex for men. Also Mr. Anonymous you say that you can't get rid of them.

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Big Cities Are Broke & Full Of Whamen! Is This A Coincidence? - MGTOW
Big Cities Are Broke & Full Of Whamen! Is This A Coincidence? - MGTOW Sandman 535 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

James Kunstler: How bad architecture wrecked cities

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Sebastian and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I’m sure you are very well aware of the collapse of the west getting colder and closer everyday, and it looks like that prophecy is coming true. With big cities like NY, LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis are suffering great losses from people fleeing in record numbers due to the riots, and strict covid lockdowns. New York is a disgusting poophole that I myself couldn’t have imagined, and other cities like Paris, London, Sydney, and Berlin looking pretty bad as well with millions of migrants coming from boats from places like Somalia, Congo, Algeria, Syria etc who don’t respect western culture and do whatever we want, and the worst part is our politicians enable it. I was thinking that once this collapse happens, where else are we supposed to go? There are a few places I have in mind, most of the options involve places that are far away from cities and mostly are in small towns or villages around mountains, forests. Big Sky Montana, Jackson-Hole Wyoming, Denali Alaska, Vancouver Island, Sussex UK, Provence France, Switzerland and Bavarian alps in Germany are a few retire places I have in mind. Could it be possible that there will be an increase of tourism in small towns, forest or beach houses away from society. After the collapse of western civilization and western cities, what places would you recommend to move to after after western collapse of cities? Keep up the good work and cheers! :)" Well Sebastian thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to clown world. So where would I recommend moving to after the collapse of western cities? The problem of course is that western cities more often then not are connected to western currencies. I'm increasingly thinking that the money printing will not stop and that western countries will ruin their currencies. So all those expats moving abroad and relying on their western pension money to pay their living expenses could get screwed. I don't think you can look at this situation as moving from the permanent place you live today to another permanent place tomorrow. The reason people in the past couldn't move out of Germany before the second world war was because their assets were denominated in their local currencies and many people tried to get out by sewing gold into their clothes and then drowning in rivers and oceans as all that gold dragged them down to the bottom. But bitcoin and more importantly stable coins mean your money can move with you wherever you go and there are no capital controls. Right now with the coof the the action is starting to move to places in small towns and cities. I put a link in the description to one of my favorite writers James Howard Kunstler and a video about him telling us all what's wrong with big cities and why there will be a return to small cities and towns.

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Johnny Depp Fired! Margot Robbie Is The New Jack Sparrow - MGTOW
Johnny Depp Fired! Margot Robbie Is The New Jack Sparrow - MGTOW Sandman 387 Views • 4 years ago

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- Ancient Purity
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Margot Robbie teases her new Pirates of the Caribbean movie

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I don’t have a topic in mind. I just appreciate the content you create. I do have one suggestion. You might want to include a link to your PayPal on the “About” section of your Bitchute channel. You have a link on your YouTube channel, and listing on Bitchute would make it easier for people to contribute to your work. Best wishes to you" Well James thanks for the donation and I've updated my Bitchute page to include my Paypal Account. Many channels are very aggressive putting their Patreon and Subscribestar link at the very top of their descriptions below videos but I'm not going to do the same thing because I believe if people are going to help you out it's better if you aren't bombarding them with requests for money. Call me crazy but I think it's kind of sleezy. As for this video I want to discuss the feminization of the new Pirates of The Carribean film first with Margot Robbie in the lead role and then I'll talk about how I believe that the social Justice Warriors in Hollywood will destroy the Matrix after that as well as Battle Star Galactica with a non binary Starbuck. Apparently it wasn't enough that Katie Sackoff got to play the once male role and she did a good job. Now we are going to get Pat as the new Starbuck. Battlestar Galactica just finished ten years ago and they are already going to demolish it. Johnny Depp has had his career ruined with false allegations even though Amber Heard cheated on him and there's elevator footage of her and Elon Musk. Yet the legal system and Disney have turned against him. Why is all this happening? I believe our culture is creatively bankrupt. We tell Social Justice Warriors to make their own stories yet they just keep appropriating those created by men. When we use social media they say that if we don't like the social justice on Twitter then create your own platforms and as men we are doing that. But that's not what they want. They want us to get frustrated and give up. They want to demoralize and humiliate us. On the other side of things we don't want them to get frustrated and give up when it comes to creating their own female fantasy culture. We genuinely want them to write great fiction a fantasy stories so we can enjoy them too. But this is all about their power over us instead of simply telling good stories. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:

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good times create weak men, WHO MAKE DUMBASS DECISIONS
good times create weak men, WHO MAKE DUMBASS DECISIONS KEEPER 44 Views • 4 years ago


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