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The Reason Why Many Japanese Women Work as Prostitutes
The Reason Why Many Japanese Women Work as Prostitutes フクロウ Fukuro 337 Views • 4 years ago

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Red Pill Germany: German News on the USA has Become Just CNN
Red Pill Germany: German News on the USA has Become Just CNN AngryVeganCyclist 35 Views • 4 years ago

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Bella Thorne The Simp Slayer - MGTOW
Bella Thorne The Simp Slayer - MGTOW Sandman 401 Views • 4 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Bella Thorne Apologizes to OnlyFans Users

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. Covid the coof strikes again. So I thought I'd cover a topic all of you want me to cover. That of course is Bella Thorne the Hollywood thot that pulled in two million dollars on OnlyFans by posting a that she would share a photo set with no clothes and nudity and she charged $200 dollars to access it. Within 24 hours she pulled in over a million dollars. I spoke before about how nudity and sex would be no big deal in the future as Onlyfans would normalize such things. But she never delivered the photos and made a lot of simps angry and I'm sure that most of them will get their money back. She later apologized by saying this and I quote: “I wanted to remove the stigma behind sex, sex work, and the negativity that surrounds the word SEX itself by bringing a mainstream face to it,” the actress wrote on Twitter. “That’s what I was trying to do, to help bring more faces to the site to create more revenue for content creators on the site.” She went on, “I wanted to bring attention to the site And in trying to do this I hurt you. I have risked my career a few times to remove the stigma behind sex work, porn, and the natural hatred people spew behind anything sex related. I wrote and directed a porn against the high brows of my peers and managers because I WANTED to help.” unquote. Her simp scam was so grand that Onlyfans has now limited the amount of money sex workers can actually charge. I see this incident the way I see Will Smith going onto YouTube and becoming a YouTuber. In the future I'm predicting that many Hollywood actresses are going to go on OnlyFans and use it to make millions of dollars stripping. Of course her appology is probably nothing more than virtue signalling and plausible deniability for her thotery as she's now being nicknamed the simp slayer on messaging boards. You really have to be a stupid simp if you're buying The photos would eventually be released everywhere else on the web within days or hours. You'd see it on google image search pretty fast. I guess that a simp and his money is soon parted. Anyways, before I get to more about this story let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. So yes Bella Thorne is from a new younger generation that's open to pornography directing a film herself and her intent was to “normalize the stigmas” around sex by going onto onlyfans. But she broke Onlyfans and now there's a whole bunch of angry women on Onlyfans that are going to have restrictions placed on how much money they can make. Thanks Bella. People will no doubt fight the credit card charges so how much of the two million dollars she gets from promising to share one photo nude is anyone's guess. Fifty thousand simps or a football stadium full of them paid to see what she promised but didn't deliver. I suspect it was mostly older simps with more money than brains that make so much they are willing to give it away.

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Pooched By The Cooch - MGTOW
Pooched By The Cooch - MGTOW Sandman 310 Views • 4 years ago

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Three Inspirational Videos:

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tim. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to discuss a few different videos that got me thinking about a bunch of different things and I thought I'd take this video to discuss my thoughts on why western culture has been on the decline over the last fifteen to twenty years with regards to music, film, fashion and new technology and why it's going to get a lot worse going forward. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor a musician who's content who's music is definitely not on the decline Shameless DAB: Anyways, now back to the show. I have three videos which I've shared in the description in the order I watched them to give you guys some idea where I'm coming from. Those include the content creators Adam The Woo, Black Pigeon Speaks and Sam Vaknin. Adam's video is the filming locations from the band No Doubt and they were big back in the nineties and it makes you wonder why much of music stagnated ever since then. The second video is a Black Pigeon video where he asks that question about why western culture seems to be stuck since around 2005 and finally the last video from Sam Vaknin explains to some extent why that is. Even adult content creation for the most part is dead these days. Sam's thesis is that entrepreneurship has been dying over the last few decades because for the average person the cost of living has been rising and the majority of people have been experiencing inflation in their daily expenses. While the uber wealthy have been experiencing depression because they have been hording more of the wealth to themselves and he mentioned something that I suspect and that's the beer coof that were experiencing right now will just accelerate this process. So how do deflation and inflation influence culture. Well if you're a young musician for example, regardless of if you're male or female starting a band means starting a business. And business is getting tougher and tougher. As an artist you're being hit by technological deflation on one hand where you can't make money selling physical media like CDs. But you're also being hit on the other side with regards to live performance. Many of the musicians I used to work with told me that during the 80s and 90s you could perform at various venues and a get a couple hundred bucks a night. That was enough to live off of. Plus you could sell Tapes and CDs for bonus cash. But over time people didn't have as much disposable income to go out to listen to music at their local small venue. Ironically it seems that the wealthy on the other hand have money than ever to see the big ticket artists and I looked up tickets for the artist
known as the Wknd to see how much they were and the cost for a five to ten rows back from the front was a thousand bucks.

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MGTOW Censorship Is Working
MGTOW Censorship Is Working Sandman 441 Views • 4 years ago

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I forgot to ask you this in my previous message. Do you think an idea can die with its people or will it live on in another generation and in another group? What makes me ask that question is as long as there are crazy feminists we will have these crazy ideas and problems in the world. But if we were to use artificial wombs or sex bots with artificial wombs and give them caring mother personalities And make these sex bots 100% completely obedient to their masters. If men replacing wives and girlfriends with such things mean that far left ideology would die out? Thanks. Well Teaven thanks for yet another donation. There is no way to stop feminism because it's female nature meaning it will always survive. Just like there's no way to stop MGTOW philosophy either because ideas never die. Men discover MGTOW on their own but don't have a label for it. Women discover feminism on their own but don't have a name for it. It's only when it's labelled and promoted does the network effect take effect. For example each man going his own way might was well be a smart phone that's not connected to the internet. But when he connects to other phones or men on the internet that's where the real power comes from. That's why the feminists over at Youtube are shadow banning our ability to network with each other by limiting us in the search results, limiting our ability to get new subscribers and grow our channel through recommendations. Even Facebook has been throttling down my MGTOW content. The travel videos would get 1000 people seeing their links on Facebook. The MGTOW content only gets six hundred. So they are shadow banning MGTOW too. But so long as feminist content is not shadow banned they can grow new followers and MGTOW is no longer a threat. I'll discuss your questions Teaven and much more in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways now back to the show. Feminism can not be stopped but it can be slowed down to a trickle. All those dopes that think that patriarchy will end feminism are just smoking their own belly button lint and getting high off of fleecy. It will just go underground and women will find new ways to complain about being supposedly oppressed by men while they do the oppressing. Women are leftists by nature so giving them the vote makes them the useful idiots of Marxism. If we ever get female robots with caring mother personalities many men still won't be happy. Especially incels because they want female validation above all else. They can't be validated by a robot. So I suspect that many of them would program their robots to go on a rampage with them.

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Dating Beta Females - MGTOW
Dating Beta Females - MGTOW Sandman 371 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Colby and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, It’s Colby. You previously did a video titled “21 year old Asian”. You were very accurate, and I have since studied a lot of psychology, sociology, as well as learning about the dark triad. I went to therapy to get some answers from a less biased source about things I was noticing about myself. He told me that I have “sociopathic tendencies” and since then I’ve noticed more and more how right he was. I bring this up to give some background info why I think what I’m doing now is interesting. I would like to know what you think about my latest experiments. At first I decided to go monk and I found that pretty easy to do. So then I thought it would be interesting to start the pump and dump to see if this was difficult to find my actual smv. It turned out I was quite high up, so I decided to stop doing that and find a long term subject to explore. This is not me blue pilling or looking for validation. I found a girl that dropped out of high school and was below me financially, and intellectually. Being that I have sociopathic tendencies I’m quite manipulative, so I’d say I’m pretty equal in manipulation ability. I also enjoy the games/shit testing to see what types of behavior cause different reactions. I think all men should try to do this as it’s very enlightening, nothing shows more clearly how female nature really is than being the alpha in the dynamic. I control her to a ridiculous level, I have all passwords, her banking info, gps tracking must remain available to me, she must ask permission to leave her apt, etc. I do not have any end “goal” here other than to see how long she can remain behaving within the parameters I’ve set. This has been going on a bit over 6 months. Do you find this interesting? Is there anything you think would be interested in me incorporating to see what happens? The most impactful experience was a time when she started to talk back to me/complain and I told her that was unacceptable and if she wanted to be with me to never do it again, she has not so far. The weird part is her immediately switching, I’m impressed she’s been in chameleon mode for this long with how strict I am. Another interesting story is when she one tried to use sex as a bribe for going to a zoo she likes. I put a hard stop and explained that I don’t want to be with a prostitute. The interesting part is that she will never use sex as a weapon nor a punishment. It seems to have flipped where she begs me. I do not expect this to last however. Also I should note that when we met she was 19 and I was 25. I do not think this is wise to do with women older than twenty as she seems to treat me like a father figure at times, although she does and has have her father in her life." Well Colby the man with the name that rhymes with Dolby thanks for the donation and topic. Just telling me about your story ended up explaining a lot about the two major adult relationships I had in my life where I was with women that had lower sexual marketplace value. I suspect I was trying to cheat the gods of their pound of flesh by getting together with women that couldn't bitch as much as the beautiful ones. I suspect that to some extent you're bargaining with reality and getting sexual gratification while also cheating by hacking your way into a 19 year old hynie. I'll get to my thoughts about you intentionally dating what amounts to a beta female in a moment so that you can seemingly have control of that thought in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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She Left Me After 18 Years - MGTOW
She Left Me After 18 Years - MGTOW Sandman 333 Views • 4 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here, This video is brought to you by a donation from Kent and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Thank you for doing what you do. It helps people. There is one thing I think you should consider. I used to be in the music business and I can tell you that it is absolutely misogynist. It really can't be overstated. The film business is the same. Some actresses that have an axe to grind with men after swimming in those places for years and succeeding have a legit beef and should probably be given a little slack. I am 53 and my wife bailed suddenly after 18 years and three kids to be with her ex-boss (married and very wealthy). There is no divorce rape or anything like that. I dodged a bullet. She basically snapped after keeping up a facade for many years. One thing I have noticed (I am dating 3 women at the moment - plate spinning) is that almost all women seem to be stuck emotionally at age 11 or 12 no matter how smart they are intellectually. Do you know why this happens so frequently to women?" Well Kent thanks for the donation and topic. Do you think it's possible that you're reading women correctly? Are they really stuck at 11 or 12 years of age emotionally or are they pretending to be that way? Much the same way your wife pretended to be happily married for all those years before she monkey branched to her rich boss in a reverse Donkey Kong manuver where the princess leaves mario for the gorilla? I just want you to understand that women are neotenous. Meaning that they intentionally take on child like behaviors and appearance as much as possible to make themselves attractive to men. While it is true that many women will behave emotionally immature again how do you know it's not an act like those singer chicks that you used to work with in the music business. I'm also glad you didn't turn into a casualty of the cooch. I knew a guy where his wife bailed with as many kids with the rich boss and once upon a friend. They found the guy dead in a park after he had a samurai sword fight with himself. Anyways, before I discuss my thoughts any further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

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MGTOWs Are Mentally Ill Men
MGTOWs Are Mentally Ill Men Sandman 425 Views • 4 years ago

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The vast majority of MGTOW are mentally ill men who suffer from depression and narcissistic personality disorder

MGTOW - Response.. Misogynistic and very angry men!

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't send me a topic so I thought I'd go through my new favorite place for content ideas, Reddit and share a post I came accross called: "The vast majority of MGTOW are mentally ill men who suffer from depression and narcissistic personality disorder" and here's what someone named Cricket1, I assume is female has to say and I quote: "Hi Sarah, Ignore these MGTOW morons. The vast majority of MGTOW are mentally ill men who suffer from depression and narcissistic personality disorder. Others have Aspergers or poor social skills and can't get a date." unquote. I'll get to what my thoughts about what the cricket has to say in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ayam Sirias: Anyways now back to the video. As we all know MGTOW men are not mentally ill. MGTOW is all about living sanely in and insane world. Most people in this world, Cricket1 as well I suspect are insane and they don't even know it because and increasingly the sane people have to be locked up away from the inmates which are more like zombies at every level of society. At first I thought Cricket had confused MGTOW with Incel but then the mighty insect says that incels have aspergers too. The way I see these words, spoken to someone named Sarah is to serve out a number of different purposes. First of all it's all about shaming language designed to cut us off from female validation. She is telling this to a woman named Sarah and I'm there's own group preference going on here. She might want Sarah to stay away from men going their own way to starve them from female validation. That's why I tell most guys don't tell anyone you're going your own way or the first thing that happens is you get cut off from your male friends if they have girlfriends and they tell them all about you. You also get cut off from female friends too that shun you and stop giving you attention and validation if you crave such things. The idea of course is to punish us for choosing to make ourselves the priority instead of women. This of course is where the narcissism comes into crickets' comments. Narcissism and self-love are two different thing and cricket is probably trying to gaslight those of us reading their comments trying to make us making us think we are crazy when we are perfectly sane for seeing relationships from a rational point of view. The ancient Greeks, fathers of philosophy were the ones that saw love as a mental illness that got us to do things that went against our own best interests.

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Police woman wearing security bulletproof vest uniform holding woman power protest cardboard with angry face

Funny Housewife overlooked roast chicken in the oven, so she had scorched, view from the inside of the oven. Housewife perplexed and angry. Loser is destiny!

Why Are THEY Afraid Of MGTOW?
Why Are THEY Afraid Of MGTOW? Sandman 472 Views • 4 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Bill. He didn't send me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is read something by someone named Tim Bucks. He watched my video interview about MGTOW being big in Brazil where Platinho and myself asked the question Why Are THEY Afraid of MGTOW and here's what Tim has to say: "Why are they afraid of us?...Sandman asks. If men go their own way, it gets to the heart of the system. America was supposedly founded on "freedom". In a way, it was. But then what happened was an advanced complex economy grew up since the founding of America. That economy is built on consumer spending. Most of that money in the economy goes into a few hands. Most of the money is spent by women....about 80% of consumer spending is by women. Feminists say women are "oppressed". Actually, reality, it's sort of the opposite of this. Men willingly submit themselves in toil, to keep women happy. They give
women all their money, doing far more work, creating far more wealth and economic activity, than it takes, for just men to have a good life. They do this for women. For all this work, feminists claim men "oppress them". Then women organize at university and teach other women, what assholes men are. Then women vote in politicians to keep the system going, with women favored, while pretending men have the power and run things. No they don't. When men go their own way, it exposes the lack of freedom men actually have, in the system. Yes men can vote in whatever way they want, can believe what they want and create a life.....but they must never leave the bondage they have, to women....or else.
Freedom in America is a joke. No such thing. Men going their way exposes that. What good is freedom of speech for instance, when women claim all your money? Are you free then? Not really. So naturally the powers that be, they don't want most men to think, to figure this out. Since the elites get most of the money and since that money and wealth is created by men voluntarily toiling for women, while being spat at and called oppressors, the last thing the elites want is for the average man to figure out he is actually a slave to the state, a slave to the corporation, a slave to their wives. So mgtow is truth and must be shut down. The last thing they want, is for men to figure out, how the system exploits them and for whom. It's better for the powers that be, to keep men ignorant of the truth, ignorant of female nature. It's easier to keep men being slaves to vaginas. That way, they can be controlled easily." Well Bill thanks for the donation and thank you Tim Bucks for your wonderful words. I'll get to them in just a sec but let me first tell you about today's sponsor me the Sandman:

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My Teacher Boinked Me - MGTOW
My Teacher Boinked Me - MGTOW Sandman 305 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from The Price Is Right and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, fellow MGTOW brother here. Hope your doing well during these tough times and staying safe? One subject I respectfully disagree is God and MGTOW if I may explain real quick. I've grown up as a minister's kid and I've learned through seeing how women treated my father and seeing everything happening in society I don't blame God for the wicked actions of free will in female nature. Today as a Christian MGTOW there is no scripture that tells a man he MUST be married to live a happy fulfilled life. In fact I've been studying scripture through a MGTOW lense and discovered many examples of God himself saying alot about female nature that alot of men MGTOW men especially seem to overlook. When I see the social norms between men and women of today I think of the biblical Jezebel vs Elijah and how he defeats this wicked Queen, calls out the simp nature of King Ahab and red pills a whole nation as a result. If you want a great reference for this enlightenment Sunrise Hoodie another awesome MGTOW channel he has a huge playlist called "MGTOW Sermons" where he goes in depth of what God himself says about female nature and I can say God absolutely dispises what his daughters have turned into because of feminsim abortions especially. I'm not saying what you or other MGTOW men should believe I just simply request you and other MGTOW brothers give the Bible another look this time through a MGTOW lense. Now to the topic that I want you to cover that honestly not alot of MGTOW channels are at least covering this to my knowledge but I hope it will be picked up more and addressed more that is female pedos and how alot of men seem to praise this behavior. What do I mean by this, well with this pandemic happening all over the world I see it as a cultural reset on the norms between men and women in a lot of ways. I believe if this is the case I think this would be the perfect time to start teaching men to be on a better footing in terms living in a man hating society going forward. For me it's sickening when I see society condemns male pedos rightfully so but then seem to praise when a woman abuses or molests a boy in schools or babysitting with the conditioning that boys can't be sexual assault victims. Thus I see alot of guys praising this one female behavior with phrases such as "Atta boy" or "I wish my teacher would do that to me" etc. I can't speak for other men of course but I hope the MGTOW community can help erase that sickening hypocritical mindset from newly red pilled men because we as men need self accountability. As we all call out female nature I hope we can teach men to hold any woman accountable for being a sexual predator towards our boys regardless how attractive the woman is especially how the state system is set to where a boy vitcim is forced to pay child support for a child he can't consent to. As you discuss this it would be awesome if more MGTOW channels can make topics that target our young boys to help prepare them for the harsh world they are growing into and how to protect themselves. Hope my topic isn't to much to discuss but I honestly believe it needs to be addressed more so I'm excited to see and listen to what you have to say on this topic CHEERS. Well Price is Right thanks for the donation and topic. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Don't Tell People About MGTOW
Don't Tell People About MGTOW Sandman 343 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Crash and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I was introduced to your content and MGTOW after my divorce a couple years ago. I am an attorney and thought I was a pretty smart guy but have learned I am a virtual idiot when it comes to women. MGTOW creators like you have saved me from ever returning to traditional long term relationships. I have also been worried about your recent struggles with youtube and the censorship you have experienced there. I am worried that your message may not be available to men in the future. I have had the thought that men need to go grass roots for MGTOW like annoying leftists with cardboard signs and marches stopping traffic. The message is truly important and can save men's lives. My best idea is to get a bunch of Sandman or MGTOW stickers made and then stick them in men's bathroom stalls of every bar and restaurant I visit. It might at least point men in the right direction. What do you think? Do you have any other good grass roots ideas to get the word out about MGTOW? Thank you for all you do." Well Crash thanks for the donation and topic. When I say don't tell people about MGTOW what I mean is don't go around in the blue pill world forcing red pills down men's metaphorical throats the way carousel riding thots force feed themselves Kahlua that comes from a cock. It's just going to get messy and sticky. Before I tell you why you shouldn't plaster MGTOW and Sandman stickers in men's bathroom's let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. I beleive there was someone I already spoke to about possibly getting five or ten different guys in a big city to start putting MGTOW stickers into men's bathrooms. I suggested to instead put them in women's bathrooms because women would respond and call the cops and the media and make a big stink. Bigger than the stink they're already making in the bathroom. I thought that it would be better innitially to put the stickers in the women's bathrooms in one city by getting five guys to dress up bad drag and put them there to get women's attention and then get the media to cover the story. It would be Free publicity. But that would just draw more attention to MGTOW and probably get my channel and many others yanked off of YouTubes. Putting the stickers in the men's bathrooms could also pose another risk. Cameras are standard in most places and film you going into the bathroom and could get you in trouble for vandilism perhaps. Then your identity would be out there. You could get fired. It would also have to be done on a massive scale meaning that men would have to co-ordinate and there are good odds that if one man is caught he's going to rat out the rest. Then there's the issue of how effective it would actually be. People that see the stickers would have to remember to go on their phones and look up MGTOW. I can barely remember what I saw on my screen 5 minutes ago most days. Also putting up Sandman Stickers in Bathrooms would make people think I was paying for that vandilism and therefore they might complain to YouTube and my entire channel might get pulled down. Or the cops might come and investigate and that puts me under a doxxing risk. This grass roots MGTOW idea of bathroom stalls is not a good at all.

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Sandman Is A Hypocrite - MGTOW
Sandman Is A Hypocrite - MGTOW Sandman 407 Views • 4 years ago

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- Ancient Purity
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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from George. He didn't send me a specific topic so I've decided that I want to talk about something that's been dividing the MGTOW community for quite some some time now. I'm being called a hypocrit because I've been a MGTOW monk now for 5 years and have had zero desire for relationships and sex after hitting that second red pill rage stage. Yet at the same time I'm telling many of my younger listeners to go out there and date like a champ. Some guys have told me it's disingenuous for me to give advice to others that I myself am not following. First off I'm not the only one that's been giving this advice. I first heard huMAN and Spetsnaz discussing how they were running into a lot of younger guys that were nihilistic in their late teens that had completely given up on dating. I also spoke with a bunch of teenage guys on a podcast a while back and they were all petrified about the dating market and worried about false allegations even when I told them about regrets later in life. The situation is a catch 22 of kobiashi maru. It's a no win scenario for many guys. If they date while younger they run the risk of having their lives ruined. But if they don't date then they run the risk of having regrets later in life once they get into their thirties and beyond. Many are inexperienced in their thirties, build up resources and find to their surprise women throwing themselves at their feet. Remember if women don't want you when you're under the age of 25 for your looks and personality but suddenly want you after that you don't know why then it's because of resources and their desire to settle down with a man with the highest sexual marketplace value they can find. Anyways, I'll discuss this further in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:
Anyways, now back to the show. If I were in my teens and early twenties today I would date and get involved in relationships if I was in high school or college but would only do so with girls from other high schools and colleges. That way if I received a false allegation it would be far less likely to ruin my life by kicking me out of school. I would still do what I did in the past at that age which was to avoid sex. Because if you don't then your grades will suffer. Well at least they would form. I find it disheartening that guys don't understand that I suggest different behavior for guys depending on their age. As if my MGTOW advice is a one size fits all solution. I'm just discussing things from my perspective. What I would have done and what I have done in my past.

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Marriage Is The Mafia - MGTOW
Marriage Is The Mafia - MGTOW Sandman 363 Views • 4 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because YouTube keeps throttling my channel down and reducing my traffic. Regardless of that I want to read some comments from someone named R & R. So here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hey sandman, I've thought about writing MGTOW content for you and maybe later we can work something out. I'm a bit of a recluse, only being awake and going out when the sun is down and people aren't around, here's a script I came up with. "Hey Everyone, Sandman here, today we're going to talk about the Marriage Contract and how marrying a woman is like hiring a union employee, once you hire her you cannot fire her, no matter what. After 7 years you have to pay her for life. Imagine that, telling your boss to shove it and walking off the job but your boss still has to pay you your salary for life! Men are industrious, so most of us would still find something to do with out time, whether that's wood working carpentry, metal working welding, or even making youtube videos and supporting the MGTOW community. Under Marriage Contract Law, men are viewed as employers and women as union employees, but the parallel ends there because Union Employees are almost always highly skilled Labor, Tradesmen: Welders, Carpenters, Mechanics, Shiprights, General Contractors, ect, and employers can negotiate with Unions for Production. But what highly sought after skill do Union Wives bring to the table? Women today refuse to cook, clean, or do laundry even tho most of those tasks are automated, because doing those things is patriarchy and "enslavement." But women also refuse to marry down in status or wealth when their career has been socially engineered to reward them financially better than men for less production either in the office or the bedroom. American women today are not just a bad deal for men they're a bad deal for American businesses. They are low skill low production workers in business and at home because they don't specialize and refuse to invest time and effort into the skills they're good at. Look at me, I'm Mr Sandman! My specialization is photography and video and I have specialized in that by continually making MGTOW content along with wedding photography and videos, but what do many women specialize in? Often, the most successful women quit their careers around age 30-35 to have children, because their biological clock tick-tocks so loud they will do anything to shut it up, but Western Society has invested millions in them through direct scholarships and through massive social engineering at the direct detriment of men, and where is it taking us? We haven't seen the massive production losses solely because of the massive production increases we're seeing in automation, but right now we ARE seeing massive corporate mismanagement
i.e. Gillete, Disney, ect. (Many more examples can be added) Atlas will most certainly shrug as more and more men passively refuse to work for and support a system that has completely disenfranchised us. The service economy is going to get very very expensive for things that only men traditionally do, i.e. the Dirty Jobs, the jobs that women just don't do. It would be a real shame if all Red Pilled and MGTOW men doubled the price of any product, service, or contract when dealing with blue haired feminist, a real shame indeed. America is considering a Bachelor Tax, but we're the ones doing the actual work, so we get to decide what to charge, and besides, who wants to put up with the entitled attitude, that in itself should warrant a 20% surcharge, call it an attitude tax. If you're running a small business you know what I mean, there are simply customers who's attitude is so bad you almost don't even want their business.

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More MGTOW From Brazil
More MGTOW From Brazil Sandman 530 Views • 4 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

No you don't have deja vu. I haven't released this video before. It's the second half of a chat I had with one of the top MGTOW content producers in Brazil. It's is brought to you by a donation from Karen. She's the one that wanted to keep that backup Brad guy in her life instead of having him marry a twenty year old Filipino woman that would take all his money and use it to support her entire extended family in the Philippines. Before I play the interview let me first tell you about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission:

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

She's Not The Prize - MGTOW
She's Not The Prize - MGTOW Sandman 317 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

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Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from David and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Alright, thank you for being patient with my topic request. Here are some topics that I think could be good ones to talk about. 1– Mentorship and how it looks like with friends, family and others in your community who you are involved with. 2– Faith & belief and how they can help give you a direction in life as well as a proper foundation. 3– Any sort of personal questions that you feel would be worth talking about. 4– Reprioritizing yourself and setting up obtainable goals/ dreams. 5– How Broken homes and single parent families impact young men these days. 6– How to Press forward during hard times (how I’ve found my way through my challenges and trials are definitely somewhat unique that I feel are worth talking about). Well David thanks for the donation and questions. Before I get to them let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the show. So David I'll go through each of the six points that you want me to cover and the theme that I see running through all of your questions is that of male self improvement. Hence the title of she's not the prize. The first issue is mentorship. The problem with mentorship in this day and age is that if you're interested in mentoring another guy and helping him out with regards to red pilling him and teaching him about female nature is that it has to be without a woman around. Otherwise you will automatically subconsciously police your own behavior as to not offend her. Even if you can relax and try to mentor another man other women will hear and they will jump all over you faster than kids jumping on cake at a birthday party and you won't enjoy it. Unless you're a pedo in a full length trench coat. That goes for mentorship with friends and family. If you want to mentor others unfortunately because women have a virtual monopoly in the real world it's got to be done virtually. I know you're big on helping guys in the real world. Guys you know. But just remember that even if you can there are guys in real life that you can mentor in relative privacy many guys will run off and blab about MGTOW to women and it could easy get back to you that you're the one trying to free men from the plantation. That's why the red pilling process is where it is with regards to online mentorship. I don't trust that guys I tell about it in real life won't tell their wives and girlfriends and then those women pay me a visit with torches and bitchforks in their hands. As for the second thing you want me to talk about David which is faith and belief I think that those are personal things.

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Even Innocent Men Are Guilty - MGTOW
Even Innocent Men Are Guilty - MGTOW Sandman 239 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
- (Save 10% enter the code MGTOW in the check out)

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman I was going to wait and give you another topic in a another month or two. But after learning about what's been going on with the Amber heard and Johnny Depp situation I've come across a story that says there is a petition that says "we support Amber heard in aqua man 2". While at the same time there are dozens Of other petitions to get her kicked off of aqua man 2 and canceled from her other sponsorships. I understand this petition to keep her on the project only has over 4000 maybe 5000 signatures but just the fact that someone would make this petition and there are people there to sign it boils my blood. As a victim of abuse in my own life I find it very offensive that people would actually defend an abuser just because she's a woman despite the fact that there is evidence that proves she's the one doing evil. This situation is just like that YouTube video I once saw where 3 men who were accused of rape on some talk show. When they went on stage all three men who were proven to have not done the crime and were cleared by video evidence yet they still got booed by women who were in the crowd. All the women in the audience had excuses excuses like "We don't know what happened after the video or I'm a fellow victim of rape and abuse". It really does get on my nerves when stuff like this happens. I know I may sound a little emotional in this but I have to admit that this is going too far and they keep on making the same mistakes that cost them so much. If men can shame other men and criticize them why can't women do the same to their fellow women? It's like they stick together even when they're on a sinking ship. Sandman I hope you get a great video with this topic from someone who is a victim of child abuse on a physical and mental scale. We should not tolerate those who sign a petition protecting Heard. The people that sign that might as well sign a petition that says we want a free Harvey Weinstein. If they support people like Amber heard then they support Harvey Weinstein. Thanks again Sandman for all of your hard work we need more voices like yours the spread the Red pill philosophy." Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's
sponsor Ancient Purity:

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Feminists Get Blue Balls, Younger Women To Blame - MGTOW
Feminists Get Blue Balls, Younger Women To Blame - MGTOW Sandman 445 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Luminous YouTube Channel

⁣⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Feminists trying to change the definition

Why Child Abuse Is More Likely In Polyamorous Homes

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from no one because well I didn't get one for today. So I thought I'd take some time and discuss a post I saw on Reddit a while back called: "Feminists are trying to change the definition of a pedo due to not wanting to compete with younger girls." I put a link to it down below and here's what someone named Throw Away Abdi 95 has to say: "It has been proven by so many studies that men prefer women in their late teens and early 20s. This includes men in their 30s and older however many women spend their 20s on the carousel plus pursuing worthless careers rather than marrying a stable guy and starting a family. They waste their youth on sex and the city lifestyles then when they are finally really to settle down, the type of men they want would obviously prefer women in their early 20s or even late teens. This is natural and logical as these women are most likely to provide healthy babies whereas post-wall women in their 30s are used up, bitter over getting rejected by Chads and having to "settle" for the nerds they rejected throughout their 20s. They bitterly resent successful men such as Leonardo Dicaprio
rejecting women his age as it is well know any man with high status wants young, beautiful girls. These men do not care about their careers but their youth and beauty so it makes them realise how worthless they are. Paedophilia means pre-pubescent so it disturbs me how it is just thrown about. A 30 year old man dating an 18 year old isnt a pedo. These same people probably had grandparents with these age gaps. My own grandmother had my father at 16 and she must have married at 14. My grandfather must have been around 19. Throughout human history, puberty meant a girl was ready for marriage. The fact that they are now saying that an 18 year old woman is dating a 30 year old man is pedo land is absurd and clearly a sign of feminist jealousy as they know they are competing with girls that offer more to high-status males. I personally wouldn't go for high school girls but I understand men that do as this is peak female beauty and natural." unquote. I'll get to my thoughts about these words in just one sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Luminous Let's Play:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

Adele Is Sexy & Skinny . . Fat Women Lose Their Minds - MGTOW
Adele Is Sexy & Skinny . . Fat Women Lose Their Minds - MGTOW Sandman 469 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Adele Gets Trolled Hard for Stunning Weight Loss, So Her Personal Trainer Strikes Back

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Max. He didn't give me a specific topic so I thought I'd pipe in on the whole issue of Adele losing an incredible amount of weight. I put an article in the description where her trainer Geracimo said this and I quote: "When Adele and I started our journey together, it was never about getting super skinny. It was about getting her healthy. Especially post pregnancy and post surgery. When 25 dropped and the tour announced, we had to get ready for a 13 month gruelling schedule. In that time, she warmed to training and made better food choices. As a result, she lost considerable weight and people took notice. Her body transformation was splashed across every media outlet. The attention it generated was mind-blowing." "Since she moved to LA, it's been well documented that she underwent some tough personal changes. It's only natural that with change comes a new sense of self and wanting to be your best possible version. She embraced better eating habits and committed to her fitness and "is sweating"! I could not be prouder or happier for her! This metamorphosis is not for album sales, publicity or to be a role model. She is doing it for herself and for Angelo." unquote. Of course Angelo is Adele's son. So she hasn't changed for album sales, publicity or to be a better role model. Her record sales and fan popularity was just fine as a fatty. No where do I see it mentioned that she lost her weight because she's a post wall, divorced 32 year old single mother that just got taken to the divorce court cleaners. Many of Adele’s fans are angry that give up 140 million of her fortune to her husband. Her fans were implying that he did not do much to deserve it. I find this hilarious because if a woman divorced a famous man there would be no complaining from the peanut gallery in the female collective. I suspect she lost the weight so she can elevate her sexual marketplace value so she can go shopping for a husband more successful than she is. I hope those plastic surgeons snip snip and slice sliced their way to perfection with her bod. I'll share more of my musings in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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SINGLE MOTHER KICKED SON OUT OF HOME, ON HIS 18th BIRTHDAY... (USA) Doggk 211 Views • 4 years ago

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