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She Does Not GAF About You - MGTOW
She Does Not GAF About You - MGTOW Sandman 279 Views • 4 years ago

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God Does Not GAF About You: (Or Me or Anyone Individually)

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from R & R, the author of the short book called god does not give an F about you. But what I think is more interesting about this 28 page book that R & R sent me is that if you replace god with woman it can be said that she doesn't care about you either. Plus women are the creators in a sense because they give birth to you. The most interesting twist I've heard about an ancient religious story was that of Eve in the Garden being given the apple by the serpent. I was chatting with someone on a Skype chat about it and he said that what if there was no serpent. What if the woman had eaten the forbidden apple from the tree of knowledge and realised that she was naked and mortal and didn't want to take responsibility for her actions so instead in a panic she gave the apple to Adam because she wanted him to be equally cursed. But not only that but she made up the idea of the serpent giving her the apple so that she didn't have to take agency for her actions. It wasn't me. It's was the one armed man. Anyways, before I review this short book let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back with the show. This is a short book about self discovery. R & R says that god loves humanity but he doesn't care about the individual person as much as you care about the bug you squash on your windshield while driving. He says that god is like a computer programmer continually refining and adjusting the user experience. If that's the case then why did he refine women to nag and constantly test men about everything? R & R says that the majority solutions come from human ingenuity and not the church and god. I would go further and say that the majority of human ingenuity comes from men. I also agree that the church was the scaffolding on which many great minds have been built. It certainly preserved knowledge during the dark ages. You also mention Prometheus and I think the parallel can be drawn between him giving fire to man and the devil convincing humans to eat from the tree of knowledge and become mortal. But the Greeks didn't see Prometheus as the bad guy unlike Christianity and Judaism where the devil gave man knowledge and was eternally punished for it. Prometheus helped men and he was punished. The devil tried to hurt men and he was also punished. What ever happened to good intentions? I know, I know they pave the way to hell.

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MGTOW = Men Guarding Their Own Wealth
MGTOW = Men Guarding Their Own Wealth Sandman 278 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. The double whammy of having my channel throttled down by YouTube and everyone watching videos about corona and nothing but is not only slowly killing my channel but many others as well. Back in 2008 during the financial crisis I had a bunch of websites that were generating money through Google Adsense and my revenue dropped by about eighty-five percent. As some of you know I have my Kool Buildings channel and it is fully monetised. Looking at it over the last month or so the income from ads has dropped somewhere from about sixty to seventy percent as the economy has shrunk. I knew that at some point much the same way Google took my websites out of the search results back in 2007 to 2011 and killed that business they would most likely do the same so I saved every dollar I could and invested it so that I could replace the gradual drop in traffic and income from my channel and still be able to pay for everything. But as of right now I find myself in a very interesting predicament. I have money and could invest it but won't because there's panic out there. I also rehearsed financially about what I would do if the stock market was to crash. I knew there would need to be a trigger event and it would happen well into a tired bull market. I thought it was going to be in early 2019 but that was a head fake. I knew that Corona would but the plausible deniability event to create the market carnage. People say you can't time the markets but if you can see the warning signs I believe you can and I'll explain that to you in just a minute as well as discuss how I'm going to keep my content production going forward. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

MGTOW = Men Guarding Their Own Wealth - Photos

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Out Of Business - Mgtow
Out Of Business - Mgtow Zuberi87 62 Views • 4 years ago

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Single Men Require Supervision - MGTOW
Single Men Require Supervision - MGTOW Sandman 282 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Juan and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, first I want to thank you for the good fight you doing for all of us, for freeing us from our own demise (slavery mindset). If you can talk about a topic related to me having been a Godfather. For I was once a Godfather of 4 children 3 girls and 1 boy. Then I walked away from all responsibilities due to being used as an ATM. I was only invited to birthday parties , Christmas and when there was a mechanical failure on cars and barbecues. I'm an American-Mexican and that's how you suppose to say it but hey who cares. So being a Godfather is a among a true honor where you're supposed to provide the children with wisdom, joy and of course allowances once in awhile. But due to this MGTOW awakening (thank you of course) I now realize I have never was truely honored with that responsibility. I would constantly ask if I could take my god children hiking, bowling, to historical arcade rooms, shooting ranges etc, where kids are allow to be educated about guns. There were also road trips, water parks and so on. But they told me no if I were to do it alone. So when I went to visit each family to see my Godchildren I felt like I was under supervision there too because I'm a single man with no wahman and they kept insisting that I just keep dating lol. In my mind I was laughing my heiny off but then I finally got the hint. The translation is that if you don't have a wahman by your side you won't be able to hangout with them alone [maybe you should call this video dirty minds on account of my relatives]. So I tested my theory with other Godchildren and guess what they did let them go to the movies under one condition that my ex significant other would go too. I agreed. So when I can asked my significant other about all this she said you need to try and understand that you're a single man. So f it i decided to walk away from all the responsibilities that I'm not rewarded for. 1 and half years later I'm enjoying my life's journey posting pictures online just a bit so they could see what a single man is capable of, Trips across North America, building some investments for retirement and so much. So time went by and my sister asked me in front of the family (shocking right) would you like to be my unborn child's Godfather? I looked her right in the eye and said no I'm good and then proceeded to keep eating my tacos. When everyone left my other sister ask me why I did that, telling her no? She said that when someone asks you to be a Godfather you can't say no. I got furious and asked then why bother asking? My sister said I need to be courteously. Well I courteously said no. So brother use this donation for your videos if not use it for any topics of your choice." Well Juan thanks for the donation and most interesting topic. I'll get to it in a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

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