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She Wants To Cheat & Be Free
She Wants To Cheat & Be Free TheRareBreedTheory 84 Views • 3 years ago

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Man Woman Myth: On Toxic Women and Stupid Men
Man Woman Myth: On Toxic Women and Stupid Men Drums McBashington 37 Views • 3 years ago

⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

Sigma RoDan Roasting Trolls
Sigma RoDan Roasting Trolls Sigma RoDan 20 Views • 4 years ago

Roasting and putting trolls on blast for bullying Igor for having the MGTOW logo

Sigma RoDan MGTOW Talks
Sigma RoDan MGTOW Talks Sigma RoDan 27 Views • 4 years ago

Recent Events in The MGTOW Manosphere

My Teacher Boinked Me - MGTOW
My Teacher Boinked Me - MGTOW Sandman 305 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from The Price Is Right and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, fellow MGTOW brother here. Hope your doing well during these tough times and staying safe? One subject I respectfully disagree is God and MGTOW if I may explain real quick. I've grown up as a minister's kid and I've learned through seeing how women treated my father and seeing everything happening in society I don't blame God for the wicked actions of free will in female nature. Today as a Christian MGTOW there is no scripture that tells a man he MUST be married to live a happy fulfilled life. In fact I've been studying scripture through a MGTOW lense and discovered many examples of God himself saying alot about female nature that alot of men MGTOW men especially seem to overlook. When I see the social norms between men and women of today I think of the biblical Jezebel vs Elijah and how he defeats this wicked Queen, calls out the simp nature of King Ahab and red pills a whole nation as a result. If you want a great reference for this enlightenment Sunrise Hoodie another awesome MGTOW channel he has a huge playlist called "MGTOW Sermons" where he goes in depth of what God himself says about female nature and I can say God absolutely dispises what his daughters have turned into because of feminsim abortions especially. I'm not saying what you or other MGTOW men should believe I just simply request you and other MGTOW brothers give the Bible another look this time through a MGTOW lense. Now to the topic that I want you to cover that honestly not alot of MGTOW channels are at least covering this to my knowledge but I hope it will be picked up more and addressed more that is female pedos and how alot of men seem to praise this behavior. What do I mean by this, well with this pandemic happening all over the world I see it as a cultural reset on the norms between men and women in a lot of ways. I believe if this is the case I think this would be the perfect time to start teaching men to be on a better footing in terms living in a man hating society going forward. For me it's sickening when I see society condemns male pedos rightfully so but then seem to praise when a woman abuses or molests a boy in schools or babysitting with the conditioning that boys can't be sexual assault victims. Thus I see alot of guys praising this one female behavior with phrases such as "Atta boy" or "I wish my teacher would do that to me" etc. I can't speak for other men of course but I hope the MGTOW community can help erase that sickening hypocritical mindset from newly red pilled men because we as men need self accountability. As we all call out female nature I hope we can teach men to hold any woman accountable for being a sexual predator towards our boys regardless how attractive the woman is especially how the state system is set to where a boy vitcim is forced to pay child support for a child he can't consent to. As you discuss this it would be awesome if more MGTOW channels can make topics that target our young boys to help prepare them for the harsh world they are growing into and how to protect themselves. Hope my topic isn't to much to discuss but I honestly believe it needs to be addressed more so I'm excited to see and listen to what you have to say on this topic CHEERS. Well Price is Right thanks for the donation and topic. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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MGTOW Dead Bedrooms Of The UK
MGTOW Dead Bedrooms Of The UK REDPILLMARRIED 148 Views • 4 years ago

Survival overrides sex. Oh well.

Article: ⁣⁣

MGTOW Random Talks 4
MGTOW Random Talks 4 REDPILLMARRIED 53 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Response to a comment and some thoughts connected to it.


MGTOW HMT 124 REDPILLMARRIED 81 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Looks like the serpent FINALLY turned on Eve.


MGTOW Even Fewer Bundles Of Misery Are Being Born. YEAH!!!!
MGTOW Even Fewer Bundles Of Misery Are Being Born. YEAH!!!! REDPILLMARRIED 104 Views • 4 years ago

⁣You CAN'T blame men for this one! Your Body Your Choice REMEMBER!

Article: ⁣

MGTOW The Pendulum Is Swinging Back Ladies
MGTOW The Pendulum Is Swinging Back Ladies REDPILLMARRIED 171 Views • 4 years ago

⁣It's about to go down!


20 Reasons You Suck at Dating | Popp Culture
20 Reasons You Suck at Dating | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 1,435 Views • 4 years ago

⁣In the modern cesspool that is the dating market, men - and especially women - are always shooting themselves in the foot.

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⁣Video Throwbacks
The Wall Defeats Them All
Prince Harry the Cuck Fairy
It's All Your Fault

1917 Johnny Rage 74 Views • 4 years ago

⁣April 1917, the Western Front. Two British soldiers are sent to deliver an urgent message to an isolated regiment. If the message is not received in time the regiment will walk into a trap and be massacred. To get to the regiment they will need to cross through enemy territory. Time is of the essence and the journey will be fraught with danger.

MGTOW The Tables Are Turning Ladies
MGTOW The Tables Are Turning Ladies REDPILLMARRIED 95 Views • 4 years ago

Male victims MUST speak up and follow this man's example.

Article: ⁣

this doesn't make any
this doesn't make any Dimitri Rastoropov 42 Views • 4 years ago

No robots were hurt during the making of this video.⁣


Revenge Porn: Just Desserts or Dick Move? | Popp Culture
Revenge Porn: Just Desserts or Dick Move? | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 994 Views • 4 years ago

⁣It's Throwback Thursday on MGTOWtv!
Is revenge porn a dick move? Yes and no. There's three sides to every story. Her side, his side, and the truth.

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MGTOW Another Great Use For WAIFUS
MGTOW Another Great Use For WAIFUS REDPILLMARRIED 133 Views • 4 years ago

Waifus TRULY have multiple uses!

Article: ⁣

Even Innocent Men Are Guilty - MGTOW
Even Innocent Men Are Guilty - MGTOW Sandman 239 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman I was going to wait and give you another topic in a another month or two. But after learning about what's been going on with the Amber heard and Johnny Depp situation I've come across a story that says there is a petition that says "we support Amber heard in aqua man 2". While at the same time there are dozens Of other petitions to get her kicked off of aqua man 2 and canceled from her other sponsorships. I understand this petition to keep her on the project only has over 4000 maybe 5000 signatures but just the fact that someone would make this petition and there are people there to sign it boils my blood. As a victim of abuse in my own life I find it very offensive that people would actually defend an abuser just because she's a woman despite the fact that there is evidence that proves she's the one doing evil. This situation is just like that YouTube video I once saw where 3 men who were accused of rape on some talk show. When they went on stage all three men who were proven to have not done the crime and were cleared by video evidence yet they still got booed by women who were in the crowd. All the women in the audience had excuses excuses like "We don't know what happened after the video or I'm a fellow victim of rape and abuse". It really does get on my nerves when stuff like this happens. I know I may sound a little emotional in this but I have to admit that this is going too far and they keep on making the same mistakes that cost them so much. If men can shame other men and criticize them why can't women do the same to their fellow women? It's like they stick together even when they're on a sinking ship. Sandman I hope you get a great video with this topic from someone who is a victim of child abuse on a physical and mental scale. We should not tolerate those who sign a petition protecting Heard. The people that sign that might as well sign a petition that says we want a free Harvey Weinstein. If they support people like Amber heard then they support Harvey Weinstein. Thanks again Sandman for all of your hard work we need more voices like yours the spread the Red pill philosophy." Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's
sponsor Ancient Purity:

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World Ending, Women Most Affected | Live From The Lair
World Ending, Women Most Affected | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 1,277 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Even when men are dying at twice the rate of women from the Kung Flu, the wahmen still figure out a way to make a tragedy all about them.

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Big Booty Sex Doll with Big Boobs - Review - 720p
Big Booty Sex Doll with Big Boobs - Review - 720p Fine Love Dolls 3,604 Views • 4 years ago

Like big boobs and big asses? Checkout Jokestrap's review of our Lexus model

Adele Is Sexy & Skinny . . Fat Women Lose Their Minds - MGTOW
Adele Is Sexy & Skinny . . Fat Women Lose Their Minds - MGTOW Sandman 469 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Adele Gets Trolled Hard for Stunning Weight Loss, So Her Personal Trainer Strikes Back

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Max. He didn't give me a specific topic so I thought I'd pipe in on the whole issue of Adele losing an incredible amount of weight. I put an article in the description where her trainer Geracimo said this and I quote: "When Adele and I started our journey together, it was never about getting super skinny. It was about getting her healthy. Especially post pregnancy and post surgery. When 25 dropped and the tour announced, we had to get ready for a 13 month gruelling schedule. In that time, she warmed to training and made better food choices. As a result, she lost considerable weight and people took notice. Her body transformation was splashed across every media outlet. The attention it generated was mind-blowing." "Since she moved to LA, it's been well documented that she underwent some tough personal changes. It's only natural that with change comes a new sense of self and wanting to be your best possible version. She embraced better eating habits and committed to her fitness and "is sweating"! I could not be prouder or happier for her! This metamorphosis is not for album sales, publicity or to be a role model. She is doing it for herself and for Angelo." unquote. Of course Angelo is Adele's son. So she hasn't changed for album sales, publicity or to be a better role model. Her record sales and fan popularity was just fine as a fatty. No where do I see it mentioned that she lost her weight because she's a post wall, divorced 32 year old single mother that just got taken to the divorce court cleaners. Many of Adele’s fans are angry that give up 140 million of her fortune to her husband. Her fans were implying that he did not do much to deserve it. I find this hilarious because if a woman divorced a famous man there would be no complaining from the peanut gallery in the female collective. I suspect she lost the weight so she can elevate her sexual marketplace value so she can go shopping for a husband more successful than she is. I hope those plastic surgeons snip snip and slice sliced their way to perfection with her bod. I'll share more of my musings in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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