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Adolf Hitler Enemy of the German People Introduction by Michael Hoffman as Narrated by Mad Priestmonk Draguelia Basarab
Adolf Hitler Enemy of the German People Introduction by Michael Hoffman as Narrated by Mad Priestmonk Draguelia Basarab Velkan Sollomovici 45 Views • 4 years ago

"I am opposed to selective condemnation from any side of the political chasm; on the Left ignoring or minimizing the Bolshevik, Leninist-Stalinist Soviet, and Maoist crimes, and on the far Right, largely oblivious HItler's tyranny." - Michael Hoffman

What Certified Medical doctors have to say about Covid 19
What Certified Medical doctors have to say about Covid 19 Velkan Sollomovici 58 Views • 4 years ago

Before you start saying you are a certified nurse practitioner. Listen to what this guy who is of higher medical degree than YOU has to say about the so called Covid 19 pandemic.

Nurse Develops Bell's palsy After Taking Vaccine
Nurse Develops Bell's palsy After Taking Vaccine Velkan Sollomovici 60 Views • 4 years ago

Other cases involve 2 nurses of other states

Why Would they Feel the Need to Genocide White People?
Why Would they Feel the Need to Genocide White People? Velkan Sollomovici 49 Views • 4 years ago

Everything is not what it seems

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