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Kikes VS Kangs
Kikes VS Kangs SpaceJew 28 Views • 4 years ago

will the jewish ethnostate be able to stand the wave of mud... lets hope not

Tartary SpaceJew 30 Views • 4 years ago

lets have a look at great ppl... the mogels

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars SpaceJew 23 Views • 4 years ago


The Kalergi Plan
The Kalergi Plan SpaceJew 39 Views • 4 years ago

theyve had us in their cross hairs for a long time

Some interesting shit abt vaccines
Some interesting shit abt vaccines SpaceJew 35 Views • 4 years ago

throwing up some shit to watch later

The Future of ALL Huwhyte Peepoe
The Future of ALL Huwhyte Peepoe SpaceJew 58 Views • 4 years ago

whenever someone Ever uses the term Racist.. cut them out of your life forever... Racist means white genocide. cut them off and anyone who associates with them.. cast them off to the hoard of mudbloods

History in a Nutshell
History in a Nutshell SpaceJew 58 Views • 4 years ago

short and sweet ⚡⚡

Shocked and Sad when he realises his forefathers were inslaved by injuns and not huwhytie
Shocked and Sad when he realises his forefathers were inslaved by injuns and not huwhytie SpaceJew 23 Views • 4 years ago

que the violene music

Sheboon debate CHAMPIONS
Sheboon debate CHAMPIONS SpaceJew 30 Views • 4 years ago

fucking saranic clown world....

Kush &.Kemtrails
Kush &.Kemtrails SpaceJew 25 Views • 4 years ago

tired of winning

The Legacy of Communism
The Legacy of Communism SpaceJew 26 Views • 4 years ago

have V day

Case Study: Howard Stern
Case Study: Howard Stern Yorkshire_MGTOW 66 Views • 4 years ago

A 'stern' warning to guys who think that famous fellas must be burying the bone regularly.


When the movies of mass murdering men, are called entertainment.

This is real men, suffering, dying and being murdered.

A pack of baby killing, child beating, child rapists, off their psychiatric head meds
A pack of baby killing, child beating, child rapists, off their psychiatric head meds Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 227 Views • 4 years ago

Psycho-Nuts - Kick them in the cunt, and run....

IS BIDEN AFTER YOUR FARM LAND? | The 30/30 Executive Order and Biden Tax Laws
IS BIDEN AFTER YOUR FARM LAND? | The 30/30 Executive Order and Biden Tax Laws erick rendoza 79 Views • 4 years ago

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Joe Biden recently announced plans to turn 30% of the United States back into conservation land. Currently 14% of land in the United States is protected by conservation, over 70% of land is privately owned. Of course those numbers don't include the amount of land that is actually in conservation in some shape or form. Many farms have acreage on their land for wildlife use. 52% of the United States land is used for Agricultural Purposes. However this large number is constantly being driven down by the fastest growing land use "Urban Areas." Urban area is the largest growing use in recent years while special land uses grew substantially in the late 1970's.

With tightening agricultural resources, it seems highly unlikely that many farmers would find an economic benefit to collecting conservation payouts over agricultural production. Additionally, Biden's 30/30 executive order states the desire to make more conservation land available to the general public. Public accessibility is generally unpopular with private land owners and their liability insurance providers.

So to reach this lofty goal of 30% Conservation by 2030 the Biden Administration will need to implement administrative direction that forces an outcome. As we know from 40 executive orders the Administration has no reservations about forcibly acting on their own accord.

Just like the Dodd Frank Bill caused a consequential disruption in the financial industry, Biden's tax proposals may have a similar impact.

0:00 Global Food Wars
2:15 Grain Prices Continue to Rise
3:40 Climate Change impacts on Food Supply
5:24 Grain Prices Impacting Animal Agriculture
7:12 Biden Administration is not supportive of Agriculture
8:11 Dodd Frank Bill's Consequential Disruption of Private Property
12:23 Biden Tax Law BTL Forcing Farmers to Sell Land
23:04 Biden's Mark-to-Market Tax Proposal
26:20 President Biden Land Conservation Executive Order
29:03 President Biden Hires Eminent Domain Advocates
32:10 Biden's Environmental Protection Flaws
35:17 Biden Stops CFAP Payments to Farmers
36:25 USDA to take FDA authority on Genetically Engineered Animals


"Let's Dare to read, think, speak, and write"- President John Adams

As A Man Thinketh is a Vlog by Charlie. His opinions are not necessarily those of Yanasa TV or our partners. Although they force you to consider thinking a little deeper about legislative consequences.

Charlie believe's in critical thinking. Simply voting and forming opinion off off popular tag lines won't enable you to think clearly and insightful about cause and effect. For the past several years, Mainstream Media has become your puppet master for Big Tech and Global Organizations. Censorship has prevented thought and consideration for alternative perspectives. Please consider some of these alternative researchers to help provide you expand your perception:

To hear other opinions on Food Control check out @Oppenheimer Ranch Project and @Ice Age Farmer

To learn more about our climate and historical society trends check out @Adapt 2030

#Biden #Agenda2030 #Land #Conservation #Agriculture #Farming #IceAgeFarmer #Adapt2030 #OppenhiemerRanchProject #Taxes #USDA

Enkutatash....  Pharaoh and 911...  The whos run holly wood
Enkutatash.... Pharaoh and 911... The whos run holly wood SpaceJew 35 Views • 4 years ago

the title was enough. we have a long way to go yet om our journey together... thank you for sharing it with me

Media Hoax EXPOSED At Impeachment! How Many People Fell For This?
Media Hoax EXPOSED At Impeachment! How Many People Fell For This? erick rendoza 37 Views • 4 years ago (I Answer All Messages Here)

Europa- The Final Battle 3-10
Europa- The Final Battle 3-10 SpaceJew 27 Views • 4 years ago


Donalds true face
Donalds true face SpaceJew 30 Views • 4 years ago

its almost like they are from hollywood no?

Switzerland and Pharaohs
Switzerland and Pharaohs SpaceJew 17 Views • 4 years ago

Pharaoh lives in Switzerland!!!
sag mich nicht

red and white..... and blue... whatever could these colors mean?

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