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Dúró Dóra ledarálta a szerelmes királyfikról szóló mesekönyvet
Hungarian politican grinds down homosexual propaganda book.
Youtube censred the video. I dont own the copyright of this video, but i think its important to share it due to public interest.
Translation (short, rough version):
Wonderland does not belongs to to abnormals. Homosexual prince is not part of the hungarian culture. You cant propagate something as normal - if in reality, it isnt. The Mi Haznák Mozgalom does not allows that the homosexuals show their agenda for children, by smuggling their abnormal lifestyle into fairytales. It disturbs the normal development of a child, if they show them propaganda about abnormality. The agressive homosexualism attacks the smallest children, to succesfully brainwash them in their early ages, as the children and teens are the most vulnerable for any propaganda.