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Meanwhile in European Parliament
Meanwhile in European Parliament Geri 20 Views • 1 year ago

Someone uploaded this video to youtube, but it was deleted. I decided to re-upload it. I dont own the content.

Core2Quad + HD4850 test
Core2Quad + HD4850 test Geri 10 Views • 1 year ago

Testing and measuring 2007-ish hardware. <br> <br>Music by Паша

Oppai tsunami
Oppai tsunami Geri 11 Views • 2 years ago

No content is owned by me. The video was censored from youtube years ago.

Hungarian Day of the Dead - Halottak napja (Catholic halloween)
Hungarian Day of the Dead - Halottak napja (Catholic halloween) Geri 9 Views • 2 years ago

The ⁣Day of the Dead is a Hungarian catholic holiday, similar to all hallows eve/halloween. <br> <br> <br>Music: 1: Dark Cemetery ⁣2: Toms Luis de Victoria Tenebrae factae sunt

Creative 24x CD-ROM drive horrible noises (Matsushita CR 585)
Creative 24x CD-ROM drive horrible noises (Matsushita CR 585) Geri 35 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Creative 24x CD-ROM drive is horribly loud for some reason.

Maxxtor 80 gbyte vs Samsung 80 gbyte noise comparison
Maxxtor 80 gbyte vs Samsung 80 gbyte noise comparison Geri 20 Views • 4 years ago

maxxtor 80 gb vs samsung 80 gb noise comparison

Socket7 battle entry video: Cyrix 6x86MX 250 MHz + Asus P5A-B
Socket7 battle entry video: Cyrix 6x86MX 250 MHz + Asus P5A-B Geri 35 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Socket7 battle entry video: Cyrix 6x86MX 250 MHz + Asus P5A-B

Cyrix 6x86MX
Riva TNT AGP 16 MByte
Asus P5A-B
768 MByte RAM

Another Furry Caterpillar
Another Furry Caterpillar Geri 40 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Another Furry Caterpillar

Hungarian politican grinds down homosexual propaganda | Dúró Dóra ledarált egy mesekönyvet
Hungarian politican grinds down homosexual propaganda | Dúró Dóra ledarált egy mesekönyvet Geri 126 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Dúró Dóra ledarálta a szerelmes királyfikról szóló mesekönyvet

Hungarian politican grinds down homosexual propaganda book.

Youtube censred the video. I dont own the copyright of this video, but i think its important to share it due to public interest.

Translation (short, rough version):
Wonderland does not belongs to to abnormals. Homosexual prince is not part of the hungarian culture. You cant propagate something as normal - if in reality, it isnt. The Mi Haznák Mozgalom does not allows that the homosexuals show their agenda for children, by smuggling their abnormal lifestyle into fairytales. It disturbs the normal development of a child, if they show them propaganda about abnormality. The agressive homosexualism attacks the smallest children, to succesfully brainwash them in their early ages, as the children and teens are the most vulnerable for any propaganda.

Beautiful caterpillar
Beautiful caterpillar Geri 74 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Beautiful caterpillar was found when i went jogging.

PC speaker retro music engine test
PC speaker retro music engine test Geri 6 Views • 4 years ago

Retro, Computer, PC speaker, Adventure engine, Fantasy Engine

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