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Unforgivable Sin & Blasphemy Challenge
Unforgivable Sin & Blasphemy Challenge "K C" "Sunbeam" 8 Views • 10 months ago

I explain what type of sin or sins may be unforgivable according to Christianity, and the so-called blasphemy challenge cooked up by Atheists.

Heroes and Heroines
Heroes and Heroines "K C" "Sunbeam" 9 Views • 11 months ago

I explain who the true heroes are, and who doesn't deserve to be called a hero or heroine.

Book Review: "Fearmorphosis"
Book Review: "Fearmorphosis" "K C" "Sunbeam" 10 Views • 11 months ago

I read my review of author Desh Subba's book Fearmorphosis, wherein he sees the philosophy of "fearism" and other elements as transformative of individuals and societies.

I'm Unloving?
I'm Unloving? "K C" "Sunbeam" 12 Views • 11 months ago

I tackle accusations that I'm unloving, hypocritical, etc.

The Future is Female?
The Future is Female? "K C" "Sunbeam" 17 Views • 11 months ago

I address the idea that the societies should be run by women and that traditional male ideas should be dismantled.

My Lifestyle Attacked
My Lifestyle Attacked "K C" "Sunbeam" 8 Views • 11 months ago

My lifestyle has been repeatedly attacked by male society. Here's my response.

Girl's and Women's Maturity?
Girl's and Women's Maturity? "K C" "Sunbeam" 14 Views • 11 months ago

It's claimed that females are more mature than males and have a character equal to or greater than males. Let's shine a spotlight on this!

Jordan Peterson: "Porn: Why So Rampant?"
Jordan Peterson: "Porn: Why So Rampant?" "K C" "Sunbeam" 18 Views • 12 months ago

I first reiterate what famous Canadian psychologist, lecturer, and author Jordan Peterson had to say about pornogrpahy. I then critique it with my own explanation.

What is Most Valuable
What is Most Valuable "K C" "Sunbeam" 5 Views • 12 months ago

I explain what the most important thing is.

The Christian Message
The Christian Message "K C" "Sunbeam" 4 Views • 12 months ago

See title.

Is Christianity/Jesus the Only Way?
Is Christianity/Jesus the Only Way? "K C" "Sunbeam" 7 Views • 12 months ago

I examine whether or not original Christianity claimed to be the one and only way to God and means of enlightenment.

BC/AD verses BCE/CE etc.
BC/AD verses BCE/CE etc. "K C" "Sunbeam" 5 Views • 12 months ago

I explain the dispute between the traditional designations of years and the modern system.

Defining Autism
Defining Autism "K C" "Sunbeam" 10 Views • 12 months ago

Autism must be defined so as to help you understand your fellow humans, and so be able to treat them properly. I explain.

"The Amazing Atheist"
"The Amazing Atheist" "K C" "Sunbeam" 7 Views • 12 months ago

I discuss infamous YouTuber T J Kirk, who calls himself The Amazing Atheist. Everything I say about him has Internet documentation.

Government Gets Girlfriends
Government Gets Girlfriends "K C" "Sunbeam" 11 Views • 12 months ago

I explain the idea of government issued girlfriends and wives for men so deprived.

Justice Now!
Justice Now! "K C" "Sunbeam" 7 Views • 12 months ago

Although most "social justice" is crap, there are those who are truly in need of major social justice intervention. I explain.

The White Panthers
The White Panthers "K C" "Sunbeam" 6 Views • 12 months ago

I discuss the White Panthers, a radical Leftist political party founded in 1968 and since disbanded, and compare the White Panthers and Black Panthers with today's Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups.

Gas Chambers
Gas Chambers "K C" "Sunbeam" 9 Views • 12 months ago

There's too much misinformation surrounding the use of gas chambers for execution and chemical warfare. So I'm here to teach the truth.

To Vaxx or Not to Vaxx
To Vaxx or Not to Vaxx "K C" "Sunbeam" 6 Views • 12 months ago

The full truth about vaccines and vaccinations.

Binary or Non-Binary?
Binary or Non-Binary? "K C" "Sunbeam" 3 Views • 12 months ago

Is gender a binary or spectrum? Is life itself a binary or spectrum? Why do the answers to these questions matter? I explain.

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