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Another "female logic on display" video
Another "female logic on display" video Grin_Reaper 38 Views • 2 years ago

Watch as a seasoned conservative politician calmly destroys a "just stop oil" activist who invokes Greta Thunberg's hysterical climate change alarmism.

Feminist logic on display as a panel discuss equal pay in sport
Feminist logic on display as a panel discuss equal pay in sport Grin_Reaper 27 Views • 2 years ago

This happened in Australian television. Even after the man jumps in and explains why men earn more in sport than women, their female brains still can't process why.

Andrew Tate is interviewed by Zuby (first aired 2019) Part 1 of 3
Andrew Tate is interviewed by Zuby (first aired 2019) Part 1 of 3 Grin_Reaper 34 Views • 2 years ago

⁣This interview aired way back in 2019, before I knew who Andrew Tate even was. Enjoy.

Stop Bashing Men!
Stop Bashing Men! Grin_Reaper 25 Views • 2 years ago

Apparently, men are not worth a mention when it comes to reconizing violence against journalists.

Never forgive or forget the demonization of the unvaxed
Never forgive or forget the demonization of the unvaxed Grin_Reaper 30 Views • 2 years ago

This is not my video and I don't know who created this compilitation but it needs to be shared as far and wide as possible. Never concede in the face of opposition when you have truth on your side.

New study confirms teachers award higher marks to girls because of gender bias
New study confirms teachers award higher marks to girls because of gender bias Grin_Reaper 23 Views • 2 years ago

Us in the redpill community already know the education system is designed to favor girs. This Italian study only serves to confirm this and provides further evidence we live in a gynocentric society.

The feminists may lose power in Sweden
The feminists may lose power in Sweden Grin_Reaper 35 Views • 2 years ago

After ⁣⁣eight years of Social Democrat rule the Swedish people may be ready for a change. Sweden's right bloc have a narrow lead with about 90% of votes counted in the general election. The anti mass-migration party the Sweden Democrats was the big winner.

The Taliban swiftly shuts down feminist protest
The Taliban swiftly shuts down feminist protest Grin_Reaper 66 Views • 3 years ago

The Taliban continues to show us how to keep feminism in check. Sky News Australia, which is supposed to be a conservative news platform, also shows us that cuckservatism is preventing this from happening.

How to deal with police demanding you wear a face diaper
How to deal with police demanding you wear a face diaper Grin_Reaper 36 Views • 3 years ago

Two officers were harassing a teenager for not wearing a face mask, which was mandated by the Victorian Goverment. A good samaritan, a 50 year-old man, decided to come to the rescue armed with nothing more than a baseball bat. Predictably, instead of being commended for his actions he is being demonised by the lamestream media.

Jordan Peterson on female nature and its negative impact on culture
Jordan Peterson on female nature and its negative impact on culture Grin_Reaper 76 Views • 3 years ago

In this clip, which also features Warren Farrell, JP discusses how female nature is contributing to the climate of censorship, otherwise known as "cancel culture". The two men also discuss how college enrolments are now dominated by women and how this creates the problem of more men finding they are not desirable to the opposite sex.

Cuckservative Australian reporter asks why men did not come to this woman's aid
Cuckservative Australian reporter asks why men did not come to this woman's aid Grin_Reaper 133 Views • 3 years ago

Men in our societies are demonized, humiiliated, silenced and overall treated like second-class citizens. Masculinity is regarded as toxic and as some kind of mental illness. Is it any wonder, then, that men are no longer interested in risking their neck to come to a woman's rescue. Especially as we are led to believe that women are equal to men.

Watch Trudeau's failed attempt at boxing
Watch Trudeau's failed attempt at boxing Grin_Reaper 78 Views • 3 years ago

Soyboys and boxing do not mix, as this video demonstrates.

Ukraine president Vladimir Zelensky in bizarre music video
Ukraine president Vladimir Zelensky in bizarre music video Grin_Reaper 43 Views • 3 years ago

The media likes to portray Vladimir Zelensky as a tough man who stayed behind to defend his country. As this video shows, he is a mediocre entertainer with a penchant for wearing stilletos and behaving like a fool. Reminds a lot of Justin Trudeau actually.

UFC fighter Sean Strickland confronts a Karen
UFC fighter Sean Strickland confronts a Karen Grin_Reaper 52 Views • 3 years ago

Not one to hold back, Sean Strickland is seen cursing at the woman after being swerved into while riding his motorcycle. On twitter, Strickland explained why he lashed out:

⁣“I went to pass her and she swerved into me and then tailgated my buddy so badly we had to stop for his safety said ‘this is a private road’ noo it’s a national forest lol!!”

A pussy-shaped spaceship (yes, really)
A pussy-shaped spaceship (yes, really) Grin_Reaper 55 Views • 3 years ago

China is building its own spacestation while valuable resources in the West are being wasted on female vanity projects. Leading the project is some diversity hire who couldn't design a toy rocket if her life depended on it.

Lindsay Graham and John McCain give Ukraine soldiers a pep talk (2016)
Lindsay Graham and John McCain give Ukraine soldiers a pep talk (2016) Grin_Reaper 45 Views • 3 years ago

It's pretty obvious to me that a war with Russia was always in the works. If they can get rid of Putin they can have a western shill installed in his place.

Canadian mounted police trample over peaceful protesters
Canadian mounted police trample over peaceful protesters Grin_Reaper 41 Views • 3 years ago

As the video shows, the protesters are gathered around and the mounted police decide to plow right through them.

Australian journalist is humiliated by Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake
Australian journalist is humiliated by Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake Grin_Reaper 33 Views • 3 years ago

⁣If you think the msm in America is bad you should check out this video. In this 60 Minutes Australia clip, the interviewer devoted most of his time attacking Trump while trying to discredit anything Kari Lake had to say.

Sheikh Mohammed Ordered To Pay £500m Divorce Settlement To Princess Haya
Sheikh Mohammed Ordered To Pay £500m Divorce Settlement To Princess Haya Grin_Reaper 48 Views • 3 years ago

I wanted to share this video because I feel it is a news item that has quietly slipped under the radar. Basically, a UK court has decided to award the ex-wife an insane amount of alimony even though the marriage took place in a totally different country. It goes without saying that marrying abroad and bringing the wife into a Western country remains a terrible idea.

This is why women should not be comedians
This is why women should not be comedians Grin_Reaper 128 Views • 3 years ago

I don't like Dr Fauci and I think he should be roasted, but ⁣Kate McKinnon's impersonation is just terrible. SNL's push for more diversity has clearly failed.

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