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#hardwork #bluecollarjobs #trades #masculinity #purpose_of_life <br> <br>Update on what I've been up to. Men need to have direction and purpose. Get a life, basement dwellings and look for a purpose. Men are meant to be in motion and to get things done.

#Match.com #FTC #OnlineDating
The FTC is suing Match INC, which run match.com, plenty of fish aka plenty of busted out THOTS, tindr, and e-harmony.com, over fraudulent practices.
The FTC's press release: https://www.ftc.gov/news-event....s/press-releases/201
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#Politics #Woke #SJWs #Democrats #Leftists #Liberals #Army
A morning show that isn't syrupy and sweet!
We will discussing the MGTOW's overreaction of the CME along with the fact that some MGTOW's think that MGTOW is the manosphere.
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#MGTOW #Incels #Manosphere
Sadly MGTOW's have become the NPC's of the Manopshere. Not all MGTOW of course, but the cancer or incels, spergs, men stuck in the red pill rage, and alt right wackos have taken over the MGTOW space.
I apologize for the previous upload. I put the wrong audio track in for the background music, instead of the potted down version.
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#MGTOW #Incels #RedPill
I apologize for the audio problems, early on in the video.
Portuguese did a response to my "MGTOW has become the clown car of the manosphere," video. Here is my critique of his video.
Portuguese Mayhem's spergfest: https://youtu.be/tMTnuRqkzYU
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#SkidRow #Plague #Liberals #LA #Rats
This is a follow to my 2012 video...Skid Row the inner city hellhole. Liberals cities and states, have some of the largest homeless populations in the nation, with California and New York in the lead. This crisis is largely self inflicted due to excessive taxation, illegal immigration, onerous regulation, and easy to obtain welfare benefits.
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#OKBoomer #Millennials #GenXers
This video is a response to Lycantheory's "OK bommer," video. Don't over over to his channel and comment bomb him. I don't have any beef with him. I disagree with some of his points, when it comes to this particular subject.
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#RedPill #Feminism #Misandry
FYI I said *40, and meant to say *47 in my commentary...ADHD for the win.
Is this video, we used math to determine whether or a not a woman is a THOT. This is a response to EM Dee's "So you believe in S**ts."
Shout out to Prof Terrence Popp PhD. THOTology, and his cucumber stacking test.
So you believe in S**ts: https://youtu.be/SkUu4zPBD1M
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Even the dog knows a cunt when it sees one.
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Gab: https://gab.ai/Grizzly907LA

A morning show that isn't syrupy and sweet!
We will discussing the MGTOW's overreaction of the CME along with the fact that some MGTOW's think that MGTOW is the manosphere.
Social media:
MGTOW.TV https://www.mgtow.tv/@GrizzlyRising
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrizzlyMgtow
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Gab: https://gab.ai/Grizzly907LA

#Politics #SocialJustice #SJWs #Racism #Democrats #Leftists #Liberals #MGTOW #GammaMales #Weakmen #SoyBoys #Spergs #Jeously
A morning show that isn't syrupy and sweet!
We will discussing the MGTOW's overreaction of the CME along with the fact that some MGTOW's think that MGTOW is the manosphere.
Social media:
MGTOW.TV https://www.mgtow.tv/@GrizzlyRising
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrizzlyMgtow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrizzlyRising
Minds: https://minds.com/Grizzly_MGTOW
Twitch.tv: https://twitch.tv/grizzly_mgtow
Gab: https://gab.ai/Grizzly907LA

#Filicide #Homicide #Marriage #Divorce #FamilyLaw
This is a segment from the April 25th, 2021 "Coffee and Hatred," show. Grizz and the Wolf discuss a media clip. that illustrates the way the media covers bad mothers.
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWrR572DHZs
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This a segment from Coffee and Hatred which airs on Sundays at 10 am EST. Midge (Meg from Family Guy,) talks about dating shit men in a shit world. Grizz and the Wolf dissect her asinine, feminist talking points.
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7PD5WG1QDQ