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Restless Anal Syndrome: It’s a Thing | Grunt Speak Shorts
Restless Anal Syndrome: It’s a Thing | Grunt Speak Shorts Terrence Popp 119 Views • 3 years ago

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#GruntSpeakLive #COVID #RestlessAnalSyndrome

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⁣Pineapple Express Exposes Inept Military Leadership | Grunt Speak Highlights
⁣Pineapple Express Exposes Inept Military Leadership | Grunt Speak Highlights Terrence Popp 341 Views • 3 years ago

When retired veterans have to bail out the people left for dead in a war zone, something is rotten in Washington DC.

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Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore - MGTOW
Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore - MGTOW Sandman 349 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Going Your Own Way Dot Com

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so what I wanted to do is discuss a post I found on Going Your Own Way Dot Com which I put a link to in the description. So go over there and register with Jagermeister. Today his forum had new posts on 20 recent topics. I was promoting it back in 2014 and no one was listening to me and I guess now they are. Here's what someone on a threat called "Accepting That You Don't Have A Country Anymore" had to say and I quote: "So I was listening to the Turd Flinging Monkey show this last evening and something he said hit me hard. He pointed out in America that if you believe in freedom, you don't have a country anymore. He also stated that since you don't have a country, there's no point in trying to preserve anything about it. The Marxists have already won in America and are wearing the rotting corpse of the country. They are playing this once great nation like a marionette. There is no point in even trying to defend it. The original values the founding fathers brought with them no longer exist. Fighting for a people that hate you and for a country that hates you is a complete waste of time. All that can be done is focusing on one's self and protecting your own. That's it." unquote. I agree and I'm really worried up here in Canada. Things might get really bad here as we are having an election on the 20th of September and if our rubber ducky socks prime minster gets a majority there goes freedom of speech in the fall. Also on October 1st can't ride on a plane or train inside and outside the country without a vaccine passport. It's a federal mandate. I can still cross the border by car into the United States after getting a covid test and fly out of America. For now. But how much longer? I thought about going to Eastern Europe but their vaccination rates are even higher than here with 83% of adults getting the jab and they are trying to make it mandatory for everyone and are removing one freedom after another. Medical workers and teachers have to get it or lose their jobs. Airline employees too. I fear this is only the beginning until the possibility that vaccines will not only be mandatory to do certain things but that they will become necessary and forced where they will strap you down and give you a shot in the arm. That would be complete madness but it's not outside the realm of possibility. I not only feel like I no longer have a country that believes in freedom. But I also believe that TFM is right and we have to look at protecting ourselves at this time. I want to spend this video discussing ways to ghost in your own country in case the jab becomes forced and you want to escape it. I get the feeling they won't stop until everyone has it. It seems to be a bigger agenda at play here. But before I say more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to everyone with a needle in their arm like a heroin addict clown world show. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the four or five levels of MGTOW but it looks like at some point if there are forced vaccinations instead of just mandatory ones I'll have to become level four. First of all let me define the difference between mandatory and forced for those that don't know. Mandatory means you have to have it if you want to go to a public place or use a public service. You have the choice to refuse to get on a plane or train or not go to a ball game. But force is when the government says either you get this or we take you away and force it into your arm. If that were to happen I'm sure it would be a global thing or something mostly in the west and the only way to get around it would be to get off the grid and hide out in the wilderness. The first level of MGTOW or level 0 is when you're dating in Longterm relationships.

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Will The Taliban Liberate Women? LOL - MGTOW
Will The Taliban Liberate Women? LOL - MGTOW Sandman 280 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

Taliban Is On An Infinite Timeline

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kenneth and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hello Sandman, I'm sure you've seen the hoopla associated with Afghanistan falling to the Taliban. Can you please discuss what's going to happen to the women there now that their gender studies degree program created in 2015 will be cancelled and they will all be shoved into Burqas? Thanks" Well Kenneth thanks for the donation and topic. If you see the picture of the woman in the thumbnail you need to understand that women are not allowed to wear high heels and they can't even show their faces and hands or clothing that accentuates their body curves in Afghanistan now. The only male attention a woman in that country can can get is from her own husband. The idea is to make women thirsty both sexually and for attention. In the west women are busy creating a massive male underclass of incels that are thirsty for the sex and attention of women. Neither system works in the long term for a happy healthy society. And I'm not advocating for either. I want a third way. But right now everyone is worried that Communists and Muslims will work together to tear down the west and they are. But if or when that happens the Feminists and Libtards need to fear an Islam-Incel Alliance in the west. Muslims will say to incels we will give you a bride of your own and all you have to do is convert to our faith and fight with us against the godless communists that are making you eat bugs and freaky feminists and LGBTQ folk that are turning your women into tatted up land whales. As I was following the story it seemed to me as if some centrists and those on the right were almost taking the side of the Taliban. This shows me that it's a very real possibility that disenfranchised men in the west will be seduced by Islam once as it grows here. As Afghanistan was falling to the Taliban you know the left has gone too far when centrists in the west have more in common culturally with the Taliban then they do with wokester neo Marxists that are taking over. I never thought I'd see the day when the most rational Americans that are against the leftist government sound like they are beginning to siding with patriarchal terrorists. Is it any wonder that people in Afghanistan surrendered so quickly when the best that America could offer them was gender studies degrees? Satan Klaus over at the World Economic Forum needs to be more worried about the incel-Islamic alliance then the great reset. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways now back to the you will be locked in your house unless you wear a Burqa clown world show. Just to make it clear again I don't condone what the Taliban has done to Afghan society but I understand why they have done it because they are trying to hold onto a traditional medieval way of life. The printing press, television, radio and smart phones threaten that way of life because ideas spread like a virus. They should know because their own ideology does the same so they don't want any other competing ideas. They are just as bad as the leftists in the west trying to censor everything. But instead of making men second class citizens they are turning women in second class citizens. Twenty years ago no one in the west would have taken the Taliban's side but I feel that as western societies wage war on men the men in the west see the war that the Taliban are waging on women in the east and winning and they think to themselves that might be a better alternative than what we have right now with crash birth rates, men dying as virgins and the metoo movement. Forty-five years ago when that helicopter was picking people up in Saigon Americans were shocked to see it. As the American Embassy in Kabul was being airlifted in a similar fashion many Americans were making fun of it showing me that national pride is now a joke.

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Cash Makes Her Clothes Come Off - MGTOW
Cash Makes Her Clothes Come Off - MGTOW Sandman 285 Views • 3 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Anonymous Musk Response:

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by MGTOW Smurf and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, You seem to be doing well financially by building your wealth with bitcoin and stocks, would you please give us some basic investment tips such as a good, simple, trading, buying, and selling site, a simple safe wallet, any online group or website for getting started. Also how important it is to invest in yourself such as becoming a valuable, reliable, educated, multi-functional employee at your place of work. Also I think it would be a good idea to stress the importance of investing in your health. You can not enjoy the fruits of you labor if you are in poor physical or mental health. Eating right, getting some fresh air and exercise. Going to the dentist, monitoring your blood pressure and cholesterol. Treating yourself good with whatever makes you happy, fishing, boating, hunting ,motorcycles, bbq with friends etc. You do a great service to the Mgtow community, keep up the good work." Well MGTOW Smurf thanks for the donation and topic. Seems to me like what you want is a good brokerage trading platform and a crypto wallet. But once you have those what do you buy and how much. I think I'll share that as well. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the invest and make millions and then have to fight off the gold diggers show away. Smurf besides investing in yourself it's important to learn to invest by yourself because you will become a wise investor if you
make mistakes and learn from them. Usually the best time to start investing is after the market crashes which seems to happen after every eight or nine years. I started investing in mutual funds back in 2003 and then individual stocks back in 2008 and 2009. I learned quickly that the volatility in individual stocks can make you poor in a hurry. So about five to ten years ago I learned to build a basket of around thirty stocks that pay dividends that yield about 8% in combined annual dividends and capital gains. But over the last couple of years I've learned about the true level of inflation which is running closer to somewhere between ten and fifteen percent. So now I'm changing my strategy from one where I get five or six percent a year in dividends in fast food companies, utilities, banks and telecom stocks to moving more into companies like Amazon, Google, The railroads like Canadian National and Canadian Pacific as well as Home Depot, Costco, Paypal and Apple. As well as putting thirty percent of my net worth into crypto last summer and averaging in with Bitcoin at around sixteen thousand. In terms of platforms I know a lot of guys will use things like Robin Hood so you don't have to drop thousands of dollars on only one share of Amazon. But I use TD Waterhouse in Canada, aka TD Ameritrade in the United States to make my trades. I also use CIBC Investors Edge. Brokerage accounts are pretty much the same from what I can tell. It's what you choose to buy that makes all the difference. My target now is to be in assets that grow ten to twenty percent a year average so I can keep up with the roughly ten to twelve percent inflation rate. Real Estate is also something I'll eventually invest in for my primary residence to protect me from inflation but that all depends on what happens to Bitcoin by the end of the year. You're right Smurf that you want to invest in your health because you won't be able to enjoy your money if you're in pain all the time. I'm a living example of that.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Who Wants Leftover Women? - MGTOW
Who Wants Leftover Women? - MGTOW Sandman 305 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Male Sexlessness is Rising But Not for the Reasons Incels Claim

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by any donations. Because I didn't get any for this video. So I decided to cover an 2018 article I put in the description called: "Male Sexlessness is Rising But Not for the Reasons Incels Claim" I found this article on a MGTOW forum and the person posting is said that this article is making that arguement that the primary reason young unmarried men aren't getting sex is because there's a delay in marriage these days in our society. The author goes as far as saying this and I quote: "The rise of young male sexlessness isn’t about Chads and Stacies; it isn’t primarily about Tinder or Bumble; it’s not mostly about attitudinal shifts in what women want from relationships; and it’s not mainly about some new war between the sexes. It’s mostly about people spending more years in school and spending more years living at home. But that’s not actually a story about some change in sexual politics; instead, it’s a story about the modern knowledge economy, and to some extent exorbitant housing costs. As such, it’s no surprise that rising sexlessness is being observed in many countries. This, in turn, suggests that finding a solution to help young people pair up may not be as easy." unquote. I'll discuss all this and more in just one moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the incelebration clown world show. So Lyman Stone the author of this article has the perfect name because in a way he's lying to us. He says that the rise in the number of incels out there isn't primarily about Tinder and Bumble. Oh really? Then what is causing women to be so picky in what they want from men? Women get onto social media and see the top men that are seemingly only a swipe or two away and they raise their standards as a result. By Lyman is right when he says that the exorbitant housing costs and guys living with their parents well into adulthood means unmarried men are getting much less sex than previous generations. He says women are not selecting men they find unappealing and there are more sue men because in the modern knowledge economy women are more likely to be highly educated and looking for a partner with the same qualities. Or are looking for men with money. But most millennial men don't have a house, let alone the massive down payment required to get a home. There are multiple factors for the rise in incels. More young guys are living with their parents and we saw a sharp rise in that after 2009 which coincides perfectly with the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and 2009. He has graphs in the article pointing that out. What he's not discussing is men's side of the story. Many guys are saying they aren't finding partners that meet their standards for marriage. Quite often we hear women complain about how they can't find a good man. But no one listens to men when they say they can't find a good woman. The only reason women probably spew that story over and over again is so that men can't say that the woman out there are bad and the juice isn't worth the squeeze anymore. It's projection. You can't say that women are bad when they say they can't find a good man first. By asking where have all the good men gone they are painting all men as bad and themselves as perfect two hundred pound angels with horns, imaginary perky boobs and high heeled hooves and men are the devils. If he had said something like that I don't think his editor would have published the story. There was a drop in both unmarried men and unmarried women not having sex around 2003. Only 12% of both unmarried males and females were sexless for a year or longer back in 2010.

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Men Are Intimidated By Successful OnlyFans Models LOL - MGTOW
Men Are Intimidated By Successful OnlyFans Models LOL - MGTOW Sandman 304 Views • 3 years ago

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Men Are Tired Of Entitled Women

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy the Dakota MGTOW. This is the first of three videos I'm making with his donation. He told me to cover whatever I want. So I decided to cover a video that Think Before You Sleep made called "Men Are Tired Of Entitled Women" that I've put in the description. He covers yet another video where three women are being interviewed about their Instagram model and onlyfans careers as they are all in their early twenties and seem to think that gravy train of men's money will keep flowing into their gash forever. It's like they found a gold mine in their pants but you don't know with the vein will run out. It's like men went prospecting in Nevada and found a golden vajayjay. These women's booties are a boom town right now but their gashes will turn into a ghost town by the time they hit their mid to late twenties. Yet they still act like being an influencer and instragram thot with an onlyfans page is career choice. But we all know that women are bad at long-term planning. For men long-term planning is a strength but also a source of our weakness. Especially when women use the tired argument of you're going to die alone if you don't become a slave to the plantation. I'd rather live my life a free man and die alone then live my life as a slave and most likely die surrounded by Jamaican nurses in a nursing home. Most people die in a nursing home regardless of if they are single or not. Anyways, I'll get to more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to Instagram being a long-term career choice clown world show. The three women in the video shame the men after being threatened by them. They are threatened by the men telling them that the money isn't going to last as they will soon have a deflating ass. But in actuality these women don't really care. They are using their platforms on Onlyfans and instagram to chameleon it up. Right now they are successful by having a nice apartment, car and clothes. But this projection isn't meant to last for the long term. They are projecting the image of success to attract a successful man to them. OnlyFans allows them to project success at a much younger age with a minimal amount of effort. However they are learning that most guys that they want don't want them because of their so called business making money stripping and having sex online. Why do you think that women have been pushing to label sex work as being work too? They want to destigmatize it and Onlyfans has gone a long way towards doing that. Sex work doesn't have the same negative connotations that it did twenty years ago. 20 years ago sex work outside of strip clubs and the traditional porn business was very difficult. Because digital cameras were extremely expensive and smart phones and social media didn't exist. You had to develop nude pictures on film and first you'd have to find a company that would do that for you and usually they would charge a premium. Plus you'd have to scan in the images using a Kodak photo CD. Even in Toronto back then there were only a couple of photo production houses that had the technology to digitize twats. Plus most people didn't have high speed internet so downloading photos in the early 2000s took many seconds and sometimes minutes unlike today when it's instantaneous.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Woman Want Control? - MGTOW
Woman Want Control? - MGTOW Sandman 250 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Guilbeault on C-10

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Matt and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I appreciate the work and Skype call advice you have given me this past year. I had a topic in regards to social media regulation and bans. I know you mentioned this a little before in your previous videos in this past year like your "50% of men will be incels in the next 5 years video". While I do not watch mainstream media, a TV I saw at the gym stated on a Fox News channel that Congress in the United States is floating around the idea of Big Tech social media regulation. I didn't think much of this, but I wanted to run it by you to see what you think. Would they actually regulate this stuff to stop the incel and only fans problem? Or just continue to appease women in having the dating advantage and not piss off shareholders in these companies? The answer may be obvious, but nonetheless I felt it was worth asking. Peace, and thank you." Well Matt thanks for the donation and topic. I don't know if the government in the United States is going to regulate people posting content on social media. I don't think they really have to. The democratic government in America is in bed with Silicon Valley and they are already working together to censor the voices and opinions they don't like from the right as well as on vaccines, flat earth conspiracies and the manosphere. Remember that there is no real incel problem. Incels are men thirsty for vagina and they want to give women what they want. MGTOWs are the real problem because we are walking away from a problem with a pussy. We refuse to worship the holy camel toe. Remember that many incels aren't even demonetized on YouTube. If you think there's a problem wouldn't they at least take away their money? Also what Instagram problem? Women are making money from simps online for stripping in the most socially acceptable way yet. The government doesn't want to piss off the lady vote so why destroy their ability to make a living? Other women would complain and attack the government. Remember that period blood is thicker than family blood. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back with the cooch censorship show. As I was saying the US government doesn't have to regulate social media because they are already doing it for them. But in a place like Canada or other western countries that don't have the direct ear of social media we are the canary in the coal mine. The Canadian government of Justin Skippy Trudeau controls the narrative by bribing the lame-stream media off with tax payer dollars. But they can't control what citizens say on Twitter, YouTube and other platforms because the people in silicon valley don't really care about Canadian politics. Now our government wants to make them care by driving legislation through in the next little while that would force regulations on tech giants to do as they're told by the Canadian government. Australia did this successfully forcing companies to pay for news articles when they publish them on their search engines and platforms.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Something Scary Is Happening To Women - MGTOW
Something Scary Is Happening To Women - MGTOW Sandman 446 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens?

Something Scary Is Happening To Men

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the Randy the Dakota MGTOW. It's the 2nd of three videos he wanted me to make. So for this video I want to cover an article I've linked to in the description called: "Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens?" That article talks about a recent survey of families whose children developed symptoms of gender dysphoria during or after puberty and Lisa Littman the professor of behavioral science at Brown University found that 80 percent of the youth in the survey were female at birth. Usually kids show signs of gender identity issues before puberty but none of these girls did until they hit that age. It's almost as if there is some sort of social contagion effect where it's popular for girls to identify as guys and the research found that 63.5% of the dudettes that now identified as dudes had one or more people in their peer group that had come out of the closet as being trans. These girls watched YouTube videos and social media that influcenced their decision to do the same thing. Of course they did because they saw the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of views those transition videos get and all the attention they got online and they figure they might as well do the same thing because attention is harder and harder to get in a digital world. Plus the left has convinced many young women that people that are cis-gendered to be evil breeders. I'll discuss more about what's happening in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways, now back to the women that want to be men with a cooch clown world show. The parents of these trans boys and men are being attacked by their kids that are becoming the pronoun-police. These kids are just paroting what they hear online and they say they sound scripted repeating what others are saying word for word. This isn't so called gender dysphoria among a growing number of girls. four times as many girls are falling for what appears to be mass psychological illness. It's being called a sociogenic plague. This is rapid onset gender dysphoria in girls according to the researchers and I just call it attention seeking behavior. Psychologists say that girls and young teens exhibiting this sort of behavior that caution needs to be taken when giving out hormone replacement therapy like candy. But in places like Canada if a girl picks up the sociological disease of wanting to change her gender because she thinks it's cool or will get her a lot of attention then parents can't do anything. A while back a father went to jail for either not using the right pronouns or giving his daughter gender reassignment resources. This sort of behavior is also coming from the top down. The leftist media is promoting the trans agenda and then a few people take part in it. If you do a Google trends search you'll notice that searches for trans man have gone up two to three times higher from around 2013. After a while the media can step back and let ordinary people on YouTube spread their ideas for them and they don't have to do a thing. At the same time as this is happening to more young women for men there's also something scary going on with regards to dropping testosterone levels. Sperm counts have dropped 59% from 1973 to 2011. If the trend continues half of all men will have a zero sperm count by 2045. The other half will have a very low count. The average 22 year old
male today has the same levels as a 67 year old in the year 2000. So what is happening?

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Video Background Credits:
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Banging My Hot Female Teacher - MGTOW
Banging My Hot Female Teacher - MGTOW Sandman 237 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

My Tutor [Original Theatrical Trailer]

OK, Boomer: Want to Be Young Again?

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rob and here's what he has to say: "What's up Sandman, Hope all is well? I've attached a trailer to a movie I remember watching as a youth. I saw it last night on streaming! Regardless of if you've seen it or not please review it and connect it to Modern MGTOW Philosphy. Could you do a molecular break-down and connect the dots as to how the present and up-coming "Predatory Whamans" Apocalypse could possibly skew the dating market in the future. Do you think this will go on to until Generation "ALPHA" reaches 50 plus yrs.. or dramatically shift when Lover Bot Technology corrects the sexual market?..I recently read Max Hodak (Neuralink co-founder) departed Elon's Musk's brain implant company. Maybe he was introduced to your channel Sandman and will contact you via his secret/ updated version of NEURO-LINK. You could finishing connecting the Dots like that 80's game "CONNECT FOUR". Thank you for all you do Brother. Well Rob thanks for the donation and topic. I'll discuss the film My Tutor and where I see the sexual marketplace going in the future in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the video. The opening scene of My Tutor looks like the video from Call On Me by Eric Prydz made in 2004. That's almost 20 years ago. Damn I'm starting to feel old. The women are doing aerobacise and wearing leg warmers and tight outfits. I'd probably get a strike if I used pictures of girls as racy as the call on me video. I remember watching sexy gymnastics videos on Television when I was 3 years old in the early 80s. I always wondered who watches this stuff. Now I understand there was any army of frustrated perverts fapping to women in leg warmers. As for the film My Tutor it came out in 1983 and Rob it's a good request after you sent me a prior video request for a film called Blame it on Rio where a teenage girl falls for a forty-five year old man. In this film a teenage boy falls for a 29 year old woman. But why have I never seen this film before? Nor the other one? I think it has to do with the constant nudity which seem to happen almost every five minutes in this film. This film has it all. Whore houses, mud wrestling, bjs in sports cars and a cradle robbing woman. Crispin Glover is in this thing too with blonde hair. It starts after final exams are over on their last day of high school and Bobby and his friends go to a whore house and it turns out to be a disaster. Crispin Glover gets spun around on a bondage wheel and gets whipped and he doesn't get laid. Neither does Bobby because he gets drunk beforehand and passes out on the largest pair of boobs that Hollywood has ever filmed. After less than fifteen minutes I understand why I've never seen this film before. Because it's even too racy to have been on after midnight on Television in the eighties. We learn that Bobby comes from a wealthy family and lives in a mansion with a swiming pool and a tennis court. Terri Green becomes his French Tutor and she's going to get a ten thousand dollar bonus if he passes. She's played by Karen Kaye. She's going to be staying at his house for a month tutoring him so he gets a good grade and gets into Yale. He asks her why she's not married or has a boyfriend. She doesn't really tell him. Meanwhile Bobby is getting more sexually frustrated and his friends pay some some waitress to lose his virginity to. But the waitress but he ends up being the girlfriend of a biker gang leader and so he has to get away from the bikers. But I can't help but think that he's a naive young male with feminine features and attitude being taken advantage of by an older woman of authority.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Family Feud: A New Drinking Game | Popp Culture
Family Feud: A New Drinking Game | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 397 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Every family has some of “those people” who we’re all ashamed to be related to. It’s about time someone turned those genetic accidents into a drinking game. Who’s ready?

Listen to Shameless Dab’s new “Rashida Jones Remix” featuring Jarren Benton!

Brought to you by Dr. B. Real’s series on “Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism”
Volume 1:
Volume 2:

Popp will be at the Conference of Masculine Excellence in June!
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Featuring music by TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music

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Female Diarrhea Mouth
Why Women Are Always Late
Red Trash of Upstate New York


My Girlfriend Is Jealous Of My Love Doll LOL - MGTOW
My Girlfriend Is Jealous Of My Love Doll LOL - MGTOW Sandman 312 Views • 3 years ago

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World War 2 Epic Battles

Lilith in the white house 2020

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Richard Drazil the author of Lilith in the White House which I've reviewed before and you can find a link to it in the description. I spoke to Richard over Skype a while back and he shared an interesting story I thought I'd make into a video. here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, We spoke a while back about my biological needs as a man. ok so I'm a failed MGTOW or a frustred male that cant break that female sex habit. My wife and I have been together for 12 years living together off and on with three step kids. That was probably my first mistake. I didn't know about female nature back then. So with many problems with the step kids we went to a part time relationship. It has worked fairly well for many years now. We have a standing Saturday night appointment. Please don't laugh it's true. I have been getting laid fairly regularly but over the past few months she has been turning cold. Now a little more back story. I have been using NLP hypnosis and other behavioral controlling language to warm her up to the idea of polygamy not seemingly with much success. So because of our on and off part time relationship i had decided to get a sex doll. best investment I have ever made. I give Gracie a 10. However I was somewhat living in fear that I would be found out. I really don't want a divorce that could be painful and expensive if my wife learned about Gracie. Remember Sandman you had an idea for me to hide her in plain sight in a costume. well before I got to implement that stratagem, I was found out. Rosey opened the closet and said suprisingly........whats that....I said whats what? She immediately asked are you banging her and like a cat with a bird in is mouth I said yes. Expecting all hell to break loose and to my surprise the exact opposite happened to my delight. The sex between us has been amped up to incredible again. She doesn't ask about my sexbot any more. So I think she was really intimidated by it. Lastly I dont know may she is a nawalt unicorn and is just waiting for the right time to burn me. So far so good. But maybe this is and indication of things to come? Western women beware you can and will be replaced if you keep up your bad behaviors. Well Richard thanks for the awesome story. I'm glad you decided to share it with everyone. I'll discuss your case in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor World War 2 Epic Battles:

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Chinese Vs American Women - MGTOW
Chinese Vs American Women - MGTOW Sandman 295 Views • 3 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
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Chinese Birth Rate Dropped Below ‘Warning Level’ in 2020

Why China's Crazy Housing Bubble REFUSES TO BURST!

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Joseph and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I believe I owe you this at the very least. Maybe just share some of your thoughts as to our fate as our Western Matriarchy goes up against the Chinese CCP." Well Joseph thanks for the donation and topic. You forgot to mention that the Chinese CCP is an eastern patriarchy. I went online and found pictures like this one of the CCP meetings and you'll notice that only three or four percent of the Chinese Communist Party leadership are female. So on the surface it looks like the Chinese Patriarchy CCP is going to mop the floor with Western Matriarchies in the future as in twenty years the majority of politicians in western countries are female. Both systems in a sense are communist socialist but they are very different. But don't be fooled by a room full of men that run China. Chinese politicians still have wives and they probably simp for them behind closed doors. In China the women behind the CCP rule covertly while in the western matriarchy women are increasingly ruling over us overtly. In China the CCP members are the elites and many of them own the major
factories and commercial real estate. They figured out after the Soviet Union collapsed what they needed to do in order to maintain their power. They realized they needed a consumer economy so they built it. In the west the elites are not really into politics. Instead they have figured out that the best way to rule is to put women and minorities in power to control the males of European descent from rising up and putting them in their place. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. So the Chinese came up with the theory that after the collapse of the soviet union that you can't transition from a feudal monarchy to full blown communism and expect that communism to survive unless you first enter capitalism. The idea is that capitalism will fail and that once it does the people will realise that the only solution is to give power to their benevolent governments because the governments know best. So the Chinese got busy becoming the world's factory and general supply store. They built up their middle class that has a much higher standard of life so the people won't revolt because the economy there is better than it's ever been and people can consume as much as they want so long as they give up those other freedoms like freedom of speech, to bare arms and behave in any way the government deems inappropriate. It reminds me of that episode from Star Trek the next generation where captain Picard is being interrogated by a Cardassian and the Cardassian shares a story with him about how the poverty was bad until the authoritarian government provided food and shelter for everyone. Picard tells him that his daughters belly may be full but that her spirit will be empty. That's what both the covert Matriarchy of the CCP and covert Patriarchy in the west are all about. I say covert patriarchy because it's mostly men that own shares of major corporations. Just because the founders of Alphabet decide to step aside and make Sundar Pichai an Indian the CEO of Google and they make Susan the CEO of YouTube doesn't mean they have lost their power. They still own more shares and they rule from the shadows instead of from the front seat and they get to virtue signal that their companies are great because they employ women and minorities in positions of power. Who in their right mind would revolt against a company that works so hard to uplift women and minorities so much.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Listen Up Cops: Get Ready for War | Live From The Lair
Listen Up Cops: Get Ready for War | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 489 Views • 3 years ago

⁣With the way things are going, law enforcement needs to start thinking tactically if they want to survive. Listen to an old grunt and maybe you will.
#defundthepolice #civilwar #livefromthelair

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Why The Dating Market Sucks - MGTOW
Why The Dating Market Sucks - MGTOW Sandman 322 Views • 3 years ago

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Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

Manuel Gris - Why the Dating Market sucks : A message for Incels

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Manuel and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I'm years of 45. I have almost always been single, which makes me sad in some way, but the rest of my life is quite more successful which make it more bearable. I'm politically a libertarian, and I'm quite passionate about this philosophy. I recently made a video where I share my thoughts on incels and the dating market, where I explain that the main problem is the welfare-state. I would be glad for you to review my video in exchange of a donation and tell me what you think of it. Thank you." Well Manuel thanks for the donation and topic. I put a link to your video in the description so that people that want to can watch it and subscribe to your channel. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways, now back to this video which will be an absolute incelebration. Manuel knows all about the welfare state because he comes from North America's largest Welfare State Quebec, the French speaking province in Canada. The federal government keeps sending money to the province to appease them so they won't to leave the country by declaring independence. Also Quebec has the highest taxes in Canada according to him. But I believe it's no coincidence that after the 1960s once women started working and welfare payments started showing up in the early 1970s in America that meant that women were far less dependent on men for money and survival. Is it any wonder tha the birth rates started to drop below replacement level around this time? In your video called Why the Dating Market sucks: A message for Incels you mention that the fundamental cause of modern problems between men and women is the responsibility of the welfare state. I both agree and disagree. Government giving women money is one cause and the other is corporations doing the same. Giving women jobs and making it socially acceptable to enter the workforce. As for dealing with the issue of there being so many single incels out there you say that you can't morally force a woman to be with you if you're an incel. That this would be slavery and rape. But in a sense we men did just that in a sense by not allowing women to work. They were forced to find a man to be with or they wouldn't be able to survive unless they became prostitutes. You mention this too and I agree with it. Women are free but if they have no way to make money their freedom is worthless. But now for the first time in history women have freedom to work or not work and the government will give them money. You also mention in your video that you don't exactly see yourself as an incel because you're picky when it comes to women. But you do mention that the welfare state is immoral because of taxation. That it threatens us with violence if we don't pay our taxes. Taxes that quite often go to support women. I think that's a yes and no situation. Yes taxation is immoral but you're forgetting that the greatest taxation is through inflation. It's an invisible tax.

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Why Does My Wife Cheat On Me With Chad? - MGTOW
Why Does My Wife Cheat On Me With Chad? - MGTOW Sandman 344 Views • 3 years ago

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Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by another donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman I've got another topic for you and that is why do women Cheat on the working man when the working man is paying for that happy life they live? While this hasn't happened to me yet, I've noticed that a lot of women have cheated on their boyfriends or husbands because they are at work rather than at home. But when they have been caught cheating on their significant other they lose that paid happy life. I just don't understand why is it they say we were so lonely that's why we cheated, but they'll never be with a broke man or a guy that hardly ever works to pay for a happy life. I fear this could happen to me which is why I asked my Gay neighbour to watch my house for me because recently I've taken 3 jobs due to Covid. My tenets could not afford the rent so I offered them free rent with certain conditions. I used to have just one job plus taking care of the apartment. But now I have turned my car into a lyft ride And working another job thus the 3." Well Teaven thanks for another donation and topic. So the coof is really messing you up with regards to rents. I know one guy that's having trouble renting his properties too and might have to sell one or two of them shortly to free up cash flow for mortgages. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways now back to the clown world show. Isn't it obviously by now as to why women are greasing up another man's hot dog while the man they are in a relationship is out working and paying for her lifestyle? They were never really all that attracted to the man they are with. He's just a door stop for her to practice hypergamy and sleep with other guys she finds more successful. Women see well off guys that have a sexy mistress and also have an average looking wife to raise their kids and they think what's the problem with them having a pool boy Chad on the side and an average looking beta to provide a steady paycheck? According to them men have been doing it since the dawn of time so it's their turn to get their twat pocket wet too. What they don't realise is that only a small percentage of men throughout history were either good looking enough or successful enough to be able to have a mistress. Women emulate the top men because I believe that deep down inside they are trying to emulate what they are attracted to. They want to be with the alpha Chad and either be his mistress or the mother of his children and are willing to play the field even when they are with a loyal hard working male provider. Most women would do that if they could get away with it. There have been surveys done asking both men and women if they would cheat on their significant other if the risk of not getting caught was guaranteed to be zero and a substantial amount of women would be far more likely to do so when compared to the men. Teaven as for offering your tenants free rent without certain conditions I hope that one of those conditions isn't that they have to get on their knees and take it if you know what I mean? You don't want to get metoo during the coof and be forced to live out of the trunk of your car. A few days ago I had a guy contact me asking me about where he could park his vehicle over night and sleep in it without worrying about being interrupted. I told him that a Walmart Parking lot near where the RVs are parked is the best place. There are a lot of desperate guys out there. I can only imagine how many white knights and simps are paying out of pocket for their own rental apartments for thots that say they can't afford to live there anymore. If she can't afford to live there there's no reason a guy needs to play captain save a hoe. Meanwhile more often than not if it's a man living there and can't afford it he'll got thrown out on the street on account of his male privilege. As for women settling down on betas and then cheating on them I see so many women
like that that are single mothers and then they find a new beta and have an anchor baby to keep him around.

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Turd Flinging Monkey Is Wrong About Bitcoin? - MGTOW
Turd Flinging Monkey Is Wrong About Bitcoin? - MGTOW Sandman 375 Views • 4 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

Monkeynomics 101: Digital Beanie Babies

Ballmer Laughs at iPhone


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I thought I'd read everyone a recent statement by Turd Flinging Monkey where he created a Monkey's Market Minute and lays out the case there as well as a recent video where he calls crypto currency. I want to where I believe he's right and where I believe he's wrong. His post is locked on Patreon so only people that pay for it can actually read it. I hope he doesn't mind I read it as I'm sure he'll enjoy the promotion for this segment and that some of you might go over to Patreon and Subscribestar and sponsor him. Here's what the market minute says after a 3% pullback on the markets on February 26th and I quote: "Yesterday, bond yields caused all markets to fall as people pulled out of all assets into cash. Even Cryptocurrency, gold, real estate, and bonds were down which shows how irrational it was. You have to put your money somewhere or inflation will eat your lunch, and stocks are the best liquid hedge against inflation. Gold doesn't pay dividends, and real estate income is not reliable due to eviction moratoriums and low interest rates (causing good renters to buy their own homes). Cryptocurrency, as a sector is horrible, and under performed all other sectors, including gold. Some coins are doing well, but when the stimmy checks end, there won't be any more suckers to buy." unquote. I'll get to TFM's comments in just a moment but let me first tell me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways now back to the clown world. I guess with that ad you might say that I have a bias towards crypto currency. But the answer to that is yes and now. First off I'm in agreement with TFM about inflation. I also agree on the point about Bitcoin It's in a bubble. You're probably wondering how I can promote it and own it if I believe it's in a bubble. I'll get to that in a few moments. TFM is also right that I'm in Crypto because I was paid in basic attention token. That's what first got me into it in 2019 but I converted them all to Bitcoin or cash to pay my taxes. I own Bitcoins and not shitcoins. You can only create digital scarcity once and expect people to adopt it. Bitcoin is a one time thing. Other coins that are ICOs are fraudulent shitcoins that were created out of thin air like fiat and the people that created them are just as bad as the money printers. Where I believe TFM gets things wrong is when he's underestimating the effects of real estate which makes stocks a poor hedge against inflation unless they are high growth tech stocks in companies that are monopolies. Amazon, Google, etc. Also he's right that on the 26th of February cryptocurrency under performed all other other sectors, including gold. But for the last ten years it's outperformed all other sectors combined. You're cherry picking TFM instead of zooming out. I wasn't going to say anything but I want to clarify why crypto has room in a balanced portfolio. Not your entire portfolio but a portion of it. You also say that once the stimulus checks end there won't be anymore suckers to buy. Actually the retail investors don't really drive crypto as much anymore. It's the hedge funds, as well as companies like Tesla, Twitter, Micro-strategy as well insurance companies like Boston Mass Mutual, The Guggenheim Fund, Black rock, Paypal and even schools like Yale, Harvard, Brown. Why are all those people buying crypto which you described as a great big beany baby in your Monkeynomics 101 video? It went over a trillion dollars as an asset class.

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Planning to Escape the Civil War | Live From The Lair
Planning to Escape the Civil War | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 683 Views • 4 years ago

⁣When it comes to preparing for civil unrest, PACE yourself. Have a Primary plan, an Alternate backup, a Contingency plan, and an Emergency plan. BUTT! If you get to the last step, it may already be too late.

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White Privilege: Patient Zero (Part 1) | Popp Culture
White Privilege: Patient Zero (Part 1) | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 751 Views • 4 years ago

⁣We all know "White Privilege" is not real. But most of us don't know where it came from. You're about to find out. Bring booze.

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What is the Breaking Point? | Live From The Lair
What is the Breaking Point? | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 849 Views • 4 years ago

⁣All the signs point to a widespread conflict. The only question is…. When?

Brought to you by "How Not to Become a Millennial"

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