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Why Women Give Away Money - MGTOW
Why Women Give Away Money - MGTOW Sandman 370 Views • 4 years ago

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- Ancient Purity
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Joe and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, This is a long overdue donation. You did greatly alter my life and although they don't say it, many of my male friends are envious of my free and happy lifestyle without women. I couldn't have found the peace I have today without your guidance through my first and second redpill rage stages. I hope you're staying safe and doing well." Well Joe thanks for the donation and thanks for going on this online voyage of self discovery for the last six, almost seven years. I thought I'd dedicate this video to you and I've been giving the whole idea of a social credit score system and cancel culture a lot of deep thinking lately. The bottom line is that in a social credit system a men's accomplishments and resources mean absolutely nothing if that man doesn't behave the way society wants him to. If he's not married his social credit score might prevent him from boarding a plane to go on vacation by himself or book a hotel room and other such nonsense. The more I thought about it the more I realized that women already have a social credit system. They take money and resources and give them away to each other in the form of gifts in a way to curry social favors and when they need a favor they can call one in. They are like mobsters that want others to be in their favor and ironically for much of history they have used their husbands money to buy favor with others. That's one reason they give away money. Another reason which isn't as obvious is shopping for status items. While yes women buy purses and shoes and exchange money for them the utility value is no where near the high cost of jimmy chu shoes. They are buying such items so they can one up other women in the status game. It's a way to trade money into social currency. That's why I believe that women are going to do much better in a world with a social credit system. They will have the advantage over men because most men have more important things to worry about besides what other people think of them. A world where giving away money to buy
yourself social credit is like the reputation system we had in high school. But imagine if you're a loser in high school you'll be a loser for the rest of your life. Men will not only have to walk on eggshells when it comes to women's false allegations and to say and do the right thing to get into their pants. But also to navigate a world where if they don't say or do the right things in the eyes of the state or other people their reputations will be damaged so it won't matter how much money they have if the government puts restrictions on your behavior because of your reputation. I'll get to more about this in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Right now the social credit system punishes you in China if exercise your freedom of speech against the state, or if you walk your dog without a leash or if you're a bad driver. But I suspect that over time as women become the majority of politicians in the world. In another thirty years women at this rate will make up fifty percent of all politicians. You can sure bet that at that point they will implement gynocentric social credit policies to help women while hurting men. Right now in Shanghai in a way the state is forcing you to visit your mother in the nursing home. Starting May 1, 2016, elderly residents may sue their children or other family members if the latter do not regularly visit the elderly, and the courts in Shanghai may rule that the children or other family members must visit the elderly and, if rejected, the children or relevant family members will be blacklisted.

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MGTOW Men Sort Out Disagreements
MGTOW Men Sort Out Disagreements SoloManZone 23 Views • 4 years ago

I fancy a beer now

USS MGTOW Intro SoloManZone 13 Views • 4 years ago

They look familar

MGTOW Is Like Magic For Your Money
MGTOW Is Like Magic For Your Money Sandman 423 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
X-Wolf Booster

MGTOW and Finances

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kevan. He didn't send me a topic with his donation so I thought I'd cover a Reddit post called: MGTOW and Finances which I've put in the description. Here's what combat janitor on the MGTOW subreddit has to say and I quote: "When going MGTOW, how quickly did your financial situation change? In my experience, I found as soon as I stopped focusing on dates, hanging out/socializing, style/expensive clothing (minus one suit professionally), and other consumerist products, within a month I was able to really start saving money. It just kinda hit me out of the blue really that consumerism was really for women and female culture. That if I wasn’t playing the game competing for women’s attention, I could save money and invest really into my own savings, stock market, 401k, and my own personal hobbies (cars, guns/gear, gym equipment.) When I started saving money, I started eating healthier too and more fulfilling meals because I was no longer in a money in, money out paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. I think the best thing a young man can learn is to control his finances, by controlling his urges to compete for women and their attention through financial means (dates, expensive clothing for clubs/bars, and “gifts” for women.)" unquote. So with that out of the way I'll explore how quickly a man can turn his financial house in order after a relationship as well as giving everyone an update about investing during these interesting times with that beer bug going around. But before I do that let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor x-wolf Booster: Anyways, now back to the video. How quickly a man's financial situation turns around after a divorce depends firstly on if he's paying alimony and child support. If he is then in many cases it never turns around. But after that it depends on how much debt he has. But once you're clear of those things you can start stacking the cash. But then you run into the problems associated with how to invest that money. Especially in today's day and age. There are also ways to consume things you like and make money doing it. Recently I started buying action figures again and building up a collection. Most of the collectibles I have from the 1980s were mass produced but they are relatively rare and in demand. I don't have any intentions in selling them but they keep going up and up in value. So in the end my hobby has made me money if I sell what I have. Can a woman's purse or shoe hobby make money for her? I buy things that bring me
back good memories and feelings from my childhood. How can you put a price on that. As most of us get well into our forties and fifties we will have more resources and we will start to look back in time and want to buy back the things we owned as children. But the problem is there is too much demand and not enough supply so the price will go up and up. You can also invest in new memories by going on trips even if they are all by yourself and to all the places you wanted to go to while you were in relationships but never had a chance to visit.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credits:

1. Shocked african-american woman in disbelief looking whats between mans legs

High School Today | Popp Culture
High School Today | Popp Culture Terrence Popp 953 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Ever since some a-hole decided we needed a federal "Department of Education," no one is getting educated.

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