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Johnny Depp Fired! Margot Robbie Is The New Jack Sparrow - MGTOW
Johnny Depp Fired! Margot Robbie Is The New Jack Sparrow - MGTOW Sandman 387 Views • 4 years ago

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Margot Robbie teases her new Pirates of the Caribbean movie

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I don’t have a topic in mind. I just appreciate the content you create. I do have one suggestion. You might want to include a link to your PayPal on the “About” section of your Bitchute channel. You have a link on your YouTube channel, and listing on Bitchute would make it easier for people to contribute to your work. Best wishes to you" Well James thanks for the donation and I've updated my Bitchute page to include my Paypal Account. Many channels are very aggressive putting their Patreon and Subscribestar link at the very top of their descriptions below videos but I'm not going to do the same thing because I believe if people are going to help you out it's better if you aren't bombarding them with requests for money. Call me crazy but I think it's kind of sleezy. As for this video I want to discuss the feminization of the new Pirates of The Carribean film first with Margot Robbie in the lead role and then I'll talk about how I believe that the social Justice Warriors in Hollywood will destroy the Matrix after that as well as Battle Star Galactica with a non binary Starbuck. Apparently it wasn't enough that Katie Sackoff got to play the once male role and she did a good job. Now we are going to get Pat as the new Starbuck. Battlestar Galactica just finished ten years ago and they are already going to demolish it. Johnny Depp has had his career ruined with false allegations even though Amber Heard cheated on him and there's elevator footage of her and Elon Musk. Yet the legal system and Disney have turned against him. Why is all this happening? I believe our culture is creatively bankrupt. We tell Social Justice Warriors to make their own stories yet they just keep appropriating those created by men. When we use social media they say that if we don't like the social justice on Twitter then create your own platforms and as men we are doing that. But that's not what they want. They want us to get frustrated and give up. They want to demoralize and humiliate us. On the other side of things we don't want them to get frustrated and give up when it comes to creating their own female fantasy culture. We genuinely want them to write great fiction a fantasy stories so we can enjoy them too. But this is all about their power over us instead of simply telling good stories. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:

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How A Single Mother Lead Me To MGTOW
How A Single Mother Lead Me To MGTOW Sandman 453 Views • 4 years ago

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How a Single Mother Lead me to MGTOW

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Richard. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is read a reddit post from someone named Cursed With Knowing and he has quite a bit to say. So before I read his words let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Cursed with knowing has to say and I quote: "I was a manager for a company that had several divisions. I was a manger for one, and a single mother was a low-level employee for another. My ex wife had left me the year before, and I was getting lonely, so I was susceptible to deception, and I fell for it. Even though my wife had left me after years of mental abuse, my blue pill programming told me that she was just a “bad woman,” and all I needed to do was find my NAWALT unicorn. So the single mother makes it clear to me that she’s available, and we meet for breakfast on weekend morning. Things go well, and we meet again, and at the second meeting, we became intimate. The sex is good. She is relatively talented. At the time, I wasn’t equating talent to extensive experience. After all, if she’s good in bed, she had to learn it somewhere. We then quickly escalated to me meeting her children, and me spending several evenings a week at her place. I was treated to home cooked meals, sex every night, and bjss when she was on her period. I mean every night, without fail. Some things that I noticed came up, but I didn’t fully recognize at the time. For one, she said she “had my eyes on you for a while.” In other words, my wallet was being sized up for being a beta provider. I thought she was attracted to me, but in reality, she was being attracted to my income as a manager (which eventually turned out to be not as much as she thought). Another was that she was ex-military, and I had no idea at the time how slutty military women are (I found out later that she was very sexually active in the military). As a few months go by, she starts to mention how great a “team” we are, and how we should “work together.” She was hinting at cohabitation, as she got the house from her ex-husband, but his child support was not completely paying the mortgage and bills. So, being the blue pilled simp that I was, convince myself that she had learned from her bad experiences, how to appreciate a good man. I told myself that I finally found my NAWALT unicorn. I thought the nice guy had finally won! So, I began prepping to move in with her. I told my landlord I was leaving. I ended up giving much of my furniture away, as she already had nicer furniture (no doubt paid for by her ex-husband). And then I moved in. Almost instantly, things started to change. The sex slowed, and then stopped entirely.

How A Single Mother Lead Me To MGTOW - Photos

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Eddie Murphy Pays 25k A Month Child Support. Now Asked To Pay More - MGTOW
Eddie Murphy Pays 25k A Month Child Support. Now Asked To Pay More - MGTOW Sandman 397 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Mel B 'files court documents asking ex Eddie Murphy to pay more child support for their daughter Angel, 13, after her income dramatically reduces

Eddie Murphy - RAW - Marriage

Mark Fisher : Cybertime Crisis

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Smurf. He didn't have a topic for me so I'd like to discuss an article I found that I put in the description called "Mel B 'files court documents asking ex Eddie Murphy to pay more child support for their daughter Angel, 13, after her income dramatically reduces' Well apparently while she was with her third husband she blew all fifty million dollars of the Spice Girls Money she had and is mostly likely relying on the Money Eddie Murphy is giving her for child support for survival. Murphy married 3 times. Mel B is divorced 3 times. She also has sole custody of their daughter and now she wants more money. That's what you get when you marry someone with the stage name of scary Spice. What did you think was going to happen. I don't have any sympathy for Murphy. He has ten children with four different women. This doesn't sound like the same Eddie Murphy from his RAW comedy tour back
in the eighties that I've put a link to in the description. In that video clip he talks about how Johnny Carson lost half his money in a divorce. This was before Eddie's three marriage. I'll discuss what happened in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Mel B has been ordered to pay half a million dollars to her ex husband Stephen Belafonte and she claims that she's going to go bankrupt if she has to pay that. Their daughter's name is angel and she might just live up to that name if she takes her mother to financial heaven. But that ticket to heaven is only worth three hundred thousand dollars a year. She wants sympathy from Eddie Murphy and is using the potential suffering of their daughter as a way to tug on his heart strings after she strung him along to have a kid back when she used to tug at his nut strings. Mel B also has two other daughters with her other two ex husbands. I wonder how much money she was pulling in from those. One of them is 21 so the money has stopped. The other one is only 9 but that one is with the ex husband that she has to pay half a million dollars to. So she probably lost child support on her oldest daughter a few years ago, all the spice girls money is gone and all that's left is Angel. She's also using the plausible deniability of Co-vid claiming that she can't work because of the coof. Which is true. But how much do you really expect her to pull in at this point. The article says that the relationship between Mel B and Eddie went south when he went south on her and got her pregnant. She went back home to Leeds in the UK and hoped that Eddie would follow her. Ie take him to where her support network is. The way that Megan Markle took her prince back to LA. But in reality she got what she wanted, pregnant and she fled like some sort of Seed Demon spawning back to where she came from with a pet wallet in her womb. Murphy probably didn't think she would do that because she had her own money from being a Spice Girl.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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When You Find Out Your EX is a Dirty Whore (RED PILL)
When You Find Out Your EX is a Dirty Whore (RED PILL) Chad Hart 166 Views • 4 years ago

⁣When it comes to relationships, the truth is the best policy no matter
how ugly or painful that truth is. People cheat, that is just a fact of
life that we must accept and deal with if we choose to be in
relationships. But we do not have to tolerate it, nor do we have to be
with it.

TAOGYOW - Who Is Your Master?
TAOGYOW - Who Is Your Master? TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! 139 Views • 4 years ago

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