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The Morning Constitutional: 4/26/2023
The Morning Constitutional: 4/26/2023 T.F. Monkey 1,510 Views • 1 year ago

Morning Constitutional Article Links: <br>Matrix Server Link:;!iqyyMIsjP....GQuOdyrsz:nerdsin.sp <br>Registration: <br>If you registered with, consider creating a new account. accounts are the most likely to be censored. They also record you IP address and personal information for 7 years. <br>Here is a list of different mainstream servers you can register on: from which you can click the homeserver name and join. Those are the mainstream servers, but here is a list of based servers that are banned from where you can click the hyperlink to open an account there and avoid censorship. <br>Social Media Links: <br>SubscribeStar: <br>SubscribeStar Tip (one-time donation): <br>GiveSendBro: <br>Rumble: <br>MGTOW.TV: <br>MGTOW.TV Stream: <br>TheVertex.IO: <br>PeerTube: <br>DLive: <br>Bitchute: <br>Bitchute Referral Link: <br>Odysee: <br>LBRY (uncensored Odysee: requires app download): <br>Odysee Stream: <br>Mastodon: <br>Matrix Username:; <br>Matrix Server Link:!iqyyMIsjP....GQuOdyrsz:nerdsin.sp <br>Instagram (Celestina): <br>Main YouTube Channel (TFM): <br>Doctor Dollhouse (doll-centric Alternate YouTube Channel): <br>Amazon Books: <br> <br>Sponsor Links:

Donald Trump Admitting Everything is a lie
Donald Trump Admitting Everything is a lie Carl Wassermann 52 Views • 1 year ago

Donald Trump Admitting Everything is a lie

The Rothschild Dynasty and the Jewish Facade
The Rothschild Dynasty and the Jewish Facade Carl Wassermann 59 Views • 1 year ago

The Rothschild Dynasty and the Jewish Facade

Memes Of The Week Episode #6 - MGTOW
Memes Of The Week Episode #6 - MGTOW Sandman 238 Views • 2 years ago

Memes Of The Week #6 - MGTOW <br> <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv

MGTOW-School Board member calls police chief a skinhead over a speeding ticket
MGTOW-School Board member calls police chief a skinhead over a speeding ticket mrghoster 80 Views • 3 years ago

Yet another Entitled, Deluded fefail with an overbearing sense of her own importance! lol! ther cop was brilliant and kept his cool! This is the type of fefail you would love to see get smacked in the mouth. it's from 2018 but hey when has that stopped a fefail from being obnoctious?

Marriage Is A Tool For Governments To Control Men - MGTOW
Marriage Is A Tool For Governments To Control Men - MGTOW Sandman 360 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The MGTOW Book

Marriage is a tool for governments to subdue men

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post called: "Marriage is a tool for governments to subdue men" that I've put a link to in the description. I thought about covering it because I was out shooting a wedding a couple of days ago and it was right at the start of a month long lock-down in Ontario, Canada. They had a stay at home order for all but the most critical of workers. All stores are closed too except for the ones that sell groceries and pharmaceuticals. I thought for sure that if you're not allowed to buy clothes or go to restaurants then all weddings would also be cancelled. Well apparently not. Wedding and other religious ceremonies are considered vital to the government. You'd think they could go a month without issuing marriage licenses but they probably didn't want to because it means another month for the groom to think clearly before his bride walks down the aisle and leads him to his doom. The person submitting the topic on Reddit believes that government don't fear women but that they fear men and they will use women to undermine men and keep men in check. That men's true enemy is the state and that women are merely tools of the state. I of course agree but what happens when so many men figure this out that the birth rate drops to one kid per couple everywhere in the world and populations implode exponentially because men don't want to make a deal with the government devil? When even immigration isn't enough to keep the populations from crashing all over the world. The church I'm filming that wedding in is allowed to be at 15% capacity. Hopefully I won't get covaids and it's crazy that schools, stores, restaurants and gyms are closed but god forbid they close down a church for a wedding so some shamu sized woman wearing comfortable shoes can't get her slave and so the government can't screw him over in the divorce courts one day. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways now back to the Covaids in a church clown world show. One guy on reddit says that in the past marriage was a contract between the man and the woman's father. I have to add to that by saying that in the present marriage is a contract between the man and the state where if the marriage ends the man is still obligated to take care of his ex wife so the government doesn't have to. You're just formalizing your slave contract with government officials in case the deal with the woman goes bad. Marriage is not only a tool to control men when it comes to keeping them on their best behavior so their wives don't divorce them and take them to the cleaners. But it's also a way to fleece men again and again if the marriage dissolves through alimony and child support. Signing a marriage contract for the average man is like playing a game of monopoly with the government and handing them your get out of jail free card. Then when you're sent off to jail in the game by the government you no longer have that card to get out of it with. For a man not signing a marriage contract is just as valuable as a woman keeping her virginity. If either of those two things happen then both parties are fucked. One financially and the other literally. In the past marriage was required by the state because the state needed higher reproductive levels than neighboring states or else when there was a way they would be out bred and their enemy might take over. For civilizations to compete with neighboring ones militarily they needed as many bodies in the meat grinder of war as possible.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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3 Reasons Your Prenuptial Agreement Is Worth Less Than Toilet Paper
3 Reasons Your Prenuptial Agreement Is Worth Less Than Toilet Paper T.F. Monkey 1,012 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Originally uploaded 30 May 2016

Five Reasons Your Prenup Might Be Invalid

When a Prenup Gets Thrown Out

How This Woman Managed To Get Her Million-Dollar Prenup Thrown Out

How to Break a Prenup

Intro/Outro Music: "Earthy Crust" by Jingle Punks. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.
Background Music: Cycles by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Monkeynomics 101: Complete 2015 Investments Series
Monkeynomics 101: Complete 2015 Investments Series T.F. Monkey 1,216 Views • 3 years ago

This is my entire Monkeynomics 101 series pertaining to investments in a single video! Some things were cut (like the intros between videos) in order to make it all fit within the YouTube maximum length of 2 hours and 10 minutes.

Time Codes and Sources:

0:00 Monkeynomics 101: Becoming the 1%, Time Value of Money (TVM), and the Rule of 72
US Global Investors: What Does It Take to Be in the Top 1 Percent? Not As Much As You Think
Financial Samurai: Who Are The Top 1% Income Earners?
U.S. Median Income
Average Single Person Living Expenses
Tax Calculator:
Bloomberg Retirement Calculator

9:46 Monkeynomics 101: Debt Management and Bankruptcy
ANDEX Chart (Morningstar)
Average American Debts
Student Loans: $32,264 APR 5%
Credit Card Debt: $15,611 APR 14.9%
Auto Loan Debt $27,000 APR 4.31%
Mortgage Debt: $155,192 APR 3.8%
Average 401K Balance $101,650
Dave Ramsey
Terrance Popp: “Deadbeat Dad Dilemma”
Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy FAQ:
Song: “William Tell Overture” by Rossini. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

23:08 Monkeynomics 101: Career Planning, College, and Capital Budgeting
UPDATE: Free IT certification prep-materials at Thanks to MGTOW Bachelor for the link.
Free Online Courses with Certificates:
Where Did You Go to College? Employers Don't Care:
Online Schools and Colleges: California
Business Insider: Duke Grad Student Secretly Lived In a Van To Escape Loan Debt
The 15 Most Profitable Industries:
Capital Budget Calculator:

39:11 Monkeynomics 101: Retirement Planning
IRS: Retirement Plans:
Forbes: Want To Be A Millionaire In Retirement? Start Saving 10% Of Your Salary In Your 20s.
IS SOCIAL SECURITY WELFARE?: Intergovernmental Debt (Social Security Trust Fund)
401K VS IRA:
Investment Only Variable Annuities (IOVA):

53:32 Monkeynomics 101: Asset Diversification

1:15:53 Monkeynomics 101: Market Cycles, Emotional Investing, and Risk Tolerance
Warren Buffett Story Source:

1:26:39 Monkeynomics 101: Getting Started with Investing

1:40:21 Monkeynomics 101: Constructing a Portfolio
Wall Street Journal: The Average Stock Price Is Expensive; Get Used to It
Investopedia: Beta
Google Finance: S&P500 Index

1:58:17 Monkeynomics 101: Incorporating Bonds

MGTOW Are The Terrorists Of The Manosphere?
MGTOW Are The Terrorists Of The Manosphere? Sandman 387 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism


MGTOW Monk - Putting GQ Magazine and hack writer on blast!!

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by a donation. If you want to sponsor a video topic then you can make a request through paypal, subscribestar or patreon. As for this video there are two things I want to discuss. The first part is from Chad Reno and he wants me to discuss what a couple of Muslim guys have to say after they watched my Introduction To MGTOW video. The second part is a GQ article that shares the same title as this video. But let me do the first part so here's what Chad Reno has to say and I quote: "Hey Sandman I really like your videos and just wanted to let you know that these really popular Muslim apologists on the Mohammed Hijab YouTube channel just made a video about you and it's gaining a lot of traction, but I suggest you watch the whole thing first because me summarizing their main points obviously won't do them justice. They largely agree with the points you bring to the table but argue that you're coming at it from a place of "extremism", that is to say the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to feminism; An emotional reaction as they put it. They largely reaffirm your points and suggest taking it down a notch so as to come at it from an academic perspective and go mainstream. However, I personally don't see this going anywhere in my opinion as this has already been attempted before for the past two decades alone and gone nowhere, ultimately proving it's more than a lost cause trying to redpill normies let alone blackpill them. Basically, they're trad apologists and will try to push Islam as the based solution to the incel epidemic, hypergamy, feminism etc which is true in a way. Rather, it would be were it ultimately not for the influx of various subversive elements infiltrating their way into the culture of modern Islamic societies influenced via ' ' "western" ' ' Neo-liberal degenerate progressivism/feminism, spearheaded by our friendly ' ' "you know whos" ' ' in an attempt to destabilize the normies, but I digress. They regularly have discussions with a wide variety of different people so I'm guessing they'd probably be open with having you on to discuss MGTOW/blackpill/hypergamy/the incel problem etc. It'd be a productive discussion with a lot of redpills here and there and will ultimately help redpill some more normies if anything." Well Chad Reno thanks for the topic and I'll cover it and the GQ article in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. What a crazy world we are living in feminists writing hit pieces are calling us MGTOWs Mujahidin's and Muslim's, where the term Mujahidin comes from are calling us just as extreme as feminists. The two guys discussing my intro to MGTOW video start by saying that it's extremism when I said that many women today will rip out a man's heart and testicles through his wallet. That's actually part of a line from Robbin Williams. Remember I made this video they are reviewing back in early 2014. Is it really extremism after we all saw what happened to Robbin Williams a short while later when he killed himself because he couldn't keep paying his lifetime alimony?

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Why Women Don't Want Men To Be Free - MGTOW
Why Women Don't Want Men To Be Free - MGTOW Sandman 444 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

The key to a lasting relationship? Arguing!

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought you by a donation from a more than generous donation from Aaron. I believe this is the second of three videos I'm making for him. I found an interesting article called: "The key to a lasting relationship? Arguing!" This in a sense is true because most of the old couples in my neighborhood growing up are still together and they are or were constantly arguing. Neighbors on all sides of my childhood home the women wouldn't stop yapping. They would constantly be trying to provoke those men, oftentimes publicly through shaming, nagging and general ridicule. This daily mail article should be titled "The key to women's lasting sanity? Nagging, shaming and arguing." Arguing drives men mad and it makes women sane. You have to wonder how long the argument was going on if the guy literally had to step out of the house so that he could get some peace and quiet. I remember growing up the next door neighbor he'd be outside on the driveway not knowing what to do about his wife in the house and she would yapping at him at the door or through a window. In the bible there's that line that says it's better to dwell on a corner rooftop of your house than in it with a woman that talks too much and annoys you. I don't think that works because whenever I'd see a man leave the house she would follow him outside. I've only known a few men smart enough to get in their vehicle and drive away. But that was only a temporary solution because when they eventually get home their twat demon is going to talk their ear off even more. It's on the very very few smart guys that figured out that they should get in their car and never come back. Go their own way. The article written by a man or maybe mangina, you be the judge named Ian Leslie starts off discussing a couple named Tara and Simon and how they are always arguing but that they have a great relationship. They thrive on friction. I'll discuss what the article says and my thoughts about it just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin:
Anyways, now back to the clown world show where arguing is happiness and peace and quiet is depressing. Where up is down and down is up. One part of the article says this and I quote: "Heated confrontation (ie arguing) can be good for relationships in that sometimes it’s only when someone gets mad at you that you find out how much they care about being with you. If you’ve been married for many years, you may feel you do not need such reassurance, and that it’s almost never worth upsetting the apple cart." unquote. Ian is trying to justify mostly women's behavior here. They constantly ask if you love them because they need to know you are under their spell. It's so annoying but it's part of their psychology and proof enough to me that they don't love us the way we love them. If they did then they would know when we are in love and when we weren't. Ten years ago the psychotherapist I used to go to would always tell me that arguing was an essential part of a healthy relationship. The idea is that if your partner loses their temper with you over something then you understand how important that particular something is to them so logically you won't push their buttons in the future as a result and you'll know their boundaries. More than likely if you're a mangina and you do something to piss your partner off and she shows it you probably won't upset her ever again. But if she upsets you and you're a pushover then she will intentionally push your buttons in the future to stir up drama.

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