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Watch Rumble Stock Explode In The Next Ten Days
Watch Rumble Stock Explode In The Next Ten Days Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 237 Views • 1 year ago

Virtue Signalers Get destroyed by the Virtuous
Virtue Signalers Get destroyed by the Virtuous Invoker11 19 Views • 2 years ago

Men vs Women
Men vs Women Ribby_The_Party_Frog 177 Views • 3 years ago

Ribby's Booze Bank:
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City Hunter:Ryo Saeba simpimg around with women's clothes !
City Hunter:Ryo Saeba simpimg around with women's clothes ! sithsith 23 Views • 3 years ago

⁣City Hunter:Ryo Saeba simpimg around with women's clothes !

Why Women Are Boring? - MGTOW
Why Women Are Boring? - MGTOW Sandman 337 Views • 3 years ago

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How & Where to Buy HEX

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fritz and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman! This is what I have to say, the only way to become a full MGTOW god is through genetic manipulation and trans humanism. In the future we will no longer be a slave to our biology. We will have the ability to turn off and on our desire for sex and companionship. You will see an attractive woman and she will be like a rock in the road. You will not be attracted to her, you will have more free time to make your own goals come true. You will no longer be burdened by your own biology. You have 100% control of it. You won’t get heart broken due to rejection or a break up. You won’t get divorce rape." unquote Well Fritz thanks for the donation and topic. You don't need genetic engineering and trans humanism to be free of your biology. You just need will power and a few custom hacks. Back when I was 20 years old I was able to shut down my sex drive back when I had the more raging hormones at that age than any other age and it was thank to my religious dedication and sheer will power. I turned it back on after a month because I was afraid I would never get blood flowing into my junk ever again and it took me over half an hour to will a boner out of myself. After that I decided I'd never do that again because I didn't want to take the risk of permanently limp wood syndrome. Because at that time I thought I would need that part of myself if I wanted kids. Today I watch content on the internet that can't exist in real life and when I see attractive women in public they are like rocks on the road to me. I have all the free time in the world to make my goals come true. I'm 100% in control of it by making this content and so are many of the guys listening to it daily. MGTOW philosophy works for many guys and we should be grateful that we have it. Some of us have the ability to control our biology through mental discipline. Would we really want technology out there for all men so that it would level the playing field with regards to male freedom? I'm against putting technology in my body if I can find an
alternative solution. I'm against pharmaceutical medication unless you have no other choice. I learned about trans-humanism back in 1998 when I was in college and took a course on it. The idea was to take technology to augment yourself into a living work of art. Eventually we'll see it but I don't think we will in our lifetimes. But do we really need technology to suppress the pain we go through with regards to the opposite sex in life? I believe you need to feel intense love and have your heart broken because then you know what it means to be human. Remember that line, hard times create strong men. If you've been rejected by women and forced to learn how to control your impulses it makes you a stronger person. If your heart doesn't get broken then you start to treat women disposably the way they treat us. Is that really what you want to do? The one thing I would like to see avoided is divorce rape because it destroys a man's life. But the normal relationship pains we go through in life bring meaning and build character. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor HEX:

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Love Means Money To Women - MGTOW
Love Means Money To Women - MGTOW Sandman 264 Views • 5 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

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Lindsay Transmission Service
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When the blackpill hits

MGTOW Mystery Link:

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Green Badger & Alan. Badger didn't leave me a me a message but here's what Alan very briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, Been taking my daily dose of red pills since 2014. I’ve grown so much from listening to your content. You’re truly one of a kind and a godsend. Love from Indiana." Well thanks for the kind works and support Alan and Green Badger. Since neither of you guys sent me a topic what I'd like to do is cover a video that someone recently sent me called When the Blackpill hits and I've put it in the description. It's from an incel YouTube channel and it seems that the quality of content from the incel community on YouTube has been growing recently. Luckily we aren't seeing the same types of fights between MGTOWs and incels that we increasingly see with MRAs and PUAs. I think both groups see the inequality out there when it comes to dating. In this particular video from Incel TV he shows a couple bickering on a podcast and the guys wife says that she relies on him to support her and when the money ends so does the love and she would divorce or dump him. He looks all shocked that she would say something that's so honest. I think that this was one of the most disrespectful things ever and obviously it's coming from a caucassian woman that's with an Asian man. She probably feels that she has higher sexual marketplace value than he does and feels like she can get away with treating him like this and that he's not going to go anywhere. Also that he can't do any better than her and she probably feels resentment that she's with him. I'll cover this and more but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the show. The host at the incel TV YouTube channel also mentions that when it comes to many beta males if they aren't getting the attention of women in their teens and early twenties naturally and without money and resources then they are incels and that when they get into their thirties and suddenly women find them attractive because they are established then the women they are with don't really find them all that appealing and don't really love them for who they are but love them for their money instead. I think that this is a great point that many guys don't really understand. That if women aren't interested in you when they are riding around the cock carousel before they are ready to settle down then the odds are pretty good they won't be interested in you later for your genes or your personality. The only thing they might be interested in is what's in your jeans and I'm not talking about your three inch tadpole. An incel with money is a consolation prize for many women while they continue to try and monkey branch to a better man. This YouTube channel is doing the exact same thing that MGTOW channels are doing. They are showing men that relationships are not worth it because they teach men that she doesn't love you for who you are but instead she loves you for what you can do for her. Is that really love though? Regardless of if you're a MGTOW or Incel you're going to reach the same conclusions in the end. The red pill and black pill are similar that way. Of course women will stick it out with you, pun most certainly intended if you're physically attractive. That's why you have channels like FaceLMS discussing how things like facial symmetry and certain body parts with certain proportions will universally attract women and there's nothing a man without those things can do to be more attractive to women except perhaps getting work, ie plastic surgery done on his face. It doesn't matter how much he works out and how financially successful he is.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Jesse Lee Peterson Is Shaming Men Into Marriage - MGTOW
Jesse Lee Peterson Is Shaming Men Into Marriage - MGTOW Sandman 275 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: MGTOW Books
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Men Aren't Supposed to Give Up't-supposed-to-give-up:d

Mystery Link:


Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Silver and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, I would like you to do a video on the clown Jesse. He is in his stream telling us what a REAL man does and doesn't do. Please dismember him with your acute observations and winning way with words." Well Silver thanks for the donation and topic. I put a link in the description to the half hour video you sent me from the Jesse Lee Peterson Odysee channel. I think that Jesse Lee means well but he's out of touch with reality. In the video he takes a call from a 37 year old MGTOW guy that tell him he's done with dating because he saw how his father was wrecked with a divorced and Peterson just asks him what it feels to be defeated. Which is just a fancy way of calling hime a coward. He also says that men aren't supposed to give up and go their own way. To that all I have to say is Ok Boomer. Jesse Lee is 72 years old and the 37 guy calling in is half his age. Lee is out of touch because of generational differences. Instead of preaching his boomer ways he should first pickup Strauss-Howe book called the 4th turning. Take a year like 1929 for example. There were four different generations alive at that time. But the great Depression impacted people differently. If you had your home paid off, had assets in cash outside the banks and worked for the government you didn't suffer as much. But if you were a young man starting a family and got into debt to buy your first fridge and car and lost your job and there was welfare to help you out you could starve. If you're a boomer and you don't have a house and money saved for retirement that's your fault because in the mid to late 80s and 90s you could work as a day laborer or cab driver and still afford a single family home. Outside the inflation in the seventies and early 80s boomers had it pretty east for almost thirty years of their lives. Jesse Lee thinks that his version of reality when he was 37 years old back in 1983 is the same reality young people find themselves in. Back then interest rates 15-20% as opposed to 1-2%. So you managed your money as well as your women back then differently. Much like many of the men's rights activists that I met He Doesn't make the effort to try and understand younger guys. He just shames them for not living the way he wants them to based on his own values. Unfortunately a lot of guys are falling for it and traditionalism in a world that's anything but. I'll discuss more in moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

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Sponsor Link: MGTOW Books
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Brutal Online Dating Results With My Profile
Brutal Online Dating Results With My Profile Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 587 Views • 3 years ago

I ran out of storage in the final minutes but I've already made my points by then

Degenerates and #SOCIALMEDIA
Degenerates and #SOCIALMEDIA mrghoster 118 Views • 3 years ago

Credits to JBT - YT

Makeapp = Fake Broads
Makeapp = Fake Broads The Realist Philosopher 36 Views • 4 years ago


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INFIELD: Me Tricking In Tijuana Mexico
INFIELD: Me Tricking In Tijuana Mexico Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 319 Views • 3 years ago

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