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Good times lead to weak people.
Weak people lead to bad times.
Bad times lead to strong people.
Strong people lead to good times.
And the cycle begins again.
We're coming off good times...relatively good times. If you take a look at the "quality" of men and women , or whatever of the 56 genders coming out of University, you'll understand the meaning of "weak people." And now, government is going to "rescue" you with $600 checks. Riiiiight.
Government is NOT going to rescue you. If you've been waiting idly to have someone, or government rescue you, you're in for rough times. Take a lot at how well that does for Democrats in those failed cities. Better to grab the bull by the horns, and make things happen.
We're going to need quite a few strong men to lead us out of the bad times. Will you be one of them?
Parler: @ironpete
Mewe: https://mewe.com/i/peterpriolo
Website: www.gofarthersports.com

I'm in two grueling races at one time.
How did this happen? LOL
56 mile ride for Ironman VR5 condensed to 3 minutes. Beautiful day for it!
Gotta love getting fit! The endorphins are a narcotic.
Who else did the Ironman VR5, or part of it, today? How did you do?
Shameless plug: If you need any coaching for endurance events, basic fitness, tips on how to survive the crisis, and to gain confidence and improve yourself to the best of your ability, please go to www.ironpete.com or www.gofarthersports.com. Please subscribe and hit the notification bell. I regularly will post online tips, news, and fitness videos that will benefit you.
See you on the roads and trails! #ironman #ironmanvr #triathlon #cycling #statenisland #ny #nyc

How lethal is Covid-19?
I'm just presenting cold, hard data here and am not going to present an opinion either way.
At the end of the video, after seeing the data, ask yourself, should we continue with the economic and social lockdown?
Comments definitely appreciated.
NYC Data as of April 29 - Link: https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/do....h/downloads/pdf/imm/
The Independent - New York City Coronavirus Infection Rate Is 21%, 2.7 Million New Yorkers Had COVID-19 Link: https://www.ibtimes.com/new-yo....rk-city-coronavirus-

I signed up for a 1000K race. That's 635 miles of running. Yeah, I'm a little crazy like that. lol
In the broader context we men have to stay fit.
Sadly, I'm seeing some men in my sphere of social media actually give up. One actually was crying on Facebook. It's sad because crisis is the time when the right men have to shine.
So we have to stay motivated and fit here.
In my world, they have stopped all organized races and triathlons. This is wrecking havoc on everyone, including me. But since we are a goal oriented people, I understand the importance of setting goals to stay motivated. Yeah, sometimes, the goals have to shift in times like these, but it has to be done.
Or we just give up. And I'm never down with that.
Enter virtual races. These races are actually done at home, whether indoors or outdoors, and most will use the data from a GPS watch to upload to the race director so he or she can add it towards your finishing goal.
There are 5k races, 10k races, virtual triathlons.
Then there's this 1000K race, the Great Virtual Race across Tennessee. It's pretty much a doozy, but it will keep me motivated and fit through the summer. At least I think so anyway. ?
Definitely use these virtual races as a tool to get up off the couch. We're going to need good men to fix the mess the betas caused these past 20 years.
Note: If you need any advice, whether it is for fitness, job advice, or even depression, I can definitely help. You can reach me at www.gofarthersports or www.ironpete.com. Sometimes it takes another person to clear up any confusion and direct you in the right direction in life.

Men, stop wasting your days on unproductive stuff like watching dreadful news on TV or playing 8 hours of video games. It's not healthy.
We need to get a true sense of purpose in order to be productive. To not have that is to go against our very instncts of being a man.
Men, if you feel the days are dragging on and you feel you're not doing
anything productive than you need to grab the reins and set up that all important first hour of that day.
As the first hour of your day goes, so goes the rest of the day.
The last thing I do before going to sleep at night is making sure that I'm ready to tackle the first important task in that first hour, whether it would be setting my clothes for a workout, setting some tasks on a Post-It note if I have a project on my computer, or setting tools aside for a more physical project.
After that first productive hour you can then have breakfast. After breakfast you'll find it a lot easier to take on the rest of the day. Trust me!
It'll help you regain that motivation you lost at the beginning of this

I'm seeing way too many videos on Facebook and YouTube about people in the firm grip of depression during this crisis. Men are especially vulnerable to depression since they constantly need to busy themselves with projects.
If you're that way, I hope to help with this video and if you need personal help setting up your goals, let me know. I've been there before and goal and project setting is the BEST way to get yourself out of that rut.
It's the least I can do to help you out of a bad situation.
#depression #fitness #mensfitness #men #helpvideo

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Knowing that they
cannot fully stop the Coronavirus, this lockdown was initially sold
to us to “flatten the curve” and “slow the spread”. This is
to ensure that we don’t have too many severe cases at once and
overload the medical system.
The goal was to achieve herd
immunity with the minimum number of deaths.
hospitals are only 25% capacity now, far from being strained. And on
top of that, the lockdown was based on a model that predicted 2
million deaths.
They’re only predicting 60,000 deaths
So that means we can loosen the restrictions,
So why are the governors of Michigan, New Jersey,
and New York tightening restrictions at this point? We have an
economy that is tanking right now with 22 million people unemployed;
it would be in our best interest to reach herd immunity faster,
right? I mean, the medical system can handle it now, right?
So what is going on?
I don’t know but I feel it’s
nothing good.
Articles in the chapter:
hospitals were expected to hit peak capacity last weekend. It didn’t
York City hospitals cancel temporary workers as coronavirus cases
Medical Center furloughs nearly 500 team members amid COVID-19
only way this ends: herd immunity:

Link to The Hill:
Are you really this scared that you will endure 18 months of
self-isolation and distancing? Until 2022?!
I lost my brother due to a drunk driver in 2008. He was 22. In his short
life he lived it to the fullest. He drove a car and it killed him. But
driving enabled him to live a high quality of life.
According to the CDC, an average of 87 drivers die of auto accidents
every day. Should I fear driving enough to stop?
According to the CDC, 684 people die per day of medical errors. Should I
now not see a doctor if something is wrong with me?
According to the CDC, 1700 people die per day of cardiovascular disease.
Maybe I should stop having chocolate and that occasional beer?
According to the CDC, 112 people died of Coronavirus yesterday. Knowing
this, should we shut down the entire economy?
There are now 17 million unemployed from this shutdown. 17 million now
without a means of putting food on the table. A good number will
possibly die from a possible global depression now. Compare that to a
predicted 60,000 dead from this virus. Tell me which is worse?
We always have to be responsible for our actions. Yes, I follow traffic
laws while driving because that will minimize the risk. And I exercise
every day to minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease. But to
completely shut myself down from a fear of these things?
Sorry, but I'm going to try to enjoy my life, thank you.
If you feel different, I respect your choice and you can
self-quarantine. And yes, it's completely reasonable that if you're old
and frail that this should be the way to go.
But please allow us to live our lives and make our choices the same way
we allow you to live your life and make your choices.
Thank you.

A lot of men are down in the dumps for a lot of reasons. If that is you, you are better than you realize! Make yourself the goal and get out there and improve yourself. This is a general plan for making YOU the priority! Remember, YOU are the prize! Work towards improving yourself and you'll gain enough confidence to move mountains!

Question everything. A photo of bodies being buried at Hart Island in NY is circulating around, provoking fear. Are those bodies the direct result of Coronavirus? Or is there really a more common sense reason? Men, this is a good lesson on setting fear aside and thinking rationally.

NJs governor Murphy has issued even more restrictiions on its residents when he closed all parks in the state to enforce "social distancing." Various state and local governments have been all too eager to limit freedoms in the face of this crisis. And nobody is pushing back? Don't be a dependent. We all need to be real men again and become independent. That boils down to two main factors. I'll describe here.

A bit of an intro for me. I'm an Ironman Triathlete, 100 mile ultrarunner, triathlon and endurance coach. I hope to lift some men out of the doldrums, shape them up and give them confidence to be leaders in the coming Global Depression. I do believe the gynocentric age is ending and it's time for men to take the lead again. Hopefully I'll share some experiences, enlighten everyone in gaining fitness and confidence, and gather strong support for each other in the coming storm.
Email: [email protected]