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She Wants A Down Syndrome Baby LOL - MGTOW
She Wants A Down Syndrome Baby LOL - MGTOW Sandman 276 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Clyde. He's got quite a bit to say so before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video and here's what Clyde has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, I discovered MGTOW about a year and a half ago and as of late I’ve really taken the time to digest your content and the more that I do, the more that it makes sense as I tie this knowledge back to various situations I’ve been in with women when it comes to their nature. I met my wife at work 6 years ago, sex was great and plentiful, and you have fun together. But over time you start to see the red flags. I noticed that she would often question me as to why I didn’t post pics of her on FB or IG. I will admit it was to kind of keep my dating life private. I ultimately gave in like a pure simp and posted her pictures. Another was when we took a trip together and she seems unable to have a good time if she’s not able to take 100’s of pics of herself on her phone. She’s very much about appearances. She also makes derogatory comments about people who are obese. She’s in to fitness, petite & goes out of her way to shame bigger people. I’ve brought this up to her and she denied it every time, even right after doing it. Fast-forward to later in 2017 and we had decided to get a house together and she decided to sell her home & moved into the house I was renting with me. Almost immediately I started to see changes in her. She often complained about my house, the side of town I lived on and anything else that she felt didn’t fit her standards. Some months before that situation happened, I saw messages where she was communicating with an ex of hers while we were living separately. I kept it to myself and she still doesn’t know that I know about him. At times I wish I would’ve used it as ammo to get rid of her but I’ve decided to keep it in my back pocket. He was clearly trying to have sex with her. In reading the messages she wouldn’t outright decline him, but rather make excuses as to why she couldn’t link up. But none of the excuses mentioned me. I guess he got fed up with the constant rejection and asked her flat out if she was seeing someone and she confessed. She didn’t even acknowledge me until she was asked if she was seeing someone. But now that we’re married it’s all about having a kid in her eyes. Had she had her way she'd be pregnant by now especially after 2-3 of her friends have had kids in the past 1-2 years. She wanted to start immediately after the wedding but I had to put my foot down against that, largely due to the total expense of the wedding last year. A week before the wedding last year she pretty much told me to my face that because of our ages her fertility is in question and if she didn’t get pregnant that it would be my fault because I wanted to wait a little longer to try for a baby. She was already scapegoating me as the cause if we don’t have a kid. I’ve come to the conclusion that I no longer want to have a kid with her. I really wanted a baby when we got married but I see that it would be a liability big time. I know this wouldn’t make her happy, and I don’t know how to tell her. Parts of me think it would be best not too.

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Insecure Indian Girl Wants Betas In the Friendzone
Insecure Indian Girl Wants Betas In the Friendzone Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 573 Views • 4 years ago


All Men Should Date Women - MGTOW
All Men Should Date Women - MGTOW Sandman 406 Views • 4 years ago

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Young U.S. men having a lot less sex in the 21st century, study shows

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from The Network Firefighter. He didn't send me a specific topic with his donation so what I thought I'd do is cover something that someone named Luis sent me as a message and question through Facebook. So here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, This might seem counterintuitive, but shouldn't all men (and not just young guys) consider dating while they can? After all, women are getting progressively worse with every passing year and one day might make today's thots look like angels. What are you thoughts?" Well Luis thanks for the topic. I'll get to my thoughts in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Luis you sound like myself when I made my monks of MGTOW video back in 2015. Mind you at least you're at least trying to rationalize a somewhat good reason for going to the plantation which is fomo or fear of missing out. Missing out on women because they are better today than they will be tomorrow. The reason I tell young guys to date especially in high school, with the right precautions, is because it makes sense. You know she's attracted to you for you and not your money, because you don't have any. It's the ultimate validation to be accepted as a the physical person that you are. When you're older you don't have any way to no for sure if she's attracted to you or if she's attracted to your casharoo and she wants to put it into her coocharoo pouch and hop out of there with more than half of your spoils and a baby roo in tow. You know to keep even more casharoo flowing from you. But seriously Luis what's an older guy going to miss out on besides herpes and women hopped up on antidepressants because their cats died? You're going to lose valuable time and money as you get older that you'll never get back in a world where it's harder and harder to get ahead because you're too busy chasing head. Yes women get progressively worse as they age and no I'm not talking about simply looks. I am also well aware that social justice and feminism is effecting girls before they become teenagers and we are seeing the rise in girls bullying boys because of it and boys aren't fighting back against that because they don't have the mental tools and using for physical fists and other tools is forbidden for them. Luis maybe you're dating right now and it's changing your perception of reality and that's why you're telling guys to date while trying to rationalize your decision. Maybe you're bargaining with yourself about going out and finding a girlfriend and you want my validation before you get a woman's? I don't know. Most guys over the age of forty understand there's little to no benefit getting married and probably little to no benefit dating. In my teens, twenties and early to mid thirties I was afraid I would end up all alone in my old age and quite honestly it brought me to tears many times. But now after forty the idea of not being alone in the coming decades brings anger and depression. Are you telling me that I should go out there and date right now because in ten years it will be even worse for me?

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My Mother Robbed Me - MGTOW
My Mother Robbed Me - MGTOW Sandman 411 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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My Retirement Plan Is You

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Steve and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, This is just a story that shows how the Me generation plans to shift from using their parents to using their (in this case, male) children as providers. Might be useful as supporting documentation for a future video. Here's a summary of the article. The mother worked, and helped pay for son’s college. Other than that, she never managed to save anything. Now she plans to move in with him and have him take care of her in her old age. Single mother, of course. Spent almost every dollar she ever earned, albeit some on his college. She basically invested her retirement savings in his education, and now she plans to reap the rewards. Hope you are doing well and staying safe. Would love to hear what you did with your finances that was so effective? Cheers!" Well Steve thanks for the donation and topic. I put a link in the description to that article you sent me called: "My Retirement Plan Is You, Americans without retirement savings are increasingly moving in with their millennial children." I'll discuss it in the first part of the video and towards the end I'll discuss my
financial situation. Both what was effective and what wasn't. But before I do that let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now onto the video. It's about a 35 year old guy that was living in Chelsea in Manhattan with three or four roommates splitting the rent. But now his seventy-eight year old mother is moving in. That means she was 43 when she had him. I bet he's counting his luck that he's not a down baby. He looks mixed so he might have been adopted. She worked for forty years in the hotel business until she was laid off and then took odd jobs and lived in government assistance housing. The article mentions that she spent much of her retirement money to pay for his edumacation as an aspiring freelance filmmaker. At least she paid for him to follow his passion instead of getting a practical degree. Out there somewhere Aaron Clarey is starting to scream. She was also a single parent raising two kids and when the money ran out she decided to fall back on her son. That's what women have done for survival throughout much of history. They would turn one simp into a son for survival later in life. So I don't see how this is shockingly unexpected. Especially today with out of control real estate prices in both Boston and New York where this woman and her son live. At the same time you're seeing more millenials than ever living with their parents. In big cities basic one bedroom appartments are half a million dollars to rent and two and a half grand a month to rent. Poorer millenials are moving in with their wealthier parents and poorer parents are moving in with their children. It might be better for this guy name Sian-Pierre to live with his mother then roommates. She could help him with cooking and cleaning as she used to clean hotel rooms for a living. This article from the New York Times is trying to paint this as perfectly normal during the coronachan because with all the job losses out there it means there are going to be all kinds of quirky living arrangements
going forward. Multiple generations living in the same house is going to be much more common going forward from here.

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YouTube Can't Stop MGTOW
YouTube Can't Stop MGTOW Sandman 466 Views • 4 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Aaron. He didn't send me a specific topic with his donation so what I'd like to do is discuss how I've become optimistic with regards to the future of MGTOW. Part of it has to do with regards to what I'm seeing on platforms like MGTOW.TV and Bitchute. On MGTOW.TV the platform is growing and by the time I release this video there should be two or three channels that have over two thousand subscribers. I know that's nothing compared to the well over one hundred thousand I have on my YouTube channel and over sixteen thousand on Bitchute. But remember this growth has happened in the last three to four months on a platform where our content is visible and easy to access. Bitchute is great but unless your videos are trending all of the time it's hard to gain new subscribers. I get around five hundred a month on Bitchute. But on MGTOW.TV I'm getting about three to four hundred a month on On YouTube I only get around 250 subscribers a month. But it's not the subscriber growth that gives me hope on both bitchute and more specifically It's that recently MGTOW.TV received a denial of service attack. Someone is taking notice of the platform and is testing it's weaknesses and wants it gone. I'll discuss why MGTOW is about to become an unstoppable juggernaut in just a moment but let first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. So in the last year and a half YouTube has been busy censoring MGTOW content. In the last year I've seen about a sixty percent drop in traffic. I've seen myself gaining around four to five thousand new subscribers a month and watching it fall to only 250. Many YouTube content creators are seeing their subscriber number shrink and no new ones show up meaning that YouTube has stopped recommending their videos to new viewers. With regards to YouTube's search engine they have rejigged the search engine algorithm so that a video by the Washington Post shows up at the top of the search results complaining about METOO. Below that video are searches for anti-MGTOW content like the Bulldog Mindset, Ted Talks about empowering women and Jordan Peterson calling us pathetic weasels. If you scroll down ten, twenty or thirty search results you might catch a glimpse of my newest video. Many people say that if you want to see the latest MGTOW videos you have to search by the release date and then they come up. So YouTube has done all it can short of just deleting our channels outright. They still might but demonitizing us, throttling us down and scrubbing us from the search results and recommendations has been an effective quarantine. Or has it? You see humble listener they have just driven channels underground or to other platforms creating their own competition. Susan Wojckicki says she doesn't care that she's going to lose viewers by promoting the mainstrea media and that she's going to continue doing it. But there are a few MGTOW channels that don't use the label that have slipped through the cracks and are giving women heart attacks. For example Coach Greg Adams, the Joker over at Better Bachelor as well as Think Before You Sleep.

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America Is Done - MGTOW
America Is Done - MGTOW Sandman 548 Views • 4 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Marcelo and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I just sent you another donation. Just a little something to say thank you. I really enjoyed our podcast talk the other day and I hope you did too. Take care my friend. Cheers" Well Marcelo thanks for the donation and yes it was a good podcast and I'm sure everyone will enjoy it. I thought I'd take this donation to cover a reddit post called I've accepted that America is done by someone named quarantine machine and here's what he has to say: "I truly believe it started with the 19th amendment. This country had structure up until that point. The man was the breadwinner, had a loyal wife who stayed home with the kids and cooked dinner. The wife was loyal since there were serious repercussions for cheating on her husband. The world didn't quite cater to women's every whim at this time. As soon as the 19th amendment was passed, everything changed. Feminism was clearly in the forefront, and women were as power hungry as ever. From there on out, society has become more and more gynocentric. Today men are essentially forced to bow at the feet of women in order to get by, whether it's at work or at home (marriage). And don't even get me started with the #metoo movement. Nowadays if you dare ask a woman out and she doesn't like you, she can have you taken to jail with some sort of bs allegation. Same thing at work. If you're in competition with a woman for a promotion and you beat her out, she can make a false claim to HR and you'll be fired by the end of the week. You don't get to defend yourself, and she doesn't need any evidence. The fact that this is actually real is laughable. Like something out of 1984. This relates to BLM. BLM is a farce. African Americans have just as many rights as whites, and black men (6% of the population) commit over 40% of total crimes. What is this the result of? Bad parenting, single motherhood, broken families. What was that caused by? Feminism and gynocentrism. Oh and what about the people out protesting every day, where are they getting money to be able to live without working? Welfare checks, paid by your every day run of the mill, hard working American taxpayer. Quite the "American Dream" if you ask me. Maybe if these parties had consequences to their actions, things would be different. A couple of weeks ago I lived in a state where it was legal to burn down a church but illegal to hit a bucket of golf balls at your local driving range. This is the point we have reached. Now, everyone is forced to bow to BLM, AntiFa, women, LBGTQRSTUVWZYZ. All of it. I didn't hear about anyone wanting to be trans back in the 1950s, but here we are today with it being the "cool thing" to do. And if you dare disagree with them, you'll be burned at the stake with your reputation dragged through the mud. For in a country of lies, the truth is treason. By 2030, this country will be in total shambles from a degeneracy point of view, as if it is not already. Sad to see, but you reap what you sow. You enabled this America, so this is what you get." unquote. That's all stuff many of us know about and I'll discuss it in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring On 200k in Southeast Asia:

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Video Background Credits:
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Taking Katy Perry To The Cleaners? - MGTOW
Taking Katy Perry To The Cleaners? - MGTOW Sandman 328 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Emilio and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, Almost every video in which you speak with no requested subject I find above average on quality and interest. It feels like some subjects keep coming back in different formats so I myself would probably think of a common subject but phrase it differently, but then your response wouldn't be that different. Take this and feel free to talk about whatever you want, cheers and keep up the good work!" Well Emilio thanks for the donation and for leaving the topic up to me. Yes a lot of the same subjects keep coming up because guys have the same general questions. For this video I want to speculate about what the future may or may not hold for Katy Perry. Another female musician that could be following in the formerly fat footsteps of Adele and Britney Spears with regards to unholy matrimony. She probably thought to herself that she was lucky that she didn't marry some nobody the way that those other two starlets did and then get taken to the cleaners. Instead she married someone famous. I saw some cucked pictures of Orlando Bloom on the beach out of his pirate uniform and I thought to myself I wonder what his net worth is so I looked it up and apparently it's estimated to be about 40 million net worth versus Perry's net worth which is estimate between 125 million on Wikipedia and up to 330 million at another place I looked. I can't remember where that was. But even if it's only 125 million that's still three times more and they are engaged to be married but haven't tied the knot yet. Maybe Perry is smart to be engaged but not to actually marry Bloom. I don't know. From 2010 to 2012 she was married to Russell Brand and apparently he was sick and tired of her and told her he was divorcing her through a text message. You know you've got to be a difficult woman to live with when the man leaves you. I'll discuss all this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. My thinking is that Katy Perry probably had to settle with a man with less money and less famous than her. Either that or have no babies and family. Afterall, what good looking billionaire is going to take a post wall 35 year old woman, even if she's a famous singer. That's actually a trick question because that's what Janet Jackson did by marrying Wissam Al Mana, a Billionaire from Quatar and I heard that she got two hundred to two hundred and fifty million dollars from the divorce and in typical female fashion she got back together with her ex Jermaine Dupri. My guess is that Jermaine was the one that dumped her and they remained friends and she started talking to him and he thought sure I'll hit it again. But the Jackson family are shrewd business people. As for Perry regardless of if she initiates the divorce or Bloom does she stands to lose money because of her net worth. I'll follow the case very closely to see if they get married or not. They postponed their wedding in December of 2019 and there were rumors swirling that she got in a fight with her bridesmaid. There were also rumors that they were going to get a complicated prenup. Maybe she's trying to make sure he's not going to get all her golden dablooms after grabbing her saggy booty?

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#Metoo & The Male Powder Keg
#Metoo & The Male Powder Keg Shadow Monk 72 Views • 4 years ago

#Metoot is cancer. This is my response to this article.

The Decline (MGTOW)
The Decline (MGTOW) Alpha_Male_Guide 253 Views • 4 years ago

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