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Watch How Women Treat 'Nice Guys'
Watch How Women Treat 'Nice Guys' Texting Prince 196 Views • 4 years ago

Everyone has heard the classic line 'Nice guys finish last'...

This video we are breaking down how women treat 'nice guys' and what that means for your future (it's a BAD place to be).



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Is MGTOW just 'Feminism for Men'?
Is MGTOW just 'Feminism for Men'? Texting Prince 109 Views • 4 years ago

One of the topics I see come up around #MGTOW is the wrongful assumption that MGTOW is just 'feminism for men'.

I completely disagree.

MGTOW is taking the corrupt marriage and family court laws into place - along with our current societal and cultural expectations about men and women - and deciding the best move is to not get legally involved with a woman in this day and age.

#Feminism is... well just watch the video and you can see the damage that feminism has done to todays women.



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MGTOW - The Animated Series Episode 1: Sell Me Marriage
MGTOW - The Animated Series Episode 1: Sell Me Marriage Alpha_Male_Guide 214 Views • 4 years ago

MGTOW - Monk Mode By Illimitable Men Part 4 of 6
MGTOW - Monk Mode By Illimitable Men Part 4 of 6 Alpha_Male_Guide 62 Views • 4 years ago

MGTOW - Monk Mode by Illimitable Men Part 3 of 6
MGTOW - Monk Mode by Illimitable Men Part 3 of 6 Alpha_Male_Guide 90 Views • 4 years ago

No! She's Not A Disney Princess - MGTOW
No! She's Not A Disney Princess - MGTOW Sandman 349 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

High Plains Drifter - Let Go Of Me

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, This is my last topic but not my last donation. The reason this is my last topic is because you've talked about everything that I can think of as a topic. From now on I just wanna hear from you and what topics you will have. Over the past couple of months I have been told that I have become cruel. My friends my family members and even my girlfriend have said I've become cruel to them. I was 1st criticized when I smirked and said that a woman that cheated on a man got knocked out with one swing by this man she cheated on who said "that she got what she deserved". Another time I was with one of my old female friends with benefits buddies. She came back calling to me and I 1st offered her A maid job at my apartment where she would live in one of the apartments for free. After seeing where she was staying and hearing the stories about how she can't stand living with her sister I was nice and offered that to her. But because her boyfriend was jealous over my success they both refused this offer and now a year later she's looking to see is that offer is on the table. I told her not to darken my door step when she breaks it off with him. I then proceeded to shame her cruelly and hung up the phone and my girlfriend said that that was a little cruel of me to do to an old friend. I responded she was terrible and didn't show up to either my parents funerals. She also blocked my number because her boyfriend didn't want us talking. We've been friends before they were a thing and she did the same to my other friend. The problem is not the fact that she cut us out of her life the problem was she came crawling back expecting me to openly accept her. The newest incident happened right before I sent you this topic. I was at a fast food place trying to get something to eat. In front of me was a woman I've never met nor did I care for her. She assumes that I was trying to look at her or take a picture of her because I had my phone out while oddly enough listening to one of your videos. She says to me it's very disgusting to take pictures of people without asking or to stare at them. I looked up from my phone and asked if she was talking to me she's response yes. I told her that I'm watching a video on my phone about a guy teaching me not to give women like you the attention you desperately crave. She then starts to insult me and call me names. I simply responded by saying I can tell you what love by your parents because your parents must have dropped you off at an orphanage because they don't want your ungrateful ugly $5 ass. So Sandman is this what Daisy Cousin was talking about when it comes to an extreme side of the red pill? Is everyone right that I have become cruel or is this just me getting my justifying retribution?" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. Keep the topics coming because it saves me time having to search for one in my usual spot, Reddit. Also you're not being a cruel man with toxic
masculinity. What you're doing is standing up for yourself against those hoes. I'll get to my thoughts about how you're treating those ungrateful thots in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism:

11 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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She's Only As Loyal As Her Options - MGTOW
She's Only As Loyal As Her Options - MGTOW Sandman 289 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman I love hearing your topics but every time I hear your promotion of the book for Tim Patten with regards to why I Cheat I start to think about all the episodes of cheaters and I found that women dominated the the cheating game but men dominated in the reasons why they cheated. Now I don't condone cheating from anyone and I've heard too many cheating stories from True Story (A YouTube channel) but just like Tom Lykis said if she's not getting it at home she's getting it elsewhere. Like I told my girlfriend that if she doesn't give me what I want I will throw her out like trash and what I want is love loyalty and sex. I remember men were the providers and women were the care givers now they are just the monkey branchers. Now we are both even when a man was down on his luck the wife would pick him up to regain his will to provide and protect. Now she just leaves for another successful man so here's an idea for a title. The topic is her loyalty is not worth the dirt on my boots. keep up the good work and cheers. P.S I forgot to mention about that a woman's loyalty is so bad that not even lesbian couples are safe from women's cheating. For example have you heard about the sperm donor who was placed on child support by a divorced lesbian? Or have you heard the story about the lesbian soldier that went overseas to serve her country only to come back to find her girlfriend in bed with another man. Funny how there aren't that many gay men that cheat But a lot Of women and lesbians that do. Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. Since you brought up the book why I cheat I guess it's only fitting for me to tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. First of all I did hear that from someone else about the lesbian woman that went off to war only to come back to find her partner in bed with someone else. This is standard thot operating procedure for male soldiers if you listen to Terrence Popp so why wouldn't it be the same way for lesbian couples? Afterall a cooch is a cooch. As for women and loyalty. Women are like baseball coaches and you're the pitcher standing there erect on her mound. If she's a good looking woman she has a bullpen of potential replacements that literally come out of left field if you can't go for the duration of the match. She might tell you, her boyfriend that they are just her friends those other guys at work or that occassionally come out to keep company with the both of you. But in reality they are your potential replacements. They see you riding that roller coaster and they are waiting their turn. If your girlfriend doesn't have any guy friends except for gay guys then this is a good sign. That means she hasn't found anyone that comes close to matching you so for now she's going to continue drinking that khalua from your fire hose. But if she loses weight and becomes more attractive or some guy with sexual marketplace value at or slightly above or below yours shows up she'll friend zone him just incase something happens to you. It's only natural because in a state of nature men died in combat and other men conquered the women and children from other tribes and took them as war brides.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Epic Rant White Women
Epic Rant White Women Alpha_Male_Lifestyle 525 Views • 4 years ago


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