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Superstar Simp Dwayne Wade
Superstar Simp Dwayne Wade TheRareBreedTheory 63 Views • 3 years ago

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Female cop's amazing arrest in London
Female cop's amazing arrest in London Grin_Reaper 122 Views • 3 years ago

I'm lying of course. Female police officers are fucking useless.

He Needs To Bang Her Where She Bleeds - MGTOW
He Needs To Bang Her Where She Bleeds - MGTOW Sandman 265 Views • 3 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Maxi Pad and here's what she has to say: "Hello Sandman, I brought my first boyfriend home and by the end of dinner my mother let me know she didn’t like him. We didn’t talk about him again until she asked me how my boyfriend was doing? I told her we broke up while back because he cheated on me. She didn’t ask anything and kept quiet. It was more complicated. When we started dating we weren’t on the same pace. For example I want to give him a peck on the cheek and he would try to put his tongue down my throat. I tried talking to him a few times to stop, but it kept happening. He didn’t always stop if I pulled back. I didn’t have any experience on how to deal with this and didn’t talk to anyone. Because of that I didn’t want to do things like hug or hold hands. I was getting more and more uncomfortable. I didn’t think was good and wondered how to break up with him. He was trying to be a good boyfriend. One day he told me he slept with someone else. I responded by saying he should stay with her and hung up the phone. When he tried to contact me I told him I wanted my stuff back and asked him if he wanted his gifts back. He said I could keep them and I told if he didn’t want them, I was going get rid of everything. Some of our friends tried to give him a hard time, so I had to step in. I didn’t think he deserved that. Part of the reason this happened was because his needs weren’t met and we never talked about it. I think I handled it poorly and should have broken it of sooner. My current relationship has been going on for about 15 years and we have a son. Because of everything that’s going on, I’m withdrawing and don’t want interact a lot. We still have sex, but I’m wondering about his other needs. He looks tired. We haven’t done anything fun in a long time and the pandemic is not helping. I’m a bit lost on what to do." Well Ms. Maxi Pad thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways now back with the show. When you had your first boyfriend Ms. Maxi that's back when you were a teenager. Even when I was a teenager twenty five years ago all the girls I knew tried to shove their tongue down my throat and I let them. They throat raped me. Where is my metoo movement. Obviously he was your first boyfriend so you wanted to take things slow. Obviouly a bit too slow for him. But seriously where did you grow up? Saudi Arabia? Just kidding. You had the perfect excuse to break up with him and when he told you he had cheated on you it absolved you of all blame guilt. I guess he found another woman that let him bang her where she bleeds? Yes your mutual friends had every right to give him a hard time. He cheated on you and slept with another woman. I suspect the only reason he told you was because you were going to find out from someone else. So he didn't want you to get even more potentially pissed off at him and fly off the rails. Sounds to me like everything worked out in the end. You had a valid reason to end the relationship that made him look like the bad guy and everyone saw that publically. The reason he slept with another woman was yes that
his needs were not being met. Odds are that woman wasn't the first he had slept with and he was more experienced and you weren't ready for more.

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Fefail takes a shit in Mall
Fefail takes a shit in Mall mrghoster 82 Views • 3 years ago

I was actually waiting for what happens to happen and was liking the Architecture, BUT a women came along and dumpoed on my observation's! lol! these CUNT's will do it anywhere. Fuck it used to be SEX they did everywhere now all they can manage now the MEN have walked is to take a shit in the Mall! lol! and under probably the only camera on that floor! In fact this fefail looks like one of the local's I know?

I Paid Her Student Loans & Then She Divorced Me - MGTOW
I Paid Her Student Loans & Then She Divorced Me - MGTOW Sandman 250 Views • 3 years ago

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World War 2 Epic Battles

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a Subscribestar tip from Andrew and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Long time lurker, first time tipper. Please keep up this important and valuable work." Well Andrew thanks and I thought what I'd do is share a post I found online called: "My Wife and I had an agreement to help put each other through school. Now that she's through, she's filing for divorce" and here what some mystery simp has to say and I quote: "My wife and I both wanted to pursue careers that require advanced degrees. We came up with a plan for each of us to work full time while putting the other through school. For the past five years I've worked to help her through the last two years of her bachelor's degree and three years of law school. She's graduating in May . In this time, I've covered all of our expenses, rent, utilities, as well as payments to her loans. At the end of this semester there will be about $75 thousand dollars worth of loans that I am co-signed for. When I excitedly spoke of how much better things will be once she graduates, she was very non-commital and kept saying, "We'll see," when I talked about applying for my program. Two weeks ago, I was served with divorce papers. I was completely blindsided by this. When I asked her for an explanation, she simply replied that we'd been growing apart for a while and she needed to find her happiness. I found out this weekend that she met someone in school. He is the son of a named partner of a prominent law firm. She wants the student debt loan split 50/50 in the divorce. She is asking for no spousal support as she does not need it. When I responded that if she's going to be working as an attorney that I would be filing for spousal support, she called me a bunch of emasculating names and said, "It's over, okay? You need to let me go and be happy for me." I have
barely eaten or slept since this happened. I have a consultation with a divorce attorney on Wednesday. I feel hopeless. She hasn't worked in five years." Well Andrew thanks for the donation and I'll cover this interest topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor WW2 Epic Battles: Anyways, now back to the clown world divorce court show. Looks like this mystery simp learned that his soon to be ex wife monkey branched to a better man, a lawyer with better future earnings prospects a lot more social status because of his family background than her husband. She did a cock benefit analysis and this guy didn't measure up. No pun intended. The guy being divorce by this woman that's really a pirate with a puss is now going to have waste another five years working and saving money so he can complete his education. Then get his edumacation and only in twelve or thirteen years can he start his chosen career after finishing school and only then to pay loans for the next five to ten years for himself plus who knows how long it's going to take to pay the remaining 35-40 thousand on her loans which he co-signed off on. That's all assuming that he can pull off a financial miracle and if he doesn't get involved with another woman to pay for her loans too. She's completely ruined his life because of hypergamy. Female nature ruined his life because she had to act out on her female impulses. Looking back he should have first been suspicious and every man should when a woman wants to get married while you're still in University.

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VALID Reasons To Give Up On Pursuing Modern Women RPM
VALID Reasons To Give Up On Pursuing Modern Women RPM REDPILLMARRIED 344 Views • 3 years ago

⁣What else needs to be said?
Article: https://www.coaching-online.or....g/giving-up-on-findi


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Women Are The Cause Of War? - MGTOW
Women Are The Cause Of War? - MGTOW Sandman 288 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Pentagon Briefing On Removing The God Gene

Serenity, Origin of the Reavers

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adonis. He has a lot to say. Especially a lot about the new Godzilla Versus King Kong movie so there are spoiler ahead. I wish he had told me that before I read his comments and had a chance to watch the film firt. So be warned. Before I get to his topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Adonis has to say and I quote: "Dear Sandman, Do you believe that MGTOW transcends humanity into other species? I just went to the blockbuster monster movie Godzilla versus Kong this past weekend and I could not help but think how these monsters are the ultimate MGTOW's in the fantasy animal kingdom's that they have dominion over. The type-cast fluff protagonists in the movie, meaning the humanoids in the movie, have the usual role-playing parts, but two key female characters are a mother and a mute daughter. The young mute daughter seems to have perfected the art of becoming a Titan-Whisperer to Kong using sign language. This script fits perfectly in our 21st-century Gyno centric culture and feminist ideologies being spewed out by mainstream media Hollywood and all of the movie houses and made for Netflix and Amazon series. Being a Greek I cannot help but think of the juxtaposition of the Alpha Titans since ancient Greek culture was replete with great stories of humanity, gods, monsters, Titans, Super-Gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Athena), Demi-gods and super heroes. Just like you Serbians, we here in the rest of the Balkan countries have watched the westernization of eastern Europe. There is an ironic twist in this movie that reminded me of the old adage beware of Greeks bearing gifts (ie the Trojan Horse ). In this case the Trojan horse seems to be Kong who finds a magical gift/weapon and I don't want to give away the plot line but it is fairly similar to human history throughout all cultures. Even the monster Kong falls to the spell of hypergamy and solipsism of these women particularly the mute little girl with whom he communicates using sign language. The women, even the little girl, use the all too familiar pre-programmed self-preservation by using and even abusing strong alphas to the point of destruction. This is evident and paramount when these women and humans are threatened, especially the mother and young daughter/Titan whisperer. The premise is age old. Two alpha monsters cannot occupy the same space or planet as one wants to have dominion over the other. The irony is that there is a MAN-made machine alpha which becomes the greatest threat to humanity. The movie starts out with great fight scenes individually and then collectively between Godzilla and Kong replete with 3-D effects as a video gamers dream. Lots of Mayhem Destruction and Smash. Unfortunately I don't see Godzilla or Kong getting any smash of their own if you know what I mean. Just all of the Hypergamous manipulation without any of the happy endings. The culmination of the movie ends up being an unexpected alliance between Godzilla and Kong who have to join forces to defeat this Man-made monster/Titan of gigantic proportions and technically-advanced weaponry. Man-Made being the operative term, with the Achilles' heel being the women using the two Alphas to do the necessary deeds for their own self-preservation and perpetuation of the species.

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Video Background Credits:
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Toronto Women Are Awful! - MGTOW
Toronto Women Are Awful! - MGTOW Sandman 385 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Twisted Mind

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to share with everyone a Twitter conversation I had with Andy Warski. Many of you might remember him from a few years ago. He disappeared for a while and now I know why. About six months to a year he started following me on Twitter and I was surprised because very few YouTubers have in the past except perhaps to mock me. So today I get a message from him and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hey Sandman, I just want to say thank you for your videos. 2 years ago I was with a girl for three years who seeped me from all my money... was horrible to me... caught her talking to her ex... and mentally and sometimes physically abused me. I also became a drug addict and used tons of cocaine because of depression and joining her in the party lifestyle... lost my YouTube career and everything. I tried dumping her multiple times but she always latched on by showing up at all hours of the night and one time breaking into my house. I finally took your advice seriously and literally moved from Canada to America to basically hide from her. Im back in Toronto now... but within 2 years I am off coke, making tons of money live streaming fully uncensored content, happy and physically fit. I've also banged enough women and can see when they are trying to play games or trying to get their hooks into me. I know how to have fun and move on. Thanks to you I broke the cycle I was on... falling in "love" getting used.... seeped of all my money and emotions... and tossed out. I know you get lots of nice letters everyday and stuff man and you deserve it. You've saved a lot of us out there man. So thank you brother! I'm gonna watch your new video and take my daily red pill. So my cohost on Twisted Mind is Kyler - he showed us all the texts and stuff too. He has a very similar story to mine but instead of drugs he became depressed and felt empty for years. So he caught his girlfriend adding her ex to facebook and he dumped her (after years of being mentally abused basically) and we meet up a year ago and decide.... lets do a live show. Everything is going well and sometime last year he had sex with his ex and started to catch feelings. I told him "Dude this is a bad idea, please DO NOT GO BACK TO HER." I know it would be bad for him and for our show in general. Well he texted her a nice thing the next day and she texted back that she only slept with him because he was drunk and she didn't want him to drive home. So he told her to fuck off. So a few months later - she texts him a huge text that tried to guilt trip him into taking the dog they had together who is sick and has seizures. She said that since he is making good money now that he can bring the dog to the vet. And since he is working from home now he can take care of the dog. She ended this massive guilt trip message with "By the way, he needs to go to the vet tomorrow." Dude, it is unbelievable. The AUDACITY of her to do that. I told him to not respond to her and just block her which he did. Kyler and I have very similar experiences and we realized brotherhood and business is the way to be a real man. Filling the void with "Love" is not fulfilling. Anyways, thought you would like to hear that. Have a nice day and let me know when you make that video. I would love to see it." Well Andy thanks for sharing your story and thanks Thomas for the donation. I'll get to my thoughts about Toronto Thots in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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MGTOW-School Board member calls police chief a skinhead over a speeding ticket
MGTOW-School Board member calls police chief a skinhead over a speeding ticket mrghoster 80 Views • 3 years ago

Yet another Entitled, Deluded fefail with an overbearing sense of her own importance! lol! ther cop was brilliant and kept his cool! This is the type of fefail you would love to see get smacked in the mouth. it's from 2018 but hey when has that stopped a fefail from being obnoctious?

UK Police One law for them another for Us?
UK Police One law for them another for Us? mrghoster 61 Views • 3 years ago

UK Coppers are corrupt at source? Would I get let off id=f I put my hazards on and drove through a Red ligh? A polite reminder to the Police - You can only use your lights and siren's when on a call, this does NOT allow you to speed or break the Road Traffic Act in any way or form? A little power can corrupt a lot. Jumping a Red light one day and closing the Gas Chamber doors the next?

Men Tolerating Manipulation; Film Propaganda Against Men Getting Insane
Men Tolerating Manipulation; Film Propaganda Against Men Getting Insane Johnny_Cage 74 Views • 3 years ago

What's up? Long time, no post!

Women Are Finished - MGTOW
Women Are Finished - MGTOW Sandman 431 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Scientists Grow Mouse Embryos in a Mechanical Womb

The Artificial Womb Is Born

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Byzanthony. He didn't send much in his message except a link. I put it down in the description and it's from the New York Times and it's called: "Scientists Grow Mouse Embryos in a Mechanical Womb". Well well well looky what we have here. Looks like scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel created a series of experiments where they created an artificial uterus and were able to grow embryos in them for six days. The fetuses were taken out of their mothers after five days and then grown in the artificial womb for an additional six days. Mouse gestation is 20 days total. I initially thought that they were able to grow them for the first six days of the pregnancy and mentioned that in earlier videos and I was wrong. So they grow for the first five days in the mother, the next six in the artificial womb and for the last nine days they can't grow because they need a blood supply. So once again they need their mother. But they are now thinking of connecting a blood supply to the mice's placenta and using a more enriched nutrient solution. If that works then I can imagine a world where women only have to be pregnant for the first three months and then the fetus is removed and put into an artificial womb. At that point the cost of surrogacy will fall because the most expensive part, renting the womb will drop two thirds of the price. So surrogacy services in the USA could drop from a hundred grand down to only forty. That means in places like Mexico the price would fall to ten to fifteen thousand dollars. This is great news for men that want to have children but don't want to get married to do so. Thanks to this breakthrough women are now one step closer to being finished. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clone world show. The last few paragraphs of that Wall Street article say this and I quote: In the future, Dr. Tesar said, “it is not unreasonable that we might have the capacity to develop a human embryo from fertilization to birth entirely outside the uterus.” Of course, even the suggestion of this science fiction scenario is bound to horrify many. But it is early days, with no assurance human fetuses could ever develop entirely outside the womb. Even assuming they could, Dr. Tesar noted, “whether that is appropriate is a question for ethicists, regulators and society.” unquote. These Jewish scientists aren't the first to work on this. The second article I put in the description is from back when I first started going my own way and it's called "The Artificial Womb Is Born". In Japan they have been working on connecting an external blood supply to a goat fetus and that was eight years ago. I wonder if they have made progress? If they solved this and they combine their technology with what I mentioned earlier in Israel then that cheaper surrogacy situation I was talking about will become a reality. Then we have to work on the first
trimester and if we solve that then families will be a thing of the past and we will be heading towards a Brave New World. The decision to have a baby will no longer belong to women but will also belong to men or possibly even the state if they want to grow more citizens. A few weeks before this video request someone sent me another story about how scientists were able to take ordinary skin cells and turn them into an embryo. I showed my mother the mice in the artificial womb and she looked shocked and couldn't believe it. That we are making progress so quickly. It's quite possible that in the next ten to fifteen years we will perfect the process and be able to grow people without parents or someone might bump into your arm and take a sample of your skin without you even knowing it and then grow your clone.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Women Are Dictators Wearing Bras - MGTOW
Women Are Dictators Wearing Bras - MGTOW Sandman 295 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Welcome to the New Feminist/Socialist Dictatorship. What do you call a country that no longer has free elections? A country where the press has become propaganda for one party, a country that no longer allows free speech, a country where, since 1970, EVERY LAW has been changed to benefit women, and finally, a country where all CIVIL RIGHTS and liberties have been shut down by a phoney coof? You call it Coof-1984, the new socialist/feminist dictatorship!! It's obvious to a lot of people that the 2020 election was not transparent!! I was following the 2020 election as it unfolded in the past few months. I noticed that Biden hardly campaigned at all, appearing at only ONE rally the week of the election! The rally was sparsly attended and energy was low! In contrast, Trump spoke at rallies every day, sometimes giving 2 or 3 speeches a day! Energy was off the charts and thousands of people attended his rallies!! Now am I supposed to believe that Biden defeated Trump and received more votes than any other candidate in history? As far as the cervesa sickness goes, how many people are aware that only 6% of deaths are from it alone and that 94% of reported deaths are due to co-morbidities? For example, if a person tested positive and then died of a heart attack or even a gunshot wound, then it says Covid-19 on their death certificate! The common cold is a corona virusd, and a person with a common cold can test positive for Covid-19! People call this type of thing "conspiracy theories", but the reality is that much of this information can be found on the CDC website! Our entire society has been shut down and all of our civil liberties have been suspended! Countless people have lost their jobs as small businesses close down! And what's the logic of reopening the border and letting thousands of immigrants come into our country, when countless Americans have lost their jobs? At the same time, our press has lost all objectivity and become a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party! No alternative points of view allowed." Our media continues to sell fear as every day the headlines explode with a new "record number of deaths" from the coof! On social media sites such as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter, you are not allowed to have an alternative point of view on the sniffle apocalypse. Men's rights channels are being reclassified as "hate speech" and kicked off or demonetized, like THIS channel, for example! Free speech disappeared years ago in this country! At the same time, since 1970, because of feminist lobbying, EVERY LAW has been changed to favor women! In George Orwell's 1984, the men were unable to have sex and the women wore red sashes proclaiming that they were members of the "Junior Anti-Sex League". The bottled up sexual frustration was then channeled into worship of Big Brother! In our cervesa sickness worl men are unable to have sex because women wear the invisible sash of Fourth Wave Feminism, a toxic, invald form of feminism based on female superiority and hatred of males! Meanwhile, the Big Brother "Daddy State" takes care of all of women's needs, making the male provider obsolete! Ironically, men pay 80% of the taxes for the "Daddy State", thus we're being forced to pay for our own obsolescence!

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

MGTOW - She Wanted To Try Her New Self Defense Moves On Her Husband
MGTOW - She Wanted To Try Her New Self Defense Moves On Her Husband mrghoster 273 Views • 3 years ago

Will fefails NEVER learn - MEN are superior! lol!

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