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Friendzoned Incel - BlackPill/RedPill short Movie. Nice Guys finish last! SIMP pays CHAD lays
Friendzoned Incel - BlackPill/RedPill short Movie. Nice Guys finish last! SIMP pays CHAD lays Kauppi1 89 Views • 3 years ago

Short Comic movie about Female Hypergamy and plight of Average Men.
Courtesy of Eurasian Tiger

Millions Of Chinese Men Go MGTOW & The Government Panics
Millions Of Chinese Men Go MGTOW & The Government Panics Sandman 411 Views • 3 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

Why China’s youth are ‘lying flat’ in protest of their bleak economic prospects

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donation because I didn't get one for this video. If you want to suggest a topic you can through either Subscribestar or the Paypal email down below. As for this video most of us know about the Herbivore Man in Japan and MGTOW in the west. Now we have another group called lying flat in China and it's freaking out the CCP. The Chinese Communist Party has met an opponent it can't beat, female hypergamy and male indifference. It has identified one of those problems, the lying flat men and is trying to censor their version of MGTOW out of existence but at the same time they have a bline spot towards female nature. Women don't need a fancy movement like feminism to get what they want. Female nature is the feminist movement All women are feminists at heart and do what's in their best interests. I first heard about this story from an article I've put in the description called: "Why China’s youth are ‘lying flat’ in protest of their bleak economic prospects" and I want to read part of it and I quote: "Across the country, T-shirts printed with “Do nothing lie flat youth” have become hot selling items, and authorities are scrambling to suppress the phenomenon, fearful about a challenge to the established social and economic order. The movement’s roots can be traced back to an obscure internet post called “lying flat is justice”, in which a user called Kind-Hearted Traveller combined references to Greek philosophers with his experience living on 200 yuan (US$31) a month, two meals a day and not working for two years. He said “I can just sleep in my barrel enjoying a sunbath like Diogenes, or live in a cave like Heraclitus and think about ‘Logos’, “Since there has never really been a trend of thought that exalts human subjectivity in this land, I can create it for myself. Lying down is my wise man movement.” According to the anonymous poster, this humble existence left them physically healthy and mentally free. Although the original post has been scrubbed from the internet by censors, copies have spread quickly online, sparking lively discussion and videos that have garnered millions of views each. The rich and the authorities monopolize most of the resources, and more and more working class like us have to work from 9am to 9pm, six days a week. A survey by Chinese micro blogging site Weibo, conducted between May 28 and June 3, found 61 per cent of the 241,000 participants said they want to embrace the lying flat attitude." unquote So with that out of the way I'll share my thoughts about the new Kung Pow MGTOW in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

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Day 8 in Japan Susukino Sapporo 日本 札幌 すすきの
Day 8 in Japan Susukino Sapporo 日本 札幌 すすきの Francis_UD 23 Views • 3 years ago

Filmed in October 2019 JST in Japan

Horrible Chinese Woman - MGTOW
Horrible Chinese Woman - MGTOW Sandman 435 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Man bails on restaurant bill after woman brings 23 friends to blind date

Masculinity Crisis in China?

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because I didn't get one. The coof kills another one. If you want to send a donation a request a topic links to Subscribestar or my Paypal email is down below. Now on with the show. I found a short article recently called: "Man bails on restaurant bill after woman brings 23 friends to blind date" from the Global Times which I've linked to in the description. Here's what the article has to say and I quote: "A man aged 29 from East China's Zhejiang Province decided to leave dinner early when the woman he went on a blind date with brought 23 relatives and friends to "test his generosity," leaving him with a bill of 19,800 yuan ($2,964), China News Week reported on Monday. The man, surnamed Liu, went on a blind date arranged by his mother and agreed to treat the woman he had not met. However, to his dismay, the woman brought 23 relatives and friends to the meal. According to her, this was intended to test his generosity. When Liu was left with a bill so he fled the restaurant. The woman was unable to contact him and had to pay for the meal herself. Liu later agreed to pay for two tables, while the remaining ones mounting to 15,402 yuan had to be paid by the woman, who later claimed that she was the biggest victim. However, most Chinese netizens expressed sympathy for Liu, and called the woman's behavior "shameless." unquote. How typical that a woman is the victimizer and she tries to play the sympathy card after trying to take advantage of a simp. If she was serious about being with him then she never would have done this. But the Chinese dating market is one where there are two men for every one man. Women already have the advantage and the one child policy gave them the leg up. Also she put Liu into a shit test that he couldn't win or so she thought. If he told her no he wouldn't pay the bill then it would embarrass his family because his parents probably knew her parents or some other mutual acquaintance. If he did pay she probably wouldn't see him again and he would be three thousand dollars poorer but he would still have his honor. How much money is your personal and family honor worth. Well we know his wasn't worth that price. I think we need to give this situation a new label. Let's call it the micro wedding. You're not paying for two hundred and thirty people at an average sized wedding. Instead you're paying for 23 guests for a dinner date. This goes perfectly with the micro divorce a term the late great Paul Proteous came up with to describe a situation when a woman dates you for a few years, you move in with her and furnish an apartment and then you leave all the stuff you bought with her when you guys break up. I'll discuss that and the horrible Chinese woman in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia:

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The Privleges Of Being A Woman - MGTOW
The Privleges Of Being A Woman - MGTOW Sandman 997 Views • 5 years ago

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Body Transformation Made Simple

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from George and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, thanks for keeping up with the content. As you say, gotta take that daily dose of red pills. Well George thanks again and since you didn't send me a topic I want to read a post I found on reddit called The privileges of being a woman and share my thoughts. I also want to discuss a bunch of out there feminists that condone violence against men and say that women suffered more than men during WW1 even though men were actually the ones fighting in it. I want to explore that further. But before I do here's what someone named No Body In Particular Uk has to say and I quote: "My Sister was living with her ex boyfriend. She decided she wanted to dump him and move into her own place. She approached her local housing council and told them he was abusive to her, so they put her to the top of the priority list for housing and gave her a free flat all paid for (she's on benefits, so its free). However, he was was not abusive, she even admitted that she made it up to jump the housing queue. So, she was given a lovely new ground floor flat, it was like a little cottage.
She got bored of it, so she approached the council again saying he found out where she lived and she was scared of him. So, she was once again given priority and handed another free flat. Of course, he did not know where she was living, she admitted this was also a lie to jump the housing queue. Later, she also got bored of that flat, and once again approached the council saying he had found out the new address again of her new flat, and so once again she was put to the top of the priority list and given another flat. No questions asked, no demand for evidence such as a Police log number. Every time she approached them her word was taken as Gospel and she was immediately rehoused. When I applied for a flat from the council, I was on the waiting list for 4 years and I was offered a dump in a crime ridden area." unquote So there you have it folks female privilege gets you to the front of the line. I'll discuss this in a sec but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple:

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3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

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The Black Pill Rage - MGTOW
The Black Pill Rage - MGTOW Sandman 474 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't have a topic for me so I wanted to discuss something that's been on my mind for a while now. I didn't realize that maybe I was black pilled five years ago when I went monk mode. I coined my experience as the red pill rage stage 2.0. It was a short and sudden burst of anger at myself after each short relationship for putting myself into a bad situation again. But maybe I can go further and now call it the black pill rage? The red pill rage happens when you learned about female nature and it makes you upset. But you don't necessarily give up on love and dating. The black pill rage might be something where you accept female nature from both the conscious and subconscious perspective and realize that relationships and dating are broken and they can't be fixed. The black pill is typically something the incel community uses to describe how women's sexual desire is inflexible and women select based on appearance and they the genetically inferior men have no chance of getting laid. Once they realize this they get angry and some go GTA in the GTA because of being rejected. There is some similarity with the 2nd red pill rage and what the incel community calls the black pill. Both things bring a sense of defeatism. For me defeatism not because I couldn't get into a relationship or a date. But because I didn't want to take the emotional abuse that I had to receive to get female validation and go on dates. This abuse wasn't there when I was younger. I was in long-term relationships from the year 2000 all the way to 2013 and when I started dating again in 2015 I definitely noticed that women's expectations were out of this world. Even obese women and traps have the same expectations as hot women. I'll explore this topic in a moment and I hope everyone understands this is a bit of a thought experiment, no pun intended? But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to clown world. I see MGTOW and Incel as the future. It's the way I see wealth inequality in society. First over at Incelmatics seems to think that we are going to have the top Chads having access to the majority of the women in our society while the rest of men get crumbs or nothing at all. I agreed with him at first but lately I've been thinking that more of those Chads will go their own way because they can have all the sexual variety they want without settling down. The majority of women out there that sleep around have been with a guy like that even if it's only been one night and now they won't settle for less. But they can't find guys like that easily so they go out on dates with lower status and looks men. They go out on dates to get attention and potentially resources but they get spiteful because you the man in front of them don't live up to their expectations. They hate you for that and they hate themselves for even agreeing to go on that date with you. They justify to themselves that they can abuse you because you're not good enough. So if women aren't outright ignoring you then you have to contend with women bullying, shaming and demoralizing you. So What did they expect to happen as the manosphere is now growing? Did they think their actions have no consequences and that men will continue to be emotional punching bags. Many of them take that option with the slight hope of a date or relationship which if they are incels they obviously don't get. But the lack of sexual attention women are giving to men these days is starting to have some serious consequences. First thinks that all the riots in America might be related to the lack of sex and more specifically relationships men are having. I agree with that.

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A RED PILL não é para todos - Vitor Honk
A RED PILL não é para todos - Vitor Honk telecurso_mgtow 314 Views • 4 years ago

... ou "Não dê pérolas aos porcos."

When dude turns athlete to escape marriage. Quando o cara vira atleta para fugir do casamento
When dude turns athlete to escape marriage. Quando o cara vira atleta para fugir do casamento FranckBoni 507 Views • 4 years ago

Fonte ⁣

Why Women Hate MGTOW | Live From The Lair
Why Women Hate MGTOW | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 3,936 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Wahmen have some harsh things to say about MGTOW. Too bad reality tells a different story.

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Video Throwbacks
What is MGTOW?

Quando elas tentam dominar um redpill
Quando elas tentam dominar um redpill Super Vegetto 216 Views • 4 years ago


The Worlds Strongest Woman vs. Average Men Archive
The Worlds Strongest Woman vs. Average Men Archive ArchiveChannel 9,334 Views • 5 years ago

A video about arm wrestling. who will win this sports contest? vote now in the comments below.

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