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The Advantages Of Marrying As A Man In 2021 LOL - MGTOW
The Advantages Of Marrying As A Man In 2021 LOL - MGTOW Sandman 452 Views • 4 years ago

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Tina Reviews

The advantages of marrying as a man in 2020

Millions Of Men No Longer Want To Get Married, And You Can Thank The Government For That

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is discuss a topic I found on reddit with the same title as this video except it's 2020 instead of 2021. I put a link to that post in description. Obviously every guy in the comments section under that post says there are no advantages to getting married if you're a man. Of course there are tons of advantages for women. A woman that never gets married and has a career will still end up with less money on average than a woman that got married and then divorced. The opposite is true for men. We all know men get fleeced financially in a divorce. But I'm going to play a little bit of simps advocate and argue for marriage believe it or not. I'll give you the benefit or perceived benefit for the man and then I'll discuss why it's bad and then show you how to hack the heiny so that you can be in relationship and keep a woman under control so you get what you want from her and if she doesn't give you what you want you can show that thot the door as easily and quickly as a land whale can say Hagan Daz. But before I do that let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Tina Reviews: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. So the first so called benefit of getting married is sex on a regular basis. I never had that issue so long as I wasn't living with a woman. But if you're over the age of 25 once you move in with woman the spite starts to build and the sex breaksdown. If you don't believe me just go around and ask married guys when the last time they got a BJ from their buttercup and they will laugh at you like a horse after he kicks you in the nuts. Remember that cohabitation is deadly for your extra testicular activities. Just like getting knocked in the nuts by a stallion. Don't get mounted like a prized pony the way the Brave Browser mounted me. The next thing that guys think is great when you're married is Companionship. You have someone there to spend time with and keep you company. Yes when you're a needy simp the way that I was being lonely was a real issue. Loneliness is a real problem but there's a hack to it. If you never want to be bored again then work really hard on yourself to the point where your own company is more than enough. More specifically your subconscious mind the creative part of you that you'll never meet that comes up with humor. Every woman you spend time with will bore you to death and you'll instead be like Patrick Bateman falling in love with yourself in the mirror. While not being in a relationship for the last five years with a woman my conscious mind has been in a relationship with my unconscious one. It's like the theory of the bicameral mind which states that once upon a time one half of our mind appeared to be speaking to the other and the other half would listen and obey. That this is what led to consciousness in human beings. The voice of god was really our unconscious.

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Is This The Greatest MGTOW In The World?
Is This The Greatest MGTOW In The World? Sandman 381 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This Is The Greatest MGTOW In The World?

The Saylor Series | Episode 1

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

A while back I sat down with Lamprey Milt from MGTOW Chats. Were toying with the idea of doing a two hour livestream once a month and then chopping it up into 4 half hour segments as separate episodes. In this chat we spoke about a few different things including Bitcoin and the man I believe might just be the greatest MGTOW of our time if Bitcoin goes up and up. He made a billion dollar bet on his publicly traded companies balance sheet in what amounts to almost single handedly declaring war on central bankers. Things are about to get real if other companies follow suit. I hope you guys enjoy the chat and let me know if Lamprey would make a good co-host for a monthly podcast and how we can improve our on air chemistry? Before I get to the video let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:

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Shia LaBeouf Hurts Women - MGTOW
Shia LaBeouf Hurts Women - MGTOW Sandman 373 Views • 4 years ago

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Shia LaBeouf Sued by FKA Twigs for Sexual Battery, Citing Abusive Relationship

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is not brought to you by any donations because the coof is killing them. I know many of you guys can't support me because of Covid. The next best thing is to subscribe to me over on LBRY and watch my videos over there because the platform pays me in crypto. Link to it is down below. So with that out of the way I've decided to cover a story where Shia LaBeouf is being sued by his ex girlfriend FKA Twigs where the lawsuit says Shia Hurts Women. Those aren't my words in the title. That's what the court documents say. Here's what that article I put in the description says and I quote: "FKA Twigs has sued her ex-boyfriend, Shia LaBeouf, accusing the actor of sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress . . . "Shia LaBeouf hurts women,” states the lawsuit, obtained by Variety. “He uses them. He abuses them, both physically and mentally. He is dangerous." Twigs was once woken up by LaBeouf towering over her, violently squeezing her arms against her will and choking her, according to the lawsuit. The alleged incident occurred during a trip to celebrate Valentine’s Day in 2019. As he was strangling her, the lawsuit claims, he was whispering, “If you don’t stop you are going to lose me.” After the alleged incident, LaBeouf became manic while driving back to his home. Barnett tried to get out of the car, as he threatened to crash the car, unless he professed her “eternal love” for him, and though he briefly stopped at a gas station, he “violently attacked” her, throwing her against the car, screaming in her face and attempting to strangle her, before forcing her to get back in the car. After the alleged altercation, Barnett texted a close friend, writing, “This is difficult to say but I am sure you know. I have been in an abusive relationship that has isolated me. It’s worse than you could imagine.” When filming “The Tax Collector,” LaBeouf got so into character, according to the lawsuit, he took on the role of a gangster in real life, and claimed to drive around Los Angeles, shooting stray dogs dead, so that he could get into the “mindset” of a killer. Barnett, an animal lover, was “profoundly disturbed and terrified.” LaBeouf also demanded she slept naked, and forced her to watch documentaries about murdered women before going to bed, per the public filing. LaBeouf apparently was paranoid and suffered recurring delusions about gang members breaking into his home, so he slept with a loaded rifle at their bedside, but insisted on keeping the front door unlocked. Barnett, feeling “trapped” in their shared bed, fearful he might accidentally shoot her if she stood up, would often text friends in the middle of the night to devise an escape plan. LaBeouf continuously belittled his then-girlfriend, and is accused of having frequent rage and bouts of jealously, even accusing her of dwelling on her former fiancé, actor Robert Pattinson, the lawsuit states. LaBeouf was so possessive, he would count the number of kisses she would give him on any given day, and berate her if it wasn’t enough. The lawsuit also claims LaBeouf knowingly infected her with an STD." unquote. I'll discuss all this and so much more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lamprey Milt:

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OnlyFans Corrupts Christian Girls - MGTOW
OnlyFans Corrupts Christian Girls - MGTOW Sandman 396 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm starting to think only fans is the final death blow for the dating market. Here in the very conservative, very rural Midwest area I am learning of more and more cases of supposedly good conservative Christian girls going onto only fans. This is supposedly the land of conservative NAWALTs that haven't been spoiled by modern feminism yet. That's not true but that is a common perception. It's turning more and more women into basically young Lauren Southerns whose lavish life styles are subsidized by their online pay piggies and you would literally have to be a millionaire to manage to rope one in. As an incel turned MGTOW there was positive reinforcement as I gained MGTOW knowledge and slowly but surely I started to catch the interests of more and more women. Eventually even gaining access to the cute ones who easily would have rejected me back in my blue pill days. Earlier on this esteem and ego boost was more necessary to my MGTOW transformation. Before I could fully internally validate these little ego pickups helped filled the gaps. Younger incels won't even be in the position to reject women. Eventually traditional prostitutes will become more scarce and expensive too or consist of older women who can't make it Only Fans anymore. The earnings potential of prostitution just won't compete with Only Fans pay piggies and the risks won't justify the rewards anymore. At best paid sex will be an expensive side service offered by some of their girls to their clients and you will need to sign up for account with them before you can negotiate it. Several of them won't even offer those kinds of extras as a service unless you subscribe to their highest tier of membership. Conservative were seldom as good as they appeared but soon they won't even have to pretend." Well Randy thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. First of all I don't think it's fair to lump in Lauren Southern with all the Onlyfans thots out there. You're right about the idea that you have to be a millionaire to end up with a woman like her. I believe, please correct me if I'm wrong that Lauren Southern married a doctor? Now that she's put her money where her mouth and has had a child at a young age to prove to everyone that she is all about reproduction instead of migrant migration we can't criticize her for getting married and becoming a mother at such a young age instead of riding the cock carousel. Financially she's done well for herself. I believe she got a few hundred thousand dollars worth of bitcoin over the years and if she holds onto that it might be somewhere between three or four million dollars in the coming years. She's in her early twenties, good looking, intelligent and for her not to marry a doctor or wealthy successful man would not only be against female's hypergamous nature but would be stupid because what woman with her fame, crypto money and intelligence is going to marry a brick laying Joe sixpack? Forgetaboutit. She's also not an onlyfans model so she's not the best example for this video. As for OnlyFans becoming an OnlyFans model is the number one thing that most teenage girls want to be when asked about future career prospects in high school. It used to be Rock Star, then YouTuber, it changed to Instagram influencer recently and now it's OnlyFans model.

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Foreign Women Coming To The West - MGTOW
Foreign Women Coming To The West - MGTOW Sandman 345 Views • 4 years ago

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- Ancient Purity
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Michael and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'd like to know if you think importing a large number of foreign traditional women faster than the feminist can radicalize them would change the future of dating and society in the west? If you’ve done a video on that topic then I’d like to know your opinions on the church of social justice warriors and their affect on science and scientists. I say this because of inventions like EQ due to studies showing men have higher IQs on average and a bunch of other examples like pair bonding in loose women. Just whatever other examples you can think of would be great too." Well Michael thanks for the two donations and topics. I'll first discuss the idea why you can't bring women in quickly enough into western countries to restore traditionalism or preserve it. After that I'll get into how SJWs are effecting science and scientists. But first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Even if a country could bring in enough traditional women to change a culture the numbers would have to be massive. Canada I believe tries to bring in just over one percent of it's population in each year in immigrants. That's the largest influx in the G8 I believe. When we let three to four hundred thousand people in a year, up until the coof anyways that's not enough new women into the country to influence the existing culture. If those women are from Europe or Asia then most of the time they will take on the customs of other women from their backgrounds that moved to the west before them. women revert to the lowest common denominator. Women want to fit in. But if the women are from a Muslim or African country they are more likely to stay within their own religious communities so they aren't going to socialise with the western women and convince a junior land whale to stop riding the carousel and put on a veil. It's not going to happen. There just aren't enough new immigrants coming into a country to change the culture of the existing women quickly enough. Besides the majority of migrants and immigrants are men and it takes women to influence other women. Plus Michael you're forgetting that the internet is global and western culture is dominant so it's the foreign women that are more likely to be radicalized by the western ones they see on shows like Sex In The City. Living a western life, or what's left of it with the coof is more ideal these days then a traditional one. Women in the east see women in the west that are free to expose their breats and they want that freedom too. Women don't see other women that are free and think to themselves I need to make those women just as conservative as I am and take away their carousel riding freedoms away. Instead they think about how they too can become like that. But when they come to a place to Canada they rely on women from their own ethnic community to avoid having to assimilate into the broader Canadian culture. Over time, a few generations many of the women in their cultural groups completely westernize. But you rarely see western women assimilate into culture they see as backwards and controlling. Even when you see western women marry Taliban fighters and head over to where ISis is or was they usually end up getting beheaded because it's so difficult for them to adapt to such a strict and restrictive lifestyle where they aren't allowed to leave their houses. Once you get a taste of freedom it's hard to adapt to being repressed. It's like trying to mix oil and water. The feminists are the oil and the traditional women are the water. The feminists will always rise to the surface and suffocate the women that are the water below them. It sounds to me Micheal that you'd make a fine candidate for a men's rights activist. They enjoy bargaining with reality and living in denial.

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Get Paid To B0ink Women - MGTOW
Get Paid To B0ink Women - MGTOW Sandman 367 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Deuce Bigalow

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he has to say: "Hey..what's up Mr. Sandman..!! I hope all is well with you Sir? The "coronachan" dilemma has allowed a little time for me to surf the streaming services and view movies/documentaries I've never seen or haven't seen in a long time. Recently I watched "Deuce Bigalow" The 'SIMP GIGALOW".. As I drank my "Menagerie", TERRANCE POPP" styles.. I couldn't help but look at this movie thru a "Red Pill" Lens..LOL..!! Please dissect and interject for the Masses my Brother.."OG SANDMAN", styles....Could this be a doable strategy for the upcoming INCEL Dilemma? or one of many possible solutions.. Maybe the so called Gigalos and said INCELS..could unite and form a upgraded version of "VOLTRON".."Defender of the New Universe"..Good Speed to you brother on your future Endeavors Sir.!!!" Well Ron thanks for another donation and topic request. As for Deuce Bigalo Male Gigalo it's one of those films that when I saw the trailer I figured it was one of those films that you'd see at blockbuster video back in the day. Ironically I wasn't even interested enough to pay three dollars to see it on VHS. So I`m watching it for the first time for this review. If you want to watch along a put a link to the video in the description. Just switch the numbers 321 with the numbers 123 and you're in business. Before I get to my review let me first tell everyone about today`s sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. Ron you say that maybe a strategy for the Incel dilema is for men to turn themselves into man whores? That of course only works if you`re in a place like Japan. The sexual marketplace is increasingly skewed in women`s favor and men are increasingly begging for a taste of single mother`s stretched out sour puss and yet you suggest that men start selling themselves into a market where their services are worthless when there`s an army of volunteers willing to crawl into a woman`s rear? As for Deuce Bigalow he offers services cleaning aquariums and Koi Pond and one day he takes a job at a Gigalo's house. The actor playing the Gigalo is same guy that was in the Mummy. known as playing the voice from the film. The actor Oded Fehr plays the Gigalo character Anton. He's tall, confident, good looking and women love him. Rob Schneider plays Deuce Bigalow and he's short, behaves like a bumpkin and women hate him. He has all the makings of a modern day incel. Near the beginning of the film he rescues a goldfish from a toilet bowl for a single mother with a son and then hits on her and she rejects him. He tells her he can stick around for a while and says that every kid needs a father. We've clearly established that his sexual marketplace is in the toilet. Deuce lives in low income housing and Anton lives in a mansion. Anton has to go to Europe for three weeks and he leaves Deuce to fish sit at his house because one of his prized fish was dying and needed tender loving care.

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Women Blame Men For Everything & We Can't Blame Them For Anything - MGTOW
Women Blame Men For Everything & We Can't Blame Them For Anything - MGTOW Sandman 404 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

The Feminst Trope, Explained

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MR. Tattoo and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, It would appear that feminism thinks along the same lines as MGTOW. I always see videos for MGTOW but I never see videos for feminism on YouTube, so I went looking. They say the same things in their videos, every argument is mirrored. It's just an interesting observation and maybe a good talking point for a video. Cheers." Well Mr. Tattoo thanks for the donation and topic. You sent me a link to a video called The Feminst Trope, Explained. Yes it does talk a lot about how feminists tend to have many of the same qualities that men going their own way have. That they are intellectual and articulate and that male validation is not the primary metric that she measures her value in life. Men going their own way obviously don't measure our lives or at least we shouldn't measure our lives based on female validation. Plus many of us online are articulate and intelligent. But where things get sketchy in this video is when it says that feminists preach, overthink and see issues that don't really exist. In the past there were issues for women. It's just that today those issues have been solved and at first glance it appears as though there is no rational reason for seemingly irrational feminists to exist anymore. But they serve a more insidious purpose. I believe it all comes down to collective
projection. Projection is a form of gaslighting. They want us all to think that we're the bad guys when were actually the good guys and they are bad gals. All the talk from feminists about there being some sort of mysterious group of men controlling women through the patriarchy that probably exists in masonic lodges cooking up ways to control the cooch is really about accusing men of the very same behavior that feminists and more importantly women themselves are guilty of. They are accusing us of the very deeds they are guilty of so that we have zero recourse. Women don't want us to realize that we actually live in a covert matriarchal society. That's the unspoken secret among all women. They know it but no man ever should. I'll get to more about the similarities and differences between feminists and MGTOWs in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. The title of this women blame men for everything & we can't blame them for anything should have another sentence after it. We can't blame them for anything because they used that argument first and they
have made it their own. If you accuse someone of cheating first then you look like a kindergarten baby if you accuse of the same thing back. We are conditioned early in grade school to believe that if someone says you're stupid and you say no you're stupid back at them then you look pathetic and that you don't have a valid argument back even if it's true that other person is stupid you aren't. When you think about it like that women control men through kindergarten psychology. As for the video you shared Mr. Tattoo it's way to long and about the fifteen minute mark I found myself getting tired of it. The link to it is in the description. It says that feminists questions established social conventions. So do MGTOWs but we don't bring them up to change them. We bring them up to warn other men to avoid standing on those land mines. The video says that on screen feminists are always portrayed as being angry or too much to handle. That they are radicals. Obviously in mgtow we have the Red pill rage but it's a phase we grow out of unlike feminist characters that seem to be stuck in it. Feminists also always promote the idea that we should all be feminists. Or men can be allies. MGTOWs say there's no way Jose a woman can go her own way. They believe that society owes them we just believe that society should leave us alone.

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No Option For Black Men - MGTOW
No Option For Black Men - MGTOW Sandman 552 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

Frustrated Black American Men in Brazil Powerful Documentary

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I am a fairly new follower of your channel and recently started learning of the red pill community after reading Aaron Clarey's book, Bachelor Pad Economics back in January of this year. I would like to discuss the miniscule options that black american men have In the dating field. It is no secret about how the welfare system pushed Black men out of the house and produced a bunch of "Tyrones" to run through our women and to develop hate towards black men. It is also no secret how promiscuous our women can be along with the amount of "baby mamas" that we have in our community. So, someone may propose that we date out of our race to find a mate but that's where the problem lies. We have no options! We as black men are looked down and over the most in regards to the dating market. We've all heard stories how a non black family reacts when someone brings their non black spouse to meet the family. It usually doesn't end well. We also face a lot of shame and ridicule if we do so. Reason being is because we are dating someone who isn't in the image of our mothers, which doesn't make sense because I wouldn't wanna get down and dirty with someone who even slightly resembles my mom. We could attempt to date an African immigrant or second generation African girl, but very few of them settle with black American men whereas African men are free to date and marry whoever. For example, I had a Nigerian co worker who was married to another Nigerian man and an ethiopian friend who is engaged to her ethiopian fiancee. Another example are a few of my Nigerian friends who have African American girlfriends and wives. Their women stick to their own nationality. The only women that black american men may get luck with are caribbean women. They are the only group of women that mix and mingle with black men. Problem Is that there aren't enough of them to go around unless you live in Florida. Here in the Midwest, there are only a handful of them that live around us. What are we to do besides mgtow? Reason being
is that I'm an only child and I do want to bring my parents grandchildren." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous you want to know what other option you have besides going your own way. Well you're university educated man and you probably make good money as a result so I would suggest that you look into surrogacy. I believe I was the first if not one of the first to talk about this option in one of my earliest videos in 2013. Have a child with the blondest Scandinavian looking white woman you can find and no one will say anything. Buy her eggs in the open market and pay a woman in Mexico to carry your offspring and for somewhere around thirty to forty thousand dollars you can have a son of your own. Otherwise you're taking a fifty fifty gamble on finding a wife that won't divorce you and then taking another fifty fifty gamble that she will give you a first born son. With my suggestion for the price of a new car you don't have to worry about a hood harpie destroying your life. Of course you'll
hear such women squeal at you for doing it.

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Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country
Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country Sandman 835 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Ancient Purity
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Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country

Why Japanese Men Are Choosing The Single Life

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Smurf. He didn't send me a topic with his donation so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post with the same title as this video. Which I've also put a link to in the description. I've pretty much spoken about herbivore men in Japan since 2013. The person starting the reddit post shared this quote and I quote: "The main reason they have for staying single is wanting to use their money on themselves. There is a common perception that for men, marriage means having their freedom to use money restricted. This is in direct opposition to women listing ‘financial security’ as one of the benefits of getting married.” unquote. Of course this idea that men are better off financially and with regards to health is something that Prager University Queefed out a while back. Meanwhile unmarried monks live longer then married men. The idea of course is to promote that men should be utilities for women because it obviously has to do with family formation and traditionalism. It's not about caring for men's well being. It's about tricking men out of their independence to propagate the species. I also put another link in the description to an article titled "Why Japanese Men Are Choosing The Single Life" which I will also cover in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Up until the 1980s almost everyone in Japan got married. But by 2035 the government is predicting that one third of men will be unmarried for life. The Japanese government says that by age fifty if you're not married then you'll be single for the rest of your life as the odds go down to virtually zero. Even in the west once you hit forty your chances of marriage if you're a man drop to under ten percent. The article says the herbivores are thriving and many are financially secure as opposed to being depressed about their singledom. For Japanese women financial security is partially about marriage. The economy in Japan is shrinking along with the population and Japan is not becoming a MGTOW country. It's been one for the last fifteen to twenty years. It's just taking the rest of the world time to catch up. In Japan good white collar jobs, the kinds that are required for men to get so they can earn enough money to raise a family are scarce. People over there are saying that herbivore men are choosing to opt out of society and do their own thing. Is that really the case or a Japanese women just getting ever more picky and rejecting men that don't make enough money to support a family? The blame seems to be on men detaching themselves from Japanese society. But maybe it's the other way around? Maybe society detached from them because they saw them as unemployed bums and want nothing to do with them? What if many if not most of the herbivore men are not single due to choosing not to work themselves to death like their fathers did for a tyrant of a wife that runs their lives? What if women aren't giving them the time of day? What if they are really incels pretending to go their own way? I'm sure there are some guys like that but there are also guys like 36-year-old Riku Inamoto. He is what used to be called a confirmed bachelor. For him, time is a big factor. “I have two things in my life that take up all my time: my work and my hobbies,” he says. “I can’t stop work, so if I get married, I will lose my hobbies, which means I will have no fun. That would be a terrible life. “I like having my own time and space, being able to make my own decisions, eat what I want, go where I want.

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My Wife Is 23 Years Older Than Me - MGTOW
My Wife Is 23 Years Older Than Me - MGTOW Sandman 336 Views • 4 years ago

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David Konkol - Axiom Tales of a Grim Future Vol 1

Bill Burr - Lennon, Chuck Berry... And Yoko


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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Anonymous and here's what she's has to say: "Hi Sandman, I don't know if you covered the story of Aaron Taylor-Johnson of the Kick-Ass movies and his career and personal life. Well I'll correct myself, it was never a 'story', but I always thought it should be. I'll leave it there because you'll see what I mean, and I don't want to hear your organic reaction. That being said, I want to recommend the New Blood Revival album 'Nice Girls', it's free on YouTube in The States, not sure about Canada. Every song is a winner in my book, would be fun if you reviewed it. Have a good day and enjoy the rest of this crummy year." Well Ms. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. For me this hasn't been a crummy year. It's been the best for me in many ways. 2020 might be the year my life turned around in a major way. These are exciting times for misanthropes and I'm a misanthrope when it comes to female nature. As for the first part of your topic. First of all I'm not sure what you mean by not wanting to hear my organic reaction. That's a term used in the field of chemistry so I'll cover this topic the way I normally do without any chemistry. I didn't realize that Aaron Taylor-Johnson married a woman that's 23 years older than him. I remember seeing him in Kick-Ass and as Quicksilver in the Avengers Age Of Ultron film and then he seemed to have
disappeared from the big blockbuster films. He's wealthy, young, high status and seemingly has it all. Yet he's a with a woman that could easily be his mother's age. Until 3 or four years ago the biggest age difference I saw between couples was six or seven years in cases where the woman was older. There were freak cases like Madonna and her twenty something boy toys. But this doesn't shock me anymore. It was only a matter of time before a famous male actor or celebrity hooked up with a much older woman. Can we really blame him? Can you imagine the attitude and cock carousel rides that female stars have these days? I'll discuss this and more in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor David Konkel: Anyways now back to clown world. On Aaron's Wikipedia page it says he has two step-children with his wife Samantha as well as two daughters with him. So she has four daughters. God help Quicksilver. He needs those super powers to get the hell out of there. But it doesn't say if they are biological or adopted. I also guess Samantha fancies herself a younger man the way that Yoko Ono did when she got together with John Lennon. It's fitting because she made a film about Lennon's life and Aaron played the part of Lennon. Also back in 1993 she recreated the famous photo with Yoko Ono being embraced by a naked John Lennon. So the film might have been her elaborate fantasy and now she has her Lennon. She
appears to have a John Lennon fetish. I thought at first that she was the reason Aaron's career was waning but he was also in Tenet recently as well as a film I enjoyed recently called Nocturnal Animals.

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My Wife Cheated So I Arranged A Divorce - MGTOW
My Wife Cheated So I Arranged A Divorce - MGTOW Sandman 433 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Reddit Cheating Video

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Petar and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, I came across a story and thought you’d enjoy it. I love it when a man is able to beat all the odds against him, and does it savagely! The video link I shared is 13 minutes long. The best part starts at the 5 minute mark. Enjoy!" Well Petar thanks for the donation and topic. The link you shared is about a guy that thought he was happy in his marriage until he found out that she was cheating on him and decided to get revenge. It's a bit of long doozy of a story on the Black Pill Doomer YouTube channel so before I share it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGToW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. So the man in the story he's every man's hero with the way he handled his wife cheating on him like a boss. Our hero and his wife were financially secure, had a good sex life and a successful suburban family couple. One day his Wife started texting with the girlfriends. At least that's what she told him. Our hero accidentally found that one of the Ipads in the house was logged in and he saw her talking to one of her male friends from her hometown. Most of the messages seemed like nothing but some of the messages appeared to be missing. Most likely she took precautions and deleted the spicy messages. At least that's what our hero suspected. His wife of course was doing what many women do with infidelity they hide it in plain sight. But still she was caught. So our hero took the ipad into his office which was still logged on and watched his wife with her old male friend making fun of him and sharing secrets about his life with the other guy. Just so that everyone knows women bash you with their out in the open girlfriends as well as their secret boyfriends. They might mock your cock size with her friends and then smile at it while not telling you she thinks it's small. But let me get back to the story. So our humble narrator kept spying on his wife and kept it a secret as the messages became more and more spicy and so he decided to consulted a lawyer. He began to emotionally disconnect and got the lawyer to draft a separation agreement. His feelings for his wife dissolved. As he kept spying on her he found out his wife was going to spend the night together with her old friend at a hotel. His wife tells him that she's going to have a spa day with her girlfriends. That same day of the hotel meeting he withdrew his half their money out of bank accounts and redirected his paycheck to a new bank account. He shows up at the hotel and asks the front desk if he can use their phone to connect with her wife's loverboy. He disrupt their sexy time of course. Loverboy picks up the phone and then our hero asks him if he can send his wife down to the lobby. Loverboy says I have no idea what you're talking about. So then our hero, bluffing of course, says well in that case I'm going to have to call your wife and get her down here to the hotel too. Loverboy starts to panic as he knows his scrotum is in a vice. Two minutes later our hero's wife comes down to the lobby and tries to explain. Our hero brings out a pile of printed papers with all of her Facebook conversations on them with the cheating proof and tells her that the only way he's not emailing the evidence to everyone including your parents, our daughter and everyone we know is if you move out immediately. He gave her a check for the half the money and the separation agreement for her to sign. He also flashed some photo screenshots at her. Probably nudes and threatened to show everyone.

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Surprise Sucker! The Baby Is Yours - MGTOW
Surprise Sucker! The Baby Is Yours - MGTOW Sandman 401 Views • 4 years ago

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The MGTOW Book

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman I love your work and what you do. I find it really sad that the big tech is trying to stop and censor you. So here's another donation and topic. I was watching Bounty Hunter D on YouTube and one of his segments is called Find My Baby Daddy. I've noticed in these videos that all these women have 3 things in common. 1 is they do this only for the money and not about the children. Because in one of the videos when the man was determined to be the father of this girl's child she immediately said you better start giving me that money. 2 They are all women who don't know how to keep their legs closed or wear protection. Shows like Maury and Steve Wilkos are only the softer side of this because they always paint them, the women as the victims. 3 They never tell the men they are pregnant. This is another blood boiling topic that annoys the heck out of me. I pray to God that one day we make artificial reproductive organic sex bots CHEERS" Well Teaven thanks for another donation and topic. It's not that these women that get pregnant and then surprise the men that knocked them up without a plan. It's not like they don't know how to wear protection. It's that they don't want to wear it or take the pill. It's men that are stupid enough to take their Jimmy hats off and then get all shocked when little Jimmy comes knocking at their door alongside their mother the extortion whore. Of course many such women do this only for the money. But of course if you call them out on that they will claim that you're a monster for not thinking about the children. The children are the cover story and plausible deniability. Just to be clear Of course they are doing for the children to some extent. But how much only momma knows. Child support money goes to the children but no one keeps a tab on how much and where. Plus no one can say anything because mothers are seen as sacred in our society. Before I discuss all this and more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways now back to the clown world show. Teaven I don't know any of the television shows you mentioned except for I guess Maury Povich. What really pisses me off about all this is that women claim that it's my body my rules. More like I used my body to rule over you with a baby to boot. Doesn't anyone else see the double standard. It's your baby when she wants something from you. It's her baby when she's not pleased by you in some way and threatens to take away the
child. What kind of a sick and twisted manipulator with tits is this? You want to spend time with the child and she wants to control you through your love of that child. First she controls you through your throbbing cock and later when you face the dreaded dead bedroom syndrome she controls you through your love of her cooch fruit. Women cherry pick when the child is yours versus when it's theirs. If they like to cherry pick so much they should go buy an orchard. In the case of shows like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich the men are hit with the news like a bag full of dildos on national tv and encourage to take off their shoes and use them as projectiles. First of all the men are stupid enough to fall for such bullshit so I don't have sympathy for them because of that.

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Women Don't Like Me But They Like My Money - MGTOW
Women Don't Like Me But They Like My Money - MGTOW Sandman 346 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Do you think men will ever have the upper hand over women in the dating world?

Cherry 2000 (1987) Nightclub and Mustang Scenes

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Medusa Theory and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey, Sandman! Medusa Theory here again! I adopted that moniker when i started going my own way back in 2018, shortly before I discovered you and mgtow. thank you, Sandman! I just wanted start paying you back in gratitude for the years you spent explaining female nature to me. Thank you, Sandman." Well Medusa Theory thanks for the donation. You didn't send me a topic so I'd like to cover a reddit post asking the question: "Do you think men will ever have the upper hand over women in the dating world?" which I've linked to in the description. Here's what someone named TigerThen has to say and I quote: "Recently, among my circles and on the internet I've been noticing that women walk around like hot shit, "I'm the price", or (post about how much they hate men) but then with their next breathe they say subscribe to my onlyfans or cash app me. I can list more, but it's kind of infuriating just how much power women have over men in the dating world. Men are reduced to begging dogs while undeserving women are put on a pedestal and given an inflated ego. Women hold all the cards in the dating world, I feel sad every time I see a man dating a misandrist. You never see women dating misogynists because they have options. I know many red pillers say the wall is a great equalizer, but I don't really see it that way, women between the ages of 18-55 will always have a higher sexual market value then men, because many men will always be horny. I know this sounds petty, but I kinda wish women had to go through what we go through. I want to see them get starved of any sexual desire from the opposite sex, have them beg for a crumb of male attention the way men have to, but I just don't ever see that happening. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get this thought across." Unquote. Well I'll discuss the frustration that Tigerthen feels in the current sexual marketplace in just a moment but let me first tell you about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back with the show. I find it interesting that Tiger said that women don't date misogynists because they have options. He's right because women used to date misogynists all the time back in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Just watch old movies and tv shows if you want to see a glimpse of the ideal man back then. Even in the late eighties and early ninties you had characters like Al Bundy on TV and Archie Bunker before that putting women down all the time. Now society has seen a role reversal where it's become socially acceptable and even encouraged for women to mock men and do it out in the open. It's men that are relegated to the backwaters of the anonymous parts of the internet to express themselves. It's not just power in the so called dating market as Tiger calls it but I prefer calling it the sexual marketplace.

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50 Year Old Women Hot Or Not? - MGTOW
50 Year Old Women Hot Or Not? - MGTOW Sandman 490 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm requesting on the fact that I am avoided and completely ignored by any and all women under 30. However. . . If women are 50+, I can't get rid of them. They keep telling me about their lives and going on and on up the street. Even if I don't know them! A possible title for this video could be: "Oh. . . NOW you're available!". Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. Ironically I was talking to a man in his thirties on Skype recently and he told me that 22 year old women appear to show interest in him when he's at the store. I say appear to show interest because he goes in there with his kid. Every woman loves children and animals so of course they will talk to you if they get a chance to interact with a cute kid. It's either that or if he still has women in their twenties approach him in public then they either find him irresistibly attractive or they are just messing with him and the moment he gives them any attention they will just ignore them. Maybe younger women they want to know they can get his attention. Unlike the other guy who seems to be only attracting women that are close to getting their pension. I'll get to more of my thoughts in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous if it isn't obvious by now those women over fifty have extremely limited options when it comes to getting attention from men. They have the problem of not having a readily available emotional tampon so they are using you as one. Your idea of calling the video Oh now you're available is a bit of a joke. They aren't interested in dating you necessarily. They are desperate to dump their verbal diarrhea on your head so that they make themselves feel better. You're nothing but a relief valve because they have a vulva. I used to work at Bingo Halls and they were full of old women that wouldn't shut up and let me do my job. Were they going there to gamble or was gambling just an excuse to socialize and talk to myself and other guys that worked there? As we get older we want less and less people around and they need us more than ever. It makes me wonder what the social world would be like out there if there were anti psychotic and anti depressant medications out there that many women are taking. There would armies of emotional starved women chasing men on the street like some sort of attention zombies. Maybe the Middle Aged Thotpocalypse has begun as Mr. Anonymous clearly stated that women are going on and on all over the street telling him about their lives. They are becoming invisible in public because more men are busy looking at their phones and younger and more attractive women then they are them. With the marriage rate at or under fifty percent there are a lot of single soon to be senile women afraid of dying alone in the future and afraid of losing their minds today if they don't find an emotional tampon to tell their life story of being a sexy cheerleader back in 1983. They want younger guys that were playing with Gi Joe's back then to now play with them. Actually more likely they just want a short term attention fix because for women it represents the equivalent of sex for men. Also Mr. Anonymous you say that you can't get rid of them.

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I Used To Love Bitches. Now I Just Understand THEM - MGTOW
I Used To Love Bitches. Now I Just Understand THEM - MGTOW Sandman 425 Views • 4 years ago

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David Konkol - Axiom Tales of a Grim Future Vol 1

Al Bundy Clips

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and he didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is read a comment someone named SDG wrote on my channel and I quote "Greetings Sandman, I used to love women; now I just understand THEM. I truly wish all of them the very best but I am pretty much OUT of this human “Mouse Utopia Experiment.” If things get really bad, I am will do the Socratic thing of offing myself or becoming an a Gypsy! No love lost...after close to 40 yrs. Working with them, chasing them for intimacy of some sort, living and even marrying one of them...I am all better for it because I know what it ALL amounts to- everything is almost always at OUR EXPENSE!!! Mainly, the expense on a guy’s creativity and productivity is terribly harsh and NOT WORTH for me all the cooch in the world! Henceforth, my mantra is as follows: don’t marry em, don’t preggers em, and Definitley...don’t cohabitate with them... stay civil don’t debate facts or discuss ideas with them...act like your dumb as shit! I do acting like a fake orbiter, without giving them an iota of your resources (time, energy and money). In my view, the most creative thing for a sane man to do in times like this? Wish them the best and stay on your course and purpose...prepare for the worse!!! If they question, shame or blame...act like a dumb, space cadet...act like you sincerely know nothing...and plead the 5th and keep a real social distance 6 ft is good about 5 miles the very least is much better! P.S. A sane man doesn’t play the game of the status-quo! I am making plans to leave the states when hit my 60s!" Well S.D.G thanks for posting your comments on my channel and thank you Mr. Anonymous for the donation. SDG You might think you're not giving women your time, energy and money but you are. Because time is money and if you're a fake orbiter to a woman that takes energy. You're doing exactly what they want which is giving them attention even if you attention is fake and not genuine. You're cognitive dissonance amazes me. How a man can think he's starving a woman of what she wants but is actually giving it to her without even knowing it. That's what I read from your comments and that's why I just had to respond. However that part about where you say essentially that it's smart to play dumb around women is a winning strategy. Before I say more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor David Konkel: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. One of the most important things you said SDG is not to debate with women. Because when you debate with crazy she will make you crazy. Ask yourself this question: Is she pretending like she
doesn't know what you're talking about to gas light you and get pleasure from that act? Or is she fighting your point even though she agrees with it because she's not getting any attention in her life and the negative attention and frustration she's getting from you is more satisfying than nothing at all?

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Female Frankenstein - MGTOW
Female Frankenstein - MGTOW Sandman 377 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994) - Bride Elizabeth

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Hi Everyone Sandman,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what what Ron and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Initailly I wanted you to Molecularly breakdown the Movies: A Clockwork Orange circa(1971), Soy-lent Green circa (1973), Altered States circa (1980) and Finally.. A Cure for Wellness circa (2016)...But Man-O-Man..I recently had a "EPIPHANY PHASE". Instead I'm asking you to molecularly breakdown down 3 movies. October is considered the Month of "All Hallows Eve"..and I was thinking this could be a cool Topic to cover...Recently I watched the Bio-pic..MARY SHELLEY circa 2017, MARY SHELLY'S FRANKENSTEIN (Starring Robert Dinero, circa 1994) and "A Cure for Wellness." As usual...after Swallowing and Digesting the Red-Pill a couple of years ago..I can't but help looking at everything thru a Red-Pill Lens. "Main Man".. Could you view these Movies at your earliest convenience analyze and Connect the DOTS to be connected..Like the game CONNECT FOUR? Thank you for all you do Sir! Well Ron thanks for the donation and topic. As I discussed with you I'll first discuss parts of the 1994 film Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and then cover the recent Mary Shelley documentary and talk about her life. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. From what I understand of the basic story of Dr. Victor Frankenstein designs a way to reanimate the dead. In the 1994 he promises the monster he creates that he will create a companion for him. But Victor gets lazy and doesn't create her so the monster tears out the heart of his lover Elizabeth and then Victor brings her back to life. But she's deformed after her body falls and shatters a glass bowl. She starts to remember who she is and the monster and her lover Victor both want her for themselves. In the end, in the scene I put in the description Elizabeth realizes that she's dead and that she was reanimated after the monster tore out her heart that she kills herself by setting herself on fire. It's supposed to be a sad and scary scene but I couldn't help but laugh. We all know by now that surely women can't live without attention. Are we really to believe a woman that's being swooned over by two male figures will just decide to burn herself to death a second time. Are we really to believe that female nature doesn't survive when you turn a woman into the Bride of Frankenstein? Maybe Tim Burton fell in love with Helena Bonham Carter playing Elizabeth when he saw her in the monster makeup. Another sad thing about this film is that Frankenstein's reanimated monster is lonely and wants a hot pair of hooters so I guess that even when you're dead you can't go your own way? I guess that Elizabeth see's that she's ugly so she kills herself even though there's a man and a monster right there fighting to get instead her roast beef corpse curtains. I hope that Victor didn't have them sown shut so that she wouldn't be an undead slut? This scene doesn't get female nature correct and it's not even in the original book by Mary Shelley from what I hear. I think that we are supposed to think about the cost of immortality? But women are addicted to drama. There she is, Elizabeth the Bride of Frankenstein watching two men ready to fight for her affection and she's ugly as a skunk and barely slurring her words like she's drunk and you're supposed to believe that she wants to end it all. I thought to myself who the hell is responsible for writing this monster of a script.

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Big Cities Are Broke & Full Of Whamen! Is This A Coincidence? - MGTOW
Big Cities Are Broke & Full Of Whamen! Is This A Coincidence? - MGTOW Sandman 535 Views • 4 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

James Kunstler: How bad architecture wrecked cities

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Sebastian and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I’m sure you are very well aware of the collapse of the west getting colder and closer everyday, and it looks like that prophecy is coming true. With big cities like NY, LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis are suffering great losses from people fleeing in record numbers due to the riots, and strict covid lockdowns. New York is a disgusting poophole that I myself couldn’t have imagined, and other cities like Paris, London, Sydney, and Berlin looking pretty bad as well with millions of migrants coming from boats from places like Somalia, Congo, Algeria, Syria etc who don’t respect western culture and do whatever we want, and the worst part is our politicians enable it. I was thinking that once this collapse happens, where else are we supposed to go? There are a few places I have in mind, most of the options involve places that are far away from cities and mostly are in small towns or villages around mountains, forests. Big Sky Montana, Jackson-Hole Wyoming, Denali Alaska, Vancouver Island, Sussex UK, Provence France, Switzerland and Bavarian alps in Germany are a few retire places I have in mind. Could it be possible that there will be an increase of tourism in small towns, forest or beach houses away from society. After the collapse of western civilization and western cities, what places would you recommend to move to after after western collapse of cities? Keep up the good work and cheers! :)" Well Sebastian thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to clown world. So where would I recommend moving to after the collapse of western cities? The problem of course is that western cities more often then not are connected to western currencies. I'm increasingly thinking that the money printing will not stop and that western countries will ruin their currencies. So all those expats moving abroad and relying on their western pension money to pay their living expenses could get screwed. I don't think you can look at this situation as moving from the permanent place you live today to another permanent place tomorrow. The reason people in the past couldn't move out of Germany before the second world war was because their assets were denominated in their local currencies and many people tried to get out by sewing gold into their clothes and then drowning in rivers and oceans as all that gold dragged them down to the bottom. But bitcoin and more importantly stable coins mean your money can move with you wherever you go and there are no capital controls. Right now with the coof the the action is starting to move to places in small towns and cities. I put a link in the description to one of my favorite writers James Howard Kunstler and a video about him telling us all what's wrong with big cities and why there will be a return to small cities and towns.

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If You Love Her She Controls You! - MGTOW
If You Love Her She Controls You! - MGTOW Sandman 355 Views • 4 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Mark and here's a what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm writing from Italy and would like to propose a topic based on a question that was asked of me recently by a friend. I was discussing the issue of being a man going his own way and then he asked me: "Yes, but what if you fall in love?" Ah, love, this incredible and beautiful lie. According to a character in Vargas Llosa novel "Uncle Julia and the writer", love is an invention made by an Italian named Francesco Petrarca. In a way, this is true, as I consider love a sort of deceit, a sort of illusion of happiness that comes from the combination of certain seductive traits in a particular female. A friend of mine who happens to be a shrink actually tells me that "being in love" is some kind of a psycho-pathological situation. Then, and this is my idea, I believe that being MGTOW (or in general, having swallowed the Red Pill) is a kind of vaccine against this specific disease. After 5 years of being MGTOW, I think I am pretty sure I cannot fall in love anymore. And why so? Well... being MGTOW (or being Red Pilled) is a serious paradigm shift in your way of thinking. It is a very significant increase in understanding human behavior and especially female behavior. It is crystal clear to my mind that, while still being sexually attracted to female bodies, these is now nothing in my feelings that goes in the direction of the classic "falling in love". And, after more than five years, that is some kind of serious change in my way of thinking. Well, of course, you might say "never say never" and I cannot absolutely exclude that I will fall in love again. But I distinctly feel that feminine sex has lost a lot of its traditional conventional grasp on me. What woman really fascinates me, when I can see things like hypergamy? Well, I don't know... maybe, I say to myself, one of the famous NAWALTs! Perhaps, I say to myself, I could fall for Cassie Jaye. Maybe. But then, of course, if NAWALT women exist, there is only a pitiful amount of them. Maybe just a thousand on the whole planet and there is basically no chance to get to know any of them. Cassie Jaye is happily married - and perhaps her husband is one of the very few husbands that are still happy in a marriage on this Earth. But what's the purpose of life
if I can't find one? I feel good and I pursue my goals in life. Sometimes I have occasional sex and I never bond with any woman. And I perfectly feel good like this. Thanks for covering this subject. Ciao from Northern Italy, Sandman!" Well MGTOW Mark thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. A few days ago I went over to a woman's house and it was a mansion. I saw her husband busily working in his office. She of course does nothing for a living except being a part time life coach which wouldn't pay any of her bills if she was alone. But all of her husbands' wealth was hers because he loved her and she spread her legs. Millions of dollars because of love and falacio. Men not only love their wives but they also love their unfreedom and it gives them a sense of purpose. Just as you asked Mark about what now in life if you don't have a nawalt to love. I don't think you've given up completely on love because it sounds to me like you're still bargaining for boobies claiming that that Nawalt women still exist and if only you could find one like Cassie Jaye. But how do you know that Cassie Jaye is happily married and not like all the other women out there? Because she made a documentary about the men's rights movement while they were at the height of their popularity back in 2014? Is that really why? Are you sure it wasn't just for fame, fortune and attention? You're jealous of her husband. How do you know that she's not running the show and he's just the simp in her life story? You don't. But he probably does love her. Love, it's natures perfect form of slavery.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Dating Older Women For Practice - MGTOW
Dating Older Women For Practice - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: [email protected]

Gucci launches a men's dress for almost 56 thousand pesos

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mercutio and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have a topic / predicament that could use a bit of your advice or talk-through rambling. I've been MGTOW for about 4 years, the last 2 in monk-mode, and have been reaping the benefits. Increasing my income at least 50% each year, 99 problems etc. While out with a couple buddies, I met a friend of theirs. As the night went on I talked more and more with her, while the others seemed to be more interested in getting inebriated. About half-way through the night I told her (honestly) that she was too tall for me (I'm 5 8 & have never dated a woman over 5 4). We've hung out a couple times since, a hike, or by just grabbing a drink after work. Each time agreeing more and more, especially on controversial topics, such as politics, feminism, etc. To give some context; I'm in my mid 30's, & live in a conservative area, while she's in her early-40's & seems done with kids. I also don't think that I come off as wealthy, optically she appears to be doing better financially than I. Anyways man, what do you think? Is a girl-friend possible? Worth the risk? Admittedly it is possible that we get a little tips and make-out or something someday but.... what do you think? Thanks." Well Mercutio thanks for the donation and topic. It's appreciated during the coof. Thanks for confirming the same thing that happened to me as well as many other guys going your own way that you double your income and double your savings when you're single. That means you will move four times faster to financial security then the old you that used to date. You have more time to work, think and save because you're not going out with her and spending your time and your money. You mentioned that as the first benefit of going monk mode. So how would you feel if you got so preoccupied with this babe that your income was cut in half again and your savings rate dropped too? Is it worth it? Do a cost benefit versus cock benefit analysis. Anyways, before I get to more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video Mercutio this woman woman is obviously interested enough to get you to fall in love playing the part of the female chameleon. She's gauging your value system and agreeing with it more and more. She's selling out her non existent values and taking on yours. Actually her values will probably only appear once you're firmly in her grasp and have love goggles on for her. She wanted you to bang her almost immediately but she's cute letting you think you're courting when her cooch is already wet and waiting. Waiting to control you that is. What are you waiting for buckaroo it's time for the old fuckaroo. I'm only kidding of course. Telling you to bang this woman is like telling an alcoholic to go back to the bottle after two years of sobriety. Do you really trust yourself not to fall in love again and simp? For me it's been almost five years of monk mode. The closest I've come to a relationship in that time is in my dreams. Ironically last night was making out with an Asian woman in her university class and she was obviously much younger than me.

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If You're Addicted To P&RN Then You're Addicted To Women - MGTOW
If You're Addicted To P&RN Then You're Addicted To Women - MGTOW Sandman 417 Views • 4 years ago

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If you're addicted to porn, you're addicted to women

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @


Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is discuss something that's been on my mind recently. That of course is the World Economic Forum's idea that there's going to be what is known as a cyber crisis where the electric grid, internet and modern way of life is going to grind to a halt because of a bunch of hackers that will take down everything. If that does happen it's going to piss off a lot of gamers and a lot of coomers. You don't piss off the coomers. The title of this video is from a click bait title on the MGTOW reddit which I've linked to in the description and every single man in the comments section below that post says that they need post nut clarity so that women don't have control over them. So you see it's the opposite for most men. If you're not addicted to porn then you're addicted to women. So if the internet is taken down in some sort of cyber attack what do the powers that be believe? That men are going to start going out looking for sex with women because the powers that be decide to unleash a cyber attack to destroy the majority of computer devices in the world. It's both scary and crazy at the same time. But how will such a massive disruption effect male and female relations? I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways now back to the video. So the head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, a guy that looks like the love child of a James Bond Villain and the bad guy from Demolition Man is telling us that the next hardship we are about to face shortly is going to be a cyber pandemic where our computers will get the coof and the power grid and internet will be taken offline. The internet has been around for 25 years now and there haven't been any cyber pandemics before. So why is this happening now all of a sudden and why are they trying to piss off those of us that are currently living in a coomers paradise? I suspect that the reason we are going to possibly see a planned cyber pandemic is because of two reasons. The first being Bitcoin and the second being decentralized peer to peer file sharing platforms like Bitchute and Parler. The powers that be banned content creators from the mainstream tech sites and they didn't expect there to be push back. That we would migrate and build our own echo chambers just as they threw us off theirs. Think of the world as one giant playground and the small group of kids in charge of that playground force everyone to play by their rules. But suddenly a small group of kids runs off and starts their own playground someplace else and it's popular and suddenly all the other kids see what's happening so they slowly start migrating to the place where they are free. That's what YouTube started off as with regards to providing freedom of speech for people to give their public opinion on the world. Apparently we got too good at that so many of us were banned. By the way if you're wondering where Terrence Popp went I put a link to his two backup channels in the description.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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