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The Reason Women Cheat: He Is Better Looking Than You
The Reason Women Cheat: He Is Better Looking Than You Wheat_Waffles 55 Views • 2 years ago

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⁣So much to be learned.

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Learn The Secret Of Why Penises Are Shrinking Worldwide
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Quando um Mangina se Encontra com um Mgtow kkkkkkkkkk
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Celebrating ⁣International Women's Day 2022
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I Used To Be A Male Feminist - MGTOW
I Used To Be A Male Feminist - MGTOW Sandman 244 Views • 3 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dr. B Real the author of Surviving 4th Wave Feminism. This is the second review for chapter 2 from his book. This chapter is titled I was a feminist and this is his story. During his undergraduate degree in the United States he was forced to take women's studies or he wouldn't be allowed to graduate. But he was stopped from enrolling because of one small problem, his gender. A lesbian professor in her mid fifties told him he wasn't welcome and asked him if he was a feminist and why he wanted to take her class? He said he was an equitist and told her that the course was compulsory for him to complete his degree. She accepted his answers and accepted him into the class. On his first day in class he was told by her that he needed to know that the class wasn't a place to meet women. He responded by saying, "Ma’am, I’m a 6’3" athletic rugby-playing-Australian-surfer on exchange at an American university dominated by fe?males – I can assure you; I don’t need to enrol in a class to meet women." But that wasn't funny because his joke was seen as sexist and misogynistic because he was elevating himself instead of degrading men. He was the only male in his class or club as he called it. He says the only reason he was allowed into that class was because of his nationality. Because he was a foreign student of the feminist professor didn't allow him into that classroom then it would look bad on the part of the university when welcoming foreign students. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back She-woman man haters club clown world show. So now that Dr. B Real was in his feminist utopia classroom because if he wasn't allowed in it might cause an international incident and cost the university money. So that's why I suspect they pressured the feminist professor to let him in. Two weeks into his indoctrination in the world of feminism he said this and I quote: "Wow! I truly knew none of this stuff. I can’t believe anyone would take steps to exclude half the population from this knowledge. If anything, this class should have more men in it than women. We all have so much to learn. This class was amazing!" unquote The class taught him about religion, immigration, homosexuality, racial inequalities and what happened during first and second wave feminism. He went on field trips to a woman's shelter, female standup comedian, feminist art exhibits and vegan restaurants in LA. He was also supposed to read the vagina Monologues but he was banned from doing so by his professor because he didn't have a vagina. He says the process was a slow indoctrination process. He says the class felt like a family and that he can see why women that leave home and their family of origin might cling to what's being taught because it replaces the community they had back at home. In a way universities are like a cult if you move away because they also cut you off from your past and try to reprogram you for the future. Two months into women's studies things began to change. The course went from reason and intellect to emotion and anger. His lesbian lecturer morphed into a woman of hate and retaliation and she said that their enemy was the white male patriarchy. That now makes sense because black lives matter was started by feminists. He was now being conditioned to hate all men, even the good ones and especially the white ones. Dr. B Real is now a white male in a class teaching women to hate white males. That's probably why the professor didn't want him in the class. She feared what might happen if he spread that information to other men. He saw the hypocrisy that if it hadn't been for men helping women in 1st and 2nd wave feminism then women never would have gained their freedoms. As his indoctrination continued he learned about a feminist thoery where white people were forcing black people to be whiter. Most specifically convincing black women to straighten their hair and lighten their skin and that this was somehow oppression.

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Men Built Civilization in 5000 Years. Will Women Destroy It In 100? - MGTOW
Men Built Civilization in 5000 Years. Will Women Destroy It In 100? - MGTOW Sandman 241 Views • 3 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

It took men 5,000 years to build it. It took women 100 years to dismantle it.

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a Patreon donation from Be Free 2. He didn't give me a topic so I thought I'd share a Reddit Post called: "Western civilization is the first and only civilization to allow women to vote. It took men 5,000 years to build it. It took women 100 years to dismantle it." The person starting that subbreddit shared a quote from wikipedia on toxic masculinity that says this and I quote: "The concept of toxic masculinity is used in psychology and gender studies to refer to certain norms of masculine behavior in North America and Europe that are associated with harm to society and men themselves." unquote. At first you see tons of guys freaking out in the comments section under that post thinking that it's only against white males of European descent. But it doesn't take long to check that wikipedia entry and realise that it's fake. I thought no big deal so I'll check which keeps a record of old website edits. I figured it was in there somewhere over the last four or five years. But it wasn't. Then it made me think that perhaps all the white nationalists that keep attacking MGTOW's for not procreating are trying a different approach instead of shaming us for being gay or something. Instead they present facts as society and women being against men has nothing to do with female nature but everything to do with racism. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. While I believe that western civilization is in decline I don't just blame women for that. Sure we gave them the vote and they voted for socialists. But men have been demoralized and are no longer creating value for society in the same ways they once did because they are no longer fairly compensated for it. Take money for example. In Canada the cost to purchase a home went up thirty percent over the last year. But the government said it only went up 3.5% because they only measure the cost with rental price increases instead of purchase prices. Why work to buy a home if you'll never even be able to save enough for a down payment? Once the average man does somehow get a home miraculously and then tries to get a woman he might realise that women don't want him. So he ends up a single lonely incel. If we think that western civilization is going to crash then we need to compare it to the collapse of the Soviet Union in a way. In the increasingly globalized world we expect men to have zero sex, zero national or cultural identity and own nothing and be happy. Look how well that works in the communist countries. The Soviet Union at least had nationalism and gave men families and even still it only lasted about seventy years. Men could be men without shame. Does anyone think that our society will last seventy years if you take all those things from men in addition to property rights? Most of the smart men will do what men have always done. They will pickup and leave to other countries where masculinity is encouraged instead of in the west where women and elites feminize society so they can rule. The problem is that there will be a brain drain of the best men leaving and productivity gains will slow and eventually fall.

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The Sound Of Simp Music - MGTOW
The Sound Of Simp Music - MGTOW Sandman 233 Views • 3 years ago

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Chris Whalen CPA

10 (1979) - Julie Andrews, Dudley Moore, Bo Derek

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Mr. Sandman, hope all is well. I wanted to get your take on the film "10", starring Dudley Moore and Bo Derek. I watched it while streaming the other night and remembered seeing this movie as a youth. The film had red-pill bombs without me realizing it at the time. In the film, Dudley Moores character ,( A man of means), pursues a so-called "10", but in the movie titled " "Arthur"( circa 1981), he plays another "Man of Means" character and pursues a so called "3". Ten plus 3 equal 13.."Genesis Anyways, Sandman could you moleculary breakdown why a "Man of Means"..needs no "WHAMEN to please. How could this film apply to Modern Day MGTOW Philosophy? Dissect and interject to the Masses my brother. Thank you for all you, God speed to your future endeavors Sir.!!! Well Ron thanks for another film review. I enjoy making these types of old film reviews because these they take us back to a time when life was a lot simpler. However they also show us that all women are the same regardless of wherever or whenever they are. I'll review the film 10 in just a minute but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the why a man with means needs a woman to please clown world show. Dudley Moore the actor in this film is a shorter thinner version of Jack Black with regards to his style of humor. So how does this film connect to MGTOW philosophy today? I'll give you my take on it. It's a film from 1979 and Moore's Star was rising with his cornball comedy style. But at two hours long this film is too lengthy. The pacing was too slow for the first half and needs to be edited faster and shorter. Maybe it works for attention spans in the last seventies but it's annoying scenes that it's crammed full of scenes that don't progress the story or just give me anxiety. Do we really need a ten minute scene where George, the main character played by Moore talks to a priest about figuring out what the girl's name that's a 10 is. Ron with your film recommendations this one is the worst with regards to editing and also low brow humor. I like dark humor and this film doesn't have much of it in there. The art direction and cinematography are also bland. Meaning it's not pretty to look at. But with regards to the humor that's just Moore's style. I just don't find watching a man try to climb a hill for two minutes and fall over and over again all that funny. I could edit this thing down to an hour to an hour and twenty minutes. It would have been a nightmare if you were a kid having to fast forward to the parts with the orgy. You'd probably wear out the heads on the vcr before you got a chance to play with your head. Ron you mention that in Arthur he's a high status man that ends up with a woman that's a three. But in this film he is dating a single mother played by Julie Andrews that looks like a 2. He's a high status man and his girlfriend is a 38 year old woman. She's hard on the eyes but doesn't make anything in my pants hard and that's probably why she wasn't in the trailer. This film is the 1970s version of clickbait. An hour in we barely see Bo Derek more than 1 or 2 scenes. If I had paid to watch this in the theater because I was a Bo Derek Fan I would have been super pissed off because she's hardly in it. Instead with Julie Andrews in this so much they might as well have called the film the sound of milf music. Better yet the sound of gilf music because she looked like she was in her mid to late fifties in this while trying to play a 38 year old woman. The reason I think it took nearly fifty minutes before George went to Mexico to try and pickup Jennifer played by Bo Derek was because Andrews wanted more screen-time. So how does this whole thing start.

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A women loosing her mind --- BYE!!!!!!!!
A women loosing her mind --- BYE!!!!!!!! AmanleyLoad 129 Views • 4 years ago

This clip was sent to me by Neo the outlander via twatter... yes i miss spelt it intentionally

Agárrate, que vienen 6 curvas
Agárrate, que vienen 6 curvas ElObserVador 1,645 Views • 4 years ago

MGTOW - Agárrate, que vienen 6 curvas

1.- La curva de la betaización
2.- La curva de los mínimos económicos aceptables
3.- La curva de la inteligencia
4.- La curva de la insatisfacción
5.- La curva del efecto MGTOW
6.- La curva de la lordosis

ElObser Vador

O ultimo homem americano salvará o ocidente?
O ultimo homem americano salvará o ocidente? GAROU BAIANO 145 Views • 3 years ago

O destino dessa nação está traçado. São por ano 55 milhões de fetos abortados.

Female SMV Hierarchy and JBW
Female SMV Hierarchy and JBW IncelTV 232 Views • 3 years ago

Looking into the Female SMV hierarchy. Does JBW also affect women ? Today’s case study: Cynthia G.

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Feminilidade Radical | Carolyn McCulley
Feminilidade Radical | Carolyn McCulley Jadem Freitas 88 Views • 5 years ago

Audio análise do livro "Feminilidade Radical - Fá Femina em um mundo Feminista" de Carolun McCulley.
Voz e análise: Jadem Freitas

The Manipulated Man  (Uncomfortable Truths)
The Manipulated Man (Uncomfortable Truths) Texting Prince 124 Views • 4 years ago

⁣This video is breaking down some concepts from the book The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar. Video 1 of the series.

This is a big eye opener especially for men... talk about getting a Red Pill... and it is a woman revealing all the secrets and deceptions that they play.



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Como Lidar com Mulheres | Nessahan Alita, livroanálise
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Livroanálise da obra "Como Lidar com Mulheres" de Nessahan Alita
Voz e Análise: Jadem Freitas

Dick Masterson Chauvinist - Homem são Melhores que Mulheres
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Dick Masterson

MGTOW Another Marriage Bites The DUST
MGTOW Another Marriage Bites The DUST REDPILLMARRIED 160 Views • 4 years ago

⁣I hope he WINS!!!!

How Big John Saved MGTOW + Rollo Tomassi Response
How Big John Saved MGTOW + Rollo Tomassi Response MoonBase 156 Views • 5 years ago

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