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Why Are Women So Terrible? - MGTOW
Why Are Women So Terrible? - MGTOW Sandman 326 Views • 3 years ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from a donation from Flying Fish and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Approximately 7 years ago I was fortunate enough to come across your work at a very critical time of transition in my life. In my hamlet on the south coast of commiefornia in Santa Barbara, there has been a lack of balanced men to communicate with concerning the importance of our red pill path. The population consists of newlyweds and nearly deads surrounded by 3 colleges and massive amounts of wealth. After finding terra firma from divorce, I was finally able to formulate a viable question that began a search that nearly instantly filled with your wealth of input. The question I scraped together? Why are women so terrible? I mumbled it out loud to myself. I had no idea that was such a deep cesspool. Every day I am reassured when your new podcast pops up. I have never been so at peace in my entire life. I can't recall if you have directly done a bit on 'whamen are a liability', possibly the worst. It could drive the Sandman spike in between our men 'risking it for the biscuit' and something solid which they actually can relate to, 'their wallet and life's energy accrual'. It could be tied into gambling etc. I wish I had someone beat this into me when I was younger. Currently whamens are revolting dead weight brewing up infections for us healthy men. I hope you are doing great? Well Flying Fish thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to the why are women so terrible clown world show. Flying Fish I've already don't tons of videos as to why women are liablility in a man's life as his wife and risking it for the biscuit as you call it. But you inadvertently came up with the perfect topic when you asked why are women so terrible? Funny enough I went out shopping for groceries, medication and gas today and it was almost a week since I left the house because of the coof. With women I'm always cautious around them and friends used to think I'm paranoid but now they see what I see. So today I go out to get gas and the woman behind the plexiglass and mask faced counter tells me that I have to refill my gas savings card online and that she can't do it. So I just grab another card and tell her I'll take it. She didn't want me to redeem my points for some reason. I guess because I would use a discount on gas and then her boss wouldn't be happy I guess. I don't know but it certainly makes me lose trust in her and her gas station. Then I go in to get to pickup my prescription at Costco and give the woman behind the counter fifty bucks. It came out to 42.50. Then I remembered I had an extra two dollars and fifty cents. I hand her 52.50 for medication that's 42.50 and am expecting to get ten dollars back. She pretends to look for her calculator and then says she can't find it and asks me if she owes me five dollars. Obviously the calculator could be seen as distraction so that I might forget she owes me ten instead of five. All the while this is going on in my brain and it's no longer entertaining because I've seen female tellers try to pull stuff like this. I tell her it's ten and I'm not amused. Then I go into the third store and I'm in line next to get to the cashier and two girls cut in front of me because we are supposed to leave a three or four foot gap between customers. They start going up to the cashier and they are going up first. I just run around them and get to the cashier first and they look surprised.

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Fat Women Shouldn't Dress Sexy? - MGTOW
Fat Women Shouldn't Dress Sexy? - MGTOW Sandman 235 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Husband, 55, who accused his wife of having 'fat legs' and told her to dress ‘more like a woman’ during stormy 17-year marriage is cleared of domestic abuse charges

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the third of three recent donations by Randy the Dakota MGTOW. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover an article I put in the description from the Daily Mail called: "Husband, 55, who accused his wife of having 'fat legs' and told her to dress ‘more like a woman’ during stormy 17-year marriage is cleared of domestic abuse charges" unquote. So apparently insulting your wife now gets you charged and arrested. So the next time she asks you does this dress make me look fat you have to say no unless you want to take the risk of having some guys chubby custard launcher up your poop chute in prison. So Paul Marsden the 55 year old man that did this suffers from osteoporosis, arthritis and is wheel chair bound. He couldn't even run away from the cops if he wanted to. The next article I'm sure I'll read is about a quadriplegic that got arrested for hitting his wife. I spoke about this law around four years ago when the UK passed the idea that not giving your wife money and abusing her in verbal ways where words would become violence would be commonplace and now we see the consequences to those laws being passed. Controlling and coercive behavior if proven in a court of law are violence. Remember that word coercive because later on in this video I'm going to tie it into what could happen to the manosphere. I'll discuss the story more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the quadriplegics getting arrested for assault clown world show. So Paul Marsden's wife says that he didn't let her see her two kids from a previous marriage on the weekends and he would monitor her phone to see whom she had been talking to. She said she would cook for him but if he didn't like it he would throw her food in the trash. He forced her to wear dentures because her teeth were corroded and he didn't like the look of them. What kind of monster asks a woman to wear dentures so he can find her attractive enough make out with? This is just appalling behavior. Appalling I tell you. She claims he had complete control over her life and would let her go out and do the things she wanted. What was he going to do? Run after her if she didn't obey him? The judge acquitted Marsden of the charges saying there was evidence of coercive behavior but insignificant evidence proving that Mrs. Marsden was fearing violence from him. Therefore the court cannot be sure that he engaged in controlling or abusive behaviors. That's great because everything she said is hearsay. There is no direct evidence. Just an accusation with no proof. She also wanted a restraining order against him but they hadn't spoken or seen each other in many months so the court decided against it. This story highlights that if you're in the UK and you have a fat wife and you tell her she's fat and then proceed to physically intimidate her then you could be going to prison. The idea in the comments section of this video is that Marsden is a narcissist and that he was using coercive control on his now ex wife. The way you deal with narcissists is to leave them and stop giving them their narcissistic supply if that's really what he wanted. But how exactly do we know that he's a narcissist? How do we know that she didn't just make up the story to make him look like the bad one as she was leaving him anyway and wanted to punish him for something. At least the courts figured that might be the case. But how do we know that next time the judge isn't some feminist that hates men and wants to punish them for no other reason then the fact that they are men. Odds are she's fat and probably doesn't dress sexy at all.

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Sad Story
Sad Story SoloManZone 57 Views • 3 years ago

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Henpecked SoloManZone 89 Views • 3 years ago


Lab Rat
Lab Rat SoloManZone 73 Views • 3 years ago

Squeak! Squeak!

She's Using Me For My Body - MGTOW
She's Using Me For My Body - MGTOW Sandman 347 Views • 3 years ago

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Chris Whalen CPA

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kevin. He's got a bit to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the show. Here's what Kevin has to say: "Hi Sandman, Thank you for your work on my previous video. I wanted to reach out again about what I've been up to lately and another scenario I have found myself in. Ever since I recovered from my red pill rage I've been on a mission to adopt a hybrid beta/alpha stance. On the beta side, I'm continuing work at my start-up while also working on 2 other businesses on the side. On the alpha side, I hired a personal trainer, completely revamped my wardrobe, got the Invisalign treatment, and have overall enhanced my appearance dramatically as well as developed a 5 am disciplined regiment. So now I'm making a lot of money but I also look amazing. During this process, I have attained A lot of attention from women. But this time the kind of attention is very different. I currently have my own harem. I essentially have 3 different girls that I can call whenever I want and have no strings attached sex. The weirdest part is how they are all completely content with this and have no problem with me banging other girls as long as they can have a piece of me. All of them go on and on about how attractive I am and how I must have amazing genetics. They love how I satisfy them in bed and take complete control of them. But here is the catch, none of them want me as a long-term option. I completely call them out on their mind games and shit tests and every time I do they look at me like I'm a wizard. One of these, in particular, is an Asian woman that I have unfortunately caught feelings for. She is a therapist with a master's degree in psychology that is visiting my area for the next few months and by far throws the craziest mind games at me. I completely dominate her but I feel like she is slowly working her way into my head. She is incredibly reserved and tells me how she is incredibly curious about my behavior and spends a lot of time analysing me. This girl is literally driving over an hour to see me. On top of that, she keeps wanting me to cum inside of her every time we meet. Just 2 weeks ago, she came out and told me that she had been using a fake name and when she told me her real name, she followed it up by blocking me on all social media. Why? Why does she insist on me spending so much time with me but is working so hard to keep me out of her life. I confronted her about it and she told me that she thought it would be easier for me when she has to leave and go home. But I don't know if that's the full truth. I know what she is telling me logically but we both know that women aren't logical creatures. There must be some hidden underlying purpose for her actions as well as the others. I guess the main reason why I'm so shocked is that I'm so used to women wanting me long-term and now they don't. Even though I'm a complete catch. I know I shouldn't complain because I logically don't want a long-term relationship, I just don't understand the sudden change in behavior. One last detail, when I confronted her about blocking me on social media, I threatened to leave if she continued to disrespect me. She immediately got very nervous and unblocked me. I wonder if this in itself was a shit test to see if I would let her get away with it?" Well Kevin thanks for the donation and topic. At first with the Asian woman I thought she was probably married to some other white male and she wants your baby and not his by getting you the wizard to cast his magic cock spell up her wizard sleeve vagina. I thought that scrubbing you on all her social media was done so her significant other won't find out about you and her cooch creaming ways. It still might be. If the truth of his existance is out there someone where like the aliens in X-Files then she could easily lie about you and say she met you at work.

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MGTOW Just   Why
MGTOW Just Why SoloManZone 80 Views • 3 years ago

Rambling on

MGTOW I Can Laugh
MGTOW I Can Laugh SoloManZone 76 Views • 3 years ago

Link to The Babylon Bee below:

Sleeping With Women Makes You Stupid - MGTOW
Sleeping With Women Makes You Stupid - MGTOW Sandman 382 Views • 3 years ago

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- Red Pill Ring

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you Crypto King and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, So I noticed the same thing about Styxhexenhammer. He complains way to much about the YouTube shadow ban however. I think things started to change on his channel once he got married. I'm sure you noticed the same thing. I actually was a long time subscriber of his channel. His content started to become bland and I found myself not caring to even check out his channel as was my daily routine. "Coffee with Styx" in the early mornings was something I looked forward to. Anyway: I recall him saying years ago in more than one of his videos that he would never get remarried (he was married once before), and out of no where he marries this Dutch chick. I mean good for him if he's happy, but it definitely has impacted the quality of his work. Shortly before he got married, he was talking about depression, his main laptop used to make his content broke. He didn't get into what was causing his depression but I think he was having some relationship problems, just from how he was talking in his videos. Than quickly after he announced he got married. Just a guess. Also I'm super surprised that he is living in Amsterdam right now. He was always so proud to be American and said he has no desire to travel the world. Amazing what we men do for our women. I believe he is still a good guy, but he needs to find himself again or something, because he definitely changed. On a side note I believe there's only maybe 2 or 3 youtubers who I watch who have stayed true to their original messaging: You, AIU (although he's on now), and maybe Vee (the Romanian guy). Regards, CryptoKing. Well CryptoKing thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to my thoughts about this in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the video. If you're wondering about Styx's ex wife she's in the picture on the left with him. The one or two pictures you see on the right are of his new wife. Look at the pictures. The new wife is thinner, prettier with blonde hair and I don't blame him for marrying her. His sexual marketplace value went since he became a famous internet philosopher and I bet you anything she probably reached out to him. You know that when you marry a woman or have a longer term relationship she moves you to where her family and friends are so that she can have them keep an eye out on you for supervision. Plus you're going to family functions on the weekends and you don't have the quiet calm time in your life to reflect on new ideas. Less time to think and work means the quality of your work goes down by half. Sex and love drops the quality of your work by another half. So you're down to one quarter of the insight and ideas you had before. Just go back to 2015 in my catalogue of videos and you'll see a video called Monks of MGTOW and you'll see how big a douchebag love made me become. How it shrunk my mind the way hormone pills shrink a trannies balls. Mating creates a massive dilema for our species. A man's intellect according to Anthony Hopkins in Westworld is like Peacock feathers. It's an elaborate display designed to attract a mate. But what happens to the male Peacock after mating season? All the energy he expends to keep those feathers needs to be conserved so the feathers fall off. For the human male our brain is the most expensive organ energy wise. Nature doesn't care that there is a surplus of energy available to run the brain after mating season.

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MGTOW Men Did It Again
MGTOW Men Did It Again SoloManZone 118 Views • 3 years ago

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MGTOW Hold The Phone!
MGTOW Hold The Phone! SoloManZone 79 Views • 3 years ago


6pm Curfew For Men In The UK? - MGTOW
6pm Curfew For Men In The UK? - MGTOW Sandman 338 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Sarah Everard: Baroness who suggested 6pm curfew for men says she wanted to make a point

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover a recent story about how Baroness Jenny Jones in the UK suggested that to protect women's safety that that men would be required to be at home after 6pm so that women would be safe on the streets. Of course if such an insane law was ever passed do you really think the criminal classes would abide by it or would they have a field day raping and pillaging while the men watched helplessly from their windows unable to white knight and protect women. Of course a few days after saying this the Baroness, which also happens to be the name of the female villain in GI Joe said that she wasn't entirely serious about the curfew for men. Saying not entirely serious is like saying almost pregnant which is technically not possible. Either she's serious about it or she's not. She can't be a fence sitter on such an issue. Other females in Parliament said that what she was proposing was insane because you couldn't take away the freedoms of an entire sex because that would be considered oppression. But to that all I have to say is how much longer before women
make up the majority of politicians and they start voting this sort of non sense in? You'll start to see coalitions of disgruntled cat ladies oppressing men because Chad didn't want to savage their cat lady cooch. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the crazy cat lady clown world show. So two days after the Baroness said all men should have a 6pm curfew she back peddled in a half assed way by saying that she's "That in fact nobody makes a fuss when, for example, the police suggest women stay home. But when I suggest it, men are up in arms.. Those were her exact words. What world does this woman live? For example when a male police man told women in Toronto they were dressing too slutty and it
could get them into trouble they decided to create the slut walk which became a global phenomena. Since women do women listen to what police officers say and take it seriously. She's old and out of touch aristocracy thinking the world is one way when it's a completely different way. If a man said something like this then there would be calls for his resignation and his party would throw him out but because a woman said it this doesn't happen because it's all about that female privilege. Plus women are always complaining about sexual harassment from men. Women have groped me before and so has a gay male and as a straight man who am I supposed to complain to about that? They probably want me to feel privileged if they grab me and oppressed if I grabbed them. The problem is that women like to launch shit tests on men and they want us to fight back because it's fun for them with regards to drama and they want to test how strong we are and willing to stand up to them. Like a child testing parental boundaries all the time.

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MGTOW Celibacy is Making a Comeback
MGTOW Celibacy is Making a Comeback SoloManZone 170 Views • 3 years ago

Link to big ass below:

MGTOW Going South
MGTOW Going South SoloManZone 111 Views • 3 years ago

Stay on your heading

MGTOW Reality Check
MGTOW Reality Check SoloManZone 93 Views • 3 years ago

We re the victors

MGTOW The Story
MGTOW The Story SoloManZone 83 Views • 3 years ago

Best to listen just before bed

MGTOW Just Some Fun
MGTOW Just Some Fun SoloManZone 108 Views • 3 years ago

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MGTOW Take One For The Team, Not Likely
MGTOW Take One For The Team, Not Likely SoloManZone 84 Views • 3 years ago


Help Me! I Have Three Sisters - MGTOW
Help Me! I Have Three Sisters - MGTOW Sandman 332 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

No Ma'am - MGTOW Manifesto

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Victor and here's what he has to say: "An interesting topic I thought you could cover would be rep pill vs female siblings. I'm the oldest, nineteen years of age of 5 and I have 3 sisters. I'm constantly being bombarded with female nature and it's making me crazy. Its hard maintaining a "red pill frame" when you've been around female for most of your life. My younger brother has been simped beyond measure. I've tried to teach him about female nature but he always seems to enjoy slaving away to my sister's commands. Watching him just fail to pick up on female tactics gets me angry at time. I'm just glad I found your channel a year ago. It honestly saved me a lifetime of trouble. Apologies if my message is all over the place." Well Victor thanks for the donation and topic. Your message isn't all over the place it's just perfect. So you're being raised in a hornets nest full of hooters. Hooters you can't honk because they are blood. But they are also attached to females that loot your time. I can understand how hard it must be to be red pilled when they are asking you favors with their homework while you just want some privacy to jerk off. I'm sure before you listened to my content you ran and helped them with their work every time they asked. But now you realize they are tugging at your brotherly heart strings. I also feel sorry for any guys that come into your place as boyfriends of your three sisters. One girlfriend in high school I was making out with in her basement and her younger sisters would sneak downstairs and watch us make out and it creeped me out as the two of them would stare at me like they were taking notes about where their tongues were supposed to go. Before I discuss more about your life living with three teenage tongue whores let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. I dated a couple of women with brothers but they were much older and didn't live with her. One was in the army and the other was living far far away. Every other woman I dated had sisters. The thing to remember is that if you're dating a woman that's the youngest of her sisters then she's going to have the benefit of her older sisters behavior and sharpening her talons long before she gets a hold of a shlong. I couldn't imagine what it's like living in your situation Victor with estrogen overload. Whenever you want to use the bathroom the three sisters are probably stuck in there forever so you've probably had to piss in the sink or on a houseplant before. If that happened to you or happens again watch the Movie the Big Lebowski and emulate the part where someone urinates on his carpet. Oddly enough your sister probably won't even notice there's a problem until the cat is licking your yellow kool aid off their floor. Besides having a hard time keeping your behavior red pilled around sisters because a guys nature is to white knight for women a lot of guys end up becoming over protective older brothers cock blocking their fellow classmates. You see even nature doesn't want women to be whores so it made sure they had older brothers there to protect them from bad dudes. What I've always noticed with female and male siblings is that the women that were in relationships that had older brothers were usually the best ones to date.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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MGTOW Where Is The Thumbnail
MGTOW Where Is The Thumbnail SoloManZone 43 Views • 3 years ago

Sex sells

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