

To quote Gómez Dávila:

Sexual promiscuity is the tip society pays in order to appease its slaves.

To liberate man is to subject him to greed and sex.

Sex does not solve even sexual problems.

When the modern consciousness suspends its economic routines, it only oscillates between political anguish and sexual obsession.

The 19th century did not live with more anguish because of its sexual repression than the 20th century with its sexual liberation.
Identical obsession, even when the symptoms are the opposite.

The problem is not sexual repression, nor sexual liberation, but sex.

It is impossible to convince the fool that there are pleasures superior to those we share with the rest of the animals.

Eugenics appals those who fear its judgment.

No beneficiary of slaves is supporter of birth control.

The individual who lies to himself, just like the society that does not lie to itself, soon rots and dies.

Depopulate and reforest – first civilizing rule.

Although it grieves the angelism of the democrat: one cannot build a civilisation with miserable biological material.

The two most pressing problems of the contemporary world: demographic expansion and genetic deterioration are unsolvable.
Liberal principles prevent the solution of the first, egalitarian ones that of the second.
Gender : Male