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How A Single Mother Lead Me To MGTOW
How A Single Mother Lead Me To MGTOW Sandman 453 Views • 4 years ago

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How a Single Mother Lead me to MGTOW

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Richard. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is read a reddit post from someone named Cursed With Knowing and he has quite a bit to say. So before I read his words let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Cursed with knowing has to say and I quote: "I was a manager for a company that had several divisions. I was a manger for one, and a single mother was a low-level employee for another. My ex wife had left me the year before, and I was getting lonely, so I was susceptible to deception, and I fell for it. Even though my wife had left me after years of mental abuse, my blue pill programming told me that she was just a “bad woman,” and all I needed to do was find my NAWALT unicorn. So the single mother makes it clear to me that she’s available, and we meet for breakfast on weekend morning. Things go well, and we meet again, and at the second meeting, we became intimate. The sex is good. She is relatively talented. At the time, I wasn’t equating talent to extensive experience. After all, if she’s good in bed, she had to learn it somewhere. We then quickly escalated to me meeting her children, and me spending several evenings a week at her place. I was treated to home cooked meals, sex every night, and bjss when she was on her period. I mean every night, without fail. Some things that I noticed came up, but I didn’t fully recognize at the time. For one, she said she “had my eyes on you for a while.” In other words, my wallet was being sized up for being a beta provider. I thought she was attracted to me, but in reality, she was being attracted to my income as a manager (which eventually turned out to be not as much as she thought). Another was that she was ex-military, and I had no idea at the time how slutty military women are (I found out later that she was very sexually active in the military). As a few months go by, she starts to mention how great a “team” we are, and how we should “work together.” She was hinting at cohabitation, as she got the house from her ex-husband, but his child support was not completely paying the mortgage and bills. So, being the blue pilled simp that I was, convince myself that she had learned from her bad experiences, how to appreciate a good man. I told myself that I finally found my NAWALT unicorn. I thought the nice guy had finally won! So, I began prepping to move in with her. I told my landlord I was leaving. I ended up giving much of my furniture away, as she already had nicer furniture (no doubt paid for by her ex-husband). And then I moved in. Almost instantly, things started to change. The sex slowed, and then stopped entirely.

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In 2020 Chad is Not Enough - MGTOW
In 2020 Chad is Not Enough - MGTOW Sandman 505 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

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Email: [email protected]

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert. He didn't give me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover another post from the MGTOW reddit. I'll get to my thoughts about Will Smith as advertised by the thumbnail on this video a bit later. But first let me discuss the post called: "In 2020 chad is not even enough... MGTOW is for all kinds of guys" and the person starting that thread his name is Alone Independence 95 and here's what he has to say: "Please note that this is not meant as a brag post. I'm 6 foot 9, bulked up to an NBA player physique and I am blonde with blue eyes. I often get stares on the street, and it's not only for my height as guys don't stare as much as girls. However my problem is I am a Christian and want to be a nice person and find a good wife. I had so many women that just wanted my looks when I was younger, that just wanted my body and nothing came of it. I'm not even a simp, just a normal guy who doesn't want to resort to PUA games and dark triad personality traits. When I was young and naive and gave all my love, I got destroyed. I got left by girlfriends the moment I was injured/sick, or was struggling financially. Or they just got bored as I was not a drug addicted party animal. So the first problem is they have ridiculous standards (5"3 ugly jobless girls think they are above my level as 6"9' guy with a good education, job, family). But EVEN if you physically meet those standards, these modern women are so brainwashed and broken that they will find some reason to destroy the relationship. Especially if you are a "good" man you are boring, no matter your looks. The second problem is that girls are becoming increasingly undateable. Their personalities are so bad, they have no interests or hobbies, nor morals. Even the women in church are banging around with losers. Some days I truly give up hope on humanity and believe we are in the end days. All they think about is dick or resources. They don't even know what clown world is if you show them memes, because they are the main circus act. So to all those people that think MGTOW is only for ugly fat losers, go F yourself. MGTOW is the only rational place left for actual good men. No I am not gonna learn PUA tactics to get worldly women to stick around for a few more bangs. No I am not going to be a beta bucks. If you are so blind you don't see the point MGTOW men are making you are beyond saving." unquote. So with that out of the way thanks again Robert for the donation and thank you 6 foot nine Chad for confirming what we all know which is that women have become increasingly undatable with out of this world standards when it comes to not only looks but personality, financial success and just about everything else. I'll get to my thoughts about this in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show where thots don't know they are the main event. First of all of course women know the points MGTOW men are making. They know they are valid and that's why they want to stop us. We are reducing their value in the sexual marketplace. The very idea that Chad is not enough in 2020 should be obviously clear with what happened to Will Smith where his wife Jada Pinkett damaged the relationship while taking a break from him a few years ago by technically cheating and calling it something else. Just as you said Chad women are getting bored and in his case it happend after decades of marriage. You also make a great point that any and all incels out there need to understand and that's if you do become attractive enough crack open a cooch it won't be for long once she realises your well developed body and face don't match with your socially underdeveloped mind. The sexual marketplace is being skewed more and more by the day.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Charlize Theron Hasn't Been On A Date In 5 Years LOL - MGTOW
Charlize Theron Hasn't Been On A Date In 5 Years LOL - MGTOW Sandman 462 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Charlize Theron Reveals She Hasn't Dated Anyone In 5 Years: 'I Don’t Feel Lonely'

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Georges. He didn't send me a topic so I want to cover the recent story called "Charlize Theron Reveals She Hasn't Dated Anyone In 5 Years: 'I Don’t Feel Lonely'" which I've put a link to in the
description. In that article from the Muffington Post there's a video there where Charlize goes onto the Drew Barrymore show and Drew says she spent her life trying to figure out men for 45 years and she's tired and bored now and finds that the love she has with her children more impactful. Charlize of course agrees with her. These women have a lot in common. They are both single mothers in Hollywood taking a break from men. A couple of famous single mothers tired of men. Well if that were the case then why was Charlize Theron shaming men a year or two ago for a man to man up and marry her? Perhaps first she tried the stick shame and that didn't work and now she's trying a different approach. The approach of the empowered single mother with an African baby that don't need no man? Let me also make it clear Theron and Barrymore can certainly go on dates if they want but both the Muffington post and myself seem to agree that if we
give our content covering this story the title of Theron not going on a date for five years it makes for better clickbait. As Dave Chapelle always says gotcha bitch. But seriously she can get all the dates that she wants. I don't think it has anything to do with there not being enough men interested her. Especially considering I was recently working on a video about the wall for women being a myth. I'm now starting to think that for these two women their diva personalities don't suit them in middle age the same way they suited them while they were younger. Afterall all the forty something year old women I've known that got hot young Chads with more money knew how to bite their tongues and let the man be the center of attention for a while. Do you really think Charlize Theron knows how to share the spotlight? Anyways, I'll get to more on my thoughts about this in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. So in the words to Charlize Theron “I’ve been on a few dates, but I haven’t dated anybody for over five years.” Wow what a coincidence I haven't been on a date for almost five years. The difference of course is that it's my choice unlike hers. I can celebrate something like that because it means I'm no longer thirsty and have internal validation instead of chasing female validation and sex. After Theron says that Barrymore says that she too hasn't been on a date in over 5 years. What's with these famous women seemingly going their own way. From my experience once women get over forty they cherry pick cock. They wait for the so called right man to show up and target them like a ferocious wildcat. Theron says that her life is really good and the man needs to bring that and more. She says honestly I don't feel lonely. When someone says honestly followed by something it usually means the opposite. Charlize also says she wants a man to bring more to a great life. To me that tells me that she's definitely looking for a man in her life but he has to meet her very high standards and over the last five years she hasn't met a man like that that's willing to simp out and accept her and her adopted African virtue signaling baby.

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Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Mail: Equitable Divorce
Mail: Equitable Divorce T.F. Monkey 956 Views • 4 years ago

I fully understand "the women's point". They want to be taken care of for life no matter what they do. They want their cake, and eat it too. They want the freedom and authority of a man, but not the responsibility of one.

Alimony is only now starting to be reformed because it's beginning to hurt women. The only thing more disgusting than how unjust the divorce laws are is that so many men continue to get married because they are not made aware of what they are signing up for.

US Household Income

Cost of Living in United States

What’s An Appropriate Home Food Budget for a Family of Four?

"Fling My Turds" by Red Pill Chemist

Long Road Ahead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Random Thoughts: Women Have Babies?!?
Random Thoughts: Women Have Babies?!? T.F. Monkey 566 Views • 5 years ago

Now who's disposable bitch?

Woman, 29, Still in 10-Year Coma, Is Pregnant by a Rapist

Tenn. woman wakes up from coma, finds out she gave birth to son

Song: Pioneers by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Is MGTOW A Movement?
Is MGTOW A Movement? Sandman 230 Views • 5 years ago

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Quarantined MGTOW Community

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Samnang. He didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to share a comment I read from someone who's name can't be pronounced. So here's what someone has to say and I quote: "MGTOW is a movement" "?" I'm not involved with any mgtow protests or mgtow strikes. Never have I seen mgtow men get together to complete a goal set on changing society by holding up signs in front of buildings and blocking traffic and screaming at people to pay attention to us. (That's feminism, not mgtow) I haven't joined or registered to any mgtow organizations.. I'm not involved in a marketing business where I pay money to fellow mgtow to feed me information on what I have to do to live a good life in their eyes. Haven't managed to find any such forums online telling MGTOWs how to live. That's the PUA culture (aka glorified desperation for sex.) I don't follow anyone's ideology. If a mgtow group develops rules and goals for what to do with society and tries to casually but desperately spread awareness without trying to offend anyone with our truth, I won't care and I'll look the other way. (That's MRA, not mgtow.) Now, here is my lifestyle as a mgtow; I wake up, go to work, go to the gym, read, meditate, work on my other self employed home job, hang out with friends, come back home, fap and fall asleep. How does this lifestyle fit into a movement? I don't think it does. Well Samnang thanks for the donation and thank to someone for posting this very dangerous comment on Reddit's MGTOW forums. I put a link to it in the description and it's been quarantined. I guess someone didn't like the idea that one hundred and fifty thousand men had joined it and now to get in you have to verify your email. But before I discuss the stupidity of calling MGTOW of movement let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back with the show. Traditionally whenever you saw movements pop up in the past, if the government didn't like them they might get FBI agents to infiltrate them or they would approach members that they perhaps had dirt on and tried to get them to become informants and tell them about all the plans the movement had in the future. But with MGTOW it's different. You can't really stop it first of all because most of the guys going their own way have reached the same conclusions independently. But of course you can slow it down by attacking the sources of funding and communications nodes like Reddit. By demonitizing MGTOW YouTube channels they started to shrink it in the English speaking world. By throttling down the remaining MGTOW YouTube channels like mine, TFMs, etc what they are doing is starving us of new viewers to spread our ideas about freedom and female nature. They understand that we aren't formally a movement but the world is changing and perhaps we need to change the definition of what a movement actually means. The feminist movement still marches in the streets and wants to be seen and heard for media attention so the media captures them stomping down the street with the hooves and then being seen by the mainstream media. But the mainstream lost a lot of it's viewership and smart men figured this out and realised that it's easier to put out a ten minute talk on YouTube and get far more attention and influence than traditional television.

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Spying On Your Cheating Wife - MGTOW
Spying On Your Cheating Wife - MGTOW Sandman 289 Views • 5 years ago

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Body Transformation Made Simple

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A Step Ahead & Cheating Spouses & Domestic Cases

Bonus Mystery Link

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Johnston and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman. I’m a private investigator here in South Florida. Some of my work is with domestic cases which often involves a cheating spouse or partner. One thing I’ve noticed with my cases is when the husband is suspected of cheating, the wife will have several of her girlfriends trying to help her get evidence on her wayward hubby. The exception to this is when the couple is in a high economic social class and the wife has no career of her own. She will often try to discreetly stop the husband from having the affair and attempt to get back to a monogamous marriage instead of publicly disgracing him or dumping his butt. Men on the other hand don’t seem to help their guy friends. Even if they hear of a problem, they are not likely to say to their buddy “Hey your wife is cheating on you”. Maybe it’s because I’ve blown so many marriages out of the water with my surveillance work over the past 25 years that I have no problem keeping an eye and ear to the ground for my male friends married to women who alert my sixth sense. I have no issue with informing them of the problem at the right time which is after I get hard evidence. I've attached a video link to a recent short film that I shot called “A Step Ahead” about this same scenario. The video is currently on Udemy where I analyze the strategy, tactics and equipment used by the Private Eye in the film and other Films. So if you suspect your spouse of cheating you'll learn how to follow her discreetly to find out if it's true. My video and course is based in part on a real case that I did years ago and has a similar situation to what I just described. In real life, I helped a dear friend end and recover from his marriage in a way that prevented his wife from even trying to make much of an effort to glean. All her avenues of profiting from the marriage were blocked, all incentives to stay were extinguished and we watched her antics and listened to her lies as she hunted for her next husband. It’s amazing what feigning financial catastrophe can do to get this type of spouse out the door. It wasn’t easy for my friend. So my questions to you are as follows: Should men not lookout for men who are unknowingly being disrespected by their partners? Should men not help other men who are being taken to the cleaners while in or after relationships? I believe that getting a friend out of a problem marriage will help him live a better life. In the film I mentioned, the private investigator held back telling his good friend about his cheating wife until he had a ton of video evidence and the friend was alerted to a possible extramarital relationship by his brother. This was for three reasons. Firstly, if you give an emotionally weak person only one piece of evidence, they may in time forgive their partner and try to rebuild the relationship. So, dropping a big bomb on them instead of a small bomb is essential. Secondly, if you show this emotionally weak friend the first evidence that you discover or document and they immediately confront their spouse, you may never get more evidence as the cheater will go into ultra-careful mode.

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Ad Image Credits:

1. Handsome young fit muscular caucasian man of model appearance workout training in the gym gaining weight

2. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Jean-Claude Van Damme - License Free Green Screen Footage

MGTOW Is Big In Brazil
MGTOW Is Big In Brazil Sandman 4,235 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

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Links To Platinho:

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Karen. She's the one that wanted to keep that backup Brad guy in her life instead of having him marry a twenty year old Filipino woman that would take all his money and use it to support her entire extended family in the Phillipines. She wanted me to cover the Cucking of Prince Harry but I had already covered it so she told me to cover whatever topic I wanted. So to put it to good use I thought I'd do a chat with
Platinho the most intellectual Brazillian MGTOW channel. But before I play the intervew let me first tell you about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission:

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Smash That Gash - MGTOW
Smash That Gash - MGTOW Sandman 199 Views • 5 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Smurf. He didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to read something that someone sent me on Facebook recently so here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, Since I was a child I've seen the dynamics between my parents, I still do, but with a completely different perspective. I kind of feel sorry for my Own father. He is one of the best and honorable persons I know. And the fact all the good things and traits I have learned from him and pretty much all the bad came from my mother. What I got from my mother makes me feel like garbage. I've moved from my home country to escape the bad behavior of my previous girlfriend, because I found what I did not want to see...the truth. The truth that Unicorns don't exist...and if they do its to risky. I'd like you to make a video discussing my behavior. I assume it's pretty common for guys like me, in their early 30s just now finding about female nature? What Am I supposed to do now? I mean I've been trying to be a MGTOW monk since I moved here...then I met this girl...she seemed pretty decent. I started to fall for her...Only to find out she
was "single" for the last year...and by single we know what it means. Except that I was too afraid to ask if she's been riding the carousel because I don' want to know the truth. I know I would feel disappointed. But the truth came out...and In my head something was off...the idea of her being like that pushes me aside, but in the other hand I have feelings for her. Even though I know how it works and all, I just can't seem to step aside. Maybe im just ranting and I know what I should do, but maybe im to much of a coward to go for it instead of staying a Monk? I'm afraid of being old...looking back and say to my self "you could have had sex with lots of woman back then" but I just dont like to "fool around". There's no other way it seems... Anyways, probably you have tons of msgs and little time. I will continue to take one red pill a day... Keep going man, Im truly sorry I have not found you earlier in my life. But you are great help for me at least! Take care." Well MGTOW Smurf thanks for the donation and thank you Mr. Anonymous for your comments and questions. I'll get to them in just a sec but let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

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Sandman Destroyer Of Relationships - MGTOW
Sandman Destroyer Of Relationships - MGTOW Sandman 201 Views • 5 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

A while back I sat down with Ayam Cerias and Lamprey for a long form chat which I'll share with you guys in just a sec. The usual links to the brave browser and the MGTOW mystery link are down below and I'm mentioning that now because I won't at the end. Anyways, before I start the video let first quickly tell you about today's sponsor ABC Circuits:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Attractive young businesswoman using tablet with circuit. Technology and computing concept. Double exposure

2. Full of sweet chocolate flavors. Cute girl having fun with cookies. Pretty girl covering eyes with cookies. Bakery style chocolate chip cookie recipe. Bakery shop. Following a cooking recipe.

3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

Live Free & Die MGTOW
Live Free & Die MGTOW Sandman 263 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
660 909 6000 Cell
660 747 2272 Office

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Nobody Will Remember Carl

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he briefly has to say: Hey Sandman, You mentioned the content producer blackpilled and his movie reviews in one of your videos. I enjoyed his movie critiques, but now he is criticizing mgtow. Would be interested to hear your response to him saying we need a partner or we'll die alone as shut ins." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I watched that video titled Nobody Will Remember Carl and Devon over at Black Pilled doesn't make fun of MGTOWs but he presents some valid concerns about men that live and die alone. His point about having a woman in your life to ground you so you don't go insane or out of touch with reality is a very valid one. But friends do the same thing. But before I discuss this further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, back with the show. Just to give you guys a background to the Carl video I put in the description, Devon gets his hands on an old property and finds out that it was owned by a man named Carl that died alone with no family. Carl was a failed software devoloper and lived in relative obscurity as a hikiomori in the last decade or two of his life. His neighbors never saw him and didn't know if he was alive or dead. The man died with nothing but a house full of trash to show for his life. Devon over at Black Pilled argues that it's bad that no one will remember you when you die. But let me ask everyone a simple question. Do you remember your great grandfather or great grandfather? I didn't even get a chance to remember my grandfathers as they both passed away before I was born. From one of them all I have are a few pictures and stories. From the other one I have a few pictures and his military sword. I can't remember someone I've never met. Two of great grandfathers died in the great war. I don't know their names and have never even seen pictures of them. Another one of my great grandfathers was shot by the communists at the end of the second world war because he was very wealthy. So what if you die and you have a son, daughter, wife and grand kids that remember you? After a couple of generations you will once again be forgotten. The only people that don't forget are the ones that win the historic lottary. The ones that spend most of their lives changing the world and history. It's really sad. But the truth is the majority of humans are unremarkable and cookie cutter clones of each other even though they see themselves as unique and special snowflakes. I don't want to be a special snowflake. I want to be a unique form of weather phenomena that no one has ever seen before. Sure nobody will remember Carl. But people will remember Tesla, The Wright Brothers, Newton and other men that went their own way and gave their lives for human progress.

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

He Left Me Waiting At The Alter! LOL - MGTOW
He Left Me Waiting At The Alter! LOL - MGTOW Sandman 162 Views • 5 years ago

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Terry. He didn't send me a topic so I wanted to pipe in on the topic of women complaining about where have all the good men gone. Why they are doing it and why we have to keep listening to them complain about a lack of suitable men for them even though many men in the manosphere already know the answer to this question. But women are smart enough to know the answer too. Yet why keep asking the question over and over again insistently when I assume they know the answer. Of course there is more than one answer for this. It's obvious that when women complain about something society at large and men specifically listen to their problems and provide them attention and white knights naturally start looking for answers to their problems or perceived problems. I say perceived problems because in this case it's not that women can't find good men it's that they are too good for the men around them. They have elevated themselves above many of the men around them socially and financially while still demanding men that are above them. But before I share my thoughts about this let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor ABC Circuits: Anyways, now back to answering the question why can't women find a good man? As women continue to gain power and financial assets in western society their hypergamy encourages them to marry men that have more than them. Because to marry a man with less means that he can divorce her and take her stuff instead. Marrying down does not provide safety and security for today's modern woman and puts her at risk of losing her assets and having her wages garnished if they end up getting a divorce. Of course many men don't care about marrying down because love clouds their judgement the way diarrhea clouds a land whales toilet. What does this one thing say about women's ability to love men in the crazy way that we love women? In the past however restrictions placed on women limited their options and the fear of ending up all alone in poverty was enough to encourage the majority of women to get married as young as possible. Women's lack of freedom and options led to a society where they were forced to marry men that were above them financially, yes, because men were the primary and better paid bread winners. But also marry men that they didn't find as physically appealing and they also had to forgo riding the cock carousel because in order to secure the best looking, hard working and successful man possible they had to leverage their youth at the point when it was the highest. Ie in their early twenties. The longer she waited the worse her life would be going forward because the best men were already taken. Today the same thing happens. The smart women find the best men before the age of 25. Meanwhile women that run off and focus on their careers instead of looking for guys to give it up their rears run out of good options when they are finally ready to typically settle down in the their thirties. By asking that question where are all the good men they are trying to evoke sympathy for their situation. A situation they put themselves in to begin with.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Attractive young businesswoman using tablet with circuit. Technology and computing concept. Double exposure

2. Full of sweet chocolate flavors. Cute girl having fun with cookies. Pretty girl covering eyes with cookies. Bakery style chocolate chip cookie recipe. Bakery shop. Following a cooking recipe.

3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

A Wedding Is A Funeral For A Man With A Cake - MGTOW
A Wedding Is A Funeral For A Man With A Cake - MGTOW Sandman 168 Views • 5 years ago

Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% offInteresting Connection Between Higher Intelegence and Sex

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MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, My brother wants me to be the best man in his wedding, but I’ve tried to talk him out of marriage and I don’t want any part of the wedding. I don’t want to see my brother go down this road but he refuses to listen to reason. My family all say I should just do it because it’s about him and their day, but I still can’t bring myself to participate. How do I tell him no without ruining our relationship?" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to my answer to Mr. Anonymous. So your brother wants you to be the best man at his funeral, sorry wedding and you object based on the fact that you know as well as I do that a wedding is a funeral for a man with a cake. Ironically I've had the same discussion with a friend of mine when I was part of a wedding party. I was pissed off by the whole ordeal and fantasized about writing a speech that would attack marriage and embarrass the so called institution. At first because of my red pill ideals I didn't want to attend either but a friend of mine told me that you don't really have a choice and you have to participate in it. Otherwise the can of worms it opens up with other people is too great. Mr. Anonymous I think you don't like this situation because you know it means the end of your brothers freedom and life as he knows it. I've probably already tried red pilling him but the simping is strong with this one. Just because you go doesn't mean you can't make the best of a bad situation. Imagine what kind of embarrassing speech you could write. Imagine how you could do dozens of painfully funny jokes at not only your brothers expense but at the expense of all the married men that are also listening to you speak. Then top it off by telling everyone you won't be getting married. The women in the room will laugh at the men's pain if you do it right and the men will the married men will have to keep their mouths shut or they will be sleeping on the sofa. Then you can look them in the eye for the rest of the night and see their faces held low in shame while you can hold yours up in pride. I'm not telling you to do this but simply fantasizing about doing it should make you feel somewhat better. You know what types of horrors your brother is going to face after getting married to his naggasaurus in a white dress. You've done your best to talk him out of things and he's in love and it's a mental illness so he's not going to stop at this point.

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When Big Daddy Government Runs Out Of Money - MGTOW
When Big Daddy Government Runs Out Of Money - MGTOW Sandman 243 Views • 5 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jerry and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, What do you think will happen when the US government and other western governments go bust? I keep seeing many guys posting in the comments section saying that this will solve the problem of feminism. I'm optimistic that it when the crash and purge happen women will suffer and for society to go back to a proper patriarchy this process is necessary. I'm looking forward to the the day when women might be forced back to the bargaining table and we go back to traditionalism. As always keep up the good work and cheers!" Well Jerry thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring On 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back with the show. A while back someone named the sober king left a comment that reads as follows and I quote: "There was once a defenseless lion stuck in a hole. People were cruel and threw rocks at the lion. Little did they know the more rocks they threw, the more they gave the animal a step up. Eventually the lion had enough rocks to step OUT! He was starving and hungry when he got out. The lion had a feast. This is what that tax and spend gynocentric governments of the world are doing to men right now. They have thrown us into a pit of debt and feminist control while at the same time provoking us by trying to take our right to freedom of speech and bare arms. Eventually if they throw enough things at us quickly enough, which they have been doing recently then we will revolt. But Jerry I don't think the governments will go bust anytime soon and that women will get their comeupance if we look at the example of Japan. I'm thinking more and more this is the future of western nations. Their central banks owned by the banksters have seemingly found a way to keep their populations in perpetual slavery. What they are doing is basically printing money for me, the banksters while not printing any for thee, the peasant serf. We aren't seeing either hyperinflation or deflation. We need to look as something other than money matters to reset the bad gender dynamics that we face in our society. Big daddy government has already run out of money and the banksters keep lending them more while lowering the interest rates. I know that many of us were looking forward to a crash to reset the system and bring everyone back down to zero and on equal footing. If that were to happen You wouldn't believe how fast all the unattractive women out there lose the weight get in shape and start to become willing to trade bjs for big macs. I saw that in former Yugoslavia when I visited there as a teenager. Women just ran back to traditionalism. In as society like that I'd invest in makeup studios, nail shacks and tanning parlours as there was an attractiveness arms race as the economy crumbled fast. But our decline is slow and most people aren't even noticing it. In a fast crash the cost of labor and housing falls but physical goods such as food and drink rise.

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Spoiled & Unspanked
Spoiled & Unspanked T.F. Monkey 795 Views • 5 years ago


Background Music: So Long Analog by Noir Et Blanc Vie. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

The Doll on my Balls:

Toxic Female Family Members - MGTOW
Toxic Female Family Members - MGTOW Sandman 194 Views • 5 years ago

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by more than generous donation from Mr. Anonymous. You know who you are. I know you didn't a video request but I thought that what you brought up was very very important. I'm going to paraphrase what you said to keep you identity safe and maybe insert some quotes from your emails to me. So here goes. "Hi Sandman, I have decided to cut my family off in one foul swoop. It's a long story but let's just say they are making my life miserable. In the next little while for my plan to work , I have to spend my hometime again with family at a family reunion. Paying my dues so to speak and solidifying my relationships so that my family will have no idea what I have in the works. They will have no idea that total escape is on my mind. I need all of my subconscious mind at my disposal to ensure this works. In short term the plan is to get a temporary residence, for legal purposes and legal documents coming in the mail. I will also change my legal name and get a new social security number. Probably from some dead guy out there, a new passport, thousands more in FU money and a new job in a new country. (If that works out) When I couldn't find anyone else to validate the fact I'm a human being that deserves freedom, you showed up. If you want to hear a success story hopefully you'll get one within a year or less, depending on what complications might come up. With regards to family issues I pay the same price as you with regards to gut health issues too. I am just very lucky to be ahead of the curve, much thanks to your validation. I understand that I have kept my family on emotional life support for awhile now. But when I heard about a few of my childhood friends committing suicide because of issues they were facing with family I just knew I had to cut them out. Take care man. Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I thought that this was a very important thing to talk about. But before I do let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to Mr. Anonymous and his idea of leaving behind his family and past. First of all I don't blame you for wanting to cut out the toxic family out of your life. You mentioned Stefan Molyneux and how it was great that I introduced you to his work. What you're doing is something that he's been recommending for many years on his free domain site. He would call what you're doing "defooing" De-family of origin. I have considered doing something like that in the past but decided it would be too cruel and besides I didn't have the resources to do it. You're brave doing it with a small amount of money and not all that much of a safety net. But I completely understand why you want to cut out the toxic female family members in your life. First of all make sure you have enough cash to get you through. Also remember that when you cut your family off they won't have you as the emotional tampon release valve and they might self destruct. Your mother could easily turn into a mean and nasty bitch to the rest of the family that she has around her.

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Why Can't She Find A Good Man? - MGTOW
Why Can't She Find A Good Man? - MGTOW Sandman 244 Views • 5 years ago

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Terry. He didn't send me a topic so I wanted to pipe in on the topic of women complaining about where have all the good men gone. Why they are doing it and why we have to keep listening to them complain about a lack of suitable men for them even though many men in the manosphere already know the answer to this question. But women are smart enough to know the answer too. Yet why keep asking the question over and over again insistently when I assume they know the answer. Of course there is more than one answer for this. It's obvious that when women complain about something society at large and men specifically listen to their problems and provide them attention and white knights naturally start looking for answers to their problems or perceived problems. I say perceived problems because in this case it's not that women can't find good men it's that they are too good for the men around them. They have elevated themselves above many of the men around them socially and financially while still demanding men that are above them. But before I share my thoughts about this let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor ABC Circuits: Anyways, now back to answering the question why can't women find a good man? As women continue to gain power and financial assets in western society their hypergamy encourages them to marry men that have more than them. Because to marry a man with less means that he can divorce her and take her stuff instead. Marrying down does not provide safety and security for today's modern woman and puts her at risk of losing her assets and having her wages garnished if they end up getting a divorce. Of course many men don't care about marrying down because love clouds their judgement the way diarrhea clouds a land whales toilet. What does this one thing say about women's ability to love men in the crazy way that we love women? In the past however restrictions placed on women limited their options and the fear of ending up all alone in poverty was enough to encourage the majority of women to get married as young as possible. Women's lack of freedom and options led to a society where they were forced to marry men that were above them financially, yes, because men were the primary and better paid bread winners. But also marry men that they didn't find as physically appealing and they also had to forgo riding the cock carousel because in order to secure the best looking, hard working and successful man possible they had to leverage their youth at the point when it was the highest. Ie in their early twenties. The longer she waited the worse her life would be going forward because the best men were already taken. Today the same thing happens. The smart women find the best men before the age of 25. Meanwhile women that run off and focus on their careers instead of looking for guys to give it up their rears run out of good options when they are finally ready to typically settle down in the their thirties. By asking that question where are all the good men they are trying to evoke sympathy for their situation. A situation they put themselves in to begin with.

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1. Attractive young businesswoman using tablet with circuit. Technology and computing concept. Double exposure

2. Full of sweet chocolate flavors. Cute girl having fun with cookies. Pretty girl covering eyes with cookies. Bakery style chocolate chip cookie recipe. Bakery shop. Following a cooking recipe.

3. Young attractive female digital electronic engineer checking electronic circuit in laboratory

The Cosmic Free Market
The Cosmic Free Market T.F. Monkey 484 Views • 5 years ago

Background Music: Mature Sounds by Jingle Punks. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

Should She Abandon Her Son? - MGTOW
Should She Abandon Her Son? - MGTOW Sandman 111 Views • 5 years ago

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from the one the only, the queen of meow that likes to take a bow, fat cat and here's what she has to say: "Hi Sandman, I’d like your opinion on something regarding my son. There have been some complications with my health and the things I’ve been working towards are falling apart. So I've been thinking about my living arrangements with my son and husband. My first option is to do nothing and continue living in the same house with both of them. But in that case I’m most likely to turn bitter and resentful. I’m also most likely to take this out on my son and his dad. By far the worst option I have. I don’t have the luxury of not doing anything. My second option is relocating the entire family. It has the most financial gain because I would be able to work for my father and earn a very good income. The boy is so young that it won’t affect him very much. My in-laws of course will be angry, because this is their only grandchild. He would go along with this for our son. I suspect he would resent me at some point and it will lead to our break-up over something stupid in due time. My third option is to relocate with just my son. I have all the necessary resources to take care of him. I would have no problem letting our son stay with his dad during vacations. Weekends won’t be an option because of the distance of me working for my family on another continent. If his dad has extra time off, he is welcome to spent it with his son as long as it does not upset our son’s daily routine. Example: If the boy is in daycare, he can pick him up, do anything they like provided our son is in bed on time. When he gets older there will be the condition of needing to homework. The fourth option is relocating alone. Since his dad does not have all the necessary resources they will be living in my property, at least at the start. I want my son to have it anyway after I'm gone. I will be drowning myself in work to help pay/save money for our son. It will be similar to when I was drowning myself with schoolwork as a way of coping. The harder the subject, the better. I prefer this one. I consider my son to be reflection of me and how I raise him. As young as he is, I’m already drilling in some fundamentals, like strict bedtimes. I think if there’s no one to restrain me, I’ll grow into a tiger mom with ridiculous high standards. It’s what I’m used to doing. On a side note my parents would be thrilled with option 1. Option 2 would not sit well with them. Yet they're telling me not to do anything and instead be supportive of him because good old fashion family values. Because this man of mine is not happy with any of the options. So now I’m working out a few more. My parents hired a lawyer for a lawsuit I plan to file against the government regarding my health issues. I’m going along with this because if we have no case it will be the end of it. If we do have a case and we end up winning the I’ll be lot less resentful and have more options to stay. I’ll have better job opportunities as well. I already had an offer and they are willing to wait if everything clears out. The keyword being if. I don’t thinks so. The most likely option for staying are other jobs I can get and even in that regard I already have an offer. They prefer me soon then later, but it can wait. With the hours I can work and taking care of my son, I’d be making less than minimum wage. It would be the lowest income, apart from doing nothing. I’ll be honest and say I place a lot a value on my independence. If something go’s wrong I won’t be able to support myself, let alone with a child. It freaks me out just as my dad offering me a job. My dad and I know I won’t be able to take over after him and I’m not willing to put the same trust in my siblings as I do with him. I going to pick my poison. I was wonder what type effects these options would have on my son. I have about a year so I don’t have to rush my decision." Well fat cat thanks for the donation and topic. I'm sure there are tons of people rotten tomatoes at their screens as they hear you've made another request after a very long hiatus. But before I give you my advice let me first tell you about today's sponsor Me The Sandman:

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