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Kim Kardashian Destroys Kanye In Divorce Court - MGTOW
Kim Kardashian Destroys Kanye In Divorce Court - MGTOW Sandman 229 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video isn't brought to you by any donations so I thought I'd give everyone an update about the crazy Kim Kardashian child support settlement of 200 thousand a month even though they have join custody of their four kids. But because the kids are spending more time with her that's why she gets the money. Kanye or should I say Ye because that's his legal name now is worth 6.6 Billion dollars. So that 200 thousand dollars is nothing to him. Most guys would have a stroke on the spot if they were ordered to pay that much. Ye has gotten to the point where he's uncancelable even though for some crazy reason he thought that his sponsors would keep paying him after he made antisemetic remarks. Adidas and the Gap got rid of him pronto. He also wore a shirt that said white lives matter and was criticized for it because apparently that's something that white supremisists wear. The former couple are going to be splitting the expenses for their kid's security, school and college. I bet you anything she probably thought she was going to get more money than that. If she was gold digging she got herself fools gold. But then again they waived spousal support out of the divorce and she's worth 1.8 billion dollars. My thinking is that because he's so good with money he helped her grow her fortune and there's a good chance he's still managing her money so she wants to continue to see number go up in bank account so that's my suspicion as to why he's not paying her anything. That and if he was smart enough to make 6.6 billion dollars then odds are he was smart enough to setup a bullet proof prenup. And my suspicions were confirmed because their property will be divided through a prenup. I couldn't find out if she got more than her fair share of the cash anywhere. Ye fought against the separation and she was the one that wanted to get divorced. I think having that much money and power has made him disconnected from reality. Especially with his aspirations of running for president. He knows that with the money he has he can pretty much say anything he wants because it's F U money afterall and he's wealthy enough to afford freedom of speech and cancel culture. He now joins the ranks of Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Andrew Tate guys that are wealthy and can't be cancelled. When there are enough of them and they start to influence the culture then there's going to be a serious reckoning. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.

The Rooster Roller Coaster - MGTOW
The Rooster Roller Coaster - MGTOW Sandman 328 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia <br>- <br>- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from El. She sent me a more than generous amount so I thought I'd keep working on my book and share a chapter about the cock carousel. I've been having some issues with a condition known as jeep seat but I'm managing it and my pain is minimal so I'm in a good enough place to do some creative writing. So here's what I've got for this section and I quote: &quot;Why do so many women sleep with dozens of guys by the time they turn 25? Maybe it's because they can't seem to find a one that fits them just right? Their life story up to that point might as well be called goldilocks and her forty cocks. Perhaps it's daddy issues? Whatever the reason they are wasting their time sleeping around instead of locking down one high quality man. They fly around from one man's bed to another like Marry Poppins with no knickers. After they ride the cock carousel for a while they get older and realise they can't do it forever and look around and ask where have all the good men gone? Most of quality male specimens are taken but they want it all. They want to ride two horses simultaneously but they only have one ass. They want lots of sexual experiences while younger and a high quality relationship when older. But there are only so many good men to go around. By the time they are ready to settle down they are all wrinkled up with no place to go in their thirsty depends. Even if they can hold their own with their bladder, adult diapers can still come in handy to quench their tears. As women get older quality males with options are more likely to do a cock-benefit-analysis and realise that smart men don't get married. Especially to frumpy looking bumpkins that do a slow motion transformation from a skinny peach to a fat pumpkin in a sort of reverse cinderella maneuver. Will a man with means and options in his mid to late thirties at the height of his sexual marketplace value go for a woman his own age that looks like a plumpasaurus or gynosaur? Forgetaboutit! So instead she might settle for a starter marriage with a sub standard man. Not Mr. Right but Mr. Right Now. Or maybe she'll be the fool that adopts a barrel full of cats. A good way to know if women are genuinely attracted to you is if they approach you and are interested in you in your teens and early twenties. Those are their prime rooster rollercoaster riding years. If they want to be with you then, you know it's genuine. Because at that age your pockets might not jingle but you can still make her tingle. That when women are still sampling men like all 31 original flavors Baskin Robbins and then some.&quot; unquote I hope you guys are enjoying this video as I'm enjoying writing it. I'll share more from my cock carousel chapter in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW <br>Book Collection Part 2: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Video Background Credits: <br>Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by &quot;;

Why Most Men Cannot Live Without Women - MGTOW
Why Most Men Cannot Live Without Women - MGTOW Sandman 404 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link: <br>The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce &amp; The Police Are Not Your Friends <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger and he wants me to put my book in audio format when it's finished. I'll hold off on that as well as a digital copy of the text for six months to a year to ensure everyone that wants a paperback or hard cover gets one. The last thing I want to do is have someone steal the text or audio and use text to speech software and monetize my book on their channel and make money from all my hard work. Scanning a book page by page and transcribing it will discourage most people from doing so. Besides the sections are already coming out in rough format in a special book playlist I created if you look under the playlist section. Hope that helps Roger? As for today's topic I found a post on the going your own way forum discussing why men cannot live without women and here's what someone named FangBlade has to say and I quote: &quot;It doesn't matter how much a man knows about female nature. He will all still long after women. Take for example the incels, they are not selected by women. Instead of accepting that women don't want them and female nature in general and simply enjoy life without women. They fall into despair or take the red piller PUA. Instead of grinding and hustling for their own glory, they do it for a women that will at best she does nothing and at worse she takes nearly everything you worked so hard to get without a ounce of remorse. It seems so crazy to me that men especially now a days keep dealing with women sexually. Do they not want their freedom? Do that not know about robot vagin? I really don't get it. What are your thoughts on men's desire to be on the female ran plantation?&quot; unquote. Right below that somebody named Chris sums up the reasons men can't leave the plantation. He points out the male sex drive, societal pressure, family pressure, peer pressure, low self esteem, need for external validation. And that those are extremely difficult for a lot of men to overcome. Plus he mentions the Disney fantasy love fairy tale as well as obviously television and love songs. He says that the blue pill is life and always will being alone without a hole to call their own. When they're not in a relationships, most guys are trying to get in one or chasing women. Once he broke the cycle, he get a lot of clarity about the true nature of women. He looked back on his life and cataloged how he'd been used and/or mistreated by women and that made the dating scene becomes a lot less appealing. Essentially saying dating is an exercise in busting your butt for an opportunity to get screwed over. I'll discuss my own thoughts about why most men can't live life without women in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

This Is How Liberty Dies, With Thunderous Queefs - MGTOW
This Is How Liberty Dies, With Thunderous Queefs - MGTOW Sandman 405 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Anonymous here. What advice would you give for a man in his early 30s who has been cancelled by the woke mob, had his reputation and life totally ruined, and tomorrow must start over with no job, $5000 in the bank, and a new legal name and identity? In this hypothetical scenario, this man can never, ever reveal his past identity to anyone he meets, and he has been forced to cut off all contact and ties with people in his old life. This man cannot tell anyone he meets in the future about his old identity, because there are too many horrible lies written about him online, and it would end in disaster. This man is not married, he has no kids, and no debt. Do you think there is hope for this man to live the rest of his life in a fulfilling, enjoyable, positive way? What can MGTOW philosophy teach him, to make this situation easier? If you were in this situation, how would you fight the temptation to self delete? How would you convince yourself live is worth living? I feel like many more men will go through this horrible experience in the years to come, and any advice or thoughts you have may save some lives. Thank you for all of the great work you do." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. If this were 1800 and a man was shamed by his town or village I'd say the only way to escape and have a positive situation or life would be to move to the new world if he was in Europe or move to a bigger city like London which had close to a million people where he could disappear. Today it's a lot easier if a woke mob cancels you. It's simple. Use the internet to make money. Start an ebay store, head to garage sales, buy stuff cheap and sell it online for more. But that only works if he has a car. Perhaps start an etsy shop and sell custom made stuff? Or you can go onto craigslist or it's Canadian version Kijiji buy vintage toy lots with tons of missing pieces and after a while you'll have enough pieces to complete vehicles or sell them. I recently saw someone sell a vintage GI Joe lot that was worth $50 dollars that was worth $1500 dollars. Or go on Facebook classifieds and do the same. Or if you have writing, editing or sound recording services start doing work remotely on something life Fiverr. Or start a YouTube channel anonymously and make history videos or something else that's safe. Google won't look up your name and share it with people. Learn to code and work remotely that way too. You don't need a corporate job to survive anymore. A guy doesn't even have to change his name and appearance and move to another city. Cancel culture and woke mobs have a hard time stopping you when you're anonymous online. That's why I believe in coming years or a decade or two when women make up the majority of politicians they will push for an end to internet anonymity and force some sort of digital ID connected to a social credit score. At that point you might as well be a newly released prisoner or ex con that very few people will hire. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Why Black Men Go For White Women - MGTOW
Why Black Men Go For White Women - MGTOW Sandman 399 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

CELINA POWELL & FRIEND Kay KICKED out of Fresh and Fit Podcast

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Chetan and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Chetan from himalayas again. Hope you're keeping well and Fidel castro's illegitimate son has not shut your voice down by the time you get this. This neo-capitalist/ feminist alliance is bound to rule. There is no hope left for decent men in the world. Recently I saw 2 idiotic scammers on internet 'fresh n fit' get into a fight with a thot on their podcast. I would love to hear your views on it. these fnf guys appear to be full on racists for saying the don't date women of their own race. As if guys of their race are any better. I pity the fools paying money to these frauds. I checked the Instagram of the girl in video & saw she had a mentally disabled brother. My S-i-m-p-athies SIMP to her. She's an attractive girl & had shot her shot at fame for saying some ugly rapper trey songz gave her a yellow shower after sex he creamed up her cooch. Women only care about money. They dont care what the guy is or does. Now the governments are looking to regulate crypto. Well Chatan thanks for another donation and topic. So far so good. I'm still allowed to post content online. I almost contributed money to the trucker campaign. I'm glad I didn't because some left wing extremist hacked givesendgo and released the identity of everyone and then incompetent journalists wearing CCCP shirts went around shaming and scaring everyone on that list that was from Canada. One provincial government worker was fired from her post for donating $100 dollars. Other people are having their money seized and their cryto assets black listed. The last thing I would have needed was to have my assets frozen or seized. But because of what happened I did pull most of my coins off of exchanges into cold storage just incase. I have no plan to sell them anytime soon so it doesn't make sense to keep them there anymore. Plus with all the regulation the governments might just decide to order everyone turn it over to the government like they did back with gold in the United States during the depression. If that happens then once the mandates have been lifted I'm leaving Canada for good for a country to gives me freedom. I can also still make content for now because Justin Castro dropped the hate speech legislation he was proposing. Probably because of a no confidence vote in parliament because he doesn't have a majority government. As for Fresh and Fit I don't blame Myron for dating exclusively outside of his race. Have you seen the videos of black men complaining that black women when they swirl and get together with a white man they treat him politely and with respect? But when they get together with a black man they are yelling at him and throwing their shoes around the room. If I was a black man I would want to be treated in a polite and respectful way too. They of course can date white women because of their elevated sexual marketplace value from the social and financial status they have from the Fresh and Fit Podcast. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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The Feminist Zombie Apocalypse - MGTOW
The Feminist Zombie Apocalypse - MGTOW Sandman 428 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He's got quite a bit to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say and I quote: "Hello Sandman, Over the holidays I ended up black pilling myself. It happened after I had a weak moment with a 30 year old woman. On one hand, I can't exactly complain about receiving attention from someone much younger than myself, even if only for a night. But at the same time it was a realization that at 51 years of age, my time as far as ever getting married or having children is over. And as this sentiment cemented itself into my addled brain, I could feel myself ingesting the black pill, and finally understood what it really was. I won't lie about the fact that prior to this realization, I was fairly down on the black pill and those who had ingested it. Why would I want to count myself amongst the incels? Why should I accept nihilism? Why should I despair over this? For 2 days I was completely miserable. Worse yet I realized that to some degree, I had black pilled in prior moments of my life but was oblivious to it. Perhaps that's the only thing that really saved me from getting into suicidal thoughts. I had been here before. Inevitably, I forced myself to remove my personal desires and ego from my condition in order to try to understand what this pill was really about. And once I did, a couple of things crystallized in my mind and I want to share them with you in the hope you will share them with other men who have gone their own way, and who may have misconceptions about the black pill. The first realization was over the nature of women themselves. I have come to understand that all women have something called the seed of doubt buried within them. It's the source of their insecurity and the reason women shit test men mercilessly. It's that point of uncertainty where she asks herself did she make the right choice? Is she doing the right thing? It even pushes women to pursue collectivism and external validation because they just don't know. This "seed of doubt" has been metastasized by the waves of feminism to the point where women are at this point incapable of sustaining long term relationships and marriages. There is this thirst to seek out relationships to sabotage because they understand based on past experiences how this seed of doubt has ruined previous efforts. So often times they will seek out men who are physically attractive yet repugnant over the belief that if they hurt this man, and not a "good" man, then it won't feel so bad for them after the fact. It's delusion. At the same time, the seed can't be denied whether they simply sipped the clown world Kool Aid or had a full douse. It is what it is. And in light of this it has tempered my attitude towards them. As for the modern man, and because of how the gynocentric society is set up, the modern man is now participating in what I call a social paradox. This paradox is based upon the premise that as an individual, it is in the best interests for a man to not get married or have children. For the individual man, going your own way is simply the best financial option, the best legal option, and the best spiritual option in light of what women have become due to participation in the social media Hivemind.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Skanks & Soy Boys Are Our Future - MGTOW
Skanks & Soy Boys Are Our Future - MGTOW Sandman 474 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce & The Police Are Not Your Friends

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Scars Arena and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I am reading the book how not to become a millennial and got me thinking what your thoughts about the generation x, millennials, and generation z are going to play out in the upcoming years. Now Gen Xers are 41 to 55 years old, and Millennials are soon to be taking all of there leadership positions in the work force. The gen x traits such as strength of character, discipline, strong mindedness, thick skin to sarcasm & SOH will soon be gone. The rise of feminism, wokeism and this huge population pussification of soyboys and influencers is powering on. I am not going to put myself in these environments if I have a choice. So finding a place to live where the social credit score & feminism will not be so welcome as you say Africa and some parts of Latin America is what alot of free men will be considering. The Russians and Mexicans seem to be some of the last standing cultures to hold onto keeping Men as men more than others. I’m aware the phone has infected every corner of the globe and soon enough every mind. So this cancer cancel woke Feminist culture is inescapable. I'd rather live a shorter great life in a wild place where then fight to keep some old school values alive, than try for survival in the upcoming catastrophe most countries have now become. Who will help restore testosterone, strength of character and strong minds again? Hard times create strong men. Strong men good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men hard times. So, we are now in the weak men entering hard times phase. I can’t see Millennials or Generation Z creating strong men so this cycle will most likely stop." Well Scars thanks for the donation and topic. I'm glad that you've accepted that there is no way to escape the coming political situation and that the only way out is to leave to a place that's too dangerous and difficult place to get to if you're a woman. I would also be wary of Mexico because their parliament is majority female. So I wouldn't be so sure even though they are trying to get rid of feminists. The feminists are fighting and will probably win in 20 or 30 years like they will in most of the world. Russia seems to be holding on better because in 2014 12-13% of their elected officians were female and today that number stands at 17%. It's going up just like everywhere but it's going up slower there. Russia is more of an Oligarchy and not necessarily a democracy. But the Russians are moving slowly towards a feminine democracy too. It might take forty years but it will probably happen at some point. They are behind the west but will catch up at some point. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz:

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Women & Minorities Will Take Us To Communism - MGTOW
Women & Minorities Will Take Us To Communism - MGTOW Sandman 376 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Red Pill Developer

Heritage Minutes: Jennie Trout

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Steve on Subscribestar. He didn't give me a topic so what I want to do is cover what I see as an inevitability at this point. That political power in the west will shortly be taken over by a coalition of women and minorities that will run western countries into the ground trying to create a socialist social justice utopia. In Ontario Canada the province I live in the second and third largest political parties their elected members of parliament make up over fifty percent of the party. Their Candidates from these pictures I'm showing you off their websites make up sixty to seventy percent of their members waiting in the wings to take power. It's a certainty that at some point be it five years or ten years that the conservative party of Ontario gets voted out and when that happens we will probably have fifty to sixty percent of our provincial politicians being female. The parliament will join such wonderful countries as Cuba and Rwanda with more females than males in power. I don't care who's in power so long as they are competent. But where does this end? Will minority men keep voting for the leftist female centric parties? I spoke about a while back that Hispanic and Black men are increasingly leaving the side of Democratic party in the United States and voting for Republicans. They are doing this because of the lack of respect they are receiving. Seeing that they don't matter to a left that's all about women's rights and freedoms as opposed to men's. I'm glad they are finally waking up from their slumber and seeing that politics is not between the left and right but between male and female. Doesn't anyone else think that once women make up 60 or 70% of politicians that they will harbor animosity towards men for all the so called years of patriarchal oppression that they weren't around to see? Ethnic groups can hate each other for hundreds or even thousands of years. Look at the Japanese vs Chinese. Or the British and Germans. Being from a Balkan background I can't tell you how much hatred Serbs and Croatians hated one another. Me being a mix of the two I never understood their connection to events long since past. Regardless, it doesn't matter if what happened is real or imaginary the hatred is still there. I suspect that it will be used to punish Heritage Canadians of European descent as well as those in most other anglo-saxon and western European countries for things they never did. Punishment for past misogyny. But the problem is the coalition of women and minorities will be trying to destroy the ones that are keeping their infrastructure going. It's like they don't have a memory that everything is built by men or something. So what will happen? I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red
Pill Developer:

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Muscular handsome sexy Santa Claus

Fitness woman drinking water at workout in the gym

The Brilliance Of MGTOW
The Brilliance Of MGTOW Sandman 390 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Scars Arena Health Gummies

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I want to cover a post I found on the MGTOW subreddit with the same title as this video and here's what someone named Project At Evan's Gate has to say and I quote: "MGTOW is the life raft, and the boat. It saves, and yet it drives - inner peace, knowledge, community, and an impact that only the future can see. The backbone of MGTOW is the mind - human nature, female nature, evolutionary psychology, and such. Not only do we understand female nature, but being MGTOW, you have to understand your own. You have to understand the dangers your nature can bring you towards, the instincts that blind humanity. The ideology is very informative and critical because it teaches us things that society never would. And once you start getting more and more into the knowledge, things start adding together like puzzle pieces; you start to see things you
never saw before, or rather what you didn't want to see before in some cases. MGTOW knowledge will assist you in your every breath until your last one. We start to understand things for what they are. We are told from birth what "success" is. You need the hottest women, the fanciest sports cars, the biggest house, the best jewelry, the biggest wallet........or else you are a "failure". We are told to consume all of these material things until they consume us. The powers that be play into our own nature. MGTOW for me, is enough. My inner peace, my happiness, my soul, is enough. Because none of these other distractions that are pushed upon us ever will be. Traditionalism has been destroyed by the same evil that is destroying the west. Values and morals are forgotten. The masses listen to music with no meaning other than toxicity and hate, the media lies and lies and manipulates, corporations and institutions spread their wokeness and people believe it is genuine and beneficial, people don't care much for introspection as they would rather frantically search for a reason to protest and cause havoc in the streets and spread vitriol for the sake of it, for the sake of organizations that don't care about them. Big Tech companies silence and censor the public as different ideas are no longer allowed. The middle class is being destroyed. Women and men have resorted back to their cave instincts because the culture has changed to deem it fit once again: It is easiest to control those who have been reduced into emotional primates. Hypergamy, pride, and greed spreads rampant, things are seen only at the outside instead of the inside. And then people wonder why men go MGTOW. There is nothing here for us. MGTOW is self-preservation. MGTOW saves lives, I know it saved mine. MGTOW in a way is taking action by doing nothing. But that nothing is everything. Men are treated horribly, but keep countries going. We have considerable power and going MGTOW is a recognition of this. As MGTOW spreads, significant changes will occur in society that will no longer be able to be ignored. Leaving the game entirely is a strategic move, because the game relies on us playing it. When you go your own way, the game gets angry. When feminists go their own way, they are applauded. So what's really going on here? Isn't it funny how feminists hate MGTOW too - they want all the power and benefits in society but none of the burdens such as getting drafted into a battlefield. We are essentially living through a gynocentric coup. MGTOW has found a hidden double standard(s) that we should continue to use to our advantage. The culture needs you to swallow the narrative, but what if you don't need it? What if all you need is you? MGTOW is truth and enlightenment. Freedom. Realize your own validation. Realize your self worth. Mgtown is open when they are ready to arrive, as we once did. This is how we all win." unquote. Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and this to Project Evan's Gate for summing up our philosophy. I'll get to my thoughts about your words in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Scars Arena:

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Why MGTOW May Fail To Fully Launch With Gen Z
Why MGTOW May Fail To Fully Launch With Gen Z Sandman 386 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, even though it sounds like we as an audience have forgotten who has helped lead us to freedom of thought and freedom from thots and reinforced our major decision to go our own way without knowledge of MGTOW & the red pill, blue, crimson, purple, black.. we haven't. Thank you again for your selfless words of wisdom. I hope things are moving forward still besides the lack of monetary appreciation out here on YouTube. Well James thanks for the donation and support. I'll use it to cover a post I ran into recently about MGTOW failing with Gen Z. It's a bit lengthy so before I read it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz: Anyways, here's what someone name The Sisko says and I quote: "I want to focus here specifically on maladjustment, and how prevalent it has become with Gen Z teenagers and young adults. Most of us here are a little older than them, and therefore had time to experience the world of dating prior to the ramped up hypergamy, oversexualisation of social media that we see today. This is evidenced with how nihilism/black pill philosophy is more popular with Gen Z kids as compared to PUA/Red Pill was with Millennials and older. I myself am a late millennial, but I still managed to have had decent experiences with women without knowing any of the “game” while I was doing it, and not being the most physically attractive dude + below average height. For us, MGTOW comes as a logical conclusion to the bs we’ve been through, particularly the veterans that have been through divorce/child support (which I salute). We experienced it consistently throughout our life, been in different types of relationships, got screwed over, and decided to call it a day. A logical pathway. However, from my discussions from Gen Z men in person, as well as studying how MGTOW is presented today on platforms such as Tiktok/rage bait Youtube videos, I don’t believe as many men are having these formative experiences at a young enough age where they are able to come to the same logical conclusions. As we’ve been repeating ad nauseum, young men are sexless for longer (30% between the ages of 18-29 in the USA right now. People have expressed to me, in their mid-20s, that they’ve never experienced a relationship their entire life, and as a result are craving the intimacy that comes with it (and acting a fool in the process). I also suspect, though I have no proof of this, that the average age of when men lose their virginity is on the rise. I believe experiencing this, losing it and the heartbreak/anger that follows, is foundational if you truly want to be at peace with a mindset such as MGTOW, and change the way a man perceives women. As I mentioned earlier, MGTOW today is portrayed on social media as a lot of young men (rightfully) dunking on women, pushing back against the simp agenda, not wifing up single mothers. That’s all well and good, however this constant anger and “Ha Ha Suck Shit” attitude doesn’t necessarily guide a man towards actually realizing his goals and driving himself in the direction of total freedom.

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TikTok Has Banned MGTOW
TikTok Has Banned MGTOW Sandman 390 Views • 3 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

TikTok Has an Incel Problem


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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discuss a Vice article called: "TikTok Has an Incel Problem" which I've linked to in the description. It discusses a report from August of 2021 from the Institute Of Strategic Dialogue which that covers hate speech on TikTok and the report found examples of accounts promoting MGTOW as well as other hate such as white supremacy. Well it looks like that report has worked because when I do a search for the term MGTOW on the platform I can't find anything. But looks like Vice dug deeper and found one account called @mgtowistheway and another called @mgtowmemes. The MGTOW is the Way has only 645 followers and Vice is trying to ban it. The Memes account is completely gone. I remember a while back Hammerhand having great success on that platform and it helped him grow his YouTube following. Since that time he's on his fifteenth TikTok account and he says it's the most banned platform that he's on. But it's nuts that Vice is writing about 645 followers on an account using the MGTOW acronym. I have 3000 followers on Odysee and 22,000 on Bitchute. But of course they can't touch those because they are on free speech platforms. So they play whack-a-mole with mgtow with other places to ensure that men with means are still going to want to whack them in their holes. This articles about incels but
they make such a big deal that for much of the beginning they discuss mgtow. They clearly know what the real threat is and know that most people won't read past the first part. No matter how much they try and silence us we keep coming back and it bothers them. Now that MGTOW is all but gone from TikTok they are trying to police the Incel community there saying that words like Hypergamy are sexist and are used by the incel community to describe their belief that women will always go for men they see as superior in looks and status. Of course women won't always go for men they see as superior and it's a generalization. They are trying to deplatform based on a technicality. They want to police more than just the MGTOW or incel acronym now. They want to scrub the internet of all red pill ideas so they are working on targeting words they find associated with the manosphere. Saying that those terms are part of the incel-adjacent lexicon. The idea of course is for women to ban ideas they don't like by simply banning certain words and phrases. I guess they didn't hear the phrase Let's Go Brandon before? You can't pull a 1984 because people will invent their own words and language to communicate certain ideas with one another. Language grows organically and people will adapt. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism:

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Survive To Bang Her Body Another Day - MGTOW
Survive To Bang Her Body Another Day - MGTOW Sandman 302 Views • 3 years ago

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How & Where to Buy HEX

MGTOW as an Animal Migration

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so I want to read a post called MGTOW as an Animal Migration which I've put a link to in the description by someone one the going your own way dot com forum. But it's a bit lengthy and before I read it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Hex: Anyways, now back to the MGTOW is nothing more than male survival and safety first instead of procreation second clown world show. Here's what someone named ScrewJita has to say and I quote: "I view MGTOW as an animal migration in response to an environmental stressor, -exactly- like geese migrating south from the winter. Those northern locales are their mating zone, and doubtless a great many of them would prefer to hang out partying and getting laid all year long (be careful what you wish for, geese). But the fact is, that winter is coming, and if they don't migrate, they're going to end up dead. They feel this in their bones, the tradition has literally bred into the populace at this point. It's pure instinct nowadays, just as the "V" flight pattern. And what I term "male disengagement" is basically the same thing. Men all over are leaving the corporate offices (what do you think the Great Resignation is really about?), avoiding woke colleges (cause who wants to take out $100,000 in undischargeable debt just so they can tip-toe around for four years with an Intersectional target on their backs?), avoiding public approaches in favor of online dating... All of these things are symptoms of men "leaving" a society that has become toxic to them. Not that they identify as MGTOW, or are even Redpilled.. But they are certainly "on their way". But there's more. Given that humans are an animal
species (we're made of meat just like everybody else), their behavior can be viewed in that sense. It's kinda depersonalizing, but we are effectively Apex Scavengers. Our dentition is similar to other scavenger species, and we are without question the most adaptive beasts in existence. So when you look at what MGTOW truly represents, an utterly devastating pattern emerges. Given that vertebrates function on two directives... A: Survive and B: mate and reproduce... In that order, and ALWAYS in that order... Basically, MGTOW are men whose Survival Instincts have overwhelmed their Mating Drive. At the bottom end of Reality, that is what is happening among the human species. (You can panic now, but since you're LIVING IT, I'm pretty sure you've already been panicked enough at this point.) And the only possible cause is an environment so toxic that mating behavior is an untenable threat to that animals' continued survival and well-being. Being a species whose hallmark skill is adaptation, we're adapting... by leaving the mating pool. Basically, we're the geese who just decide to never "fly north" again. We've retired, so to speak. And this is first and foremost, an individual awakening, a spontaneously-occurring event withing a man's life.

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I Slept With Jack Murphy's Girlfriend & He Liked It - MGTOW
I Slept With Jack Murphy's Girlfriend & He Liked It - MGTOW Sandman 317 Views • 3 years ago

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- Red Pill Ring

Cuckold Rage - Jack Murphy's Freak Out at Sydney Watson

Suspect Paid to Join 'Heteroflexible'

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Nobleman. He didn't give me a topic so I thought I'd talk about the self cucking of another red pill dating coach guru of the manosphere. Here's something he actually said and I quote: "Today I sent my adorning, loyal, hot, young girlfriend of two years to have sex with a stranger with Tinder. She is currently at his apartment, checked in with me via text, and presumably smashing her way to a good time. I am alone writing. Couldn't be happier. And here is why. . . " This was from four years ago. Notice also the black nail polish that he's wearing at the 21 contention with his unconventional beard. Then there's a video which I shared a link to in the description called Cuckold Rage - Jack Murphy's Freak Out at Sydney Watson where he swears at her a bunch of time and then storms off the stage because she shared someone asking him a question about being a cuck. He clearly didn't want it brought up and took it extremely personally. Everyone is just sharing the video of him around to show what a trainwreck his life has become. What I'm surprised by is his lack of intelligence and him losing his emotional cool instead of holding frame. I can't believe he didn't realize that the Streisand effect would take hold and that more people would want to share his reaction and talk about what happened if he lost his cool. If he had just told everyone that he had tried having an open relationship with his girlfriend or a polyamerous one then everything would have been fine and people would have understood. It just shows that he can't think on his feet and prepare a defense of his weaknesses. It was also discovered that he has a Chaterbate account where he was a bad monkey shoving things up his shwing shwing the way the Amazing Atheist did with bananas. He's also another guy that lost his mind a few years ago from Trump derangement syndrome. I'm know I'm a bit late to this story Jack Murphy. Just want to show the dangers of men coming into the manosphere and trying grift their way to fame and fortune. I'm also really not sure how he got on as a
regular of the Timcast IRL. He was on episode 382, 405, 423 and 433. So he was a regular and something tells me that after insulting a woman, Sydney Watson on her show he won't be welcomed back by Tim anymore. What was Jack thinking? It was nice of Tim to bring him back to his channel to explain his side of the story and he goes into damage control and attacks Sydney some more for not screening the superchats. But then he apologizes to her. Maybe the thought that it would be masculine to storm off the Sydney Watson show to draw more attention to them and show that he was a masculine man that wouldn't take any shit. I'll discuss more in just one moment but let me first tell everyone about today's
sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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Why Hot Women Date Bad Men - MGTOW
Why Hot Women Date Bad Men - MGTOW Sandman 346 Views • 3 years ago

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat and here's what she has to say: "Hi Sandman you are younger then my brother. He is the reason why I get your TV and movie references. While you’re young at heart, he is immature. If he started acting half your age, it would be an improvement. He is such pain to deal with. The reason I bring him up is something that I always find fascinating; The women that date him. I get the initial attraction. He looks good, is social, funny and smart. It makes the problems he causes even more infuriating. If you like reckless and bad boy stuff, he is more than happy to provide. My family is well of, so that helps. The women that he gets are so cookie cutter. They look great, but well at least now they seem to be bit smarter. Maybe it’s because they don’t try to talk to me about fashion and make-up anymore. I asked one if she if that’s all she talked about, because I couldn’t see how my brother would find it remotely interesting. She said that it was girl talk and I asked her if she thought girl talk was appropriate for an 8 year old boy trapped in a man's body. My eldest sister burst out laughing at that. I never bothered getting attached to these girls. I was talking to my mom about one of them and referred to her as the flavor of the month. My mom initially got mad at me until I said that by the time I remember one of their names, he brings home a new one. What was even the point of remembering them? Anyway, the one I do remember and she is the one he has kids with. I don’t know what she was thinking. She is a single mom as far as I know and doing a horrible job at it. Who drinks shots with their 14 year old? The last girl I met was even younger then myself, but she’s gone now. We will see who the next one will be. Now I think women can’t pick a man to save their lives. I would advocate for arranged marriage if it didn’t mean my brother would have say with who I would marry. I don’t need his poor choices to affect me more than they already do. My sister is with someone she likes to argue with over every little thing. It’s exhausting to watch. My third sister found a guy that apparently finds her controlling to be ok. Better him then me. I also have spinster sisters. The only thing bigger then them would be there ego. They still have yet to meet any guy even though they are at least half a decade older than me. When ever my grandma would start talking to me about me having kids I would tell grandma that it would be proper to wait for the older girls to have theirs first. At one point she told me if I waited for that I’ll never have kids. My sisters were mad when they heard me say that. Maybe I should introduce them to some cats instead. As for my sister in-law she hasn’t had a stable relationship as long as I’ve know her. If this guy she's with now lasts for 5 years I will truly be amazed. I can’t deal with her chaotic planning and the stress it brings. Thank god she and my hubby aren’t close. Last time she tried to drag us into something; he jelled at her one the phone and hung up. Well my friends aren’t better. There rest I will some up: Single mom, single mom, single mom all the way. I was having fun, now I’m dumped and crying all the way. I’m so woke, I’m so woke, Now i‘m alone and broke... Sorry, it’s close to the holiday’s now so I thought everyone would enjoy that.

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Why Women Don't Want Men To Get Red Pilled? - MGTOW
Why Women Don't Want Men To Get Red Pilled? - MGTOW Sandman 374 Views • 3 years ago

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- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

I feel as though I wasn't supposed to figure any of the Red Pill Out

Surrogacy for MGTOWs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Peter. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to share a story from the Going Your Own Way Dot Com Forums called: I feel as though I wasn't supposed to figure any of the Red Pill Out" by someone with an unpronouncable user name and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Is it just me or does it feel like after taking the Red Pill it's as if you saw your parents having sex in the act red handed? Kinda like geez, I really don't think I was supposed to know this existed. Kind of like a dirty secret. I have taken the Red Pill and have just now accepted that it is what it is and have gotten through the Red Pill rage phase. It's just biology. We are automatons in a sense but it seems as if I have been able to break my blue pill condition almost 100% as I am alone and work alone most of the time. So I've discovered in summary: that 1. The one doesn't exist. 2. Women follow a specific mating pattern that is advantageous to their mating strategy and it is Hoe Phase - Beta Buck Phase Divorce cash and prizes Next beta for long term security into old age. 3. Women usually always date UP, not down. 4. Marrying and cohabitation in any Western country is suicide for the man. 5. Men need to date casually or get a surrogate in another country if you really want a bio-kid. Now. I really think I wasn't supposed to find out 1-4 but it seems I just think too damn much. What do you guys think?" Unquote. Well Peter thanks for the donation and thank you Mr. Unpronouncable for sharing your story. Men aren't supposed to get red pilled about relationships. Instead we are constantly bombarded by romantic comedies and love songs on the radio. If people even listen to radios anymore. All of our stories involve a hero that gets the girl and as we get older most of our friends pair off with women so if we want to keep them we need to do the same. Society has created a perfect pussy trap around the pussy to force us to fall in line and never realize the truth. I think that women are ok if men gradually figure out the red pill as we get older and then they bring up their trump card which is usually the one about dying alone if you don't get married. By their fifties, sixties and seventies when many guys do figure it out they move into the cheaper to keep her phase in life and that's the long term security beta role into old age. Because women need a long term emotional tampon into old age as well. A man like that is trapped and has to stay if he can't afford to leave. Sometimes I find that if women get enough resources, kids and from the first beta bucks guy they go out there and look for a Chadrone to bone. But they still look for the beta friendzone simps, this can also be their sons to throw their toxic emotional period blood koolaid onto. The son husband. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

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Why Do Women Talk So Much About Useless Stuff? - MGTOW
Why Do Women Talk So Much About Useless Stuff? - MGTOW Sandman 351 Views • 3 years ago

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The Men's Guide to High-Conflict Divorce

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat. She sent me a request and asked me to make something of it. I'll sum up some of what she said and share parts I think are important. First she mentions she had some sort of interview talking to some high-schoolers that was frustrating so she just needed vent about her experience. She gave the students her answer about the future of the industry she's working in 20 years and got a strange look from them. So she seems to have gotten confrontational and asked if there when any problems with what she said? Her answer covered technological, financial, economic, social, political, cultural and sexual aspects. The students just agreed to disagree and told her that don't know what the future holds non answer. My feeling is they did that either because they were intimidated that she would call them out on their body language or because maybe they thought she didn't know what she was talking about. She said they were happy with her answer, but she felt abnormal and weird and wrapped up the discussion because she felt uncomfortable. For the next part she says this and I quote: "A younger cousin wanted to talk to me at a family dinner a while back. She asked me a ton of questions and after a while I asked why she wanted to know. Apparently she went to the same middle- and high school as me. She heard a lot about me from the teachers. It was weird. Her brother went to the same school, but they never said anything about him which made it even weirder. So many teachers remembered me and had such nice things to say. It is true that I worked hard on my tests, projects and assignments even with my high absenteeism. But when was I nice, helpful and a team player? I felt disconnected to the girl she was describing. My peers had whole different view of me." unquote. If these two stories are correct then it means that Fat Cat believes she has useful things to teach younger people but I don't think they see it that way. They might perceive her as being worse than she perceives herself and her old high school teachers positive perception of her was probably because of her looks when she was in her teens and maybe how polite she was. Were they male teachers that remembered how hard they would hold on to their rulers? Her perception of herself is different than the way that other people see her. That's all I'm hearing. Why would she share this? Maybe she wants you guys in the audience that haven't liked her in years to think that you were wrong about her? When she thought she had important things to say kids in high school probably didn't want to offend her because odds are they were intimidated by an older woman. Plus they probably didn't want to get in trouble with their teacher. If they insulted someone their teacher brought in then they might have feared that their teacher would retaliate by giving them lower grades so while they did't like what Miss Fat Cat had to say they kept their mouths shut because of fear. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Men's Guide To High Conflict Divorce:

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Simps Falling In Love With Anime Waifu Girls - MGTOW
Simps Falling In Love With Anime Waifu Girls - MGTOW Sandman 331 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

The Legend of Zelda

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Anakin Simpwalker and here's what he has to say: "Hey there Sandman, I’d like to get your opinion on the recent popularity of waifu gacha games. With the incredible success of some recent games that let you spend copious amounts of money to either get or power boost anime girls, I have to wonder how this all ties in with the modern reality of men. When I mean waifu gacha games, I’m referring to games like Genshin Impact, Azure Lane, and Fate/Grand Order. Out of these, Genshin Impact is one that released a little more than a year ago and earned more than 2 billion dollars in profits. It’s an insane amount of profit for a game which could easily have you spend a few hundred dollars just to play as one of the girls, much less to give them any power boosts. I understand the game being fun and the characters being well made, but for a game that normalizes spending hundreds and possibly thousands on your favorite anime girl, there must be some tie in with the current reality of both women and society. I’d like to know what your opinion is on this Sandman. Thanks for all the good work!" Well Anakin Simpwalker thanks for the donation and topic. Sex and violence go hand in hand. Elephant seals batter each other to death during mating season for a chance to reproduce. Men fight each other for the girl. The reward for violence done well is a chance to spread your seed. So is it any wonder that guys want to get violent on a game screen as a scantily clad female. We've all done it. If it was as Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat or a female warrior elf stripped down to her tighty whities in World Of Warcraft. That was the character I most played back in my mid to late twenties. It was something sexy to look at while I was slaying monsters. As for why guys pay money to play these games and get extra powerups and boosts a lot of incels play these games and can't get a date. If I had to guess I'd say about 30-40% of the male population is that way. So a few hundred dollars on sexy waifu characters weapons and dresses is what they might spend on two or three of their theoretical dates. The biggest gaming market in the world is China in 2020 with 41 billion dollars. The US is next with 37 billion. Japan and Korea are next with 25 Billion. The rest of the countries are European with about 24 Billion. So that means that 66 billion is in East Asia and the Europe and North America make up 61 billion. So if you're a game developer you're going to develop games with sexy Asian Characters instead of ones that are white. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

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A God Among MGTOW Paracelsus
A God Among MGTOW Paracelsus Sandman 374 Views • 3 years ago

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Chris Whalen CPA



Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Sebastian de la O and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hola, I don't check these messages much. I am eager to join the video blogging world. Keep posting and keep Boycotting Mexican Beer." Well Sebastian thanks for the donation. I thought I'd use it to cover the latest man in my god among MGTOW series. I've been wrestling with acid reflux since 2015 and back in the middle of 2017 I found what I thought to be the solution. I threw all grains and most carbohydrates out of my diet. For three and a half years my symptoms were completely under control until earlier this year when they started coming back when I ate chicken and seeds. That's when I figured out that my alkaline diet was neutralizing the acid in my stomach but that it wasn't working anymore. I went to a health food store and someone suggested I try something called Canadian Bitters. About a week ago I started using it and so far it's changed my life yet again. My reflux is gone. I did some research to find out what this stuff was and apparently Canadian Bitters is based on Swedish Bitters a solution created by someone named Theophrastus von Hohenheim, better known as Paracelsus. He was a swiss-born alchemist during the time of the German Renaissance. He's also the grandfather of toxicology. So I looked him up secretly hoping that he had never married and had gone his own way and low and behold that was the case. So why had I never heard of him before and doctors kept telling me that my acid production was too high and I needed to reduce it using their pills and an alkaline diet? Apparently he was idolized by the Nazi party so maybe that's why his ideas were written off? But his bitters formula is designed to get you both to produce enough acid and other digestive juices so you can digest your food. Pretty much every civilization since the the Ancient Egyptians and Judaism have been using bitter foods as ingredients to aid in digestion. I just finished a meal and took ten drops of bitters about fifteen minutes beforehand and I don't have an discomfort as my body produces enough juices to digest my meal. Paracelsus was a rebel doctor and alchemist and believe that purging and bloodletting which was a practice thought to restore balance in the four bodily humors as outmoded. Instead he promoted empirical medical work using chemistry and anatomy to help people. He believed that it was the moral duty of a physician to help his patients. He would probably be disgusted by today's modern medical system. 500 years ago he was boosting acid production to help patients yet today's doctors lower it causing more problems. Swedish Bitters worked like magic and I can't explain to you how pissed off I am that today's medical system was selling me pills instead of hearing about this from a doctor. I cried tears of anger! I'll discuss Paracelsus and his contributions to theology, medicine, humanity, chemistry, and even magic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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Why Most Men Can't Go Their Own Way - MGTOW
Why Most Men Can't Go Their Own Way - MGTOW Sandman 430 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Cash Discount Pro

The Stone Tablet:

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kujel and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, I would like you to cover my short book called The Stone Tablet: The Philosphy of Stonism, your video "MGTOW is Spreading Everywhere" echoed a lot of ideas in this book so I thought it would be worth covering, cheers." Well Kujel thanks for the donation and topic. Your 39 page book starts off with the premise that a man is stronger as a member of a klan or a wall of stones instead of as a single stone on his own. This idea echoed back when there were dozens if not hundreds of MGTOW channels in 2017 and 2018. We were a decentralized klan but it sounds like you are advocating for a more centralized one. But how does someone get one stone or person to convince other stones or persons to join together and become a wall? You say that Klans should be small group of brothers working together towards a collective goal. More
often than not blood related. That They have a citadel and if any one member of a klan doesn't meet their obligations they are cast out. I prefer online communities working together with the same goal in mind but each one is individually minded. where we are decentralized. In this day and age of narcissism a philosophy where men get together in one geographic place is centralized and governments won't have it. But a decentralized network would be far more powerful. You go onto say that the relationship a man has with his clan is like the commitment he might have for a wife. You mention this by saying that the clan is his Waifu. The citadel is the stone father and the klan is the mother or waifu. Then you bring up the Prion which in biology is a protein that can cause disease in animals and humans. But you say they are meaningless creatures that live with no klan, no honor only living for consumption and hedonism. But hey it's your philosophy so you can call men with no clan whatever you like. Sometimes these Prions are useful as free agents so the klan shouldn't write them off completely. You also say that hate is a useful emotion so long as it doesn't overwhelm ones reason and rationality. I agree. Sometimes hate is what motivates us to be even more rational. I for example harnessed the red pill rage in the first one to two years of this channel. An animal would have just gone on a rampage destroying things like the supreme gentleman Elliot Rogers. You then say that women can be allowed into a klan as well if they are young and fertile so she enriches the klan. You say that she's supposed to permanently bond herself to the klan. Women can't bond with a woman longer than a few weeks in many cases in this day age let alone for life. I'll discuss more about your short book of stonism philosophy in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Cash Discount Pro:

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Your enemies brainwash you into not killing
Your enemies brainwash you into not killing bousso 85 Views • 3 years ago

⁣ Your enemies brainwash you into not killing

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