
Ayam Sirias is one of the forerunners to the MGTOW movement where his work stems back a decade uploading MGTOW content onto Youtube. After taking a hiatus between 2016-2017, Ayam Sirias teamed up with Lamprey Milt whose known for his discussion with Stefan Molyneux where they began the infamous MGTOW CHAT series that garnished over a million views. The MGTOW Chat series has had well known youtubers and revisionist such as Sandman,Turd Flining Monkey, Dr. E Micheal Jones, Ed Charini, Andy Nowicki, Paul Poteus, John the Other, Honey Badgers and many more.

Be apart of the talk and have some fun. Remember though....No Women,No Ladyboys,No Sodomites.

Youtube channels to view:


Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/xsxWLVADosPB/

Dlive: https://dlive.tv/AyamSirias

Gender : Male
Country :Canada