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200 Proofs Earth is NOT a Spinning Ball - FLAT EARTH
200 Proofs Earth is NOT a Spinning Ball - FLAT EARTH FarmboyCustoms 45 Views • 4 years ago

200 undeniable proofs of FLAT EARTH another Masonic lie

FEMINISM PARANOIA ( From Australian and Spanish perspective) Buff Bob & Priskus in collaboration with Happy Cucumber
FEMINISM PARANOIA ( From Australian and Spanish perspective) Buff Bob & Priskus in collaboration with Happy Cucumber THE BOHEMIAN Goes as I want 8 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Two friends - an Australian and a Spanish strange lesbian old men - sit one afternoon over a couple of coffees on the terrace of some remote tropical paradise. ⁣As usual and after lighting up a cigarette - normal one -, they start talking about the human and the divine and, of course, about women. ⁣Those strange creatures invented by the devil to make the existence of men a torment ( sometimes...). ⁣Actually, this is an experiment, just to have fun with friends in a chill ambience. We did it without any intention other than to see what would come out. We didn't prepare it at all and just started talking as we usually do. ⁣Here you will see two points of view of two old bodies coming from different cultures (⁣kangaroos and bullfighters) Each one with his own twisted interpretation of what is happening in the world. This time we just play the subject of feminist women - those grotesque creatures that someone has transformed to destroy the world -. In future meetings we will deal with other topics or the same one from a different perspective. We ask you to give us our terrible unprofessionality and my ⁣dramatic English - shakespeare must be ⁣rolling over in his grave...
Your opinion on what you would be most interested in listening to will be appreciated. We will be happy to listen our opinions. At some point it will be beer and not coffee, so please don't pay too much attention to us, we are not very healthy in our brain. Buff Bob have been married 5 times - and divorced -, me I used to be porn actor. Now we both becoming old creppy lesbian with nothing else to do than talk about whatever we want. Thank you for watching and Please dont tell the interpol where we are - nor to the ex wives of Buff Bob -.
If you like the video we appreciate your support like paying our onlyfans membership. If dont like our videos, we hope you inyect the booster! and now, Adios! that the bruthel just open and they wait us.

SnowWhite and the seven dwarfs ( or the reality of your girl,  wife, ex wife, future girlfriend or the girl of your drea
SnowWhite and the seven dwarfs ( or the reality of your girl, wife, ex wife, future girlfriend or the girl of your drea THE BOHEMIAN Goes as I want 95 Views • 3 years ago

The little black pill is here and is ready for you.
What those cute babes you wish to date or you are dating, is your GF, your wife or the girl of your dreams think in their fantasy, what they do when you are not around ...
Remenber that girls night thing? Now you will understand.
Discover it and enjoy that cute metaphor

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