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Women Don't Want The World To Change - MGTOW
Women Don't Want The World To Change - MGTOW Sandman 264 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Rub Done Right - The Everything Rub!

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. I just had something that's been on my mind that I had to get out there. If you want to suggest a topic you can do so through paypal through my email that I've linked down below. I began to wonder to what lengths women will go to in order to keep their standard of life and shut men up from talking about women? All the internet censorship has to be related to women trying to control the narrative. When I first started my channel and it started to grow and MGTOW channels started popping out of the ground like weeds I thought to myself I can't believe that women can't silence us. The first step to silencing us forcing us to contest the monetization of every single video I uploaded and it had to be manually reviewed before I could earn any money from it. This happened all the way from early 2017 until the end of November 2018. At that point the CNN documentary about MGTOW came out and all of my videos were demonetized. More importantly every single MGTOW channel that used that acronym and many that didn't were also demonetized. At that point I started to think what would be the next thing they would do. Deplatforming channels would only work so far because female captains of consciousness probably figured out we would create other platforms like Bitchute and Odysee and eventually our ideas would spread from there only much slower. Also a lot of channels would drop MGTOW from their title but still talk about female nature. So the next thing they would do is go after those other platforms and they did and they are all still standing. Then they went for Patreon with the attack on Sargon a few years ago. I thought that would be the first such attack. But they realized that other crowd sourcing would show up. Not to mention Bitcoin. I also thought they would throttle my channel down and others which they have done. So my predictions have come true so far but I haven't made any new ones since those came true.So what's next? What now? Before I share more of my thoughts let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Rub Done Right: Anyways, now back to women trying to censor the internet so that men don't understand how cucked we really are clown world show. At that point I figured that once Big tech gave way to alt tech we would have won. Well, not exactly. My next prediction was that governments would have to take up censorship of their citizens directly. Now we are seeing that with Bill C-10 and Bill C-36 in Canada. Of course in the United States they can't shut us up that way. So instead if I were the elites what I'd do is introduce that cyber pandemic we hear Klaus Schwab talking about so much. Because not all governments can legislate the outlawing of free speech they will have a cyber pandemic and then issue ID when you go online so they can monitor everything you say or do. Just in case you're one of those so called Russian Hackers that they are looking for. Let's assume that they do that. What's our next way to fight back if we can't use the censored internet. I think then we have to used the technology they use on Cruise Ships on devices that aren't connected to the internet. For example if you're on a cruise ship you can use the Navigator App on the Disney Cruise Line or Carnival Hub on the Carnival Cruise Line.

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Feminists Work Hard To Look Ugly - MGTOW
Feminists Work Hard To Look Ugly - MGTOW Sandman 240 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because well I didn't get any today. So I thought I'd discuss something that I first observed almost twenty-five years ago. I was sitting in one of my college classes and the professor was a bull dyke feminist communist with a flat chest, short hair, tattoos and a bad attitude in her late twenties. One of the guys in my class told me that a woman at her age has to work very hard to look that ugly. Probably had to tape down her breasts and not to mention put on a lot of weight. But why was she expressing her appearance in this unattractive way? Unattractive way for straight men that is? Was it because she genuinely wanted to look like a real life version of Pat from Saturday Night Live from the 1990s? Was it because is she looked feminine then men would come up to her and hit on her and she wasn't into dudes? Was it because she was lazy and wanted to eat anything and everything she wanted? Was she signalling to other lesbians visually that she too was into women so that they would know it was appropriate for them to approach her and buy her a keg of beer to feed her beer belly or something? What's really interesting is that it was Lesbian feminists that used to work hard to look this unattractive. But today it's straight feminist women that appear to be taking on the appearance of lesbians that was popular twenty or thirty years ago for that culture. I don't think straight feminist women have any idea why they are behaving this way. I'll discuss why straight women are adopting gay culture thinking it's cool and sporty in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor the Red Pill Ring: Anyways, Now back with the bull dyke riding a trike clown world show. If you ever go to something like slutwalk you see that there are many lesbians there with short buzzed hair wearing military boots with frumpy looking clothes that look like potato sacks. Of course there are straight women there too and many of them probably look up to the older feminist women with the power of the megaphone in their hands at such events and they start to emulate their appearance. I saw this in college with many of the brown nosing female students started getting tattoos, putting on weight and buzzing their hair to gain favor from female professors for marks. They worked hard to look unattractive to men so that they could virtue signal to their bull dyke professors that they were willing to do what it takes to get the right grades. But when I was in college this didn't bother me and I hung out with a masculine polish bull dyke with tattoos sporting a Canadian Tuxedo. Ie wearing nothing but Denim. She was cool and pleasant to be around. It was her way of expressing herself and that was fine. I worked in television with a lesbian tv anchor with underarm hair and after our shoots in the village we would go to a place called Zelda's. If you don't know about this place in Toronto then don't ask. It wasn't a big deal at all. But these women were altering their appearance to signal their sexual desire for another woman. Today when you see those memes with the before and after pictures of women that embraced feminism you laugh at how mentally ill those women seem in the photos. Many of today's feminists are dressing and altering their appearance to look like lesbians from twenty or thirty years ago not because they want another woman but because they think it's the cool and fashionable thing to do.

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Let It All Collapse - MGTOW
Let It All Collapse - MGTOW Sandman 398 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
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Let It All Collapse

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rodger. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is cover this graphic called this wis why we can't have nice things on Reddit. It's a gallup poll done back in 2012 during the 2nd Obama election. It's incredible to see that for women that the most important issue for women is abortion while the most important issue for men is jobs. I guess that more jobs means men make money so they can have sex and women have sex, get pregnant and want an abortion so they can have more sex too. Our species seems to be so simple. Now I understand why some states are pushing for what appears to infanticide with late stage abortions. Children that would be viable with a couple of weeks in an incubator or that would survive on their own without one are being discarded like dew rags in the rain. When you have a society where mothers don't even want their own offspring I guess it's time to let the whole system collapse. I'll discuss more in just a moment as to what male versus female voters are looking for and why what women want dictates our future or futures end. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Linsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. What's also really enlightening about that gallup poll is that ten percent of men say that the most important thing on their list is balancing the federal budget. But zero percent of registered female voters back then said the same. Balancing the budget is not a priority for women. Instead women wanted more healthcare spending. It makes sense because men tend to be more nationalistic and take pride in their tribe. While women take pride in their own territory which is cooch country so of course they want more healthcare to look after their baby making bodies that ironically they increasingly don't want to make babies with. The poll was conducted in the twelve key swing states back then. So obviously now I understand why democrat governors in states that are mostly divided democrat and republican allowed pushed for those late stage abortions to being with. After all if forty percent of women want abortion rights then you need to give them to them. The thing is women have had the right to abortions for fifty years now yet that's still the number one issue. Something doesn't really make sense here. If men had all the jobs they wanted and the economy was great then for men the economy and jobs wouldn't be the most important issues. Then tackling the federal deficits, lower taxes and healthcare would be a greater priority. But for women they have abortion access and yet it's still the most important thing. This is female cognitive dissonance at it's finest. It's almost like they fear that some male politician out there will hold them ransom by using their wombs as a weapon by banning abortion or something. This also makes me think that a lot of women voted for sleepy Joe and Kamala the woman that looks like she's from Ramala instead of Trump because Trump wasn't prioritizing the whamen. He was prioritizing jobs and the economy which are things that men want. But not prioritizing abortion even though it was a non issue was bad for him.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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She Dumped Me & Now I'm Happy - MGTOW
She Dumped Me & Now I'm Happy - MGTOW Sandman 248 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Artur. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I want to do is share a comment called The Epiphany of Being Single on the surviving infidelity subreddit. Here's what some random guy says and I quote: "My wife left me and started shacking up with some guy. I was devestated. I gained fifty pounds depressed. All that. But a year after she left it was like had an epiphany. I don't have to have a career to buy her a house. I wake up at 9 am or ten when I want. Some days I work out, go for a run, go out to eat and then drive two towns over for a milkshake then go home and play video games after I go shopping. And I still have money. I don't have to work 40 hours. I don't have to be in debt. So I quit my job started a business, sold my house payed off my credit cards. Moved back home with my dad and now I keep all my money. I buy those cutting edge Nike shoes I have a huge tv I work twice a week on average now. I thought the world was ending when she left me. But it was a silver lining. I'm glad she left. I was wondering so hard to please her and buy her stuff. And she left me for a Starbucks manager. But truthfully I'm glad she moved on and left me to just do what ever I please. The initial pain can fade and you can just move on and live like me if you want. A divorce isn't the end of the world. Just the end of abuse. My marriage failed because it was phony and now I'm free from having to prop up this phony life." unquote. Well Artur thanks for the donation and I'll share my thoughts about this man that's on his way to going his own way without knowing it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the cooch critter clown world show. So here we have a story about a guy that was depressed and heart broken for a year after his wife had left him. His self worth was probably tied up with putting his tongue on her titties and then they were gone. He figured out that he didn't have to be a hard working plow horse to purchase a nice place in the suburbs for her. If you use the metaphor that he was a plow horse on a farm and the farmer removed the fences the horse might not even notice they are gone. With this man it took him a year to realize that the fences weren't there and that he was free to leave the plantation. He was depressed because he was a slave with no master. Now he's realizing that he doesn't need a master anymore. This is why I think it's important for every guy to take six months to a year off after a major relationship. Don't be like me being a serial monogamist for twenty years not giving myself enough time to process the experiences of long term relationships before diving into yet another one. But that's exactly what happens to most guys that are in demand. They go from one woman to another and there are usually women just circling overhead to give a jerk the moment he gets dumped or he decides to leave his relationships. You've seen women like that before vultures with thirsty vaginas because they can't find a good man so they get as close to a good
man in a relationship as possible and give him hints to end his current love affair. I suspect that there weren't any women around for this formerly married guy because he was depressed and gained fifty pounds. A fat man after all is far worse than a fat woman. This guy realized that he can do whatever he wants in life leisure wise and still have money left over. I tell guys all the time to do things on their own, especially vacations and you'll notice they are far cheaper in the long run when you compare the quality of your adventures and quantity as well for the same price you'd spend with a woman. Sure you might pay twice as much if you were splitting things with a woman or friends but you'll see three or four times as much stuff and do it at your own leisure.

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Women Can't Cope With Corona - MGTOW
Women Can't Cope With Corona - MGTOW Sandman 329 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jason. He didn't send me a topic, just the donation. So I've decided that I want to cover something that's been no my mind for a while. The ways that men and women cope differently to the effects of Coronachan. House prices have gone up about thirty percent in Canada and I just got off the phone with two women today. One that's wealthy and coping with Corona by travelling down to Florida where she already has a house and where she doesn't have to deal with lock-down. The other one is also wealthy and she's trying to sell her town home and move further away from the city because she doesn't want to deal with lock-downs either. When a woman's civil liberties are threatened by being forced to stay home they are far more likely to make a rash impulsive decision to buy an overpriced house and I'm still not sure if money printing or women's desire for more living space that's pushing up the prices in a crazy way. Women cope with a bad reality by trying to escape to a better one. Men on the other hand can cope in that way too but I'm coping to covid through nostaligia. I'll discuss what I'm doing in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. I didn't realize this but I found a way to cope with the sniffle sickness and low and behold many other guys are doing the exact same thing as me. It may sound completely crazy but I started the new hobby of purchasing vintage GI Joe toys and wanted to share with you guys what I've been buying. At first I thought to myself why the hell have I, a grown man taken a hobby that I haven't really done since my teens and early twenties. In my teens most specifically buying Star Wars toys. I even have some of them mint on card as you can see. I also have a bunch of loose figures missing their accessories that I picked up at yard sales over the years. My parents were new to Canada so they didn't have money to spend on stuff like this so I picked this stuff up in the late eighties and early nineties. By 1986 I was getting good toys but Star Wars was way over by then. Back in my early 20s I used to go to garage sales and pickup tons of transformers, gi joes, 100+ Nintendo games, he-man figures and other retro items. But I sold many of those. I wish I had never sold the Cobra Terrordrome I found at a garage sale for 250$. Now it's worth between one and two thousand dollars and at some point I'll pick one up again. Funny enough prices for vintage toys have gone up more than the thirty percent rise in housing since the coof started. Some figures I bought eight to ten months ago for twenty to to thirty bucks are now in some cases worth fifty bucks. The market is just as hot or hotter than the housing market. First it was about collecting the stuff that I had as a kid which are the first handful of pictures you'll see with the thunder machine and Havoc. Then it shifted to purchasing stuff other kids had that I played with and wanted. Then suddenly it became about army building which is something no did as a kid but I thought it was interesting. Now I'm trying to complete each series by year from 1983 to 1988. I lost interest a few times for a month or two and then I would go back to it. At first I went buck wild spending a ton of money but now I limit myself to two hundred and fifty bucks a month. Buying them mint on card is out of my budget. I picked up two opened carded figures at a year sale years ago and I still have the packaging and can easily put the figures back in. Being the perfectionist that I am in some cases I buy multiple identical figures and try to piece together a perfect one as you can see from this Big Boa where I have three different versions.

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Women Are Always Late - MGTOW
Women Are Always Late - MGTOW Sandman 235 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy the Dakota MGTOW and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, This is a combined payment for 1 Skype call and 1 video sponsorship. I am sure that by now you worked hard on several video topics that are currently unsponsored. Please use this donation to sponsor one of them." Well Randy thanks for the donation and I'm sure you'll enjoy this topic. I was reading a reddit post on the MGTOW subreddit yesterday and some guy shared his story about meeting a thirty year old woman at a lounge and she was 20 minutes late and she wasn't apologetic when she showed up. That guy was complaining that she was rude on her phone all night, late for the date and it's driving him to consider going full monk mode. His story about the unapologetic woman that was late reminded me of a wedding I shot a few days ago. I was told the ceremony was going to start at 12 so I decided to be there just before 11:30 to give me more than enough time to setup my microphones and cameras as I was shooting wedding video instead of doing photography. Sometimes I do one or the other. Everyone was there and the wedding was supposed to start but the bride didn't get there on time. Arriving 30 minutes late to her own wedding? By the time the ceremony started it was closer to 12:45. Most people had been there for well over an hour and a half including her parents and everyone out there on the Zoom broadcast because we were in the middle of another Covid stay at home order lockdown in Canada. So for thirty days there is a stay at home order where unless you're going to go work because you can't do your job remotely or go to the grocery store or pharmacy you are ordered to stay at home. Of course no one is listening. The places that have the most cases are the ones where people aren't getting vaccine because they are minorities worried about being able to be fertile. But I digress. Why was this woman late to her wedding? Why was that thirty year old woman 20 minutes late to the lounge? I'll discuss why women are late in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Suriving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to the fashionably late clown world show. First off women don't have a monopoly on being late. I used to always be late meeting up with girlfriends because of Toronto traffic. I was always a bit late but never for a first date. This was back in the days before Google Maps with waze so you didn't know if there was an accident or traffic jam and half the time there always way.. Today you can program into you phone exactly how long it's going to take to get somewhere so there is no excuse for being late. Look at travel conditions well before you were planning on travelling somewhere. Even then pick up the phone and see what's going to happen half an hour to an hour before you are supposed to leave. As for the bride that was late for her own wedding I spoke to Randy about the subject and he asked me if she was really hot, but older marrying a guy with lower sexual marketplace value and he called it. She looked to be in her mid to late thirties and about two or three inches taller than him with her heels on. So he was probably at least half a head short of her liking. He also had more feminine facial features than she did and has that fake smile that makes you want to cry. So I can see why she was late. She probably wanted to delay the marriage as long as possible but it's either that or cats. Randy says she was probably crying in her own wedding pics and not in a good way. Actually that didn't happen.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Women From Argentina - MGTOW
Women From Argentina - MGTOW Sandman 308 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

They want us banned

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Jimmy. He didn't send me a donation with his topic so what I'd like to do is cover the insanity in Argentina and South America with the rise of Feminism down there. My cock cries for you Argentina as fat feminists try and tear down your country. That whole continent in the southern hemisphere is fighting a cooch coup for civilization itself. I guess women didn't get the memo that they depend on men for survival? Or maybe they just don't care anymore. Why does everyone think that outside the western world that Brazil has the biggest MGTOW community. Why have they have shut down MGTOW and men's rights YouTube channels in Brazil and Mexico completely and are not just demonetizing them?. This just shows you how women in Latin American women have more power over men. I spoke with one YouTuber in Brazil and he told me it's a weird combination of Catholic guilt and feminist fist pumping that men are facing down there. I recently saw in Mexico bring up the term femicide which represents the murder of women. As if murder only counts when it's the death of a women. Men are disposable so the feminists south of the Rio Grande are trying to reword murder to mean something that only happens to women. As for Argentina it has a rich Catholic background and women in that country have been fighting for the right to abortions recently and this will just create an even bigger problem. Right now the country has a population of 43 million and it's fertility rate is at replacement. With abortion being legalized I'm predicting that that will push it well below replacement even if only five or ten percent of women that get pregnant decide to take advantage of the procedure. Earlier this year in Argentina they had women's day and the motto was for men to stop killing women. They are complaining about the 255 femicides that happened in Argentina in 2020. But ironically more women are probably going to die from the coof spreading at this event with thousands of women present then all the so called femicides in 2020. I'll discuss more hypocrisy and insanity in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to the clown world show tango. So besides more old women dying from the feminist rally that's for abortion in Argentina I noticed the long bangs on many feminists to cover their receding hair lines. Feminism as always is for unattractive women that want to make attractive women suffer just as much as they do. No one wants to have children with them and on the rare chance that they do the child won't be all that pleasant to the eye. So what better way for feminists in Argentina to take their anger out on attractive ladies that have normal children instead of the occasional homely looking kids feminists have is by making sure that attractive women don't have kids. Feminism is a misery loves company ideology and surprise surprise unattractive feminists all over the world want the same thing. To make the more attractive women suffer by dragging them down to their level and beating them with their ugly sticks. It's too bad that in Argentina there are no drug cartels like you see in Mexico. In that country because of the cartels you either get the silver if you do as they want you to or you get the steel if you don't. IE the steel found inside a pistol. What's really sad is that the world is being dragged down by unattractive women that can't get a Chad. Don't look at capitalism or the patriarchy as to why fat women that look like Pikachu with hairy armpits can't get a date. Blame the welfare state and the sexual revolution. Blame birth control pills and the abortions that are now being welcomed in Argentina. Latin people tend to be more passionate about life and before Christianity was a great outlet for that. But now that religion is dying in Latin America women are plowing their passion into feminism. Nature doesn't like a vacuum and it it fills it with something.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
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Hidden Agenda Behind Feminism - MGTOW
Hidden Agenda Behind Feminism - MGTOW Sandman 342 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

The Red Zone Episode 3

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you brought to you by a donation from Alex and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, If you like you can discuss StudioBrule's video called "The Red Zone Episode 3" which talks about the hidden agenda behind feminism, and how we are not only having feminist propaganda shoved down our throats, but also that censorship is being used as a weapon against us to further give those pushing the agenda more power. I don't think it's a coincidence that there is a feminist in charge of the highly censored YouTube, and I also don't think it's a coincidence that her feminist sister is in charge of 23&me overlooking everyone's DNA. Makes me wonder what kind of information sharing is going on between the two. Both women and the elites are complicit in this agenda, but for different reasons. Elites do it to destroy society, dis-empower men, to further increase their own power, while women do it out of their own selfish ignorance. I think there are simply too many obvious red flags to suggest that women got this far on their own. Once you take into account all of the times feminism has been pushed in the news, advertising, large organizations, the UN, movies, music videos, large donations from the elites, etc. it becomes obvious that women are not the only ones pushing this crap onto our society. Please share the Red Zone Ep. 3 link with your viewers also in the description. Hope that helps!" Well Alex thanks for the donation and topic. I've shared the video link in the description. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Alex I agree with you that women have become the useful idiots of the elites. Women tend to be more likely to follow insane rules and agendas and that's why the elites are more likely to use them. Plus they can use their sexuality and take away female validation from men in order to control men too. The agenda is not so hidden. Bringing women into the workforce using women's own cognitive dissonance against them. Making them think they are free while being forced to work. I've actually me Steve Brule a few times in real life. He's the creator of the video you want me to review. I suggest you guys follow him. He's a good guy. Even though he's an MRA that works with Janice Fiamenco and I don't think she likes me all that much. She's an antifeminist MRA professor from Ottawa, Canada. I said that feminist women and traditional women are like two lions fighting each other and the victor will feast on the resources and life force of all men. I called out women's game and she didn't like that and had to make a response video a while back. I guess that's when you know you've struck a nerve. So what does Steve Brule say in his video titled Feminism's role in a one world government and what we can do about it? He starts with the typical new world order stuff like the the green new deal and mandatory vacination. He discusses the elites and how they want to usher that one world government to consolidate power. According to Christianity, if you believe in it, they will all fail until the anti-christ shows up with his buddy the false prophet and they together will do it. Not some king or corrupt technocrat. The so called antichrist is also a MGTOW that's supposed to be a military leader that gives away what he conquers to those loyal to him. That doesn't sound all that bad at all. I'd rather take that guys side instead of someone like Henry Kissenger or George Soros.

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My Girlfriend Stopped Birth Control Without Telling Me - MGTOW
My Girlfriend Stopped Birth Control Without Telling Me - MGTOW Sandman 279 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Ah the baby trap. A tale as old as time itself..

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Randy the Dakota MGTOW and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, This is to sponsor a second video this week. Keep up the fight!" Well Randy thanks for the donation and for this one I want to read a Reddit post which I've put in the description and here's what someone on the relationship advice subbreddit has to say and I quote: "I want some some advice. I'm a 35 year old male and have been dating my girlfriend and she's 31 for about ten months and we've been sexually active the entire time. She's on the pill and we are monogamous, so generally we don't use condoms but I do pull out just to be on the safe side. Two months ago she mentioned wanting to get engaged and move in together but I told her I'm not quite ready for that yet as I had a tough divorce a few years back that I'm not fully recovered from. I also don't want kids right now, which is something she's interested in within the next few years. Several days ago I discovered that she'd stopped taking her birth control (for the past month) without telling me. We engaged in unprotected sex dozens of times during that period and she never once informed me that she'd stopped but said it was because "she couldn't get an appointment" even though she has good insurance. Even if that were true, I feel like she could have told me. She's also encouraging me to butter up her birth canal for the past few months. I've only done it twice while she was on her period instead of pulling out. She had to know the risks of her getting pregnant were high, so I'm feeling sort of betrayed right now and like I cannot trust her. Is it reasonable for me to be so pissed? I feel like this is a huge deal. Thoughts and solutions?" Well Randy thanks for another donation. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. Of course it's reasonable for this guy to be pissed off. He was lied to and almost tricked into having his life ruined with a financial neuce around his neck through a rugrat trap. He says that she has been off of birth control but I suspect that it's been longer because he says that his girlfriend has been asking him to cream up her cooch with his magic beetle juice for a few months now. A few months might be three or four for all you know. It's quite conceivable that she's been trying to conceive for that long but everyone has to remember that getting pregnant is harder than you think. I've heard that couples really have to work on it and the pull out method does work to some extent. This woman might have had her birth control pills on the night stand but how does anyone know if she was taking them? She was probably just flushing them down the toilet while trying to flush away the money in that man's pockets alway as well as his free time and other freedoms through a baby. There's a good chance that she probably thinks that this is the only way to get this guy to make the next move in his commitment to her and move in. She's taking the risk that she might end up as a single mother. She's lied about birth control pills so she's probably lying about being interested in kids in a few years. She's interested in them right now and it looks like she's off the pill and still attracted to this man so that means she genuinely finds him attractive. Any sane rational man would be angry. But it sounds to me like this guy is in love with her. We as men are fixers. We want to fix the relationship.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Why The Dating Market Sucks - MGTOW
Why The Dating Market Sucks - MGTOW Sandman 322 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Swan Bitcoin (Americans Only)

Manuel Gris - Why the Dating Market sucks : A message for Incels

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Manuel and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I'm years of 45. I have almost always been single, which makes me sad in some way, but the rest of my life is quite more successful which make it more bearable. I'm politically a libertarian, and I'm quite passionate about this philosophy. I recently made a video where I share my thoughts on incels and the dating market, where I explain that the main problem is the welfare-state. I would be glad for you to review my video in exchange of a donation and tell me what you think of it. Thank you." Well Manuel thanks for the donation and topic. I put a link to your video in the description so that people that want to can watch it and subscribe to your channel. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Swan Bitcoin: Anyways, now back to this video which will be an absolute incelebration. Manuel knows all about the welfare state because he comes from North America's largest Welfare State Quebec, the French speaking province in Canada. The federal government keeps sending money to the province to appease them so they won't to leave the country by declaring independence. Also Quebec has the highest taxes in Canada according to him. But I believe it's no coincidence that after the 1960s once women started working and welfare payments started showing up in the early 1970s in America that meant that women were far less dependent on men for money and survival. Is it any wonder tha the birth rates started to drop below replacement level around this time? In your video called Why the Dating Market sucks: A message for Incels you mention that the fundamental cause of modern problems between men and women is the responsibility of the welfare state. I both agree and disagree. Government giving women money is one cause and the other is corporations doing the same. Giving women jobs and making it socially acceptable to enter the workforce. As for dealing with the issue of there being so many single incels out there you say that you can't morally force a woman to be with you if you're an incel. That this would be slavery and rape. But in a sense we men did just that in a sense by not allowing women to work. They were forced to find a man to be with or they wouldn't be able to survive unless they became prostitutes. You mention this too and I agree with it. Women are free but if they have no way to make money their freedom is worthless. But now for the first time in history women have freedom to work or not work and the government will give them money. You also mention in your video that you don't exactly see yourself as an incel because you're picky when it comes to women. But you do mention that the welfare state is immoral because of taxation. That it threatens us with violence if we don't pay our taxes. Taxes that quite often go to support women. I think that's a yes and no situation. Yes taxation is immoral but you're forgetting that the greatest taxation is through inflation. It's an invisible tax.

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Divorced Woman Giving Men Relationship Advice LOL - MGTOW
Divorced Woman Giving Men Relationship Advice LOL - MGTOW Sandman 288 Views • 3 years ago

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The MGTOW Book

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Trump Nukem and here's what he has to say: "Hello Mr Sandman, I came across a channel called Teal Swan on Odysee a few weeks ago and curiously watched her most recent videos on relationship advice aimed at men. The channel is portrayed as being a calm spiritual approach to various topics as evident by the tarot and spiritual language used. In her channel description and other sites it says she is a survivor of childhood abuse, does frequency paintings, has written 6 books, founder of HEADWAY FOUNDATION and also has extrasensory abilities (ESP). Site bios say she is half alien half human and is reincarnation of an Indian spiritualist. Her career started in 2011 and is on various social media platforms. Now with the backstory covered I'd like your MGTOW opinion on her relationship outlook and advise for men, in particular her most recent 3 or 4 videos which I've observed contains many one sided red flags aimed to fool men back to the plantation by adopting the same old me me me whamen mentality of no accountability. This topic is sure to perk up your morning coffee with curiosity, as always thank you for your relentless work for the MGTOW philosophy community and for red pilling men worldwide Mr Sandman." Well Trump Nuken thanks for the donation and topic. This is the types of videos that leads to strikes for bullying and harassment if the person you're speaking about doesn't like what you have to say. I used to listen to Teal Swan back in 2013 and 2014. Back then she was massive compared to my channel but today we have roughly the same number of views. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book: Anyways now back to the video. According to the celebrity tap website and I quote: "Teal Swan married Mark Scott in 2006, but the two went separate ways in 2012 after being associated with Fallon Dobson (Jared Dobson), whom she branded a sociopath in 2013 and sent to therapy. Swan and Scott have a son together. In 2014 she married again, this time Sarbedeep Swan, who is a British citizen of Indian origin. The marriage broke up after Sarbedeep accused Teal of not being bound to their marriage and of cheating on him. In 2016 she married a Frenchman named Ale Gicqueau." unquote. What I find amusing is that she's in her mid thirties and she's on her third marriage. Clearly she's had a hard time selecting the right men for marriage and yet there she is putting out videos for women on how to find the right man for a relationship. YouTube and content creation is a funny thing. Over time and posting new content on YouTube scrubs your sins away in an avalanche of new media as the old media get buried. For example Trump Nukem you just found out about her but she's been around for ten years now. I remember how her older videos were much better than the new stuff you're pointing me to Trump. If you go to her YouTube page and look at her most viewed videos they are from seven or eight years ago. To be fair my new videos don't get as many views but if you look at my most viewed content even two or three years ago, right up to the point where I was demonetized my videos were still gaining tons of views. I was handicapped and she wasn't. Maybe her relationship advice is geared toward women because of the fact that she's been divorced twice already and she hasn't even hit middle age yet. She claims to be a reborn Indian spiritualist yet according to her Indian spiritualist husband she cheated on him.

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If Men Stop Paying Taxes Women Are Finished - MGTOW
If Men Stop Paying Taxes Women Are Finished - MGTOW Sandman 414 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I thought this would be an interesting topic if you decide to cover it. How can red pill/MGTOW guys vote with their dollars? Both in the commercial and political spaces. Not buying from companies like Gillette that ridicule men. Legally limiting personal taxes to not support a government which demonizes men at every turn yet seeks their resources to absolve women of their past bad decisions like paying off their student loans for useless degrees. Also thinking about geoarbitrage. Taking my savings and spending to a country not so toxic towards males. Cheers." Well Robert thanks for the donation and topic. I have a bit of a confession to make. I have to admit to everyone that I broke down and bought Gillette again even after all the insanity. Nothing shaves your back and butt like a Gillette. Just kidding. When I usually buy a box of Razors at Costco the package is massive with twenty plus razors for forty-five bucks. I'm running low on the Gillette razors and I'd have to buy Shick or dollar shave club at some point soon. I don't exactly know what I'm buying and
something tells me I'd probably have to pay more for a worse shave. Plus Gillette seems to have learned their lessons and they toned down the man hating rhetoric. Enough other guys boycotted them to change their behavior so I'm thinking of going back. But Gillette ads were so bad for men that sometimes I wish they would make toxic maxi pad commercials telling women to get back into the kitchen and stop their bitching during their special time of the month. When you bleed red it should remind you that it's time to make some special spaghetti sauce for your man. Before I discuss more things that will help you lose your appetite let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the show. To quickly go back to razors I found that if I have lower stress makes my beard softer meaning I need less razors. Also run your razor under hot water. That gives you a better shave and means your razor will last longer. Also, put hot water on your face first because that helps open up your pores or something like that. Now all that being said I have adopted some tax limiting strategies in my life that go beyond spending fifteen to twenty dollars a year on some social justice shavers. In Canada we have something called a tax free savings account that you are allowed to put seventy-five thousand dollars in with after tax money. But anything that you make in there is completely 100% tax free and you can take it out at any time. It's similar to a Roth IRA in the United States but with those you're only allowed to take the money penalty free once you turn sixty. Plus with the tax free savings account you can take the money out and put it back the following year. The same amount you took out you're allowed to put back in. The contribution room grows to include what you took out. So far I've implemented a strategy with the TFSA and Bitcoin. So for example if someone had maxxed out their TFSA with 75 thousand Canadian dollars in early 2020 with a bitcoin fund they could have 300 thousand in there right now. If Bitcoin goes up four more times in value from here in 2021 then you're looking at 1.2 million in there tax free. Say in the next run in 2025 that initial investment goes to ten million dollars then that's ten million tax free. You invest that at six percent and now you have fifty thousand bucks a month in income tax free. This is not financial advice but what's better than making ten or twenty times your money on Bitcoin and becoming a millionaire? I'll tell you what.

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War Is Good For Chinese Women? - MGTOW
War Is Good For Chinese Women? - MGTOW Sandman 281 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

Top 11 Richest Gamers In The World

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a mystery person who's message I can't find. He wanted me to cover what would happen to Chinese women if there was a war between the United States and China. Of course no one really takes the prospect of such a war seriously because there's the nuclear deterent present with regards to mutually assured destruction. But let's say there was a way between the United States and China that somehow didn't lead to the end of the world. What would it mean for the women of China? For most of the history the east has been the dominant power and only in the last handful of centuries have western nations been the center of global power. If China won a hypothetical war then you could see the ideal female form shift away from white males which have higher sexual marketplace value all over the world to Chinese males. I doubt it because European males have blue eyes and blonde hair and height so maybe western gold digging women would try to get together with more Chinese men but I doubt this because they aren't as skinny and Asian men don't want European women unlike Asian women that find European men attractive. If this hypothetical war lead to massive male casualties then it might tip the gender ratio back into men's favor. To answer the question that is the title of this video war is not good for Chinese women if large portions of the male population died because then it would tip the scales of power in the sexual marketplace back in the favor of men. The imbalance is bad because for every 119 males born in China in 2005 there were only 100 females being born. So that leaves about sixteen percent of the men in China as incels with no wife. But a modern war will not effect the male population all that much because the wars of the near future will be fought with drones and minimal casualties. Or they will be fought by countries trying to produce the most crypto currency. The hash rate wars as Max Keiser has said before. China apparently has the most cheap hydro power in the world and mines have the world's Bitcoin. A war like that will be great for Chinese women because their men will make a fortune and lavish those women with luxury goods. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. I remember years ago learning about Kublai Khan and his more famous grandfather Ghenghis Kahn and how Kublai Khan conquered China. I read stories about how Chinese princesses were taken out of their lush palaces and forced to become the wives of generals that were part of the Mongul Hordes after they broke through the great wall of China and took over the country. They had move into nomadic style tents and were forced to live outside of of built structures for the first time in their lives. Like a Chinese princess going camping. I don't think that camping is really all that big a thing in China today. Let alone seven to eight hundred years ago. If the United States won a war between themselves and China then you can sure bet there would dozens of new military bases popping up all over China and Chinese women would be lining up at those bases ready to trade BJs for Green Cards. Chinese women are already doing that in China with Western men. I remember watching ADV China's YouTube channel and one of the guys on there shared a story about a Chinese woman with a good career that was ready to love him long times but he wasn't attracted to her. So she ended up with another European man because after a woman gets into her Thirties in China she's a leftover woman and it's not socially acceptable to marry her if you're a Chinese man so many Chinese women try to find a white man to marry instead.

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Women Are Getting Desperate? - MGTOW
Women Are Getting Desperate? - MGTOW Sandman 380 Views • 3 years ago

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have another topic for you. Over the past few months I've noticed A lot of average looking women as Cam girls or ethots on Twitter advertising their bodies cheaply. What's really strange about it is that usually it's women that are 7 and up on the rating scale that would sign up for this. But now you see mostly women who are 6 and below signing up for this. Is The M.G.T.O.W movement so successful that women are desperate to be with a man by any means necessary? Or is this feminism telling women more lies about their body?" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. I will agree with everything you said except the part about women advertising themselves at lower prices. This contradicts what other guys told me four or five months ago. A few guys were telling me that the cost to see a working girl has doubled since the coof started and that is with the market flooding with sub par crumpet. Just to confirm that nothing has changed in the marketplace over the last few months I went on leolist which is like Backpage but for Canadians only and the women still want three to four hundred on average for a face to ass conversation. I'm still seeing women offering hour long dirty Skype chats for a hundred and fifty bucks. Eight years ago you could bang buck naked for that amount. I guess the thot inflation rate is higher than I thought. No pun intended. Maybe the inflation statistics are being cooked too. Maybe a skype conversation with you clothes off is now considered the same as a face to face session in bed? The only person I could get on there for a hundred fifty bucks was a midget. Half price because she's half the size of a normal person I guess. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. Teaven your observations that women that are sixes and below are lining up swallow seamen, virtual or real seems to be the wet and white new deal. For girls in high school the number one career prospect is all about becoming an onlyfans model. It used to be social media influencer and YouTuber before that. But those two things are hard work when compared to onlyfans. Also, no the MGTOW movement is not so successful that women are desperate to be with men by any means necessary. In fact it's the opposite because of the coof men are the desperate ones. Otherwise why would women that are three's and fours be able to charge double the price of what working girls used to charge that were seven's and eights before the coof? I guess a lot of it has to do with a lot of women not wanting to sleep with men in real life because of the dangers of catching the coof. Some of it has to do with young women working as waitresses and service jobs no longer being able to collect cash tips at works so they have decided to take cock tips instead and get cash that way. Also let's not forget that onlyfans has made online stripping socially acceptable now and that's the gateway drug to being a real life hoe. If you're already taking off your clothes and using toys on yourself in front of thousands of people having sex with one hundred of your biggest fans, no pun intended doesn't seem like it's ground breaking twat territory anymore. Women hear about other women making a fortune on onlyfans and buying a house within six months to a year and they see that it might pay off for them too. I did a video a while back about financially desperate women looking to cash in on onlyfans so they could buy Christmas presents for their cooch critters but all they were able to pull in after six months was five hundred dollars. Enough for gifts but not enough for anything else. People's spending habbits change during the coof.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Selling His Car To Pay For My Dream Wedding - MGTOW
Selling His Car To Pay For My Dream Wedding - MGTOW Sandman 237 Views • 3 years ago

⁣⁣Sponsor Link:
Chris Whalen CPA

The Patriarchy oppresses Poor Whamen From the Grave

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy The Dakota MGTOW and here's what he has to say: "Dear Sandman, have you heard of this awesome new currency called Bitcoin? LOL I say that sarcastically of course. Please use this donation to sponsor one of your awesome but currently unsponsored video topics." Well Randy thanks for the donation and leaving this one an open topic. I want to share a story about a woman that was engaged to a man that got his deceased fathers classic car and she suggested that he sell it to pay for their wedding shortly after his death. It's a long story so before I share it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's here's the story from some random woman that someone named Silent Majority shared on reddit 8 years ago and I quote: "My fiance's father died two weeks ago in a motorcycle accident and he and his younger brother are trying to figure out what to do with his father's house and car/motorcycle collection. His father was a huge, and I mean gigantic, shitlord. He was always condescending to me, he has hundreds of old car magazines (The
types with a scantily clad woman posing next to some old car on the cover), his garage has calender's with half naked women all over the place. He'd say things like "Black folks tend to like cars like that" and "Women really can't drive stuff like this". Hell he had a Romney poster in his front yard (which I took down immediately after the funderal). My fiance and I have been having a tough time over this last week. He and his brother are talking about splitting up the cars he'd take half and his brother would take half. I'm pretty adverse to him owning these things since it would likely him to get back into the "car culture" (which in my own experience as a car show, is a hobby with deep rooted sexism), it's a wasted of time and money, and I don't want to park my car outside because our garage is filled up with a 60 year old pieces of shit. So, I've been trying to convince my fiance that he needs to sell his half of the cars and we can use the money to pay for our wedding. He's pretty resistant to that and things have been kinda heated at home. Two nights ago, he told me that he and his brother were talking about renting his father's house out and keeping the garage to hold the cars and use it as a workshop. I told him, emphatically, that this wasn't an option, he doesn't need the cars and that they are a waste of time and money. He disagreed and went to bed angry. Yesterday, he tells me he going by his father's place and I go by after work to see what he is doing. I get over there, go into the garage and him and his brother are underneath this old yellow truck doing something. There's a song on the cassette deck saying
something incredibly sexist, those nasty calendars are still on the wall, and I was just enraged. I took the tape out of the player and threw it into the trash. He came out from underneath the truck, and was extremely mad. I told him exactly what a shitlord his father was and how his behavior and his dismissing my concerns over the last week is wholly unacceptable.

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Fat Women Shaming Short Men - MGTOW
Fat Women Shaming Short Men - MGTOW Sandman 273 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by another donation from Roger. He didn't give me a topic with his donation so what I'm going to do is bring up a bunch of great Reddit posts I found a while back. Normally I find one thing on Reddit to talk about when I have a chance to pick my own topic. Or I do something in current events related. But today I found many topics that are important and insightful but that simply don't have enough material to talk about for ten minutes. Many of you were probably thought I'd discuss nothing but land whales making fun of men the size of leprechauns. The first post below is just that. It's called: Why are they so big? It shows the stumpy meme guy with a fat meme gal with a bucket of KFC and a gallon of coke to go along with the clown world were in. I say clown world because fat women, which have a choice to be fat are making fun of short men who don't have that choice. One guy says American woman stay away from me and another responds by saying American woman roll away from me instead. Body positivity culture means fat empowered women won't let just any old man deflower them. The short guys have pulled the short straw. Obese positive women demand the best men too. They have become increasingly abrasive and brazen in their shaming of men they see as beneath them. Considering that I'm discussing short men here I guess the pun is certainly intended. The mainstream media has convinced women that being overweight or obese is healthy when all the studies show that being fat means increased inflammation around your organs thanks to all that fat and that means your risk of getting cancer is much higher then if you are skinny. Obese women have cognitive dissonance and instead of accepting reality they are just transferring all their self loathing onto short men. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to the Shamu in a dress dancing at Seamen World show. Besides fat women over inflating their self worth the way they over inflate their bellies with oreos the second post I wanted to talk about is called: "Single mom is sad because she cannot extract simp bucks, due to redpill knowledge everywhere. It's down below. This one is interesting because it alerted me of a subreddit called ex red pill about people that learned about female nature and then saw the light that it's wrong and went back to blue pills. There are over ten thousand members there which is surprising. One of the members named Comfortable Intern posted this and I quote: "I watched an interesting video on marriage on YouTube and some of the history behind it and I was interested in the fact that both marriage and divorce rates are down in the US, and they cited an article saying that it was most likely due to millennial's wanting to wait to find the right person and be financially ready for that sort of thing, which is harder than it used to be to be frank.

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Don't Take Pictures Of Women - MGTOW
Don't Take Pictures Of Women - MGTOW Sandman 243 Views • 3 years ago

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. If you want to request a topic you can through paypal or subscribestar through the links in the description. As for this video I just finished another photo shoot today and as usual the women I was taking pictures of couldn't get enough of the camera. I suspect they were fantasizing about all the attention they would get on the other end of the camera. All the pictures they would post on social media and all of the wonderful compliments they would receive. In the last five to ten years and more specifically the last five the selfie thing has gotten out of control. Many places that I've traveled to including Horseshoe Bend, The Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon in Utah as well as Banff National Park, Machu Picchu and The Vessel In New York have seen their traffic spike. The Vessel in New York which You'll see a couple of photos of later on in this video is tourist attraction specifically designed as a place to take selfies in New York city. I'm really glad I got to visit horseshoe bend and many of the places I wanted to see including Salvation Mountain before hordes of selfie taking sluts show up to show off their butts. As for this picture it shows me something very scary. That boyfriends are now being turned into their girlfriends unofficial travel photographers. Most of these simps have no idea that the photos they are taking might be used to sell themselves to the next guy she dates on Tinder or Bumble. If you see a woman in a photo in an exotic place that's either expensive or hard to get to then she's signalling to you that she was able to convince someone to take that pictures and most likely she also took that person's time and money. He paid for her to be there and take that pictures for a chance to bang her no doubt. Guys need to stop being women's photographers. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to the don't take pictures of women, especially if they are fat clown world show. The first thing that bothers me about this rise in selfie culture and women needing to have perfect photos in the so called most picturesque places in the world is that they lack creativity as to where they take those pictures. They all seem to do it in the same twenty or thirty locations around the world. They do it because other women take their pictures there too. Women do not only play the part of the female chameleon pretending to like the same things as men to attract men to them. But they seem to play the role of female chameleon when it comes to gaining status and power over other women. Making other women jealous of their hedonistic travels. Because afterall it takes time, money and a relationship to get those pics. ie some simp to take those pics. But what pisses me off is that lack of creativity. What about going to a place like Chocolate Falls in Arizona? Or places like I went to which include Mesa Verde National Park or the Devil's Tower in Wyoming? How long before those thots figure out that the House on The Rock in Wisconsin exists? I'm not going to complain about that one because if you do a YouTube search for the house on the rock Wisconsin one of my travel videos from my other channel appears at the top of the search results. The same for the Ark Encounter. I find that for the most part men travel to make travel videos while women travel to take selfies. One takes more story telling and editing skills and you have can't shoot 200 minutes of footage to edit it down to one or two. You have to have some skill. While for travel pictures for Instagram thoughts taking 200 pictures can be done in five to ten minutes to get the perfect one. Women also take their selfies where other women take them because they don't usually spend the effort researching for new places to film that haven't been used.

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Women Fear Loneliness - MGTOW
Women Fear Loneliness - MGTOW Sandman 334 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
- MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia
- Promo code SANDMAN for 10% off

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I wanted to talk about our future as free men and the men with shackles as well. For so thousands of years our desire and motivation has been thru woman rather we like it or not, but then came MGTOW through the ability of free will. In which it broke our motivation to life from wahman. MGTOW men are like self creation, always expanding and evolving of a new version of themselves just like space and the universe. You could say that we have created new countries and new laws in us. Every man is his own country individual in this planet. As for men with shackles who are waking up just know you can still help out, you are most likely stuck in a cheaper to keep her relationship. What you can do is back yourself up with some saved up dough or breaking your own heart to get out of there. I would not ask another man for something I would not do myself, I say let’s take it to the next level, a SUPERNOVA kinda level. For everyone of us has a piece of the future why not put it together. I know we’re individuals but we could collide created these SUPERNOVA. Remember why we choice this road full of bumps, potholes and crabs and wallflowers who wanna keep us down. So F the meat grind and resist the temptation especially when women are hitting you up in booty hours after night. Just like I was in the Fandom Menace fighting for them to change Sonic our boy it wasn’t the best movie but it was our movie. And The Game Stop hitting the moon that was fun. What I'm saying is pick your fight and stick to it no matter the outcome if we lose then let’s lose like champions. BITCOIN is also helping men break up all institutions. As men no one is coming to helps us. Not a nation, government, special interest of groups, programs or even our bloodline we’re on our own." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to my thoughts about your words in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring On 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. Your comments were are a lot of rambling and venting your frustrations. Sounds to me like you're talking about men self actualizing thanks to MGTOW instead of falling into the relationship and family trap. That it's better for men to be sovereign individuals instead of married simps. Also that married guys need to make their escape if possible. One of the major lies that men have to get over to go their own way is to accept the idea that Women fear loneliness while men savor it. Once you understand reality through that lens you will see that it's like there are two worlds. The world of men and the world of women. At a young age men are afraid to be single and lonely. The idea of becoming a sovereign individual scares us. We would rather be dependent on a woman and family for purpose and meaning. But with time that dissipates and we just want to be left alone. But I find that as women age they fear being alone and almost seem to seek out men to harass and control. While young men seek out women to sleep with and when old women seek out men to harass. I know a couple of spinsters sisters that stick together because of the fear of being alone. They fight and hate each other but can't live without one another because male attention is scarce in their fifties. The last thing as women they can ever imagine is being sovereign and living for themselves. It would be a fate
worse than death. Women are as lonely as a smart phone without an internet connection.

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Thirsty Simps Create Spoiled Women - MGTOW
Thirsty Simps Create Spoiled Women - MGTOW Sandman 282 Views • 3 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Cruel twist of fate for single woman who froze her eggs in her 30s to ‘free her career’

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Easter Sunday and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Here's another topic. It's based upon the belief that the simps and white knights of today will create the Karens of tomorrow. It's long been argued that one of the worst possible things you can do is put a woman on a pedestal. This has been argued for as long as I can remember. But the simps and cucks of the world don't really seem to understand why. They only tend to view the present ramifications as they pay out a woman in flattery in exchange for a thirst that is never satisfied. But have they ever considered what happens to these women that they have chosen to worship in the name of some queer sort of gratification that is never satiated? Women that are put on a pedestal become ever more entitled and arrogant over time as they become accustomed to the worship of the cucks and simps. The defense of them by the white knights becomes something that is accustomed and special treatment of them becomes what they consider the norm. And so it goes with a beautiful young woman no matter how bad her attitude is as she subscribes to the image of herself as the Disney princess. But when she gets older this adoration and adulation dries up. I know you argue against a wall and that it's not a hard age. At the same time there comes a point where a woman no longer receives the same amount of care and attention as she did when she was younger. And this is how the Disney princess becomes the evil queen. I see it all the time, Sandman. I see it in the stores. I see them at the intersections in their cars. The attention and adoration dries up but the entitlement still exists because of the belief that they are due special treatment for having vaginas. And when no one gives them the satisfaction that they believe they are due they have their public meltdowns and inevitably devolve into laughing stocks at best and tyrants in clown makeup at their worst. Karens exist because simps created them. And this vaginal tyranny that we live under is because some beta cuck blew sunshine up her wrong pie hole years ago and she doesn't get the same results with her diminishing looks." Well Easter Sunday thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th
wave Feminism: Anyways now back to the clown world show. Easter I don't agree with you that older women don't get the same amount of attention and care they get while they are younger. That seems to be a MGTOW and general manosphere fantasy. We suffer so we want to believe they suffer too. I've said on numerous occasions that women have two ways to control the male population. One is by giving us more than enough sex and the other way is by not giving us enough of it. The attractive on demand males get more than enough sex and this mellows them out by satiating their thirst and they grow metaphorically fat and happy. The thirsty incels or men that never quite get enough attention are constantly craving sex and attention from women. They are the typical guys in the friend zone or annoying or socially awkward creeps.

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Looking At Women Will Be Illegal! Unless You're Chad - MGTOW
Looking At Women Will Be Illegal! Unless You're Chad - MGTOW Sandman 338 Views • 3 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

Staring And Leering At Work – When Does This Become Sexual Harassment?

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Easter Sunday and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have donated. But this isn't really why I'm sending this. I'm sending this out because maybe somewhere out there in Red Pill land you might know of an attorney who can answer this question because so far I haven't been able to. And it's related to one of your recent videos on Bitchute. In the United States we had a whole slew of new laws that were forced down the pike in the era of post "metoo" Out of these groups there were the leering laws which argue that if you look at a woman for too long or suggestively that this qualifies as sexual harassment and is therefore illegal. I've added a website link called: "Staring And Leering At Work – When Does This Become Sexual Harassment?" from the Rager Law Offices. So my question is if this law is binding, how are strip clubs able to continue their operations? How can OnlyFans sites legally operate? Both platforms are literally based upon male leering for profit as a business model. There aren't any exceptions under the laws for these types of establishments or enterprises either. If a woman is an employee, she and her compatriots have the same legal considerations. OnlyFans creators are technically self employed by generating revenue through camera streams. But the sites that run these platforms are encouraging leering which by this definition is illegal. So is the law itself meaningless or are the sites illegal? Someone with financial stroke might be able to shut down entire industries or get the law stricken. Either way it's clown world at the workplace. I'm glad I mostly work with men. Thanks for reading. Enjoy your day." Well Easter Sunday thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Obvioulsy onlyfans and strip clubs monetise the male gaze when it pays to look at a glazed gals breasts. Just like in most harrassment cases the victim has to decide to press charges. Plus Obviously a woman isn't going to press charges on a man that looks at a woman in a weird way in a strip club. If he does she can just tell the bouncer to remove him and those places are plastered with cameras so the owners can see just how inappropriate his glance might have been. Also remember that strip clubs are usually mafia run. So a woman or judge that tris to press this issue too much would probably get a couple of caps to the back of the head. Just like in strip clubs with onlyfans you pay for the privilege of staring. Good luck trying to get a judge to convict someone like that through a computer screen. Imagine the precedent it would set for all other internet media. Phone and tablet cameras would have to keep track of your eyes at all times to make sure that you weren't staring at a woman's breasts for longer than four seconds. Other establishments like restaurants and bars would all have to shut down because of the possibility of these places taking out insurance to make sure men follow the rules. Plus how are you supposed to enforce such a law online? Are all cameras on phones and tablets supposed to have built in software that tracks where you stare and for how long? But thanks for bringing this to my attention Easter. Let me read a bit of what that Rager Law Firm website has to say and I quote: "Contrary to what most people believe, sexual harassment in the workplace is more than just physical or verbal harassment. Most people think of sexual harassment as taking only physical and verbal forms. Not all gestures and stares in the workplace are sexual or suggestive. There are various types of staring or leering behavior that could give rise to a sexual harassment charge in LA. This includes: Looking up and down at someone in a suggestive manner.

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