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[+18] HUSBAND CATCHES WIFE GETTING FUCKED by RANDOM DUDE at the BUS STOP.. (USA) Doggk 1,786 Views • 4 years ago

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Go your own way guys

MGTOW Philosophy - Beyond Female Nature  by Barbarossa
MGTOW Philosophy - Beyond Female Nature by Barbarossa Alpha_Male_Guide 114 Views • 4 years ago

#MGTOW #Philosophy #RedPill

A Brilliant video by Barbarossa thought I would share it.

Support Her & Her 10 Cats Too - MGTOW
Support Her & Her 10 Cats Too - MGTOW Sandman 342 Views • 4 years ago

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: [email protected]

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Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by E in New York and here's what he has to say: "Hello, Sandman: I'm interested in the cost-benefit analysis included in the MGTOW mindset. I instinctively conducted the relationship cost-benefit analysis many years ago before MGTOW was a thing and it has probably saved my life. I avoided dangerously costly relationships and now have a net worth and the wherewithal to survive the beer flu here in New York City. I live the bachelor lifestyle that I do, simply because of the math. It took me until I was in my mid-thirties to complete the equations; but I didn't have to marry or cohabitate to figure it all out. I just ran the numbers one day, and that was it: MGTOW is math. I can't figure out why more men don't seem to be able to see that. Like many if not most men, I desire women; but I've never been able to see why any man would want one on retainer. It's just too costly. Testosterone or not. Desire or no desire. Safety and legal concerns aside, money is money, and few people ever come to the aid of men who can't support themselves. Sandman, what am I missing? Why wouldn't a MGTOW lifestyle predominate, even and especially for men of means, based on the financials alone? Thanks and cheers." Well E in New York thanks for the donation and topic. Hopefully Fredo's brother doesn't tax you too much in New York State going forward? When it comes to why more or most men don't go their own way it has more to do with a cock benefit analysis instead of a cost benefit one. Men's unconscious reproductive urges overpower our intellectual ones. I know this because it's happened to me and if I didn't remain vigilant when I was dating five years ago I would have reproduced with the wrong woman. Even men that get together with women and put certain deal breakers in place tend to break them. Especially when it comes to things like pets. For example one guy I used to be friends with told me he would put his foot down when it came to pets in his relationship. Then a dog showed up. Then a cat showed up. Then another dog showed up and then I stopped talking to him because I told him about my YouTube channel and he probably thought I was a misogynist or something. Besides two dogs and a cat he probably got a rabbit and iguana too. Guys can't stick to a budget or guns when they are sticking it into a cooch. Mind you in his case his wife did make a lot of money so he technically wasn't supporting all those animals. But for most men it's like you're dating Darth Vader and the deal is getting worse all the time but you wouldn't know it because you've had a love lobotomy. I'll discuss more about why more men don't go their own way instead of getting married or into long-term relationships in just a moment. But let me first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. You mention that it took you up to your mid thirties to complete your mathematical equations when it comes to relationships being pointless. For myself and Terrence Popp we noticed that around the age of 35 a man finally gets to the point where his big head starts to take over the thinking for his little one. So that coincides perfectly with what happened to you as well. The reason more men don't figure it out is because they haven't reached the age of 35 yet and if I look at my channel demographics the majority is men from 18 to 34.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

The Most Unintentionally MGTOW Video You'll Ever See
The Most Unintentionally MGTOW Video You'll Ever See T.F. Monkey 1,914 Views • 4 years ago

Original Video: ⁣
Philosophies for Life: ⁣Friedrich Nietzsche - How To Become A Superhuman (Existentialism): ⁣

Stop Obsessing Over Hot Whamen - MGTOW
Stop Obsessing Over Hot Whamen - MGTOW Sandman 359 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Why dont men truly 'go there own way'

Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Samnung. He didn't send me a specific topic so I thought what I'd do is discuss a reddit post I found recently called: "Why don't men truely go their own way?" This is one of the main things that people criticise me and other content producers about. They say that well if you're going your own way then go already and stop talking about women. The person that posted on Reddit wasn't the most eloquent of people but here's my translation of his comment and I quote: "My word. Hurhump I say. I've faced the quandary where people say you're not truely going your own way by being on the MGTOW subreddit and speaking negatively about women. This is a perfect example of magical thinking by women and simps. We men need to gather here to vent our frustrations and post our memes. Number one we are social animals so we look for places to communicate with like minded males. Number two going your own way and posting on this subreddit aren't mutually exclusive and in fact at the moment they go hand in hand... In reality they don't want us to post here because it's inconvenient to their world views and they don't like it so they keep crying out Whah MGTOW need to stop obsessing over whamen. Whah." Well Samang thanks for your last donation and thank you I N D M G for your words. I'll get to my thought about thots telling men to stop talking about women in just a moment. But let me first tell everone about today's sponsor Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. The best thing to say when people ask you why you're going your own way but still discussing women is to say why do alcoholics go to AA meetings? If they aren't interested in alcohol anymore why do they have to talk about it all the time. The answer of course is for emotional support. To know they aren't the only ones dealing with a drinking habbit or in the case of MGTOW drinking period blood koolaid from a warm and coozy cooch. Of course we know women don't care about any answer either rational or not. They are trying to plant the seed in our heads that yes we should stop consuming mgtow content and we should stop talking about women. This plays into their pudgy little fingers because if we stop discussing female nature then less new guys will hear our tales of female betrayal and more women will continue to have access to their very own plantation slaves. It's an information war and each man is part of the network effect. The more men discuss female nature the more valuable the philosphy becomes because more men than ever hear about it. The powers that be know this so no wonder our content gets banned and throttled down. The less of us there are talking the less value our words have. Another thing about no longer discussing women and just focusing on your own life is that that's the type of behavior that attracts women. A man that's more into himself and what he's doing, regardless of if he's a narcissist or not means that he's going to attract more women to himself.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Principles and Projection
Principles and Projection T.F. Monkey 1,218 Views • 4 years ago

When the balance between two parties that rely on cooperative is broken in an unnatural and false push for equality, there are consequences that can only be remedied by restoration of the balance. You can rail against this for as long as you want, but you'll either realize your error after enough pain is felt and accept the remedy, or you'll be driven to extinction so that the world may learn from your stupidity.

Background Music: Longest Run by Noir Et Blanc Et. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

Celestina Says: Consequentionalist Morality
Celestina Says: Consequentionalist Morality T.F. Monkey 636 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Herd morality is no good.

Al Pacino Dumped By Post Wall Woman - MGTOW
Al Pacino Dumped By Post Wall Woman - MGTOW Sandman 395 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sandman Sponsor Link:
Brave Browser:

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Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

Amway Shop

Al Pacino’s gf breaks up with him because “he didn’t like to spend money” on her

Al Pacino's ex-girlfriend Meital Dohan has insisted she was only joking

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Anton and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I was doing some prep work for the ad I wanted you to create for me and saw that Amway charges significantly more for non-IBO customers than they do for their IBO (independent business owner) customers. As a result the prices are significantly higher than their competition which I wasn't expecting. Therefore I don't think many of your viewers would be interested. Just take the money as a regular donation and thank you for your time." Well Anton thanks for the donation and I'm sure you'll enjoy this topic. Just so you know I put a link to your Amway store in the description in case people want to buy energy drinks and power bars. But before I get to the topic let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back with the show. So I ran into a post on Reddit called "Al Pacino’s gf breaks up with him because “he didn’t like to spend money” on her" which I've put a link to in the description and now I'd like to read what it says and I quote: "Israeli actress Meital Dohan, 40, dated Pacino, 79, for approximately two years and says that even though Pacino's a legendary actor, he's stll an old man. "I tried to deny it," she told Israeli Magazine La'Isha, "But now his already an elderly man, to be honest. So even with all my love, it didn't last." Dohan also admitted that the Irishman actor was not a generous partner. "How can I say politely that he didn't like to spend money?... He only bought me flowers," she said." unquote. After reading that I knew that this story was all about shaming Pacino in the media for being a cheap man because he wouldn't spend money on her. She used the part of the story about him being an elderly man as a plausible deniability cover story to cover for the fact that he didn't want to spend money on her. This made me think of the famous link from Scarface. Not the one about saying hello to his little friend at the end. But instead the line at the beginning when Tony Montana says that first you get the money then you get the power and then you get the women. But I guess he never got the memo that then you have to spend that money to keep the women. Instead he only seems to have used it as bait so that she would say hello to his little friend and suckle him in bed.

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Go your own way guys...

Female MGTOW Channels Formula
Female MGTOW Channels Formula Alpha_Male_Guide 256 Views • 4 years ago

White Girls Fuck Dogs - Rusty Cage
White Girls Fuck Dogs - Rusty Cage Crossfader 867 Views • 4 years ago

This song is not mine, but it is a funny song created a while ago during a time when some girls where making videos on why it's ok to have sex with dogs and how to do it.
Most of these videos where done by white girls, and also many girls who live alone have big dogs with them so it makes you wonder.

Anyways Rusty Cage made this video mocking women who seem very affectionate of their dogs.

Marriage Is A Black Hole, Nothing Escapes - MGTOW
Marriage Is A Black Hole, Nothing Escapes - MGTOW Sandman 257 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Sponsor Link:
X-Wolf Booster

⁣⁣Sponsor Link 2:

Sponsor 2 YouTube Link:

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from WeepingReaper and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Some back history may help to put this in perspective for you and your audience. Specifically from my experience with the MGTOW awakening and the first of the red pills. I finally understood my purgatory in marriage. I have transcended the red pill rage on numerous occasions. Inturn I ended the marriage I was in and after that realized that I was just the horse pulling the cart to further her insatiable desire for more, money, validation and material possessions. She was a black hole, no matter what I sacrificed to her. It would never satisfy the insatiable need for more. It is absolutely true the more you give a woman, the more out of touch with reality they become. The inability to achieve the unrealistic demands made by this women, caused her to begin the transition of monkey branching and my inevitable mental destruction. Regardless of my physical stature or financial income when I left my wife, within two weeks she had all ready moved in with her new Beta. Instructing our child to refer him as their new daddy. My X wife took to my Social media and friendship circles to destroy, any and all reputation that I had. To make a long story short, you all know how the story goes from there. Child manipulation, slander, mental abuse, extortion, and worst of all the use of the unjust court system. Do not ever hire a female lawyer. Even if you think that the “Art of Argument“ is in their favor. Own group preference will mentally override any rational thinking, despite the thousands of dollars payed to them for your protection from this system. This brings me to my mane topic. As the divorce rates still climbs and the marriage rate declines I have noticed about the population of men, my age that I have met in their 30’s, this would have been the
children of the late boomers, born in the 1980’s. The majority of us were raised to be TradCon men. So that’s what we sought out to do. The Matrix had just come out in high school, so the concept of the red pill was unknown. We had no understanding that there was a different path we could choose “Our Owen Way”. These men are slaves to female manipulation or have been disposed through the unjust family court system. The unseen discarded men, the 70% (minus the top 10% at the top that women find the most desirable and the bottom 20% that woman fiend undesirable are hard working blue coller, average looking men. That don’t live up to the standards and expectations of an average woman’s demands. These men I believe will eventually find their way to MGTOW, if they are not already. The awakening of these men to red pill awareness, Will drastically change the dynamics of society and by their absence will cause the unbelievable desperation to femininity at its core. The inability of modern women to commit to these men, will be the grossest downfall of multiple generations to come. Regardless of the amount of outsourcing the government in the United States bring, will not replace the absence of thousands of men. Third and fourth wave feminism has put the nail in the coffin of humanity. I would like to hear your opinion on these men and what you think the direction, of today’s society will bring towards them and they’re inevitable displacement they face? Thank you for your time and the freedom you have provided me and many other men, from the plantation. Without your help and insight I believe, that I would have been just a statistic, adding the 75% death rate of men. Sincerely thank you and cheers" Well WeepingReaper thanks for the donation and topic. I'm glad I saved your life and that you're still here to tell your tale. But before I get to it let me tell you about today's sponsor X-Wolf Booster:

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1. Shocked african-american woman in disbelief looking whats between mans legs

CRAZY CHICK in BIKINI HITS HUSBANDs CAR Because HE REFUSED to LET HER IN (USA) Doggk 218 Views • 4 years ago

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Go your own way guys...

MGTOW in Media 20 - Family Guy - Chris Griffin Turns Down Kate Upton
MGTOW in Media 20 - Family Guy - Chris Griffin Turns Down Kate Upton HarshReality 182 Views • 4 years ago

It is weird to see Chris not think about hot chicks for once.

The Worlds Strongest Woman vs. Average Men Archive
The Worlds Strongest Woman vs. Average Men Archive ArchiveChannel 9,333 Views • 5 years ago

A video about arm wrestling. who will win this sports contest? vote now in the comments below.

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