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How many of you worship women?
How many of you worship women? Phoebe 178 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Curious to see how many likes this gets from you boys.

The Black Tape Project Resort 2020 Miami Swim Week - Art Hearts Fashion

Best Cuckolding Book 2020
Best Cuckolding Book 2020 Phoebe 98 Views • 4 years ago

Cuckolding creates powerful emotions, so keep talking and communicating. The rewards can be amazing for couples who successfully add cuckold play into their relationships. If your wife enjoys it, isn’t this a good reason? She’s having fun! Besides, when she has sex with a hot guy with abs, she’s turned on for a month. You'll definitely get more great sex out of it. You can't control your wife anymore, she is in control now. The role of genders has changed and men have to learn how to accept and enjoy it. Learn more -

Chastity  The Guide to Male Chastity
Chastity The Guide to Male Chastity Phoebe 138 Views • 4 years ago

CHASTITY | The Guide to Male Chastity explains why male chastity and orgasm control are part of a modern marriage. The wife is in charge and decides when her husband is allowed to orgasm. The wife uses her feminine power to tame and train him, controlling his sexuality. She has the pussy so she makes the rules. Pussy denial is used to guide her husband’s behavior soon their female led marriage becomes more permanent. He submits to her loving female authority and is obedient. He becomes more loving and romantic. Her authority and her sexuality are worshiped by her husband. He worships his wife and treats her like a goddess; their female-led modern matriarchal marriage is the future. It's now available on Amazon.

Is Cuckolding in your happy FLR good
Is Cuckolding in your happy FLR good Phoebe 57 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Although a Female Led Lifestyle is more mainstream than it was a decade ago and cuckolding is now portrayed in our mainstream media, cuckolding is still not out in the open. Cuckolding is exciting, however for a sub, there are some issues. For example, cuckolding works well, if it is a part of a healthy relationship. Cuckolding should not be your way of fixing a toxic relationship. A positive cuck relationship should have open communication, trust. The Domme and her sub should have confidence in each other's long term love and devotion to each other. Cuckolding should be a positive extension to a happy relationship and not something that brings a mistrust dynamic to an otherwise great Female Led Life.
Learn more -

FLR  Cuckolding & Spanking
FLR Cuckolding & Spanking Phoebe 94 Views • 4 years ago

So Now I Have To Ask You Are You Ready to Start a Modern Female Led Life...Are You Ready To Gain The Love You DESERVE and start a Female Led Relationship? Are you ready to make men around you flirt with you and pursue you because you exude your feminine powers? Are you ready to find yourself a man that is the complete package, and have him fighting, tooth and nail, to be with you? And are you ready to have him commit and open himself up to a female led relationship with you in ways you never thought possible? Since you're still here...I'm going to assume the answer is yes! So how much is a lifetime of Love And Devotion worth to you?

Female Led Relationships & Cuckolding
Female Led Relationships & Cuckolding Phoebe 328 Views • 4 years ago

Thousands of couples have realized that female-led relationships are the best for them. There are several reasons why people in a Love & Obey FLR say so. This kind of a relationship gives all the control to the woman and takes pressure off the man. Contrary to Patriarchal thinking, women are great at everything. They can do anything a man can do and usually better, handling a relationships is no exception. In this life the woman has her man by her side as a devoted supportive gentleman and she does take care of him but the woman does as she pleases. In a Love & Obey FLR, the woman is in control of men in the bedroom, including cuckolding, and in full control of the couple's day to day life - you’ll be amazed how FLR can benefit you both. Men who have been submissive or been in an FLR really understand this. Find out why letting the female lead can be the best thing you can do to your relationship. Read my Female Led Relationship books

Uncle Tom 2020
Uncle Tom 2020 Phoebe 42 Views • 4 years ago

⁣Uncle Tom: An Oral History of the American Black Conservative is a 2020 American political documentary film directed by Justin Malone, written by Ryder Ansell, Larry Elder, Justin Malone, and Larry Elder as
executive producer. ⁣

Jaron Lanier interview on how social media ruins your life
Jaron Lanier interview on how social media ruins your life Phoebe 81 Views • 4 years ago

Jaron Lanier, the Silicone Valley ‘computer philosopher', thinks social media is ruining your life.

In this interview Jaron Lanier talks about Facebook, YouTube, Google and how the tech and social media giants are using algorithms to record data about their users - and how internet algorithms shape how we see the world and what we’re shown online.
You're being mind controled and behavior modified for profit.

Turn off your fucking TV and cpu.
Somewhere out there, probably next to a waterfall, there is a fool sitting without a cell phone and without a clue of how frightened and angry he's supposed to be.

Be that guy!

What if I told you I had a true red pill for you?
What if I told you I had a true red pill for you? Phoebe 254 Views • 4 years ago

⁣There have been questions asked about why all about the flaws of women is the focus of MGTOW. And no focus about enjoying the MGTOW lifestyle?
Why no posts about prepping, fishing, hunting, off grid living, firearms, first aid & other men 'boy scout' stuff? These questions get shot down because "they're not MGTOW [issues]".
Have you thought that's a bit odd, that an ideology fixates on the problems but never solutions?
According to Darwin's Origin of Species, "... it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.”
That's because the path you take revolves around emphasis.
If you want to emphasize facts, then here are some facts which may solve problems in about 80% of MGTOW. Like your philosophy's lack of acceptance of reality for happiness. You need adaption to reality.
For some of you, the true red pill is pink.
What if "Going Your Own Way" only leads you in a circle back to serving women?
I'd like to hear your responses on this for debate in the comments.
This is a mirror of a video called "MGTOW is a gigantic COPE" found here on YouTube:

How a Female Led Relationship can save your love life!
How a Female Led Relationship can save your love life! Phoebe 158 Views • 5 years ago

⁣A Female Led Relationship (FLR) may sound Strange but it will make a man shake with obsession? Is your relationship on the rocks...because of the new girl at the office... because you did not treat him right...because he is sick of you? None of these old school issues matter with the magical FLR that I can teach you. An FLR will change his mind about breaking up with you. A strange and simple FLR will cause him to be intoxicated with desire & make his heart burn every time he thinks about you. Gentlemen, the answer is submission. Learn all about it ⁣

A Girly Mindset
A Girly Mindset Phoebe 146 Views • 5 years ago

Learn to be happy accepting yourself as a beta & removing yourself from the gene pool. Men make better women than women. Expand your mind to new horizons, let your curiosity get the best of you.

Make the voice in your head female for happiness & an easy life.

If you love men, learn to satify them. Give yourself to the darkside & become a proper sissy.

Klan We Talk? Why I, as a black man, attend KKK rallies. | Daryl Davis | TEDxNaperville
Klan We Talk? Why I, as a black man, attend KKK rallies. | Daryl Davis | TEDxNaperville Phoebe 48 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Within darkness, there is strength, in silence there is power, and in stillness - there is eternity. Those are mighty forces to bestow upon one's adversary. And all are given via censorship. Arguments that can counter bad messages also get stifled, making the forbidden knowledge very seductive, alluring, and irrefutable because no counter ever gets developed or refined to oppose the bad message once it becomes censored. Once it was the left that claimed even though I don't agree with what you say I'll defend your right to say it - now the left leads censorship and cancel culture, what happened? I guess Trump exposed the truth, that the left are communists who hate free speech through hate speech laws. Remember your advocate Noam Chomsky : "If we don't support freedom of speech from those we despise then we do not believe in it at all." The answer to hate speech is more speech, let the ideas defend themselves. This is a perfect example of how to win rather than how to battle for eternity. This video means a lot to me, it illustrates the real solution.

A chance encounter with members of the Ku Klux Klan led black musician Daryl Davis on a quest to determine the source of the hate. His unorthodox, yet simple approach, has wielded surprising results and just might be the solution for all racial discourse.

Daryl Davis graduated from Howard University with a degree in Jazz. As a pianist, vocalist, and guitarist, he performs nationally and internationally with The Daryl Davis Band. He has also worked with such notables as Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley’s Jordanaires, The Legendary Blues Band, and many others.

In 1983, A chance occurrence after one of his performances led him to befriend a member of the Ku Klux Klan. This eventually led Daryl to become the first black author to travel the country interviewing KKK leaders and members, all detailed in his book, Klan-Destine Relationships. Today, Daryl owns numerous Klan robes and hoods, given to him by active members who became his friends and renounced the organization.

Since his journey began, Davis has joined an all-white country band, attended KKK rallies, and accepted a “certificate of friendship” from the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK. He’s even the godfather of former Klan Imperial Wizard Roger Kelly’s granddaughter.

Davis has received the Elliott-Black and MLK awards as well as numerous other local and national awards for his work in race relations, and is often sought by media outlets as a consultant on the KKK and race relations. He is also an actor with stage and screen credits, appearing in the critically acclaimed HBO police drama, The Wire, and most recently, as the subject of the docum⁣Inentary Accidental Courtesy, which filmed his real life encounters with Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi leaders as he helps to dismantle racism across the United States

Davis has received the Elliott-Black and MLK awards as well as numerous other local and national awards for his work in race relations, and is often sought by media outlets as a consultant on the KKK and race relations. He is also an actor with stage and screen credits, appearing in the critically acclaimed HBO police drama, The Wire, and most recently, as the subject of the documentary Accidental Courtesy, which filmed his real life encounters with Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi leaders as he helps to dismantle racism across the United States.

⁣Original found here: ⁣

MGTOW in 14 Minutes
MGTOW in 14 Minutes Phoebe 226 Views • 5 years ago

This is a quick, concise video mirrored from here: ⁣

Shadowgate Documentary 2020
Shadowgate Documentary 2020 Phoebe 1,106 Views • 5 years ago


Feminism and the Disposable Male
Feminism and the Disposable Male Phoebe 104 Views • 5 years ago

⁣This is THE video that red pilled me, then I read the Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell and found Tom Leykis, Bar Bar and Stardusk (now called Thinking Ape) on YouTube. This is a mirror video from YouTube, if you can, please like and subscribe to her channel. Here is the address of the original:

From the original's description: What has feminism done to shatter the patriarchal "women and children first" mentality, and elevate men to status as full human beings deserving of empathy and human rights? What has it done to reinforce and legally entrench the mentality that everyone, including men themselves, should put men last?

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World: a Handbook for Personal Liberty by Harry B
How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World: a Handbook for Personal Liberty by Harry B Phoebe 149 Views • 5 years ago

⁣I've heard this book referred to as The MGTOW Bible, and I believe rightfully so. While not exactly about relationships between the sexes Browne advises against getting married and presses forward giving great advise on how to free yourself from many more traps society and people will use to force you to waste your life living for them instead of for yourself. Harry Browne believed that a person’s happiness is the highest goal he/she can achieve in life. Freedom comes from living your life as you see fit. Happiness and freedom are attainable even if others remain unfree, and it’s never too late to change your life. "If you’re not free now, it might be because you’ve been preoccupied with people or institutions that have restrained your freedom. I don’t expect you to stop worrying about them, merely because I suggest that you do. I do hope to show you, though, that those people and institutions are relatively powerless to stop you - once you decide how you will achieve your freedom. There are things you can do to be free, and if you turn your attention to those things, no one will stand in your way. But when you become preoccupied with those who are blocking you, you overlook the many alternatives you could use to bypass them. The freedom you seek is already available to you, but it has gone unnoticed.”This book identifies life’s traps - unconscious thinking and habits that prevent people from being free - and explains in a language even a young person can understand how to escape these traps. It helps you navigate through life while being true to your beliefs while obtaining self-reliance, peace, freedom, prosperity, and happiness. Many who have read or listened to this book believe it’s invaluable and should be required for every young person, so they can learn how to be free before others start to rule their life. Some believe it should be a required course in every high school, college, and university. Others believe every adult should try it. Still others claim it’s a must for all who seek freedom. This audiobook is educational and motivational, and even if you disagree with Browne’s philosophy, his logical and consistent thinking can lead you to inner discovery and profound perspectives. How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World is a book for personal liberty - one that can put you on a path to a freer and happier life. The book can be bought here:

Earthships: Living Off The Grid
Earthships: Living Off The Grid Phoebe 44 Views • 5 years ago
An Earthship is a radically sustainable home made of recycled materials.

Electricity is from the sun with solar panels and wind with wind modules.

Water is caught on the roof from rain and snow melt.

Sewage is treated on site in interior and external botanical planters.

Heating and Cooling is from the sun and the earth.

Food is grown inside and outside.

Don't Talk to the Police
Don't Talk to the Police Phoebe 34 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Regent Law Professor James Duane gives viewers startling reasons why they should always exercise their 5th Amendment rights when questioned by government officials. Download his article on the topic at:

George Floyd leaked video
George Floyd leaked video Phoebe 64 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Leaked bodycam video shows new details of George Floyd's arrest

Dr. Stella Immanuel's hydroxychloroquine video
Dr. Stella Immanuel's hydroxychloroquine video Phoebe 67 Views • 5 years ago

⁣Dr. Stella Imman⁣Dr. Stella Immanuel's hydroxychloroquine videouel's

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