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The Woke Left & Traditional Right Will Both Collapse - MGTOW
The Woke Left & Traditional Right Will Both Collapse - MGTOW Sandman 235 Views • 1 year ago

This Is Why The Sprinkle Sprinkle Era Of Women On TikTok Date Older, Frail Men!
This Is Why The Sprinkle Sprinkle Era Of Women On TikTok Date Older, Frail Men! ReplicantPhish 91 Views • 1 year ago

This Is Why The Sprinkle Sprinkle Era Of Women On TikTok Sate Older, Frail Men! #tiktok #dating #catlady

"What Do Men Went?!" Woman Loses Her Mind Because Men Don't Want To Date Her
"What Do Men Went?!" Woman Loses Her Mind Because Men Don't Want To Date Her Taylor_The_Fiend 192 Views • 1 year ago

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Cowards Will Take Shortcuts But Not Risks | Live From The Lair
Cowards Will Take Shortcuts But Not Risks | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 206 Views • 1 year ago

When you dive into the mind of a stoic warrior, you’ll find wisdom. Even if it’s brain damaged. <br>#TerrencePopp #Wisdom #WarriorWaySoldierSoul <br> <br>Brought to you by Aaron Clarey’s new webinar: “The Dad You Never Had” <br>Available on Teachable for 10% Off (Coupon Code: BLAKEISCOOL) <br>https://theclareyschoolofecono....micphilosophy.teacha <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only!

WTF Happened To Keanu Reeves? - MGTOW
WTF Happened To Keanu Reeves? - MGTOW Sandman 290 Views • 1 year ago

Sponsor Link: Haakon The Good <br> <br> <br>Keanu Reeves and his Mom Patricia Taylor arrive at 2020 Academy Awards <br> <br> <br>Bill &amp; Ted's Alex Winter Reacts to Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant's Relationship <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from AJ and here's what he briefly has to say: &quot;Hi Sandman, Any thoughts as to why Keanu Reeves is dating a woman that easily looks like she could be his mother, despite only being 50? Why go for an old granny when he could have anyone else? In fact, in the cited video attached, Keanu makes attempts at feigning a few PDAs on the red carpet, but his tight lips and open eyes suggest that their relationship isn't even real.&quot;Well AJ thanks for the donation and topic. In case people are wondering who Alexandra Grant is here's a picture of her and here's a picture of Keanu's mother. My thinking that Keanu has a case of male mother need. His parents were divorced while he was small and he lived with his mother and his mother kept re-marrying over and over again. He's been single for a very long time and I thought that he was going his own way especially when you see those pictures of him eating alone on a park bench. He's also not fifty, but in his late fifties and yeah he could easily find an attractive woman in her thirties or early forties and have a relationship. But I think Alexandra being a writer he uses her as bit of a muse. The kiss in the video seems forced and his facial expression changes from happy to upset the moment the kiss is over. His eyes were open during it and I just think the guy is socially awkward. I do believe the relationship is real because if she's just his beard he would have found someone much younger and prettier. The guy is emotionally damaged from his childhood with three different step-fathers and being ferried around by his mother everywhere. Plus he faced another tragedy in 2001 when he lost his wife in a car accident and a child that she miscarried. There's another video I made about this back when they first got together and spoke about how he got together with her most likely because she has a lot of qualities of his mother. I also spoke about how their relationship gives all the middle aged milfs and gilfs tons of hopes that they might get their own Hollywood hulk one day and that they don't have to look like a movie star or be all that much younger looking than him. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Many Women End Up As Sidechicks Because Of This Says Woman
Many Women End Up As Sidechicks Because Of This Says Woman ReplicantPhish 108 Views • 1 year ago

Many Women End Up As Sidechicks Because Of This Says Woman <br>#dating #tiktok #modernwoman

"He Moved On And I Am DEVASTATED" Woman Gets Alpha Widowed And Loses Her Mind
"He Moved On And I Am DEVASTATED" Woman Gets Alpha Widowed And Loses Her Mind Taylor_The_Fiend 86 Views • 1 year ago

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"Men Don't Ask Me Out Anymore?!" Woman Is FRUSTRATED That Men Won't Date Anymore
"Men Don't Ask Me Out Anymore?!" Woman Is FRUSTRATED That Men Won't Date Anymore Taylor_The_Fiend 26 Views • 1 year ago

Join FiendGang and get access to extended episodes: <br>Join FiendGang on Locals for free for regular episodes: <br>Apply to join Fiend Gang as a content creator: <br> <br>? Support The Content ? <br> <br>►LOCALS - <br>►PATREON - <br> <br>? Follow Taylor The Fiend ? <br> <br>►DISCORD - <br>►TWITTER - <br>►INSTAGRAM - <br> <br>? Follow Fiend Gang Creators ? <br> <br>Detective Warg - <br>Piece of Mind - <br> <br>? Credits <br> <br>TheGeckoNinja (Character Artist):

OOPS! You Triggered The 40 y/o Independent Woman And Now She Doubles Down On Not Dating Bus Drivers
OOPS! You Triggered The 40 y/o Independent Woman And Now She Doubles Down On Not Dating Bus Drivers Manosphere_Highlights_Daily 22 Views • 1 year ago

Triggered Eboni K Williams doubles down on not dating a bus driver and takes a huge L defending her stance in her responds video. Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes. <br> <br>Support Our Channel: <br>Paypal: <br> <br> <br>​Patreon: <br> <br> <br>“We Men Ain’t We” T-shirts <br> <br> <br>Links video: <br>

Women Blame Men For Everything - MGTOW
Women Blame Men For Everything - MGTOW Sandman 248 Views • 1 year ago

Stoic Indifference: <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video once again isn't brought to you by any donations. At the very least give this video a like and watch it on my Sandman 2 channel on YouTube with is now monetized. The link is in the description. I've been thinking about the coming male sexual revolution with AI girlfriends and loverbots. First women will try and shut down such technology to keep the attention flowing their way. But eventually they won't be able to and men will go their own way from them. Then family formation and fertility rates I'm predicting will fall off a cliff and probably drop at lest 50% below replacement. All soycieties will start to see each new generation being half as large as the previous one and that means shrinking economies and the end of state sanctioned pension schemes because governments won't have enough tax revenue to pay for people to retire. Women will get pissed off and blame men for fapping off too much and loverbots for the crash in population. They will also blame men for not manning up and being a good enough catch. But they won't blame themselves for the fact that they have increasingly become difficult to be around with regards to attitude and appearance. They will blame anything except their own behavior for the coming demographic winter. Why is it that women have a hard time taking accountability when something goes wrong? I think it has to do with evolution. The ancestral females that took accountability were probably forcefully taken out of the gene pool by angry and violent men with a temper. The ones that survived with descendants probably just pinned the blame on some poor simp that didn't deserve. So the simp was taken out of the gene pool instead of her. The answer to why women blame men for everything is because taking accountability can be very dangerous as a woman in pre-history when you didn't have any way to defend yourself physically. That's my basic theory about female evolutionary psychology. Women still blame men today because their software hasn't had time to adapt to civilization yet. We probably have to live for tens of thousands of years in an advanced world before our descendants have time to adapt and women can finally take the blame. But they won't because it still doesn't provide any evolutionary advantage to do so. Also with the economy it's a zero sum game that will become increasingly competitive as the population starts to fall. Wealthy people are going to have to pay younger people more and more money to work for them. It's like what happened during the black plague. Suddenly the peasants had more land and opportunities because one third to one half of the population was dead and gone. I suspect something similar will start to happen as humanity shrinks rapidly. Those providing labor should be increasingly rewarded unless of course AI and robots start doing more of the work. That would actually be a good thing because it would free up a greater portion of our population to do the more complex tasks. But then again those would eventually be automated away as well. I keep thinking that women are going to blame men for the constant economic contraction brought about by the coming male sexual revolution. They will also blame us for not giving them the attention they need and for why civilization is depopulating. Of course they are equally to blame or more to blame because they are the ones that choose to get pregnant and keep the babies. Yet it's somehow going to get pinned on men that there aren't enough humans being created. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Stoic Indifference:

Men Are Walking Away From College & Soyciety Will Collapse - MGTOW
Men Are Walking Away From College & Soyciety Will Collapse - MGTOW Sandman 335 Views • 1 year ago

Sponsor Link Money Line Investments <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from The Leprechaun Cowboy 2.0 and here's what he has to say and I quote: &quot;Hey there Sandman! The Goat! Heres my contribution for memes of the week! (hilarious as always) I wanted to know your thoughts on women who are self-proclaimed lesbians and the nature of them still having beta male orbiters around them. Wouldn't this in the very least mean they're bi? I mean not that I care one way or another. But I had a conversation with a self proclaimed lesbian and she was talking about her best guy friend and how all the guys she has in her life are adhering to an &quot;unspoken conversation&quot; that they, the guys, would not make a move on this girl. Clearly beta male orbiters but if she's lesbian, what is she doing with them? Thanks and hope your healthy, keep up the awesome work Sandman! Peace! Well Leprechaun Cowboy and everyone else listening I'll talk about men walking away from college in the second half. First let me deal with the lesbians. Some women are genuinely only interested in women but it's not like they can go around and find another woman to use as an emotional tampon. So that's why she finds a man. It takes a special sort of simp to listen to such a woman's problems, know he's not going to get any action and keep coming back as an emotional tampon. The only reason besides potentially hoping that she like one of the many lesbians change over to being straight in their thirties is because he's getting female validation. That he just wants a woman as a friend the way he would a guy and he can relax around her and not have to worry all that much about saying the wrong thing. I've hung out with butch lesbians in school and out of school where they were extremely masculine. Again it's simply a platonic thing. All women want beta male orbiters. Straight women use gay men as orbiters too. Lesbians use straight men as well. That may be one of the reasons why women were always very supportive of the gay community. Because they know those are men that can be easily emotionally exploited and they don't even know it. Gay guys have listened to me talk about this and said that after I warned them about being exploited by straight female friends they decided to stop talking to them because that's exactly what they were doing. I've know super unattractive women that had gay guys around hoping they would start pitching instead of catching if you know what I mean and they would be first in line in case that happened. For women they need the male emotional tampons because if they try and pull that sort of thing on other women usually it de-evolves into a screaming match. I know one middle aged woman that lives with her sister and neither of them have a boyfriend and it used to be hilarious watching their toxic emotional energy bounce back and forth from each other. Now when I watch it it makes me nauseous. There was an interesting talk I heard recently about how women's sexuality and attraction fluctuates based on what part of their menstrual cycle they are in. Women that are bi during their most fertile point might be interested in dudes. But later when they have their period or are late in their cycle might be more attracted to feminity so therefore might be more interested in women. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Barracks Bunnies Bang All the Bananas | Grunt Speak
Barracks Bunnies Bang All the Bananas | Grunt Speak Terrence Popp 260 Views • 1 year ago

Thumper the Sweaty Fat Guy shares a story about a stunning and brave modern woman with one goal: Gotta catch them all. <br>#TerrencePopp #Military #BarracksBunny <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only! <br> <br>All sources available on!

Adult Actress Gets Sick Doing This But Loves It
Adult Actress Gets Sick Doing This But Loves It ReplicantPhish 179 Views • 1 year ago

Adult Actress Gets Sick Doing This But Loves It <br>#reaction #life

Ultimate Gold Digger Exposed: Woman Makes Man Pay Rent for 3 Months and Leaves After Just ONE Night
Ultimate Gold Digger Exposed: Woman Makes Man Pay Rent for 3 Months and Leaves After Just ONE Night ReplicantPhish 87 Views • 1 year ago

Ultimate Gold Digger Exposed: Woman Makes Man Pay Rent for 3 Months and Leaves After Just ONE Night <br>#golddigger #cold

Some Tough Love for Generation Z | Live From The Lair
Some Tough Love for Generation Z | Live From The Lair Terrence Popp 326 Views • 1 year ago

Victory isn’t achieved through mediocrity or socialist extortion. It’s achieved when you never give up. Listen to an old salty dog tell you how it is. <br>#TerrencePopp #BusinessOfWinning #ToughLove <br> <br>To donate to this content, see our list of channels, purchase merchandise or join Popp’s Preppers, click here: <br> <br>Send physical donations to: <br> Productions <br>29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407 <br>Royal Oak, MI 48072 <br>If you write a check, make it out to Second Class Citizen, 501c3 <br>All donations are tax deductible <br> <br>And be sure to tune in for Grunt Speak Live <br>Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern <br>And <br>Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, GiveSendBro, and SubscribeStar members only!

Woman Divorces Her Highschool Sweetheart Only To Realise Nobody Wants To Date Her
Woman Divorces Her Highschool Sweetheart Only To Realise Nobody Wants To Date Her Taylor_The_Fiend 136 Views • 1 year ago

Join FiendGang and get access to extended episodes: <br>Join FiendGang on Locals for free for regular episodes: <br>Apply to join Fiend Gang as a content creator: <br> <br>? Support The Content ? <br> <br>►LOCALS - <br>►PATREON - <br> <br>? Follow Taylor The Fiend ? <br> <br>►DISCORD - <br>►TWITTER - <br>►INSTAGRAM - <br> <br>? Follow Fiend Gang Creators ? <br> <br>Detective Warg - <br>Piece of Mind - <br> <br>? Credits <br> <br>TheGeckoNinja (Character Artist):

Devil Gate Drive ( Suzi Quatro ) Marcus Nimbler_1080
Devil Gate Drive ( Suzi Quatro ) Marcus Nimbler_1080 Never_Again 24 Views • 1 year ago

yea you <br> <br>Bees 2 huney <br> <br>I REQUIRE HORNUTZ

Memes Of The Week #15 - MGTOW
Memes Of The Week #15 - MGTOW Sandman 236 Views • 1 year ago

Memes Of The Week #15 <br> <br> <br>MGTOWTV <br> <br> <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br>Sandman 2: <br>Twitter: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv

Woman Divorces Her Husband Of 20 Years Only To Hit The Wall Hard
Woman Divorces Her Husband Of 20 Years Only To Hit The Wall Hard Taylor_The_Fiend 124 Views • 1 year ago

Join FiendGang and get access to extended episodes: <br>Join FiendGang on Locals for free and get access to regular episodes: <br>Apply to join Fiend Gang as a content creator: <br> <br>? Support The Content ? <br> <br>►LOCALS - <br>►PATREON - <br> <br>? Follow Taylor The Fiend ? <br> <br>►DISCORD - <br>►TWITTER - <br>►INSTAGRAM - <br> <br>? Follow Fiend Gang Creators ? <br> <br>Detective Warg - <br>Piece of Mind - <br> <br>? Credits <br> <br>TheGeckoNinja (Character Artist):

SHAMELESS Woman Gets Kicked Out For Doing This!
SHAMELESS Woman Gets Kicked Out For Doing This! ReplicantPhish 114 Views • 1 year ago

SHAMELESS Woman Gets Kicked Out For Doing This! <br>#reaction #life

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